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  1. Heyyy, so one of the things that was kinda lost with the forum reboot was the monks' recipe superthread, and I really liked to browse it for meal ideas, so here have a new healthy meals recipe super thread! Healthy food doesn't have to be bland and boring, so toss your favorite recipes in the pot and check in for new inspiration.
  2. I don't really trust this new year. I'm not trying to punish it for what 2020 did, but I am trying to protect myself by preparing for the possibility that this year could be horrible. Absolutely horrible. Maybe wonderful at times, but... (squints in suspicion) I don't trust it yet. So I'm going to focus on exercising and eating healthy foods to keep me strong and healthy so I can enjoy all the beautiful moments that are going to happen like people sharing videos of their dogs, and new baby announcements, and the feeling of warm towels right out of the dryer, and the sound of quiet in the winter except for the crunching of snow under my feet. OH AND THE SMELL OF BAKING BREAD.. . But for the challenge...I think I'll collect recipes. Yup. That's a great start! I have a personal collection of recipes my family and I enjoy and I'd like to add some new ones to it. I encourage others to share their favorite recipes here, or just pictures of your dinner. There's something so awesome about a plate of food, isn't there? It's like more than just physical nourishment, there's community in feeding others and cooking together. So I'm going to try out some recipes and try to find at least one a week that's a keeper and goes into the family cookbook. UPDATE: I’m going to put all the shared recipes everyone brings here into a PDF cookbook for everyone to keep! I’m really excited about it. I love food and I am appreciative of this amazing group of people. Sharing recipes feels like we’re having a meal together from across the miles, and that’s magical and wonderful! ❤️🍔🍜🍩🥗❤️ HERE'S THE COOKBOOK LINK
  3. Have a question about nutrition? Post it here. Want to ask for some recipes? Yup, we'll have them. Want to just show off food porn? We in fact DEMAND it. And ask that you're prepared to show the recipe. Eat up, Monks!
  4. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  5. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  6. Hi everyone! I realized that I tend to by the same things every time I go to the store, win! But there's a point to it, I'm not sure what to do with all of this heathy food! Loss! I have around 20 items and I need help creating recipes that would be easy to meal plan with. I'll leave the list below, thanks! P.S also any way you can help me with budgeting all this would be greatly appreciated! I'm a poor college student now! Protein 1. Whole Eggs: cage free 2. Any of these could be in my kitchen, Lean Meats: Chicken, turkey, lean cuts of pork (like tenderloin), beef, along with wild game (buffalo, venison, elk, ostrich, rabbit) if I want something different. 3. Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies can help to increase mood during my long shifts and stressful calls. Likewise depends on week 4. Fermented Soy: This produces natural antibiotic agents to increase the body’s resistance to infections. Legumes 5. Beans: Small red beans, kidney beans, chick peas, and black beans depending on what's available for cheap, it's in bulk. 6. Lentils: Low in calories and perfect for reducing the chances of heart disease. Bulk Vegetables 7. Tomatoes: They can help with connective tissue strength and even help to improve vision. Get 8 8. Spinach: Packed with Vitamin K, which contributes to building stronger bones. Buy a box or two 9. Cruciferous Vegetables: Packing your plate at the firehouse with broccoli, cabbage cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts will leave you feeling fuller longer in-between meals. Steamfresh if possible Fruits 10. Avocados: Studies have shown that avocadoes can reduce cholesterol and even help you burn fat. Bag 11. Citrus Fruits: Oranges and grapefruit Bag it and tag it when available 12. Berries: Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and cranberries Frozen Starches and whole grains 13. Sweet Potatoes and Yams: These act as your body’s storage tank for energy. You better have just the right amount of energy if you’re going to be fighting a fire. A few lbs 14. Quinoa: High in protein, but more importantly, high in riboflavin, which has been shown to reduce the frequency of migraines. If there's someone who deals with enough migraines, it's emergency workers. Bag and tag 15. Amaranth: A great solution to having more fiber since it contains three times more than wheat. Bag and tag Heathy fats 16. Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, and pistachios can all help reduce inflammation and even lead to a better mood and mental process. Can also be eaten in nut butter form. Bulk it 17. Seeds: Flax, hemp, chia, and pumpkin all contain good fats that help you feel fuller for longer. Bulk 18. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: This is high in antioxidants and the healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help to control your cholesterol. Drinks 19. Water: Water makes up approximately 70% of our body I carry around a gallon of water while I'm at work, especially on hot days when your uniform and gear will cause you to lose more water than normal. 20. Green Tea: A chemical in green tea called EGCG can help lower cortisol (your stress hormone) and increase your immune system after long shifts.
