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Everything posted by UltanBoyd

  1. B. there's half a challenge left for the taking. You sound like you see that, it's taken three weeks to get *ahem* it together well who cares. Now you make this challenge your weaker prison cell mate! Know what i'm saying!
  2. Oh and 3 weeks completed means a chance to level up to level 1 for fellow first timers according to the new rules! That's 10 start points? It's kinda odd assigning points here. I'm working toward something but don't know that I'm getting there.Do you think it would be wrong just to assign 14 (or that of 14 I think I earned) at the end? How are you spending yours? http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/33344-general-questions-thread/
  3. Depends what I'm doing. I don't like headphones so usually have to deal with the generic dance and RnB in the gym. I actually find electronica/EBM good for cardio work outs or something with a bit of funk for a running machine. Down in the weights room there's a jukebox. It is all about the metal for lifting. Bit of Rammstein - Ohne Dich raised my press by 10kg last week and Rob Zombie's cover of the Ramones' blitzkrieg bop raised another 10kg on my DL. I do however know there's Supercharger Heaven by white Zombie on there somewhere. I am banned from driving in the car with this on. The drum kicks in and the speedo goes nuts. I've known a motorcross rider take a jump full pelt and fly over the top of someone who correctly slowed and took the roll down because he was listening to this song. If supercharger heaven comes on and I'm lifting, machining or doing cardio I'm gonna hurt myself. Try for yourself! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRshPCM9lhk
  4. Think Viking. The coach says you can't scull, so SKULL instead RARRGGGHH!
  5. Halfway there....oooooooh oh! Living on a prayer (assuming that's Paleo)!
  6. Get on, it's not like shooting an R1 though [/stereotyping but seriously I love that rifle]. With a rifle you put your face to the gun, with a bow you bring the string to your face! Big difference. Then there's the nice bit where in 10 days you've made another belt hole in the quiver belt! So EDIT: Where do these points go? Giant Rats: (Gym 3x a week) well I think I'm hitting a B so far. I certainly don't feel bad about that. I'm definitely taking a sta and con point from there. Kobold. Well I'm at 2.25k easy but didn't really make it last week any distance. Then again I view over a mile as no distance now so I'm unsure. I'm ahead of target and I did build slack. I'm seeing a tentative A without being too complacent. I'll take 1 sta and 1 dex from this! Gnoll: Squat max is up 10kg, DL is up 10KG. A niggle in my hip stopped me upping squat again last week. I also think the 135kg is a little optimistic by the end of the challenge.120kg on both would be nice but then again I've added more than 10% to each I think a C on this by my standards but if I could rewrite the goals this would be a B I think. 5lb a week increase Mr Rippetoe? Try 22lb in three and I was only working squat for the first two! I'll take 1 strength from here please! Rebel rebel side quest. I'll have me my badges now! Need to post a first class score still but the rounds I've shot that's not been an option. B for this so far. 1 wis, 1 cha, 1 dex from this please! So that's what? S1, D2, S1, C1 W1 C1. I reserve the right to assign my other three points at the end of the challenge as I see fit!
  7. So Gains on the dead! - Sweet! Running, I didn't increase the distance. I did run 15 mins and thought nothing of it other than I didn't want to do it. I've thrown in the barefoot running on the running machine and a couple of microruns barefoot outside to toughen up the feet. Gym, twice. To have done so thrice this weekend would have meant missing sleep or missing out on time with the other half. Got working on a MobilityWOD hip opening session. I think it full on makes a difference on my unweighted anyway and a week of no squats (bar bodyweight and a few with just the bar) has allowed my hip to get better alot. I could have gone to the gym this morning I guess but I had the choice gym or shooting and I went shooting. Increased my score for the round I got, earning second class and the third and second class badges! So not a spectacular week when put on the page but I've enjoyed it. I've learned some fundamental things and on monday when I really didn't want to go, thought I was exhausted, I pushed through it and set a new DL PR. I feel like it's been a good week though I'm itching to get to the gym now. Bring on tommorow!
  8. Oooh I was reading T Nation I think and some coach there was saying they teach front squats because it forces better form. Haha my week beginings are always better than the end of the week. Congratulations on the week, you're doing fantastic!
  9. Progress is progress! Keep it up!
  10. BlackMetallic? Did you use this username on a Canadian teen advice site about 10 years ago per chance?
  11. I have KSOs and Classics. The KSOs occasionally rub on my toes. I'd certainly have a read of barefootdawsy's blog if I was you. I'd also consider learning to run barefoot as opposed to in VFFs. You get a lot more feedback on how your feet are coping with the change in running. I certainly subscribe to Dawsy's microruns!
  12. I think the point it Diet doesn't work because people return to bad habits. You can't diet you have to change your eating paradigm though he didn't really point that out. Exercise is good for health benefits but not weight loss and he briefly suggested therapy helped people. So to me that says being realistic about what you eat (the 80/20 clean/dirty way of eating), exercise not as punishment but for health and mental fortitude and have good neighbours!
  13. I found this and it seems to be improving my squat. I can't remember who posted it up but I like it. Need to get a few more of these in of a week. My body weights look a lot better after a session from what I can see, my balance sat for 5 seconds in the well seems a lot better and the strain on my left hip seems a lot less. http://www.mobilitywod.com/2012/01/episode-363-pre-squat-hip-opener-mob-rx/
  14. So the second of both was on, on Thursday. I think the only positive for the whole of the exercise industry from the guy was for Richard Simmons saying he gave therapy to people and that was why they got thinner. Interesting program even if the message from last week seemed to be don't bother dieting it doesn't work and from this week it was don't bother exercising it doesn't work (although there are some health benefits other than slimming)
  15. I can keep owning the challenge. Once in flightschool I was ownerific!
  16. Hold a stick in the apex of the throw. Have the child hit the stick (you may need to stand behind the child). Then when he can reasonably well work on rhythm. throw-throw-throw. Let the balls drop skrillex style and get that rhythm going. Then once the child's hitting the stick with a reasonable rhythm comes the catching and eventually the dreaded "4th ball" of three ball juggling. It's pretty much how I train anyone with basic juggling. I've never taught a child as young as 5 though. I've had teens that learn the technique for the basic juggle within 20 minutes though.
  17. My other half does the 30 day yoga challenge on youtube from doyouyoga.com. It's fairly prosaic and she's enjoying it occasionally going backwards and redoing some that have been difficult. I would link you youtube but don't have access at the moment.
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