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Initial Stats


Weight: 186

Measurements: 36.5 -- 36.75 (waist) / 26 (thigh) / 14.5 (arm) / 44 (bum)

Clothing: Even my "fat" clothes don't fit ? ? ?


Jedi Wannabe (175+)*

Jedi-in-Training (160+) size 12 jean

Jedi Apprentice (150-159) size 10 jean

Jedi Knight (140-149) -- size 8 jean  (this is technically my goal)

Jedi Master (<139) -- size 6 jean (not sure I can maintain this in my 40's, but if I can, then it is my goal, but not going to kill myself trying)


* Not worthy of the Jedi name

**Goal Weight Ranges based more on jean size than actual weight (the weight range listed is just what I was the last time I fit that size).

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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A bit about me: I'm a stay-at-home -- currently enrolled in school for bachelors degree, aiming to launch my own business in May -- ADHD mom, with an AS (level 1) husband, an AS (level 2) 3-year old and an ADHD 20-month old. We are an interesting dynamic to say the least. 


I think what is most frustrating is that just this past October, when I first joined NFR, I was 174 (which was already so fat none of my clothes fit), and now I am 186 (Right before New Years, I was 179). Obviously, NFR had nothing to do with my weight gain, I've just been in a very hectic place since October and I'm an emotional / stress eater. 


Summary of my Dieting & Weightloss History:


Most of my Teens & Adult Life: 155

Early 30's: 129-135 (maintained for only 1.5 years)

Late 30's: 190-220 (Pregnant--220 or Obese--190)

2018: 190

January 2019: 150 (lost 40 pounds!!!)

March 2016: 165

May 2019: 159

Summer 2019: 165

Fall 2019: 174

Christmas 2019:179

Winter 2020: 186 (nearly gained all 40 pounds back!!!)


Life should continue to be more even keel from here on out. Meaning, I should have the mental energy to focus on ensuring workouts get done and that I don't reach for food nonstop (2019 was a very difficult year emotionally). 


When I say 180+ is not worthy of the Jedi name, it's because of how much food (i.e. chocolate) I have consumed in one sitting EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. for the last several weeks.  As soon as I am under 175, I will be a Jedi-in-Training, until then, I am a Jedi Wannabe. ? ? ?

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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So, eating may not be my strong suit and I may hate cardio, but I enjoy weight lifting. When I say enjoy, that does not mean I like to lift weights per se, it means I like to do something that makes me feel strong. I had started power lifting a few weeks ago, but then yesterday I googled a good starting weight and I'm barely halfway there, so I just felt pathetic, and completely lost interest. Ha! 


Anyway, I then found a barbell complex routine which looks much more interesting. I am much more likely to stick to something if it makes me feel strong--and the guy in the video just had one pair of thin plates (not sure how much weight, but much less intimidating than two pairs of super thick plates). Plus, power lifting was a bit boring/slow for me, anyway. 


I should point out that I am an unmedicated ADHD girl (unless you count caffeine, ha!). That's actually how I found NFR . . . I was trying to find a workout and/or diet plan for people with ADHD and I think an article mentioned NFR. Anyway, my workouts need to be fast: HIIT, workout a different muscle group during the other muscle groups 30 second rest, etc.


Anyway, I spent hours and hours designing a workout routine yesterday (I tried out so many different exercises to make sure 1) I could physically do them (I have sacroiliac back issues and shoulder impingement issues), 2) I enjoy doing them (i.e. I feel strong doing them, not weak or pathetic), and 3) they are targeting a particular muscle I really want to see definition in (delts, glutes). On top of trying out a million different exercises, I also did a lower body workout--and I am pretty sore today, so it was a good one. I also did an upper body workout today, though on the lighter side because of how much I lifted yesterday to design my routine.


Oh, this is too cool!!!! My house has 12 steps; if I climb them 50 times in a day (600 steps) then I'll have climbed Ahch-To (which is real, as in it is Skellig Michael https://vagabondtoursofireland.com/skellig-michael-essential-survival-guide). I may hate cardio, but I LOVE Rey (I am a sequel trilogy girl), so being as strong as Rey is my motivation to get in some cardio.

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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My Workout Routine


I pretty much now have a home gym after all the stuff I've bought recently. I have a weight bench with rower, leg curl, bench press, and butterfly capabilities, a barbell, a pull up bar, an ab machine, 3 sets of resistance bands, a booty band, gliding core discs, a Pilates bar, ankle weights, and several pairs of dumbbells. 