  7. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  8. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  9. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  10. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  11. Since my diagnosis with diabetes at the age of eleven, my own diet has changed dramatically. I maintain my current healthy weight with a great diet/eating plan. If you do plan on losing more than about a stone in weight then I would visit your doctor for more tips on how to do this without risk. I've had diabetes for seven years now, but to tell you that how I maintain weight is perfect would be totally wrong of me. However, I can advise you to follow my steps because I know what works and what doesn't. Before I really begin I must also say that I have been brought up by great parents who taught me to eat everything, and so I do! If there is something that you don't like, there are loads of other diabetic recipes and ideas that you will eat and appreciate. I am a university student and I like to buy fresh and organic produce from where I live. I believe that this is important because it can be the most good for your body and contain more nutrients and vitamins than most supermarket produce. I like to source food from my fortnightly farmers market in town, which sells amazing meat and dairy produce and fresh in season fruit and vegetables. This is another important thing to remember, that eating fruit and vegetables in their season means that they will taste better as well as doing you good. I have a lot of influence from Western European cuisine (mainly France and Italy) as you will tell, but I do not profess to be a chef and everything is easy to make and very convenient. I have read countless diet books and diabetic recipe/diet books, and I came to a conclusion that I think really works. I fused all the good things from the diets (but not from every diet) and sort of put together my own one. I call this my Juvenile Diabetes Healthy Diet! The "rules" that I would lay down are as follows: 1. Cut back on snacks and then change the type of snacks you eat. Certainly my biggest downfall although it wasn't really apparent to me. When I first started at University, I had little or no routine which meant that filling my day was difficult and popping into the kitchen for a snack, no matter how healthy it felt, was a regular occurence. This is one of the hardest things to do for some people, but establishing a great routine is essential to great diabetes care. The types of snacks to be eating are unsalted nuts, dried unsweetened fruit, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables (I love fresh red pepper and cucumber), dark chocolate (richer and nicer and you only want 2 squares usually). 2. Cut back on white flour and embrace wholemeal carbs. This is the most essential part of your diet, and the thing that can show the biggest increase in loss of weight. Some diets in fact jsut focus on this point, and are very successful. Wholemeal (especially stoneground wholemeal) is so good for you and has so much more flavour in it that switching is much easier than you think. Most people are really surprised at the ranges you can get in you supermarket, again remember that the bread that is best for you is the one that is freshest with least perservatives or added ingredients. Also, brown or basmati rice is great with a lovely nutty texture. Wholemeal pasta is great and for your potatoes I would totally recommend the smaller new potatoes. 3. Stop drinking cocktails, start drinking wine. Cocktails are full of sugar, colourants and preservatives. As a student I have had loads of practice at going out and not drinking cocktails, so my drink of choice is Malibu and Diet Coke if I feel I have to drink something and I make it last all night. I can then top up with Diet Coke (which has almost no sugar in it) and it looks as though I am drinking Malibu, who is to know. If you are out at a restaurant, red wine is much better than anything else you can order, (except water of course!) and it has been proven that the anti-oxidants in red wine are great for keeping a healthy heart. The recommended amount is one glass a day with your evening meal. 4. Start cooking more fruit and vegetables. Fresh fruit and vegetables are a great way to get all the vitamins and minerals you need. And there are so many different ways in which to cook vegetables, but I find that raw is the best followed closely by steamed. Both of these ways preserve all their natural goodness as well. I will follow this post with another diabetes recipes post. 5. Drink more water. I know you have heard people say this many times before, but the benefits of drinking more water are endless. A few tips on how to get more water into your day are firstly to put bottles of water at all the places you go in the house or work. So keep one in your desk, on your desk, a glass in the kitchen, the bedroom, the sitting room, etc. Try and drink all these glasses up and you will be well on your way to 8 glasses a day. The trick is to add a glass every few days or so, if you try to drink all that water in one go you won't be so inclined to drink 8 glasses again, trust me! Have a go, it's amazing how great you will feel. i recommend this cookbook for u if u want healthy delicious food : Here
  12. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  13. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  14. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. This is what we like to call the trading post. This is the place where Adventurers and guests can gather for general chat and for trading ideas, motivation, music, and stories of your adventures.    If you're new to the Adventurers or here as a guest,welcome to our guild and please introduce yourself. The guild leaders are @Teros, @Sylvaa, and @WolfDreamer, so please feel free to message one of us if you have questions about the guild and the forum. Also feel free to post recipes and food pr()n pictures of what you've made.
