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Yes, @dayzee84!  It felt big at the time.  


Screwed my week up afterwards, though.  I skipped everything yesterday, no yoga and I slept in until 7.  Hormones.  Shark week destroyed me last night.  Took melatonin to get to sleep, then hurt so much I woke up at 1AM and was up for over an hour trying different positions and stretching.  Finally caved and drugged it away.  But then I just could not get up this morning.  I stayed in bed until 7 again.  


I feel better right now, just hate skipping 2 days.  I'm trying to let it go right now.  I'm going to make Saturday a yoga day and get in as much as I can throughout the day at home.  Sunday will be my next run day.  And that's it.  I'm just going to let those misses go and move on.  Sunday is my next homework day as well.  Tonight is Mike time.  Saturday (yoga and) a friend over for some game time.  Sunday run followed by homework.  I'll be out of sharkland by then.  It might be brutal bit its quick.


And now I'm done whining.  Yoga tomorrow.  Run Sunday.  



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I sucked this weekend.  Saturday I lounged like a bum and then just spent time with Mike.  No yoga.  Sunday I woke up and felt sick.  Took care of puppies, showered, still felt like crap,  got back in bed.  Went to Terminator 2 in 3D with Mike that night.  No yoga or run.  Monday I woke up with a headache.  Stretched a bit but not really a yoga event.  Wasn't following anything, just trying to loosen up my shoulders.  Did homework that night.  This morning, woke up with that same headache.  Went back to bed until time for work.  At least I ate good foods.  Didn't cook anything recipe wise, but I made chicken a few times, mostly with sweet potatoes on the side.  Well, sweet potato for me, regular potato for Mike.  Went out a couple times but tried to pick better foods.  

I just can't shake this headache.  I took something before bed last night, and while that helped me fall asleep it was back when I woke up.  I don't know.  I'm planning more homework tonight and a yoga.  Maybe I'll just screw this whole week up and only yoga and walk.  Start up running next week?  I don't know.  I want to take care of me but not indulge me too much.  We'll see.  Maybe the headache will go away and I'll run tomorrow.  

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Getting sick does not mean you suck, it means you got sick. Unless you intentionally infected yourself to get out of working out, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with your self assessment.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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2 hours ago, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

Getting sick does not mean you suck, it means you got sick. Unless you intentionally infected yourself to get out of working out, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with your self assessment.



Thanks for that :) I was not on purpose sickly.  But I guess I feel bad skipping the workout because I wasn't so sick that I would have missed work over it. So I kicked myself for not doing fitness things.  



I think I'm going to try another new schedule again.  My feet aren't letting me run very long yet, and I miss my barbell.  So I'm going to try to keep this schedule (Mon-Fri at 6Am plus one weekend morning) but different things.  


I miss my barbell.  She'a all alone out in the garage.  I pass her by on my way in and out everyday.  I'm going to see if I can keep my mornings lighter but still do things.  So, this will be my new schedule:


Tues - Bench/Squat

Weds - Run

Thurs - DL/OVHP

Friday - Bench/Squat

Sat - long walk/run/bike - (Did I mention I'm getting a bike delivered this weekend?  I'm getting a bike this weekend.  :biggrin-new:)

Sun - yoga


I'm hoping just the 2 lifts each morning will get rid of my whining about it taking over an hour and also leave me time to do yoga warm up/cool downs.  Getting up at 6 means I've got an hour to take care of puppies and do my fitness thing.  Then at 7 I shower and get ready for work.  And if I wake up late, I'll just lessen that days yoga moves and make sure I get the lifts in.  And it still gives me 1-2 runs a week to keep working on my feet and a special day for yoga to help stretch everything out.  


Since I have been feeling crappy, I'll start that on Monday.  And the rest of this week I will just get up early for yoga and write up my WU/CD moves and clear up the lifting area.  If I have a plan and stick to that, I won't kick myself even if it's an easy plan.  