If my reps are 10 and under, my rest is 2 minutes. If my reps are 12-20, my rest is 30 seconds. Either way, my goal is muscle fatigue.


The hardest part of this will likely be forcing myself to do yoga. It's not that I hate it, I just don't remember to do it, or I think "later" and later never comes. I am very tight and extremely inflexible, so I really hope to make it a habit.


UPPER BODY -- 2x week

Bench press OR Push Ups 2x10 (30 sec rest). Next time 12




Lat Pull Down (Heavy Band) 3x8 (2 min rest)

Tricep Dip 2x10

Bicep Curls

Lateral Raise 3x12 8lbs each


Bonus: Pull Up (I can't even do one, so this is a how-to train to do pull ups routine)

Grip: 8 sets of 20 seconds (basically just hang there, which I can't do yet)

Reverse Pull Up (8-12; no less than 8, no more than 12)


12-min Yoga (Hips) 


LOWER BODY -- 2x week

Crunches— 3x20 Crunches, 3x20 Reverse Crunches; 3x20 Oblique Crunches

Burpees and Mountain Climbers 3x20 each (w/ gliding core discs)

Leg Curl 2x12 50lb

Kick Backs (w/ band) 2x12

Frog Bridge 2x20

Band Bridge 2x20

Kick Ups (w/ band) 2x20

Side Steps (w/ 2 bands) 2x12

Step Ups 2x20


12-min Yoga (Thighs)



Barbell Complex Routine:  6 Power Cleans  / 8 Front Squats / 6 Overhead Press / 10 Back Squats / 8 Bent Over Rows / 8 Sumo Dead Lifts w/ High Pull 

Climb Ach-To



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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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Okay, definitely too sore EVERYWHERE so will delay climbing Ahch-To and have an impromptu rest day. However, I will take that to mean the routine I designed is kick-butt. 


My weight is down 5 pounds, but probably really only 2. (Meaning I think the high number of 186 Tuesday morning was due to the fact I had eaten out the night before. My weight before the weekend was 183. I drank a lot over the weekend and ate a ton of chocolate, but still . . . 3 pounds?) Anyway, happily, my weight as of this morning is 181. Hopefully some of that is water retention due to muscle soreness and I will wake up and hit my first goal of 179. If so, then -- I would only be 5 pounds away from being a Jedi--in-Training.

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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On 1/29/2020 at 2:35 PM, Magdalena Ravenclaw said:

A bit about me: I'm a stay-at-home -- currently enrolled in school for bachelors degree, aiming to launch my own business in May -- ADHD mom, with an AS (level 1) husband, an AS (level 2) 3-year old and an ADHD 20-month old. We are an interesting dynamic to say the least. 


That's cool you're starting your own business. What kind? Also, what is AS?


I hope this year is better for you!



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4 hours ago, Jupiter said:


That's cool you're starting your own business. What kind? Also, what is AS?


I hope this year is better for you!




AS = Autism Spectrum.


Business is Bible curriculum for home schoolers. I'm attending a homeschool conference in May which includes running/speaking at my own workshop and selling curriculum at a table. I'm very nervous, lol. I'm an introvert. And I am in the habit of making bad first impressions. 



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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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Successfully did not eat chocolate or drink last night!!! Whoot-whoot!!!


Also, yesterday, I was too sore to ST but I climbed Ahch-To. 


And today, I did yesterday's barbell complex. It was my first time, so I only did one round. If I am not overly sore tomorrow, I will do 2 rounds next time and build up from there. 





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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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18 hours ago, Magdalena Ravenclaw said:

AS = Autism Spectrum.


Oh okay, thank you. That's definitely an interesting dynamic. 


18 hours ago, Magdalena Ravenclaw said:

I'm attending a homeschool conference in May which includes running/speaking at my own workshop and selling curriculum at a table. I'm very nervous, lol. I'm an introvert. And I am in the habit of making bad first impressions. 


I hear you, I'm the same way, LOL, that definitely sounds nerve wracking. Can you practice in front of family/friends beforehand? Maybe that'll help a little with the nervousness? 

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Successfully did not eat chocolate or drink all three weekend nights!!!


And my dinners were veggies. With meat. And cheese. By that I mean they were not hamburgers and fries, or General Tso's, or pizza. Go me!!!


Because I did a barbell complex for my first time yesterday, I didn't do anything today even though I wasn't sore (Sunday's are suppossed to be rest days anyway). So if I am also not sore tomorrow, next time (Wed) I will know that I can do two rounds. I will keep upping rounds until I am sore and then stay there for a bit.


