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    • Feeling off is such an off-putting and annoying feeling. I am sorry you are going through that.       Glad to hear Bronze is more like herself ❤️ What a sweetie. 
    • Thanks!      It felt like such a game changer.     Yes!  Observing the feeling is part of the mindfulness, too.  When I mention the 12 breaths, it goes: Observe your breath for 3 breaths Observe your breath and your thoughts for 3 breaths Observe your breath, your thoughts, and your body for 3 breaths Observe your breath, thoughts, body, and the world around you for 3 breaths. You don't try to change any of those sensations, just observe them, but most of the time, just going through the steps is very grounding.     I tried it this morning and it worked a treat!  I have a beanie with a tiny bit of brim, so I could pull it down over my eyes without it being too tight on my eyelids.  I went back to sleep for another 2-3 hours, it was great.  It did fall off at some point, but it didn't matter.   Looks sort of like this (not me)
    • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC7Bb1P8AbLw0qmstolsNs7K9g8plSaXB&jct=YdiDjAzbU_NuBnyNNqnjnjdFyXlGKA   Hopefully that link works to share my random playlist. It has chair workouts... theres a variety but the themes are mobility, stretching, zumba, and tai chi. Mr.R was also given some exercises he could do from the chiro to help strengthen his back because he is constantly tweaking it. I remember bed bugs being on the list but I will need to go look and I will share what they are with you.   Loving the colour choices! My favourite so far is the green-ish silver (last one you posted). A trick my sister uses is when she goes over the skin is she uses a small paint brush with nail polish remover to remove it from the skin and tidy up.    I found some tidying tips while helping my mom. If you don't need them feel free to ignore them - go through on first glance and grab anything garbage or recycling related and deal with it first - next group everything into different piles based on category (ie. art supplies, paperwork, clothes, kitchen, etc).  - go through your pile once you gathered everything for it and you have 3 seconds to make a decision.. if you can't decide yes or no within 3 seconds then its an automatic keep.. you move on to the next item - afterwards you take your category pile and give it a designated home and put it away    If you can't separate everything into piles then I find it helpful to do 1 surface or box a day too.    The progress on your living room is really good!      P.S. the flag waiving was mesmerizing! Great job
    • Week 4 Weekend 1 mile hike courtesy of SAR. I decided not to try to get more miles later because my hip has been having issues and towards the end of the week it seemed worse. It seems somewhat better this morning, but I'm not sure if that's because it's actually getting better or if I just didn't do much over the weekend.
    • Busy busy!   Friday was a fun morning with 4 inches of rain in less than an hour. A lot of roads got closed off due to flooding! We survived, though. Got breakfast with the kiddos and then groceries for the week. Then fairly lazy day otherwise. We didn't work out Friday and I'm so glad that was the case since Saturday's 5k "trail run" ended up more like a mud run (running through creeks, climbing boulders, cannonball into the river, and continue running the trail). It was one of those situations that before the run we were all dreading running in soaked clothes/shoes but at the end of the run, we all enjoyed it and want to do it again next year if it comes back around. Also on Saturday, we traded in our Tahoe because it broke. Again. Our warranty was about to end and these are big issues (motor mounts, stability bars. We've replaced the motor mounts twice already and we think its cracking already again) so we wanted to get rid of it. Especially since the family is getting smaller (the oldest stepson is out of the house, stepdaughter has decided not to come back next summer and we don't get them spring break) and the fuel mileage in the Tahoe wasn't much better than the truck - the new car is much better and still fits everyone for this summer and definitely next summer when it's just us and one kiddo. Sunday we went to T and Kers for their daughter's/our Goddaughter's birthday (which was Saturday) and food. Can't believe she's already 8! Their son/our Godson turns 6 on the 17th when we are at the beach (the day before the Man's birthday) so the beach trip is like a birthday trip for the two kids and the Man as well as Father's day for T and the Man.   Back to the gym today and boy it was rough. Still quite sore from the 5k and it was leg day. Ouchies. I maintained my weights/reps/sets from last week so I'm quite happy.   