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Been stretching a lot, but not really doing the longer yoga events.  This stupid headache is still haunting me, but it seems not quite as bad today.  Maybe it's retreating.


I did manage to get all homework for this week completed last night and cooked.  Tonight I'll need to cook again, but outside that, tonight is Zombie Knit so that should be nice and relaxing.  Maybe I'll get some laundry done as well.  That would leave my Friday for packing.  Saturday we are going to the ren fair, which involves about 3.5 hours of driving then a stay at my aunt's house before the drive home.  We usually stay 2 nights, but we have puppies to plan around now.  We have a friend taking care of them at night and in the morning, but I don't want to put them out too much.  I think it has been helping my stress levels to have homework finished early in the week.  Means a busier Sunday/Monday/Wednesday, but then I have time to handle things other than homework the rest of the week.  And time to relax and visit friends.  That is nice.


Work is stressful, but I think that is more because I don't enjoy what I'm doing.  Which is why I'm in school, so there is a light at the end of this tunnel.  But even on days that are not busy, time at work just seems to drag out endlessly.  Busy days are better though.  The quiet days are a slow insanity.  


I've been good on the one cup of coffee per day or less.  And food has been good, cooking simpler things right now.  Things that take less time but still involve good veggies.  My snacks are doing alright.  There have been crackers, but also just fruit or protein items.  No chips or ice cream.  

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Nothing fitness related to report.  I'm actually eating a pop tart right now because I did no cooking yesterday and we had it in the house.


So here is my big thing today.  It's long and rambly and not about fitness at all.


Accounting is not as much fun as I thought it would be.  I like math and organization.  There is more organization than math though.  I kind of miss math.  And, well, it's just not enjoyable so far.  I will have had all the book keeper classes after this semester and I'm thinking about changing  everything and just opening a yarn store with a friend.  We both want to and have been talking about it for more than a year now.  I'm kind of feeling like I don't want to talk anymore.  I've started looking into registering our name and what to plot for inventory and what retail space rents for out here, how to order yarn and what brands we would want to carry, things we could do for events and advertising without spending too much, how much capital we'll need to get set up..... things like that.  So I'm gathering  information and we are kind of loosely setting a goal of 3-5 years.  I'm hoping for as soon as possible because I'm not happy where I'm at.  I've talked to Mike about it and he's worried that opening any business would be a risk, but he supports me and our plan.  I told my mom and she thought I was joking and laughed, so that was kind of a lame evening.  I'm thinking I'll not tell her everything that's going on until we have it more solidified.


I've worked in retail before but I've never been in charge of it.  There are some more entrepreneurial courses I could take.  I'm going to talk to the school about that, but it's not a degree and I'm not sure how much more I want to put into classes unless they sound like they would really help with what we want to do.  There is no such thing as too much information, but I don't want to waste time or money if it's stuff I could either learn on my own or ask for help from a friend.  Also, I'm 34.  I don't want to waste any more time.  

I've only told one friend (outside of the one I'm plotting with) and she thinks it would be a great idea.  She also has the same complaints I've been hearing all over town about the current LYS options before I even mentioned our plotting.


My friend I'm plotting with is just about my best friend here.  And we have a lot of the same interests and opinions, including about the store.  The only difference right now about the store is I'm more interested in getting a business plan put together and start gathering funds and she can't stop talking about atmosphere and fabrics.  I kind of don't want to think about that too much until I've got the business stuff more figured.  Mostly I think because I don't want to get too excited if for some reason we can't make this happen.  I'm already emotionally invested in this business and there is not even a plan yet.  I don't want to get too hopeful and be crushed.  I want to keep my current level of excitement and motivation and hope and stay sane.  Sanity matters here.  But fuck, I really want this to happen.


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If you don't want to be an accountant, don't be an accountant.


