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  • Most Recent Posts

    • New art! I like this one, although I don't think it looks much like Keyleth. The antlers would probably help, but they didn't get to that in the video and I like the way this turned out so I kind of don't want to mess it up by adding to it. I think maybe I should also draw bigger to take up more of the page.     I also really like the little leather journal I'm using. I got it at comic con with lined paper because I thought I'd use it as a DnD journal for the games I played there, but I didn't end up using it then, so I bought a bunch of blank pages so I could use it for art. I love that I can remove pages if I draw something I don't like, if I fill all the pages and want to draw more, or if I want to put the lined pages back in and take notes. It's so much lower consequence than properly bound journals where I feel like once I start using it for one thing, I have to keep using it for that, even if I'm not doing that thing anymore.
    • Great job on organizing your kitchen!   It is hard when you have a small kitchen without enough storage space.  Plastic bins with lids are great for keeping things accessible and under control.   I hope therapist #2 works out. It is normal to have to talk to a few people before you find someone who clicks for you. I thought my first therapist was okay. Then she went on medical leave. I liked her backup much better.
    • Took a shower. Went to target. Am about to go eat my weight in Chinese food and start another playthrough of FFXII because fuck everything else. 
    • Not perfect, but I'm happy with today's progress   
    • I'm glad you went to check it out, that's a fun adventure! 
    • I hope it went great! 🤞 Thanks for the pics!
    • No need to apologize, Lovely Harriet. There is no shame in doing what is needful to survive. 💜
    • Your little lightning bolt stud is amazing. Happy Mother's Day!
    • Absolutely woke up on the wrong side of the bed this year morning. I've felt like shit all day and been in a mood to match. With no apparent explanation. The one thing I've done so far is laundry, and only because I need clean clothes for PT tomorrow. I'm currently avoiding a shower but that's also a must if I'm going out in public tomorrow because I'm so gross rn. Beyond that I don't think anything is getting done. Maybe a trip to target to pickup the sunscreen and other actual needed things that I ordered, but if I do that I'll want to stop at a local drive thru which isn't a great idea. Oh that reminds me: not helping my shitty mood is the scale being up a couple pounds. I haven't done anything lately to make it go down, but seeing it scoot up isn't fun.   Ive decided the spirituality goal isn't going to be a daily thing. More of a "read things and meditate and see what comes of it" goal. I did get a bunch of books from the library the other day but not the ones recommended in my last thread because while I was looking for those ones I kept getting distracted going "oh that looks good, oh this one sounds interesting, ooooh yes that too!" So I walked out with 7 books and honestly only stopped there bc the bag I had couldn't handle more. Woo nerd.    so anyway. I am alive today and that'll have to do. 
    • they really should've scheduled it for a more convenient time. D<   Idk if you tried this but apparently it's much more visible if you look through your phone camera? For me light pollution was a huge part regardless; my immediate surroundings are the worst for stuff like this. 
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