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14 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Weird day of things moving  around, got a good start though by making myself a peppermint mocha latte (first time) and doing some reading. Very proud of my latte creation:


That looks like a very yummy latte. :) 

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Weight: 236.6 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



10:30am - muffin, coffee

2:00pm - Tacos, chicken nuggets, Diet Coke

3:30pm - Coffee

7:00pm - Pork, green verbs, potatoes

9:00pm - Peanut butter



Lifting - Chest/lower back



Busy day of errands, doctors appointments, meetings, etc. got a lot done today including some gym time. Didn’t eat the best but there were some steps in the right direction.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 236.6 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



10:30am - PB & J, coffee

1:00pm - Pork, green bean casserole, Mac & cheese, coffee

3:30pm - Protein shake

6:00pm - Pizza & Pasta



Lifting - Back/Abs


Notes: Overall a good day. First day off of anti depressants so fully expecting so fully expect being a little more emotional the next couple of days. Just in time for the holidays, yay.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 243.2 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



12:00pm - 1/2 Blueberry muffin, coffee

1:30pm - Sausage biscuit, coffee

3:00pm - Chicken taco, coffee

6:00pm - Salmon, pasta, veggies 



Rest Day


Notes: Really been letting my diet get out of control and it’s been effecting the scale. Going to work on dialing it back and engage in less emotional eating. Also healed up from a leg injury last week so should be able to get back to the gym tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 240.0 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



12:00pm - Grilled Cheese, salad, fruit, coffee

2:30pm - Grilled Cheese, salad, fruit, coffee

5:00pm - Chicken fried rice

9:00pm - Peanut butter



Cardio: Elliptical 


Notes: Weight has started coming down. Trying to take advantage of some intermittent fasting now that I don’t have to take my medication first thing in the morning. Cardio happened, was okay, took it a little easy since I haven’t done it in a while. On to tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 239.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



12:00pm - Cereal, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuit.

2:00pm - Chicken taco

4:00pm - Chicken Fried rice

6:00pm -Meat and cheese tray



Weights: Legs 


Notes: Weight loss continues on track, got a workout in as well. Nice slow weekend. Got caught up on the new Disney Marvel series Hawkeye, and have to say I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would.

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4 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Got caught up on the new Disney Marvel series Hawkeye, and have to say I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would.


Same, it's a great show. I love Hawkeye as a reluctant mentor. :) 

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 241.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



12:00pm - Granola bar & yogurt raisins, egg white omelette, sausage

2:30pm - Turkey sandwich, chips, milk

5:30pm - Chicken, quinoa, spinach, pistachios, Christmas cookies



Weights: Shoulders/Arms 


Notes: Weight was up due to lots of salty foods yesterday. Focusing on hydration today and hopefully it will come back down tomorrow. Starting tomorrow I’m going to work towards spending time at the gym 7 days a week. Even if I’m doing some light cardio like walking or stretching I want to make that investment in my health to be active for at least 45 minutes every day.

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5 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Notes: Weight was up due to lots of salty foods yesterday. Focusing on hydration today and hopefully it will come back down tomorrow. Starting tomorrow I’m going to work towards spending time at the gym 7 days a week. Even if I’m doing some light cardio like walking or stretching I want to make that investment in my health to be active for at least 45 minutes every day.


Good idea. I've found that there's a psychological benefit to exercising each day even if you're not maxing yourself out every time. 

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 242.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



8:00am - Egg white veggie scramble, blueberry muffin, orange juice

2:30pm - BBQ sandwich, chips

7:30pm - McDonalds



Rest Day 


Notes: Eating was off today with lunch much and dinner being late leading to some substantial over eating. Dinner was especially bad, I was stressed from the day, didn’t eat until 2 hours later than normal so just went nuts at McDonalds. I’m trying not to beat myself up about it and just refortify myself that I need to eat smaller meals earlier in the day to not be hungry later in the evening, to be in a better mood, and also to avoid binges like last night.