If you want to open a yarn store, take small business owner classes. The reason small businesses fail is not due to not knowing how to provide the service or products offered, but not understanding the technical details of running a small business. Minimizing debt is a big way to limit risk, it means starting smaller and growth will be much slower in the long run, but it will pay off in the long run.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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I'm going to finish my current classes.  Knowing what is needed for books and taxes for opening a business will be important, plus I can still do other people's books or tax return help for extra money.  I'm just hoping the classes my school offers will be helpful ones and I can do that next semester.  It's just sort of nerve wracking to change everything.  But I want it.  So I'm working on it.  I just need to make sure we move past the gathering underpants portion and move on to step 2, whatever that will be, as soon as possible.  Getting stuck on step one is my biggest fear.  I am not going to get stuck on step one.


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I did some stretching last week, but no real yoga events at all.  And I never got around to cleaning up my lifting area.  


Saturday I walked 4.5 miles Saturday at the ren fair.  Monday I had to force myself out of bed, and I was late.  I ended up only benching.  75x5x5.   I was glad I made myself do something, but not really happy with the tiny amount that I did.  Today I woke up a bit late, but not as much.  I jumped around a bit to warm up but not a set up warm up.  Then I did DL 135x5x5 and OVHP 45x5x5.  


So, I kind of feel good.  I mean, I'm doing something.  But not what quite I want to be doing.  So I also cleaned up the lifting area today (except my bike - it doesn't have a real place yet so I just move it when I need that area).  Tomorrow I run, so I will just make sure I get the bar set up for DL/OVHP Thursday.  It was definitely easier to DL this morning since I had the weights on the barbell ready to go, so I'll keep doing that the night before a lift.


I have not been doing so well with food.  I need to work on that.  Having homework Sunday/Monday/Wednesday (and this week Tuesday) has been taking up a lot of time I used to spend cleaning the house or cooking.  Tonight I'm going to make some chicken and potatoes.  Tomorrow I should be able to make some quick spaghetti with sp squash since I never got around to it before.  We'll see.  I am doing things.  I just need to do a bit more.

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I've been lame.  Not running or lifting.  I have spent every moment after work doing something just about right up until bed.  And Bed is never before Mike leaves for work at 1045.  Sometimes I'm even driving him to work.  I just can't get up at 6 and function right now.  Maybe if I had a Winchester alarm.  But alas.




So, I'm not sure how, but I'm trying to figure out how to do more than some random stretching, planks and squats around the house while I do other things and the long walks on Saturdays with Mom.  

Good news is my homework is all caught up, even ahead a little.  I need that because my friend is coming to town in another 10 days and I want to have it done before she arrives.  I'm also working on cleaning, right now my kitchen is mostly handled aside from the newest upkeep dishes in the sink.  The living room is done except same upkeep of straightening pillows.  I need to do the floors in both though.  And the guest room is good.  Not making the bed until she is here because, well, cats.  And I still need to finished putting in the little patio by the front door.  It will be just big enough to sit a chair.  Right now the chair is sitting on the dirt though.  I need to dig it out, put down the gravel, sand, weed barrier and patio blocks.  It's all sitting there just waiting for me to do it.

I have finished the miles for the Platform 9 3/4s for HRC.  Right at the end.  I'm looking forward to the ZR 5k in October.  Maybe my visitor will want to go out for it with me.  We'll see.  

Oh, and we are plotting how to start an online yarn store to sell hand dyed, stitch markers and maybe some of her bags.   Hoping to use that to work up funding for a regular yarn store later on. Plotting is well under way.  That's exciting and scary.


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So, not much new to report fitness wise.  Got the stuff for the Zombies Run Halloween event.  Can't wait to do that.  Been stuck in the same eating ok but not much working out.   But since I realized midterms were scheduled right when my friend is visiting, I've been working extra hard to get ahead on homework.  She's here over a weekend so I've got to get everything for the week she leaves finished as well.  I'll be 2 weeks ahead if I get it all done.  And the house is getting really cleaned up.  Got some new shelves to organize the bedroom.  Rearranged and cleaned the guest room (including new mattress).  Rearranged and cleaned the office and got things finally moved up to the attic that have just been waiting for that.  

