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Hulkine and the final touch

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On 6/10/2019 at 5:30 PM, Arkania said:



On 6/10/2019 at 5:30 PM, Arkania said:

Liebes Kind


On 6/10/2019 at 5:30 PM, Arkania said:

The Hate U Give


On 6/10/2019 at 5:30 PM, Arkania said:

Das Leben ist zu kurz für später


On 6/10/2019 at 5:30 PM, Arkania said:

Erfolgreich gegen Depression und Angst


No order.



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List of books (52)

1. Engel des Todes  (1.1.)

2. Wunder und Rätsel der menschlichen Psyche (1.1.)

3. Vom Schweden, der die Welt einfing und in seinem Rucksack nach Hause brachte (4.1.)

4. Die Stadt der wilden Götter

5. Der kleine Buddha entdeckt die Kraft der Veränderung

6. Das Leben ist zu kurz für später

7. Wie viel verrückt ist noch normal?

8. Die Affenpfote

9. Durchbruch: 45 inspirierende Geschichten

10. Der Ernährungskompass

11. Mindflow

12. Wie ich vom Weg abkam, um nicht auf der Strecke zu bleiben

13. Fatum

14. 12 einfache Gewohnheit, die Ihr Leben sofort verbessern

15. 30min: Intro, Extro oder Zentro?

16. Im nächsten Leben ist es zu spät (Audio Book)

17. Wo stehe ich und wo geht es jetzt hin?

18. Der Unsichtbare

19. Hypochonder

20. Nerdmännchen

21. Die Känguruh Apokryphen

22. Lass mich die Nacht überleben

23. The Hate U Give

24. Die vergitterte Welt

25. 9 1/2 perfekte Morde

26. Panikattacken und andere Angststörungen

27. Erfolgreich gegen Depression und Angst

28. Essanfälle adé

29. Man könnte einfach mal nichts tun

30. Keine Zeit für Arschlöcher

31. Angst vor Krankheit

32. How to murder your life

33. Ein deutsches Mädchen

34. Mini habits

35. Mini habits weight loss

36. Das Heim

37. Hasenjagd

38. Automatisch abnehmen

39. Liebes Kind

40.  Sex on the moon

41. 4h work week

42. Meine Trauer wird dich finden

43. Unbox your life

44. Unverkäuflich!

45. Vegan for fit

46. Crossfit: Drop fat

47. Hungerstoffwechsel

48. Das Porzellanmädchen

49. Glückskinder

50. Safari des Lebens

51. Das Wunschspiel

52. Vom 24h Dienst zum Leben aus dem Koffer

53. Nur ein Jahr (Aussteigen mal anders 1)

54. Gottlos

55. Jetzt erst recht (Aussteigen mal anders 2)

56. Jeder mag Äpfel (Aussteigen mal anders 3)

57. Cupido

58. Eine Weltreise ins Glück

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I needed some RL the last weeks and still need it to get the business going ((Job is bad as always, I want to quit latest in May 2020. I will accept knowingly that I will be blocked for a while at the unemployment benefit. however, i still want to take the annual bonus with me next year. After that I will quit. Have some free time, come down, change my life).

And needed some time to think. Re-think my life. Talk to some people. Digital Detox. Doing sports. Read a lot. Learn to love my body again.

And I think I need more of that. A lot more RL, a lot less digital stuff and procrastination.

So I am not sure when I will post again but I will :)

Maybe after the 3 week vacation in July/August. When I am "refreshed".


Have a good time until then!



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On 6/20/2019 at 5:34 PM, Arkania said:

And I think I need more of that. A lot more RL, a lot less digital stuff and procrastination.


You do you! Take care of yourself and congrats on planning the big step. :)


  • Thanks 1

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Hey, hello, how are you? :)

I think it's time to come back again.

I was on vacation for 3 weeks (2 weeks in south france to chill) and now I am back again, all motivated. Funny how some vacation helps to get energy back.

I have a lot of plans for the next weeks/months (as always ;) ) and I am about to plan all the stuff. Will post it here. Thought about directly getting back to the challenges here, but I think I'll wait until the next one.


How's it going with your projects @all?

Maybe you could give me a quick overview what happened to you in the past months because I am sure I can't read all the stuff that was posted :D

But will follow your threads from now on again!


Greetings :love_heart:

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Project 1: Less is more

7 is not a nice number. I like even numbers. Or ten steps. But well, it's seven weeks until my Health Check.
So: 7 weeks, 7kg.
Because: At the last health check I was about 7kg lighter and at ~24% body fat and was called a "trained firefighter". And the less weight, the easier sport etc., we all know all the reasons.
This time I don't want to have the check worse than 3 years ago.
6 weeks I am now also am without my bf, i.e. I am more flexible with the meals and with the sport.
I have already made plans, I will change them (bi)weekly.
Starting with the "Mini Cut" ((from Jasper Caven) over "Automatisch Abnehmen" (Lose weight automatically) (Dr. Dotzauer) and the Zone Diet (Crossfit) I will check how it works. Maybe also a week of HSD, we'll see.
Since I want to test the Urban Sports Club, I will do sports pretty much every day. I already have a meal plan. I guess the average consumption for the whole sport-stuffed days is 2500kcal minimum per day.
17500 - 9900 = 7600 deficit, so almost 1kg weight loss, should work. In addition more or less a lot of LC, so probably also a good kg of water gone.


