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Everything posted by Hilary_W

  1. Week two is where the work starts. Bring it! So far so good. This challenge is more fun than my previous two. Hoping to bring in a good result.
  2. Day 8, "A": 1. Play outside - rode bikes and gardened a bit with my son. Also coloured with chalk on the road. 2. Adventure - drawing class continues 3. Pushup habit - full pushups 4 ladders: 1 set (1,2,3,4,5) and 3 sets (5,4,3,2,1) plus 10, 8, 7 = 60 + 4. Track all food and stay away from restaurants. A little sick today so ate less than usual because I wasn't hungry. Fat: Prot: Carbs: 36.24g 86.16g 118.31g
  3. Day 7, "A": 1/4 accomplished. Woot! 1. Play outside - went to the playground with my son, his friend and the friend's Dad 2. Adventure - drawing class continues 3. Pushup habit - full pushups 2 pyramids : 1 -> 5 -> 1 4. Track all food and stay away from restaurants. Tracked everything and took snacks when I went out. Made it all week without a restaurant or coffee shop. Fat: Prot: Carbs: 47.79g 82.58g 226.74g
  4. Day 6, "A": Slower day than usual - spent the morning out of the house with my son but we both sat on the couch all afternoon watching movies and snacking. 1. Play outside - 30 mins - played Tball with my son using a Little Tykes baseball set. 1 hour - kicked the soccer ball around and let my boy goof off at the playground 2. Adventure - drawing class continuing 3. Pushup habit - full pushups 5 sets of 10 = 50 full P/U - still working on form but am ready to increase reps at the end of the week 4. Track all food and stay away from restaurants. Tracked everything and ate in today. It's been a good week for home cooking and eating in. Fat: Prot: Carbs: 75.14g 115.21g 211.32g
  5. Whole 30 is a good challenge. Hope you feel energized by it.
  6. That's half the battle. Good on ya.
  7. This sounds like a great outcome from switching to night workouts. I'll have to try nights from time to time.
  8. Day 5, "A": Good day overall - added squats and lunges to the playground activity 1. Play outside - played ball hockey with my son and tried to teach him some stick handling. He resisted and continued in his mistaken belief that all shots should be slap shots. 2. Adventure - drawing class continuing 3. Pushup habit - full pushups 5 sets of 10 = 50 full P/U - still working on form to keep my elbows locked to my sides 4. Track all food and stay away from restaurants. Tracked everything and took snacks and water when I went out. Fat: Prot: Carbs: 50.92g 89.82g 252.15g
  9. Training up for your race is a great goal. Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday.
  10. Mermaid swimming - you've opened a new door in my world.
  11. Those sound like great rewards. A little extra something-something for all your hard work.
  12. Work got in the way but you played the hand you were dealt and conquered. Great job managing everything.
  13. Jarric and BreakingThru - Thank you. I think the story will be a game changer because it makes the challenge more meaningful and fun. I didn't know how to start writing one but Steve's new book lays it all out. Day 4, "A": 1. Play outside - played basketball with my son at the outdoor playground. When he ran off to play on the swings I did some body weight exercises. There were 5 other parents there who all stayed far, far away from me while I exercised. 2. Adventure - origin story written - next adventure was signing up for a drawing class on the internet. I am not bad at technical drawings done with a ruler and proper symbols but am horrible at artistic drawings. The first assignment was a self-portrait that was to be published on facebook for the group to see. Found 10 seconds of courage and completed the assignment. Woot! 3. Pushup habit No pain today - next task is locking in the habit and improving my form. Did full pushups 5 sets of 10 = 50 full P/U 4. Track all food and stay away from restaurants. Tracked everything and took snacks and water when I went out. Fat: Prot: Carbs: 78.95g 105.32g 167.55g
  14. Origin Story: Hilary lived a quiet existence as an electronics technician fixing equipment older than she was. While striving to follow rules laid down by old men who called themselves wise, she struggled with the suspicion that her life was being wasted. She diligently tried to "make smart decisions" but time and again found that the people she cared about the most were being harmed as a result of her career choices. Close friends showed her the path to freedom. Several friends retired with dignity and then proceeded to Facebook about their Wonderful Lives. They frequently showed off their Happiness and Good Health when they met our hero for lunch. Cries of "no regrets" and "so glad I made the leap" were commonly heard in casual conversation. Summoning up steely nerves and buckets of optimism our hero made the leap to freedom. She trusted that she would land on her feet or at least do a respectable combat roll and come out unscathed. Our hero created MONTCLARE to be a better Mom to her son, a more patient daughter to her parents and, most importantly, to become her own champion. Montclare has taken the summer away from employment to concentrate on the people and things that matter the most to her. Specifically, she will commence bringing JOY, ADVENTURE and GOOD HEALTH back into her own life so she can be a better human being to those she cares about. Step 1 in Montclare's battle plan is to Complete This Challenge and bring play, adventure, strength, awareness and discipline back into her life. Also, she is returning to her 100 pushup goal with intent to crush it this time! (True Fact of no significance to anyone except me - The S.S. Montclare was the ship my Grandfather travelled on when he immigrated to Canada to start his new life.)
  15. Day 3, "A": 1. Play outside - went bike riding around the block several times and then took my son to the pool for an hour. He doesn't swim yet but we threw the ball around, went down the water slide and went in the hot tub. 2. Adventure - writing my origin story (thanks Steve K.) - will publish soon - still polishing it 3. Pushup habit DOMS is still here - shoulders and triceps hurt a bit. Did full pushups 6,8,10,10 plus knee 16 = 50 any style 4. Track all food and stay away from restaurants. Had snacks in my bag which helped me resist the temptations of my two favourite coffee shops when I walked down the street today. Also, a grocery list helped me keep to a strict 2 item grocery purchase without any impulse buys. Need to find leaner cuts of meat but am doing well with my veggie intake. Fat: Prot: Carbs: 94.64g 78.42g 208.55g
  16. Yes, the kids take it to another dimension, don't they.
  17. Wow, three boys must keep you really busy. Good thing you have the magic lasso to make them tell the truth!
  18. Yup yup. Tomorrow will be better.
  19. Awesome start to the challenge by joining the gym and getting in a workout right away. Woot.
  20. Hi, Great goals. I'm a fellow food tracker as well. I'm curious about the PlantNanny App. I haven't seen that before but it sounds like an interesting way to track H2O.
  21. Hilary_W