My friend backed out of the yarn store, but I'm going to see what I can do on my own.  Finally chose a new name and have my product ideas mapped out.  Going to test some of the dyes out this weekend I hope.  I'm going to just sell online to start.  If I can do well enough to save up I will still open a shop in a few years.  If I can't get that much, I'm hoping to atleast make some good side money out of this.  If nothing else, I'll be doing something I really love to do.  That's worth it however it goes.

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I'm just going to start all over.  No more slacking or being busy or tired.  The older I get, the harder this gets.  I need to fix me now before it's too late.



Since I seem to have problems, I'm just starting at the beginning.  I'm walking everyday, even if its not much, because its so cold.  I've thrown in a couple workouts, but not scheduled yet.  I'm really looking for a workout buddy here, because I just do better when it's someone else who will be let down if I skip or am late.  I seem to have no problems letting down future me when I'm tired or whatever.  But I have managed to walk a little bit everyday so far.  I was trying to yoga everyday as well, but I dropped out on that when things got busy.  So, I'll just be starting daily yoga over tonight.  Future me wants to be all bendable again.  

So, here is my new plan.


I started with food, because doesn't everything start with food?  I spent the end of December going through all my many recipe books and marking the ones I want to try.  Then I made a meal plan.  Now when we start to run out of meal plan foods, I set up another meal plan.  It's hard to guess for a solid week, because Mike eats different amounts and times than I do.  I can only guess at how fast we will go through a recipe.  This rolling meal plan set up has been working so far.  Plus, I get to try out new recipes that I've been interested in but didn't have time/energy for.  (I'm really liking not having homework.)  I'm not going paleo, but I've cut down breads and sugars in the house.  I'm making sure to use brown rice and I'm exploring grains like barley that I just had no experience with before.  I've already tried new spices with these recipes.  And I've seriously lowered the amount of dairy in the house.


Started 12/25: - Walk everyday.  

Re-starting tonight - yoga everyday

Starting Monday - lift twice a week

Starting Feb - Plank everyday - undecided if this will continue or just be for the month of Feb

Starting 2/15 - add 1 hour cardio/aerobic dedicated exercise each week, even if its Just Dancing in the living room

March - No sugar for the month

April - Push ups everyday for the month

May - This month is our anniversary, so I'm just going to try to keep things going and check out how I'm liking my schedule.  This is also where I will plan my next few months.


Aside from fitness and food, I'm working on opening a hand dyed yarn business from home.  That's got its own plan:

January - test yarns and dyes to choose what I'll offer

Feb - register the business and look into insurance issues

March - logo/stationary/labels/website

May - plot opening yarns

June - order yarns and dyes for stock

July - plot for opening and set up social media

Aug - dye and prepare for opening

Sept - Open for online sales


There's more, but those are my basic plans.


I'm also going to keep going with HRC when events come out.  I do want to get back to running, but I need to work my way back up to it.  When I jump in and do everything all at once, I fail and stop.  So I'm hoping working things in slower will help me keep it all up.


And I'm working on financials.  Paying off debt, saving money, plan for retirement, and travel whenever we can; those are the goals here.  Hopefully, the yarn dying will help.  Being able to make money doing something I really enjoy doing would be ideal.  But I am also making sure to save a bit each month and pay as much as I possibly can towards our debts.  I've spent a bit more on foods since I started exploring recipes, but I'm ok with that.  It's healthy, new and fun.  That I can make room for in the budget.  


OK, I think that's it for now.  My big respawning moment.  



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Foods been alright.  Cooking new things is fun.  I did not like acorn squash.  But I loved the red pepper stuffed chicken.  Mike really likes the beef barley stew.  I've got liver thawing to try out later this week.  And tomorrow I'm throwing steak with green salsa and chilis in the crockpot overnight.  


