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Found 15 results

  1. Hi! I have been playing with an idea for a few years and now I will like to share it as I would love to get some feedback. I have been searching for similar alternatives on the Internet and I have not been able to find something with these features (the Apple health data export format and the training center XML are maybe a bit similar, but they are substantially different). The point is that many fitness workouts (stretching routines, trainings with weights, etc.) use very few data. Actually, most of them can be simplified to this general pattern: do the exercise X for Y seconds, rest for Z seconds, and then do another exercise, until you are done. Since I started doing training with weights, I found this to be quite boring, as I had to be constantly keeping an eye on the stopwatch. So I thought that it could be a good idea to convert the workouts into a XML format so the computer/smartphone could take care of the timing and just tell me what to do. For instance, a stretching routine could be as simple as this: [...] <exercise name="Position A" description="Hold position A" time="20" /> <exercise name="Position B" description="Hold position B" time="20" /> [...] This may be an oversimplification, but I hope that the concept is clear. Storing this information could be useful in two ways: it is good for doing workouts, but also for logging what you have done. Of course, the format would be of no use unless it turns into a standard and developers are able to create tools to parse and show the data for the workouts. I really think that this is something that is missing in the fitness world. There is so much information available in the internet, but when someones decides to try a workout, it is bit of burdensome, whether the training is shown in a video or the specified in a description. Would not it be easier if someone could say "oh, I like this training. I will download it (the xml file) to play it on a "fitness player" and see if it fits me"? It would also be useful to trainers. For instance, if someone moves from a gym to another or decides to hire a trainer, it would be great to be able to say "take, this little file contains all the workouts that I have been doing in the last five years". There are also many other benefits. For instance, the workout data could contain some cues to ensure about the correct way of doing an exercises, or tips to reach a higher intensity. Apart from thinking about this, I have to say that I created a very very basic prototype (I have quite a strange habit of doing apps only for my personal use), so I would like to add that this approach is feasible. I have logged more than 5k workouts and the best part is that most of them are saved automatically, the same app that helps me do some stretching stores all the information. For instance, I have found that competing against myself is very motivating for reaching my fitness goals. Have you ever missed something similar to the format that I am suggesting? Is there something similar that I have been unable to find? Was there a similar proposal but it was a failure? If this format was generally available, would you use it? Would someone be interested in developing it? I think that this could be a step forward in the fitness world and it could leave out some of the guesswork of designing a workout routine. Wow, this has been a bit longer that I expected, but this was something that I really wanted to share. Please let know what you think about this!
  2. Hi All, I’m looking for an App that I can use on my Kindle that will allow me to make either a calendar that I can check things off daily or a to-do list that I can organize daily/ weekly/ monthly. For instance I want to make sure I remember and can check off that I brush/floss/rinse daily, but I only want to practice my lock picking 3 times a week. I do best with list that I can physically check off each task completed, but many tasks are repeated so a calendar would be useful. Does anyone know of a good app that would let me do this on Kindle
  3. Hi, friends! I know someone started a thread about this on Facebook, but I can't find it anywhere. Who's on Habitica? Has someone already started a Nerd Fitness party on there for questing?
  4. I was just wondering if any of you in the Rebellion still plays Ingress? I know it was bigger 2-3 years ago when it first came out, but I still play1 If you haven't heard of it, it's an MMORP, science fiction, GPS based augmented reality app game. I think it's really enjoyable - requires you to get out and about, because the gameplay is actually out in the world. If you're out walking or running, it's really entertaining. I always find myself taking longer running paths in the hopes of finding a new portal to unlock, and I'm amazed by all the cool historical places in my community that I never noticed before.
  5. So I have always used the Stronglifts app because it's free, functions well, and well... I was doing that program. I find as I modify more and more it becomes less and less useful. I am typing more notes as I do more stuff and the prompts annoy me. At this point I am doing 3x5 and not progressing each workout because I am really just trying to preserve muscle while losing fat. So Ideally an app would be *Free... you could't yank a greasy penny from betwixt my glutes with a tractor. * have a timer * Be simple * have charts and graphs. Any ideas?