And, Saturday, I actually saw 179.4 on the scale. Hopefully this means I will never see 180-something ever again. 


Tomorrow is Upper Body day. And I'm likely taking the kids to House of Bounce which means lots of climbing. :D



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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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Yes, I am still here.


The scale this morning said 175.8. That is several pounds down. However, my success is due to the fact that I broke down and bought a vape thingy. It's not a pen and it's not a box . . . it's kind of like a sharpie. Anyway, within 20 minutes, the desire to shove chocolate in my mouth went away. I've not had chocolate (except for 1 Atkins bar) since. It will be 1 week tomorrow, and I think I'm down 4 pounds. It's only 3%, and I will wean myself off as soon as I hit goal (by going to 1.5% and then .5%). That's how I got off it last time. I'd been nicotine free for 2 years, so I'm not exactly proud of myself, but at the same time, I had to do something. I went from 178 after Christmas to 183 after New Years and hit 186 mid-January despite being on a diet. Obviously, I will need to figure out what I to replace it with when I wean off again and/or learn how not to emotionally eat when I'm stressed, but for now, at least I can get back to my goal weight and hopefully in the meantime figure out a nic-free maintenance plan. 

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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On 2/27/2020 at 2:30 AM, analoggirl said:

Following because I just came across your challenge in the previous challenge sub :) Discouragement sucks. it's a strong enemy of the Rebellion but you sound like you are weathering through it quite well. Despite the nic-method. Fall down 7 times, stand up 8 :)


Thanks. I've gone down more, but kind of stabilized around 172 because something else devastating happened. I don't feel like talking about it right now. But, I am hoping that I will be over it soon and get my motivation (for living) back and resume workouts. *sigh*

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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So I actually saw 170.4, but now I'm hovering around 173. I'm going to work my butt off this week and try to see 169.anything and reward myself with TROS. I worked out over the weekend (Fri & Sat) and then again today. My eating is okay thanks to my vapey thing, but I need to make workouts a habit. I'm hoping to lose enough during this quarantine that when people see me again it's like Biggest Loser reveal. Hahahaha.   

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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So, this morning was 171.0. Pretty happy with that. Still working towards 169.anything by Friday. But thought today was Tuesday. I never know what day it is (I have ADHD), but it means I only have 2 days (today and tomorrow) to make goal. But . . . I did a killer lower body workout today (hoping to not be too sore tomorrow). And eating was mostly okay (I had a potato and 2 breaded chicken strips, usually I try to just have just one starch carb, meaning if I have a potato I have grilled chicken). But I skipped rice cake snack, so that should make up for it. 

Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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My Rewards.

169 -- ???
159 -- Dye my roots and treat myself to a this hair braiding contraption I saw on Amazon. (And most of my clothes will fit again. Yay!)
154 -- steampunk purse
149 -- pedicure & leather sandals in black and/or brown (My thin clothes will fit again -- super yay!)
139 -- steampunk outfits. 
134 -- more steampunk outfits (including corset vests)

I can't think of a reward for 169. It's only a pound away (I was 171 this morning, and by 169 I mean 169.anything). I should have thought of a reward in February when I was 183. Then it probably would have felt like an accomplishment. But considering that my weight hovered around 171-174 from September through Christmas, getting to 169 doesn't feel like that big of a deal even though I did shoot up to 183 after New Years.

Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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Eating Log:

Breakfast: coffee w/ sugar free Sweet Italian Cream
Lunch: Protein Shake and small potato with honey sweet* mustard
Dinner: Grilled Chicken w/ mango habanero seasoning and mashed cauliflower with cheddar cheese


Upper Body Workout: chest press, bicep curls, tricep dips, overhead press, delt raises, lat pull down (with bands). Plus, I did some light cardio (steps) for a few minutes.

I skipped carbs for dinner since tomorrow is weigh-in (I don't count veggie carbs). My children (2 & 4) are driving me to want to drink, but I will persevere. At least tomorrow is Friday. I don't think I would make it if it wasn't, lol. I've worked out 4 days in a row now, but most of that motivation is due to trying to be out of the 170's tomorrow. Assuming I'll make it, I already feel like getting out of the 160's seems so far away. What will motivate me to keep working out regularly? I need a tiny reward. I guess I could tell myself no 90% cocoa chocolate on the weekend if I don't get in at least 4 workouts, but I don't know that I would hold myself to that --- it's already my reward for keeping my children alive all week. ??? Besides, I'd really rather a non-food reward. Something girly that makes me feel pretty. Maybe fake press-on nails?

Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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169.8. I'm officially a Jedi-in-Training.


No more Jedi Wannabe. 


I can't believe how much of a fight it was to get here. I was 178 right after Christmas, started a diet in January and by mid-February I was 183. (Sticking to the diet was an epic fail, obviously). So here it is April and I'm only now out of the 170's. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of it. But the next 10 pounds feels pretty impossible right now, let alone 30. What would make me feel really good is if there is a pair of jeans that actually fits. But I just tried on a pair about a week and a half ago and they snapped but were too uncomfortable to actually where and I doubt 2-3 pounds has made that much of a difference. 


I think I need some pretty cool rewards to keep me focused on this and actually get out of the 160's. 


#1 Most of my clothes will fit me at 159, so I need to keep reminding myself of that. I feel like such a blob in yoga pants. Maybe I should set out a favorite outfit I see everyday. 


#2 My listed reward is to dye my hair (my roots and, er, grays, are showing). I've been dying it red ever since I turned 40 and loving it. 


#3 My other reward is this hair braiding contraption I saw on Amazon. I want to be able to do those awesome viking braids and it never looks right (also, with two toddlers, I do not have the time to play with my hair for hours). Supposedly, it helps make it look good and is quick.  


Hopefully that is enough incentive. I am really, really sore today so I doubt there is a chance of a workout. Sunday is suppose to be rest day, but it looks like today will be. Maybe I can create a red-haired viking chics vision board, lol.


4_3_20 Weight Graph.png

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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So, I splurged a lot more than planned this weekend. Not a binge. Just didn't stick to plan. And drank a few extra drinks Friday night. I did squeeze in a mini lower body workout Friday night and a full upper body workout today. Several times i was tempted to get junkfood (chocolate chip cookies / brownies), but never did, though I did eat some of hubby's chocolate (Symphony Milk) in addition to my planned 90% cocoa chocolate bar. 

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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Did a pretty intense lower body workout.


Did 3 sets of 12 leg curls.

3 sets of barbell squats (30lbs)

And then a variety of body weight exercises for my bum. I'm aiming for one of those perky things I've seen on others and have never had, lol.

Ab routine.


I was going to attempt Intermittent Fasting today (and by that I mean skipping lunch, hahahaha) and I was so ridiculously hungry that I ate 3 air-fried chicken nuggets, and was still starving and ate grilled chicken with sugar-free barbecue sauce on a toasted low-carb wrap. I was much better after that and ultimately it probably fueled my workout. Not sure what I'm going to have for dinner, but it will be healthy. I'm pretty motivated today.


Oh, and I'm even working on Ahch-To today (climbing 600 steps over the course of the day). I'm just over halfway there.


UPDATE: Completed Ahch-To and dinner was steamed potatoes, green beans, and grilled chicken in a Parmesan sauce.




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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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So today, everytime I went up the steps I was winded. Um, I did 600 steps yesterday. How can I be winded after 12? Or is it because I did 600 steps that I'm winded today? LOL.


Anyway, did an upper body workout today. Did 3 sets instead of my normal 2 and added in a rear delt fly. 


Yesterday, the scale said 173.something and this morning it said 172.something. It's always up over the weekend, but I'm hoping to see a number closer to 170 so I know I'll lose something this week. I'm hoping all my exercise can make up for my shoddy weekend eating habits. I should probably not splurge much at all this weekend if I want to get to 159 ASAP. *sigh*

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Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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I could not workout today.


Everything. Hurts. 


It hurts to pick up the juice bottle to pour my toddler juice (from yesterday's upper body workout). It hurts to lower myself onto the toilet to pee (from the day before's lower body workout). Sorry for the TMI, lol.


Does everyone else here trying to get gains live in a constant state of sore?

Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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your nails look so pretty! What is the cool Viking braid contraption? It sounds super cool. Good job on the workouts! For me, if I workout consistently the major DOMS go away. Yes, sometimes at the end of the day, I feel my muscles. But in the good I've used them way, not in the I don't want to move way

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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On 4/8/2020 at 9:42 PM, Elastigirl said:

your nails look so pretty! What is the cool Viking braid contraption? It sounds super cool. Good job on the workouts! For me, if I workout consistently the major DOMS go away. Yes, sometimes at the end of the day, I feel my muscles. But in the good I've used them way, not in the I don't want to move way


Thank you. Here is the link to the braid thingy. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WSB4X7H

Adulting is Hard. Jesus Helps. 

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