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18 hours ago, vicious said:


Good idea. I've found that there's a psychological benefit to exercising each day even if you're not maxing yourself out every time. 

Thanks, I may end up taking one day off a week, but even that day I know I need to  walk or do some stretching or something.  I think it’s called ‘active rest’. Didn’t end up doing anything yesterday due to work and being sore from legs and arms the previous days, but shooting for progress and going to try and get back on it today with more lifting.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 241.2 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



6:30am - Peanut butter toast

10:00am - 1/2 breakfast sandwich and apple slices

12:00pm - 1/2 chicken, veg, pasta portion

4:00pm - 1/2 PB Sandwich

5:30pm - Chili and cornbread

8:30pm - Peanut Butter 



Lifting - Chest/Lower Back


Notes: Weight is stuck at a weird plateau, might be due to the extra breakfast I have been eating, but thought that would be balanced out by the extra exercise. Oh well, the tinkering continues.

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On 12/14/2021 at 6:09 AM, ReturnOfTheDad said:

I know, right?! Really looking forward to this weeks episode.


Yeah, me too. :) 

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 242.6 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



7:00am - 1/2 Blueberry muffin and latte

10:30am - Snack sausage and chips

2:00pm - Enchiladas, rice and beans

4:30pm - Apples, peanut butter

8:30pm - Peanut Butter



Rest Day


Notes:  Very much an off day. Lunch got pushed back and ended up eating quite a bit. Had a light snack for dinner to try and balance things out.


In other news, I’m in the market for some new lifting shoes as a Christmas gift from Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad. Was very sad to hear the shoe I wanted was being discontinued (RIP New Balance Minimus  ?). Decided to go old school with a pair of low top Chuck Ts. They’re a gift so I won’t be able to give a full report until after Christmas, but definitely something to look forward to. Also getting a replacement pair of New Balance 880s for running as another Christmas present (in green - my favorite color), which I’m pretty excited about.


One more day of work tomorrow then on Holiday break for a bit, which I’m really looking forward to. Should be a nice time of family, fitness, and recovery.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 242.6 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



11:00am - Bacon and cheese omelette, honey biscuits

2:30pm - Breakfast sandwich and apples

4:00pm - Donut

6:00pm - Burger, fish sandwich, fries, coke

8:30pm - Snack cake 



Rest Day


Notes:  Not my best day of eating or exercising, but did get a lot done. Was able to pick up and order my shoes for my Christmas presents, dealt with a work crisis, got my son to the doctor, dinner and cub scouts. Overall a very productive day.


Now I just have to plan how to get back on track. Should be able to make it to the gym today and on Sunday, so that should let me finish out Back and Legs (can’t skip leg day).



Then probably shoulders and arms on Monday and start my workout splits again on Wednesday. Going to try and get all 4 days of lifting in over the holiday. Time will tell.


I’ve been trying to do more egg white omelettes as a source of clean protein lately. Been getting better and better at it:


It’s hard to get them just at that right consistency where they are firm and just the tiniest bit crispy from the butter in the pan and not burnt or a runny mess. Getting better at it day by day.


The improvement continues.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 241.3 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



6:30am - 1/2 Blueberry muffin

9:00am - Chicken biscuit

10:30am - Sausage, cheese, cracker snack

2:00pm - Pho soup

6:00pm - Loaded Mac and cheese



Rest Day


Notes: Another busy day yesterday with no exercise happening. Getting a bit discouraged and lethargic. I know the holidays have extra time commitments, but I need to make a change sooner than later, otherwise I’m going to be feeling gross and less than my best during family gatherings and I don’t want that.


On the upside it was a day filled with a lot of family and fellowship. Got to go to my sons holiday party in the morning and connect with some of the other parents which is nice. Also exchanged a few phone numbers to get together over the holiday.  


Got to a recovery meeting around midday and had a chance to talk a friend and go to lunch for some Pho soup, which is just the thing for a chilly overcast day. Finished up the day with a date with Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad. It was nice to have a little time without kids to catch up and talk about the holidays.