  6. Have any of you ladies tried the NTC app? I used it today for the first time and was pleasantly surprised at the ass whooping I got. In case you're not familiar with it, it's an app developed by Nike available for free in iOS and Android (maybe Windows?). I think it's targeted to women since all the pictures and voice coaching were of females, but it could be easily appealing to men as well. Let me say that I did one workout of 30 minutes at the beginner level (with me at a decent level of fitness) and it was hardcore. What do you think? EDIT: Calm down, ladies, one at a time
  7. I am wondering what some of the favorite apps are for tracking your runs or bike rides are? I use runmeter and strava. I really like both. I love that runmeter will send my runs and biking to strava seamlessly. Great apps! What do you guys like?
  8. Do any of you run happy people do interval training? I'm looking for recommendations on interval timers to run on my android based phone. I've looked the play store but there does not seem to be a clear leader. I'm now starting to look through reviews through Google but, I thought ... what a better place to get a recommendation than from my fellow Nerds! Thanks.
  9. This is for all the folks on Nerd Fitness who are also on HabitRPG so we can get together to talk about the program and maybe form parties. http://habitrpg.com for those who have no idea what I'm talking about and want to know about the game.
  10. I've been using a fitness app called CARROT. It compatible with the iPhone healthkit, tracks weight, and has a workout routine called '7 minutes in hell.' The workout routine reminds me of the BBWW plus the workout moves are named a little nerdy. The first set of twelve workouts are free. The 'other' moves are bought in a bundle, so I don't know what most of those moves are. oylmpic jumping jacksinvisible iron thronekowtows to Cthulhu (pushups)can't get ups (crunches)mouse attacks (chair stepping)territory markers (squats)imperial butt dips (chair squats)extreme lying down (planking)ostrich escpaes (knee kicks/lifts)spear thrusts (lunges)dragon mating dances (pushup twists)tasteful modeling (side planking)others mount doom climbspirate leg liftscelebrity face punchespenny-farthingslasso of truthjetpack squatsL is for lamersdonkey kickszombie sprintsquantum step overshuman inchwormsaquamen
  11. I have little ones so making it to yoga classes isn't always worth the effort. I have started looking for Apps I can use to do yoga routines at home. I am a beginner (as in I am happy I can now touch my toes in a forward bend) but I hope to continue to increase my flexibility with daily use. Has anyone had a good experience with trying this at home? I have android and apple products (i know we are a house divided) so that shouldn't be an issue.
  12. Just started with this - basically a smartphone app where you can set any long-term goal, and then each day check in with a small, measurable step that you've taken toward achieving it. It can be as simple as a reminder to floss everyday or a 60-day pushup challenge. It also allows you to follow people and encourage them in their goals, so seems like it would be right up the alley of many people here! If anyone is interested, or is looking for buddies, I'm here!
  13. So I'm at the stage where I'm working up to making some changes to my diet - but I want to be strategic and make SMART changes. I figure tracking my current diet for a few weeks will give me enough of a background to choose what to change first. So - if you use a food+activity tracking app, which one and why? Which ones have you tried and didn't like? My criteria are it must be available on Android and it mustn't encourage me to post anything on Facebook (because, boring). Thank you in advance!
  14. Hey guys! I want to get more flexible. Because currently I'm about as flexible as a tree trunk. I can't reach my toes with my fingers when my legs are straight, for example. It's something that prevents me from taking a yoga class, for example, because I often feel like I can't even do the basic poses. I don't want that anymore. During my next challenge, I want to do more stretching exercises on those days that I don't do strength training. However - I don't even know where to start. Sure, I know those basic stretches like reaching down to touch your toes, but I want to get into a real routing that can take 30 minutes or more and not just the 10 minute beginner's yoga I do every now and then right now, or the stretching I do after lifting/working out at the gym. I want more. What helps me personally is having videos or apps that I can simply follow. It's much easier for me if there's a routine I can just join in with, that tells me what stretches to do, how long to do them, and helps me progress towards being more flexible. Now - I've looked at the play store (I have an android phone, just in case you have apps to suggest!) and I've looked at youtube and found a few things, but I'd really like the opinion of all you experts to find something neat that's what I need. Thanks in advance!
  15. Hey there, my hubby and I both have Samsung Galaxy phones (3 for him 4 for me). I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good app for weight training? Like a virtual trainer and log in one. But customizable. Hubby works 7 days on 7 days off at his job with 12 hour shifts so every other week I will be going it alone at the gym. I don't mind paying for a good app. Is JeFit worth the $6.99 or is there another one worth checking out? I'm asking here because ALL the apps seem to be rated nearly 5 stars. So there's nothing to really differentiate between them for me.
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