Food was iffy all weekend. Friday my macros were all over but my Coach was proud how I bounced back Saturday. Saturday wasn't perfect, but I at least tried. Sunday I was much much better and I even enjoyed birthday cake. Coach dropped my calories and macros a slight bit more (50cals, lowered carb a bit) but said this is the lowest she feels comfortable taking me before we start moving back up into maintenance before another cut due to how active I am (between workouts and steps).  I figured out how to switch my food tracking on the app to pull from MyFitnessPal (its easier for me to create recipes and get more accurate macros) so I'll be pre-planning this week's dinners on that and adjusting breakfasts and lunches either the evening before or the morning of to ensure I'm getting as close as possible. The beach is in less than 2 weeks now (12 days!) so I want to drop the bloat from this weekend and keep it off/lose some more fat. Coach changes my macros every other week so I'm guessing I'll be at these lower macros for this week and next week, including the first 2 days of the beach (travel down Saturday and then all day Sunday). If that's the case, she might raise them that Monday for me since that will maintain our pattern perfectly. This means I have about 2 weeks at these lower macros (assuming I continue to feel okay on them) to drop before I'm in my swimsuit. I'm definitely not where I want to be by any means, but I'm feeling and looking better than I did before so it's progress. I'd love to be closer to my goal body (strength and bodyfat) by our trip in October. It'd be a great gift for me to feel fully comfortable and confident and strong in my body.   I'm slacking horribly on meditation and Greet the Day. I missed coffee intentions this morning as I was helping stepdaughter cook her breakfast while I made a new recipe for the Man and I (it's meh). I need to pull my weekly Tarot and on Thursday I have the New Moon.   I'm a couple days late - I do apologize ( @Sovalis) MONTHLY CINNAMON! I did manage that, at least!   Alright, not much else to report on here. I need to get some work done so I'll try to be better about check ins 🙂
    • This reminds me of a time at my old barn where there were 1000s of wittle fresh baby frogs in the horses field. Everywhere you looks there were so many! They were tiny and could fit on the tip of your finger. SO CUTE. I felt bad though cause obviously they were also getting squished probably and once the water dried out they would lose their pond because it was actually just a giant puddle we called "the mini lake".   I love the shell mood tracker ❤️ how beautiful. It makes my soul want to go to the beach and jump in the lake. 
    • Happy to say feet are no worse for wear from all the dancing I did. There might be hope for my mud run with WInnie after all haha. Sadly my phone didn't pick up a workout from the dancing in my fitness app but it did say I got 9.3k steps that day.    Overall right now I have been teetering on neutral feelings tipping ever so slightly towards bleh but I am trying to stay optimistic. I have been doing a lot of self reflecting lately and dealing with not really liking who I am as a person sometimes and I am trying to figure out who I want to be. I believe this has been brought on by the weight gain, unemployment, watching Survivor and thinking about how I would react in certain situations and helping my mom go through her things. Some things I have issues with are I really suck at being consistent and following through. I lack discipline and willpower. I don't like being the biggest person in the room and the one finishing my full plate of food before everyone else who maybe is struggling to finish theirs. I don't like that I can't seem to tell myself no and my body is struggling for it. I tend to avoid uncomfortable situations like telling people when they annoy me or I think they are being unreasonable/unfair because it is easier for me than interjecting myself in those situations. I lack tact in some situations or say things I don't really need to. I struggle making deep and meaningful connections. I just feel very aware of a lot of things about myself at once and I used to just be the happy person and I rarely feel that way anymore.    So yah thats kind of where my mind is right now. I am trying to combat those feelings without dismissing them but I don't know if I will be able to win that battle while I am still unemployed and not making consistent progress towards my weight loss and goals.    Anyways challenge business... today I am looking at job postings and working on my tamagotchi. Mr.Rs back is out again so if I can manage to make an appointment for him then I will be driving him to that.  Roomy is making bbq chicken, rice and cucumber + tomato salad for dinner.     
    • 30 sumo squats - 🐝  (replaced the 2x10 semi-assisted one-leg squats in my workout with this)
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