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Political Correctness gone mad

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Don't get me wrong, universities are good places; people teach, people learn, people advance in their lives.


But it is so goddamn anti-religion it sickens me.


Today, on my school web page, I saw this in the recent announcements:




My face:




Holiday Sharing Tree? SERIOUSLY?


Okay, can we all just freaking agree that the holiday is CHRISTMAS and it is this particular holiday in which people put up a big pine TREE, under which they put presents, ergo -- logically -- that makes it a CHRISTMAS TREE. It isn't a 'holiday sharing tree' it's a CHRISTMAS TREE. And if they are going to hijack a tradition long associated with MY religion, they can damn well respect it and call it by what it is -- A CHRISTMAS TREE.


Anyone else just a little IRKED by this?

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It's not anti religious. It's just not exclusively pro-Christian. For those who are not of the Christian faith it is annoying to have Christmas everywhere. There are other holidays of other faiths at this time of year as well. It seems to me as if the university is attempting to be including instead of excluding to those other religions. And this is not a bad thing. The spirit is preserved, but further extended outside the faith by using different words that don't have any overt connotations.  

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yeah, I don't care ..... for me its all about indulgence, pretending in Santa Clause for my little girl, having a holiday, GETTING PRESENTS .... I suppose giving them ;-) 


People can call it what they want as long as they don't take away my mince pies 

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I'm personally offended that it is a tree. It should be a Gift Sharing Flying Spaghetti Monster, wearing a santa hat, and holding a menorah in one of its noodly tentacles.

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I don't see why it has to be either or, it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. You want a tree that you decorate and call a Christmas tree, awesome! Someone else wants a tree they decorate and call a holiday bush? More power to them!

If anything you should be flattered. Someone looked at a Christian tradition and said: Hey, I like that pretty tree, I would like to do one as well to celebrate my (insert winter holiday) but I am not a Christian and I want to respect their faith, so I am going to call it a generic holiday tree. Celebration of the evergreen tree and Winter solstice was going in for a looooong time before Martin Luther decided to put candles on a pine tree in his living room.

Not to start a debate on Christmas of course, more to point out that you should be happy that people like something your faith was doing and wanted to particpate, but partake in a respectful manner and not claim a faith they clearly don't hold. Christianity may be able to claim invention of what we deem the modern Christmas tree, but they don't hold a patent on decorating evergreens with shiney balls.

At the end of the day I don't think it's political correctness, or a war on Christmas, it's that having a tree with shiny bits and lights brings a smile to many people's faces. They're not Christians, so they don't call it a Christmas tree. I think it's honestly that simple.

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I have no problem with saying 'Happy Holidays', especially since I once said 'Merry Christmas' to a friend only for her to gently remind me that she is Jeiwsh.  I then switch to 'Uh- Happy Hanukkah!" awkwardly to dig myself out of the hole :nevreness:.  We live in a very diverse place and time so using inclusive terms is not a bad thing for me.


However, I WILL call not call a pine tree (fake or real), decorated with a certain flare, that has gifts wrapped in paper under it, a 'Holiday Sharing Tree'.  Certainly not a big deal to me, but I would be a bit surprised as well seeing a flyer like that.


I wonder...wouldn't it be cool to have different decorations/symbols/etc representing different cultural holidays that happen around this time?  I'd be interested learning more about those  :peaceful:

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My sister work for a year in Saudi Arabia and she was very surprised to see "decorated holiday trees" in the shops and "holiday themed" cards for sale in the shops.

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Anyone else just a little IRKED by this?


*Raises hand*


For the record, though, I HATE political correctness in all its forms with a burning passion.  Exacerbated by the fact that my whole family, including myself, are quite active in the political arena.  


I can handle the "holiday tree" thing specifically, but it's when people get mad at me for saying Merry Christmas that I question it.  I'm Christian.  I say Merry Christmas.  Deal with it.  If you want to say Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever other thing you want, more power to you.  But don't get mad when people living in a predominately Christian nation wish you a Merry Christmas.  