I missed walking Friday because of the weather.  We had rain, followed by frozen pellet rain, followed by snow all day and night.  We did have a break Saturday afternoon and then Sunday it started snowing again in the evening through just a few minutes ago.  Now its just light snow blowing around.   Not sure if I'll get the walk in tonight, unless you count shovelling snow and scraping ice off the driveway.  


I'm still sucking at yoga, aside from the odd stretching here and there.  No sessions.  And I can tell every time I move and my knees/hips/shoulders feel tense.  I need to do better.


Tomorrow is my lifting day.  I've got mom to come over twice a week to lift.  She'll do her dumbbell work while I barbell.  So at least I know I won't skip on that.  


I started my yarn test dyes, but I need to get a couple more random items to continue.  I needed  some larger storage bottles and stirring sticks and a thermometer.  Not much and I ordered those today.  Also ordered a second swift for re-skeining.  The color from last night came out really pretty, but the skein is messy.  Needs prettied up a bit.  Dying yarn is just... enjoyable.  


Mike and I spent the weekend watching Game of Thrones.  It was a great snow weekend.  A water main broke in our neighborhood Friday, but we were only out a couple hours.  And we got the garage all cleaned up and pretty, bike and ladder hung up out of the way, lifting area cleared and ready to use.  


I just really need to yoga.  For real. 

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Well, good and bad this week.  Haven't been walking because its just been so freaking cold.  And its shark time now, so even though its supposed to be 20s today, I think I'll give myself the evening. I kind of feel like garbage and exhausted.  But I did lift last night.  Found out mom's version of lifting is doing a couple things with 10lb weights for about 10 minutes.  So, she barely lasted through my overhead press set then she chatted and got bored and left.  She may have been a bit manic, it's hard to tell sometimes.  But she lost interest pretty quickly and started tidying up our garage.  


But, I did lift.  And it did help to have a set time someone else expected to show up and be lifting with me.  

DL - 115x5x5.  I meant to load the 45s but loaded 35s instead.  Left it since it had been so long anyway.

OVH P - 45x5x5.  Still just the barbell

Bench - 75x5x5

Squat - 95x5x5


I'm planning to redo my pics and measurements this weekend since I'm starting over.  Since I suck at doing yoga everyday as well, I'm going to make it a weekly goal instead and shoot for twice a week.  I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow since I hadn't lifted for a long while.  Yoga'll help with that.  And I'll definitely be taking the puppies for walks this weekend.  The temps are supposed to be 40s and 50s Saturday and Sunday.  Much nicer little puppy paw temperatures.


They did help keeping me warm through this cold time.



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Went to knit Monday night.  Woke up at 3am sick.  Think I just ate something bad, but it was hell all that day.  I only had sprite and crackers, only 3 of which actually stayed.  Poor Mike had to clean up after sick me.  He was great about it though.  Yesterday I was just exhausted, even though I only got out of bed all night/day/night to be sick.  I tried to work yesterday, but I only made it 4 hours then I went home.   Today I'm not feeling sick anymore, but I'm still tired.  And my stomach is feeling all wimpy.  I did eat a can of soup yesterday and today so far.  And I've made it through work ok.  I'm just really exhausted.  When I got out of bed this morning, I thought I might be able to lift light.  But the longer the day goes, the more exhausted I feel.  I'm not even sure I want to try to go to the store for more soup and crackers.  I'd really prefer homemade soupe, but Mike is not a cook.  And I'm just tired.  So, I'll do the paperwork I need to get done tonight.  But I'm thinking lots of sleep is still needed.  And lifting will need to wait for sure.

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Lifted last night.  Mike hung out with me while I did it.  He keeps talking about how he should lift, but he doesn't.  I don't know if he wants to and something is holding him back, or if he just feels like he should because we have all the equipment in our garage.  