    Rinna's Reboot

    The boot camp sounds like a powerful way to kick up the intensity. Way to go.
  22. Hilary_W

    Yraen Adjusts

    That sounds like an awesome plan and really keeps the workouts interesting. I'm tempted to try out your idea in my next challenge.
  23. Day 2, "A": 1. Play outside - took my son to the Lion's playground in town and ran into another parent with a boy the same age. The other parent and I spent over an hour taking turns chasing the kids around the park. Lots of fun. Later on my son and I biked around the block for 1/2 hour. Not enough biking to get the heart rate up but it was good to be outside and the boy liked it immensely. I'm on a break from work and my son is really happy to be getting so much Mom time. 2. Adventure - writing my origin story (thanks Steve K.) - will publish soon 3. Pushup habit DOMS paid me a visit today - triceps hurt when I tried to do pushups. I guess I forgot to warm up. Did all knee pushups 10, 10, 7 head butt from son 8, 15 = 50 any style 4. Track all food and stay away from restaurants. Today I implemented the "Make Hummus" Battle Plan in order to Slay the Munchies Dragon. Supplemented it with the "Bake Banana Bread with the kid" maneuver to have yummy treats in the house so I can stay away from coffee shops/restaurants. Banana bread has some many calories but the habit I'm working on right now is to build my skills at keeping food in the house in order to minimize impulse buys at restaurants. Later on I'll work on healthier treats at home. Tracked meals like a boss but when I saw the fat content for the day realized that Pistachio soup was probably a bad idea. It tastes good, though. Two more servings in the fridge for leftovers and then I'll say 'bye to that particular recipe. Fat: Prot: Carbs: 88.04g 60.67g 178.97g
  24. Yes, it sure is nice to get the kids involved and helps manage time, which is in such limited supply sometimes. Today I was trying to do some pushups and my little guy ran over, plopped down on the floor right beside me and head butted me. 'lil stinker.
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