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I'm Christian and try to celebrate Christmas in that vein, yet I find it interesting that Christmas falls so closely to a long standing pagan day of celebration. Who hijacked whose tradition?


Pretty much this.


IIRC, and I could be very wrong, but I remember reading somewhere that a long time ago, the Christian church decided to celebrate Jesus' birthday around the time of the Winter Solstice, even though he was born in the spring/early summer, in an effort to make their religion more attractive to the Pagans they were trying to convert. That's why a lot of Christmas traditions actually have their roots in the Pagan celebration. ("Your winter holiday has a Yule log? So does ours!") So Christmas is actually a completely hijacked holiday to begin with. 


(Not that I have anything against Christmas, mind. I do celebrate it and it's my favorite holiday because I love giving gifts and I enjoy the shiny decorations, but I also leave Jesus out of it since I'm not Christian.)

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I can handle the "holiday tree" thing specifically, but it's when people get mad at me for saying Merry Christmas that I flip out.  I'm Christian.  I say Merry Christmas.  Deal with it.  If you want to say Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever other thing you want, more power to you.  But don't get mad when people living in a predominately Christian nation wish you a Merry Christmas.  


Fair point.  But let me tell you that I've been wished a "Merry Christmas" in an incredibly rude, spiteful and not-at-all-in-the-spirit kinda way by people who found out I was an atheist.  Because their argument was we are a "predominantly Christian nation" so I could "deal with it."  (Not that I suspect you of doing so, Oramac.  Far from it.  But sometimes it takes me a good deal of patience to not snark back for that reason.)


And hell, I wish people merry Xmas.

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Fair point.  But let me tell you that I've been wished a "Merry Christmas" in an incredibly rude, spiteful and not-at-all-in-the-spirit kinda way by people who found out I was an atheist.  Because their argument was we are a "predominantly Christian nation" so I could "deal with it."  (Not that I suspect you of doing so, Oramac.  Far from it.  But sometimes it takes me a good deal of patience to not snark back for that reason.)


And hell, I wish people merry Xmas.


I do my best not to be rude or spiteful.  I'm glad you didn't take it that way.  It definitely was not meant to be.  And, in my eyes anyway, go ahead and be snarky.  I'm very much a "speak your mind and who cares what everyone thinks" kind of person.  It gets me in trouble sometimes, but it certainly makes my stance clear.  And I tend not to get offended by much either.  

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I don't see the problem in saying something that relates to more people, so I go with "Happy Holidays" for the small chance that who I'm talking to might not celebrate Christmas (which I think is rare for my area but who knows)


Christmas is still a holiday so I don't get why people get so offended by it.

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Christmas is still a holiday so I don't get why people get so offended by it.

Getting offended by stuff is the latest thing in the uk .... We have professional offendees who spend 24/7 getting wound up and complaining about "top gear", children having fun, sugar, peoples gardens, unexpected floods, price of popcorn .... Anything really

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I'm pretty sure most American Christians would be more upset if commercials flooded airspace with words about Hanukkah candles, voodoo chicken sacrifices, and Islamic Ramadan fasting as if everyone subscribed to those beliefs.

Not sure how freedom of religion translates to Christianity is more special than the rest.

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Celebrating trees at this time of year goes back longer than Christianity, there is a tree dressing ceremony near here which takes place without cutting the tree down - people just go and hang stuff on it. Its an ancient tradition, and not invented by celebrators of Christmas.


While we're talking about 'political correctness gone mad' (aka 'I can say whatever I want and you are not allowed to be upset') I'm pretty sure the title of your battle log is offensive to quite a few people. I know it's pretty much accepted in American English but in the UK its still remembered that its a pejorative term for the disabled and could be quite offputting to some. Obviously you can call your thread whatever you want, just wanted to point it out as I keep seeing it and wincing.

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