DL - 135x5x5

OVH 45x5x5

Bench 75x5x5

Squat 95x5x5


I was feeling pretty tired and kind of struggling or dragging through it all, but I got it done. That was good.  I really do enjoy lifting so even if I slack on other things, I feel pretty good if I can get that in.  

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I keep thinking about the stuff I'm not doing and letting that drag my motivation.  SO I'm just going to post what I am doing and forget about missing anything.  


I lifted last night.  Was feeling little baby DOMs so I kept it light but didn't skip anything.

DL 115x5x5

OVH 45x5x5

B 75x5x5

Sq 95x5x5


I was very sore when I crawled in bed last night, but I think that was more due to running around the kitchen dying yarn for 5 solid hours after work and lifting.  I finished and finally ate dinner at 10PM, the went straight to bed.  

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Foods been going alright, except I need to get some cooked for our lunches tonight.


Lifted last night.

DL 135x5x5

OVH 45x5x5

B 75x5x5

Sq 95x5x5

Think I'll up some next time.


Got a good walk in this weekend with puppies.


Only one skein of yarn left to dye then I can get the rest out for testing.  I'm going to knit and wash whatever people Sunday don't want, so I need to finish my current project and get on that.  I'm glad I've given myself a September store opening date.  Having plenty of time takes the stress off of each step.  And using money I've saved specifically for this keeps the money stress low as well.  

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OK.  Deep breath.  It's been a very long time since I've posted or really done much of anything here.  I have historically had a tendency to DO ALL THE THINGS and usually all at once.  It can be fun, but seriously not sustainable in the long run.  No matter what my excitement levels say at the time.  So I'm going to start all over again.  Right now.  I've requested a re-set of my academy quests and re-made my character/quest lists.  I'm starting with Mindset, so that's mostly all I'll be working through at first. 


I've just gone through and cleared out my garage so I can have my lifting area back.  I've been running a few times a week with a friend, but I'm stopping that.  Waking up at 545 every morning but only having her show up maybe once a week is exhausting.  She never came at all this week.  So I broke up with her on that this afternoon.  Just the scheduled running part.  I've told her I'm down to run when she feels up to it, but I'm not going to wake up and be let down anymore.  But this is not her fault.  I could have done other things those mornings, but I didn't.  I stretched a little then laid down on the sofa and usually napped until my husband got up.  I don't want to feel like I'm counting on anyone else to do things though.  Thinking about it, I just don't think waking up early is working for me anymore.  It seems to be getting harder and harder and I'm so exhausted every day after.  I was trying to do morning because my schedule is so funtastic most of the time.  But I'm just going to make it work.  I want this and I've been letting my schedule be an excuse and her not showing up be an excuse.  And I'm just done with that. 

So for now, I'm going to make a quick lift happen after work on Wednesday and Friday and another lift on Sundays when I can fit it in.  I'm going to make sure I yoga once a week whenever I can do it, I'm thinking Monday or Friday, but we'll see.  As long as it happens once a week, I'll be good with that.  Otherwise I'm just going to run when we have time to go together and walk the dogs as much as possible.I'm going to work on my food and sleep and just do the best I can.




So, Life update!  If you followed me before.  Some of you are still facebook friends, but I'm not a great poster when things are going on and things seem to be always going on.


I opened my yarn shop.  Rebel Purl has been going just over a year now and I love everything about it.  I love coming up with colorways and names.  I love creating patterns and knitting samples.  I love talking to people about yarn and patterns and just the fun of creating.  I spent the first year getting used to dying schedules and processes, advertising, and such.  I'm spending this year checking out events and selling at a few.  Next year I'm hoping to do many more events and some larger ones.  My dream would be to grow this into a small business that could be my primary/only job.  I would love to have a little workshop with a small retail space and an area where I could do classes and host knit nights and such.  But that is a long time off yet.  Right now I'm just lucky that it pays enough to keep itself going.  