On to tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 244.2 lbs 

Water: 2/8 Gallon



7:30am - 1/2 Blueberry muffin

9:00am - Breakfast sandwich, orange juice

2:00pm - Chili and cornbread, coke

6:00pm - Turkey burgers, chips, coke

9:00pm - Snack cake



Rest Day


Notes: Weight keeps on climbing, pretty down about it since I have been yo-yoing between 230-250 over the last year. Has just been hard to prioritize a consistent workout schedule. But it needs to happen.


More unfortunate news, we were supposed to go to the Polar Express experience with family today but ReturnOfTheDad Jr. woke up with a pretty rough cough and we dont want to expose everyone, so we decided to stay home. Really hope the rest of us don’t get sick as well, but time will tell. We have tickets to go to another Christmas activity on Monday, just hoping we’re all healthy by then, but bought ticket insurance just in case. Never had to use ticket insurance before, just really hoping it won’t be needed.


Unfortunately a little further along in the day I started feeling a little under the weather as well. Hoping it’s not anything too serious. Just going to try and take it a day at a time and rest as needed.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Weight: 243.2 lbs 

Water: 1/8 Gallon



10:00am - Cereal

2:30pm - Chicken sandwich, chips

5:00pm - Chicken Pot Pie

8:30pm - Peanut butter



Cardio - Treadmill


Notes: Have come to the realization that the weight gain started around when my meds were increased, nothing I can do about that other than increase the exercise and decrease my caloric intake. Going to work on adding morning cardio back into the mix starting today.


I’m feeling better, but it looks like ReturnOfTheDad Jr. has take a. Turn for the worse with a fever. Looks like we are cancelling holiday plans for the next week. Kind of a bummer but these things happen. 


On the upside I did get to the treadmill for a bit today. Definitely need to up my cardio a bit more, today was a good start.


Finally got a chance to watch the new Hawkeye episode. Warning, spoilers ahead:



I thought the whole episode was a little slow but definitely ramped up at the end. The character turn with the mom felt a little predictable but had no idea they would be bringing in the Kingpin character! This immediately precipitates some very strong feeling I have as to who they will be getting to play him in the MCU. I am a die hard fan of Vincent D’Onofrio as the Kingpin in the Netflix Daredevil Series. I think it was an award worthy performance delving into the deep roots of the character and more than delivering on the comic icon. Disney has to be aware of this following and I really hope they pulled in D’Onofrio to reprise his role. If not, I feel like whoever they get will just be a caricature of an already established character. Same goes if they end up recasting Charlie Cox as Daredevil. Fingers crossed things don’t take a lame turn in next weeks episode, which is supposed the longest Disney+ Marvel episode to date. Rant over for now.


Really need to ramp up my training coming up on the holiday as the food will be fattening and plentiful. Still working on making daily exercise a thing. I have the tools, I have the drive, now just need to prioritize the time.



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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Weight: 241.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:30am - 1/2 Muffin

11:00am - Cheese, crackers, Turkey sausage

1:30pm - BLT

5:30pm - Beef casserole, veggies

8:30pm - Donut

9:30pm - Peanut butter



Lifting - Back/Abs


Notes: Weights happened, was mostly a chill day while ReturnOfTheDad Jr. is getting better. Have to go out tomorrow for the last of the holiday shopping, not terribly looking forward to that but think I’ll reward myself with some frozen custard. Something to look forward to after navigating the hordes of last minute holiday shoppers.

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8 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Thanks, yes we did the rapid test for him. They offer them all over the place. We did it with his pediatrician but they are readily available at lots of pharmacies in the area.

Oh cool! We can't get them here because  we're supposed to do PCR if we're sick, but the testing stations are bedlam at the moment! We're all very nervous because we haven't had covid in this state, pretty much, for 2 years but just as omicron arrived the premier decided to open the border. All very stressful.

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