  15. Welcome to the Feast Hall! This is the place to share recipe ideas or if you tried an amazing meal and just want to share the experience with your fellow Adventurers, post about it here!
  16. Welcome to the Feast Hall! This is the place to share recipe ideas or if you tried an amazing meal and just want to share the experience with your fellow Adventurers, post about it here!
  17. Welcome to the Feast Hall! This is the place to share recipe ideas or if you tried an amazing meal and just want to share the experience with your fellow Adventurers, post about it here!
  18. Welcome to the Feast Hall! This is the place to share recipe ideas or if you tried an amazing meal and just want to share the experience with your fellow Adventurers, post about it here!
  19. Welcome to the Feast Hall! This is the place to share recipe ideas or if you tried an amazing meal and just want to share the experience with your fellow Adventurers, post about it here!
  20. THAT DONT INCLUDE CHICKEN BREAST, STEAK, OR ZOODLES. Not that there's anything wrong with those things, but Holy Pinterest, I need some variety. And walking around money.
  21. How auspicious that @Sylvaa poked me the same day the new challenge starts! I will be back later to actually post my challenge.
  22. I'm trying to learn more recipes that I can introduce into my diet. I've tended to eat whatever is convenient, and feel the best way to manage nourishment is to take greater charge of it. Right now, I'm making lots of frittatas until I've mastered that recipe. Once I've burnt out on those, though, I'm not sure what to move onto. I want to dodge dairy (which my system hates), simple carbs, and most cereal grains (with oatmeal being the real exception for me). Based on these parameters, what recipes / meals would you suggest trying to master? I want them to be simple enough that I can pick them up quickly, cook them within 20 minutes or so, and get comfortable with them over the course of a single challenge.
  23. Got a "new to me" pressure cooker the other day ($7, thank goodwill). So far I've done a pork shoulder (carnitas style), beef necks bones (kinda like roast) , and chicken quarters ("curry"). I'm wonder if anyone else has any good pressure cooker recipes? I'm loving this thing just want to find more recipes/thoughts. Our house is gluten free (as much as possible) and wife is allergic to dairy.
  24. despite the name of the challenge, things are actually going fairly well this year, fitness-wise. and now i kind of want to play basketball... overarching goals? i'd like to reduce body fat, get stronger, and compete in a powerlifting competition this year. Goal 1. Nutrition carry over Make at least one fun recipe each weekend I’m home (that’s 3 this challenge) Pack enough snacks for work For the weekend I’m away, 30 burpees new stuff No work goodies 3 out of 5 work days per week (12 goodie-free days) No alcohol March 21st through April 13th… this is a spur of the moment new flexible goal. we’ll see. If anything else it’ll make me count my drinks consumed during this time frame. Goal 2. Cardio 10 cardio sessions. 2-3/week. Goal 3. Weights 12 weight-lifting sessions, 3/week. currently working through 5/3/1 Goal 4. Yoga At least 60 minutes/week, 3 days/week (240 mins; 12 days) let's get after it
  25. First off - challenge spreadsheet here! Keeping things kind of simple, but I think these are some good goals, and would be helpful habits to get into (keep into, in the case of my step goal). Goal 1: 15k steps work days/10k steps other days Last challenge, I just went with the default 12k every day goal I have set on my fitbit. I decided to increase the goal for work days, because I'm very active on work days. I lowered it on weekends, because I really struggled to hit 12k, and I don't want to step a goal that is unrealistic to attain. The plan is to increase again next challenge (maybe something like 17k work days, 12k other days). Goal 2: 5 new recipes The last two challenges, I've had goals about how many different dinners (instead of repeats, leftovers, or takeout) in the four weeks. I started at 15, then I did 20. What I learned is that with a three person household, it's really hard for me to not have at least one (usually two) leftover nights a week. My freezer would fill up so fast. And... eating leftovers isn't really a bad thing. Eating out? Yeah, I am still trying to avoid that. But, I do want to continue to encourage my cooking creativity and to grow my skills as a cook, so over the course of this challenge I will make at least five new recipes. Goal 3: leafy greens 3x week I've noticed that while I eat a ton of veggies, I don't eat a lot of leafy greens, and I know they have lots of health benefits. I also know that the weeks I increase them, I seem to feel better. So this challenge I will eat them at least three days a week. Goal 4: Turn off TV at bedtime Honestly, this will be my hardest challenge goal. I have a LOT of trouble falling asleep. I typically either have something playing on my TV or laptop to fall asleep to. It helps to distract my brain away from thinking. Well, the last few weeks this has shifted into me staying up way too late because I get too interested in what is on the TV/laptop. So for this challenge I will work on turning the stuff off and just falling asleep.
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