I'm still working FT at a trucking company.  It wears me down mor every day that I am the political opposite to everyone I work with here.  It is exhausting trying not to argue about equality and white privilege and religion having so much influence on lawmaking and man am I tired of having to listen to their sermons playing every morning.  I suppose its mostly just one person who is the most vocal and judgemental that wears me down (because there is absolutely no avoiding her) but I know the others agree with her at least for the most part.  Being the only progressive atheist is exhausting.  And it is so disheartening when voting time rolls around because its one of me voting for what I so passionately believe and (just in this one office) 4 people plus spouses voting against me.  But it will never stop me from voting.  Sorry, there is just so much going on politically and I spend all day with no outlet.  I have been able to make several colorways that donate a small amount per sale to causes I support.  That really helps a lot when I don't feel like I have the time or energy to do much else.  I can always make another colorway and use it to get money to the people who can do something.  Another reason to love yarn.


It is still just my husband, me and our pets (2 dogs and 1 cat).  But we want to become foster parents.  We decided if we don't end up having our own by next year, in January we start the research and prep to start that process.  That is coming up fast.  I've already been slowly cleaning out the house to try to make room.  


My mom still lives 3 blocks away.  I make sure to visit her one day a week every week, but sometimes her depression and anxiety are too much for me.  I still visit her, but I might end up feeling bad if I'm ever short tempered or testy those days.  My husband also has depression and anxiety but in a different way.  But again, yarn saves me.  There are several knit nights around and I love visiting with everyone at those.  My husband and mom are both so very supportive of my business and I love them both so much.  


Anyhow, a full time job, a side business, a podcast, pets, taking care of the house, family time..... I end up feeling like the only self-care time I have should be relaxing.  But I'm going to change that.  Lifting and stretching at first.  And making better food choices.  Seems easy enough.  I can do this, right?



Feel free to help me with support or gifs or whatever you might have the time and capacity for.  I could use it.


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OK, I haven't done much just yet.  Friday I spend the first part of the evening loading the car for a last minute event; then I went to knit night.  Saturday we had a tent/booth at a local art market.  That was a ton of fun.  Cold!  But fun.  Then after unloading and putting everything away, we fed ourselves and watched a movie.  I was tired.  I slacked.  Sunday was nothing but chores and another knit.  


Monday after work I just had time enough to get another yarn order together, then went to knit night.  I go to a lot of those.  They are good for yarn business, but also good for de-stressing.  I have been really hating my day job lately. I need the positive socializing and relaxation time.  It was late when I got home, so I set up the lifting area and this morning I finally benched 5x5x75.  Not much, but it was something.  Tonight after work, I will be dying yarn all evening.  I'm going to set it up for squats and if I have time between steps, I'll get that done.  If not tonight, I'll do the squats before work tomorrow morning.  Even doing one thing at a time here and there, at least that is something.  And all stretching is good.  Even just squishing in one move for each 2 minute rest between reps.  Gotta start somewhere.

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Still working on it.  It's a process.  I was busy and then just plain tired, so I didn't do much more than walk last week and do some yoga.  Not a yoga event, but I stretched whenever I noticed I was standing still.  This morning I got up at 515AM and went to the gym with my mom.  She has started going early and wanted some company.  Which works for me.  So, I will be going with her twice a week.  And we will either hike or just take a long puppy walk on Sundays when we are both in town.  It's not a lot but it's something.  I'm also going to try to lift still.  I enjoy it and I like feeling strong.  So I'm going to get up at the same time every morning during the week.  M/F will be lifting.  Tu/Th will be treadmill at the gym with mom.  Wed will be yoga.  That should be good.  And the only way I can wake up early is if I do it consistently.  Otherwise it just never gets any easier.  Should also be easier without feeling frustrated waiting for someone who doesn't show up. 


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