Starting tomorrow:
Sun - Crossfit
Mon - USC swimming pool or bouldering
Tue - Crossfit
Wed - USC Yoga
Thu - (Freeletics, if no cinema)
Fri - Crossfit
Sat - USC Fitti (Bodytec)
Sun - USC Fitti (Sportlife)


Kcal next week:
Mon - 1200 (IFm)*
Tue - 1200
Wed - 1700 (IFa)*
Thu - 1200 (IFm)*
Fri - 1200
Sat - 1700 (IFa)*
Sun - 1700 (IFa)*

*IF= Intermittend Fasting; a=evening, m=mornings

Food plan basically consists of scrambled eggs + salmon, salad with protein (mostly smoked tofu), vegetables with chicken, Harzer cheese, protein shake and protein pudding. Calories left can be replenished as desired.

Will post the starting weight on Monday, currently still so much water from the mosquito bites and allergy.....


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On 8/17/2019 at 10:17 AM, Arkania said:

Hey, hello, how are you? :)

I think it's time to come back again.


Hallo! Nice to have you back :)


I have pretty much dropped everything NF related, except for the Intuitive Eating group. Right now I don't feel the need to do a challenge, but maybe when things go back to normal - kids back to school, vacation over etc - maybe then I'll do a challenge again.

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Hey there, glad to see you here and pep'd up!


On 8/17/2019 at 10:17 AM, Arkania said:

How's it going with your projects @all?

Maybe you could give me a quick overview what happened to you in the past months because I am sure I can't read all the stuff that was posted :D


I've just read some of my older posts and I can safely say: "Same old, same old". Piling battles upon battles until I finally reach the edge of the forest and see some light. You can basically take things up from here and you'll catch up quickly enough.


Take care, enjoy each day and don't fret over following too many threads too quickly if it takes you away from living and telling your own adventures. ;)

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Hey, thank you :)

A lot going on at the moment.

My "side hustle" (at least one, may be more in the next weeks), hate my actual job as always :D

A lot of reading, read 85 books this year so far. Tried skillshare and want to learn a lot more there, sports 6-7x a week (3x Crossfit).

Lost 1.4kg last week (baaaad vacation :D) that's nice. Thinking about 5kg, that may be enough.

Thinking about posting weekly here and have a look at your threads :)

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Sure :)
The first one is the nutrition coach stuff. So I created some packages for clients and my test clients will test them in September. Already created a website, but this needs to be filled.

Next side hustles maybe: online courses, writing a book, selling stuff on etsy, life coaching, blogging, maybe game design and there's a lot more I am interested in and might turn into a side hustle :D

I'm really excited!

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Sounds amazing! It's great to see your motivation going on your side hustling adventures.


On 8/27/2019 at 4:17 PM, Arkania said:

Already created a website

Link?  :)

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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20 hours ago, Jean said:

Sounds amazing! It's great to see your motivation going on your side hustling adventures.


Link?  :)


It's not up yet :D

Will link it when published.

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Some breaking news. After a(nother) breakdown 2 weeks ago I finally found a therapist (called on monday, appointment today) and now I finally got a diagnosis:

Moderate depressive episode, recommendation for at least 6 weeks on sick leave (he can do that) then take a look, maybe more than 6 weeks. PRescribed an antidepressant and "sleeping pills" (another antidepressant with side effect = tired). Have an appointment every 2 weeks. But managed to start to plan my skillshare course last week.

So, not sure what to do with it now, but that's how it is :)

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While that's a terrible situation to be in, that's actually good news: the sick leave could allow you to focus on yourself, leaving everything else behind because, you know, getting better is the whole point of it. If you can manage to let the work go and focus on doing what brings you joy or a sense of satisfaction this could allow you to build yourself up sturdier and shinier than ever.


Don't be afraid to rest and let go, too often do we make ourselves more miserable than needs be by clinging to trying to be kind of somewhat well when a good dip at the bottom of the lonesome freezing night could allow us to reconcile with our feelings. Crying is part of the healing process.

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Forgot the most important part: depression is what you're going through but don't let it fool you: you are awesome!


Take care.

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Hey guys,


it has been a while :)
A lot of ups and downs the last weeks, I am on sick leave since end of August, still depression/burn out (who would have thought...? :D )

But it's getting better. Stillt aking no meds, side effects are to scaring. But I finally got an appointment at work for a "company integration management" conversation with HR and my boss.

It's in the mid of Jan but that's ok, they have a lot to do with transfer of operations (one division will be dissolved end of the year) and remaining days of vacation in December.

I will talk about the future work then and how it has to be changed so that I am not getting sick again.

I will get into work again with the "Hamburger Model", that means I start for the first weeks with 4hrs a day, then 6, then full again. Talked to my therapist and we will expand this model to about 2 or 3 months.

After that it's hopefully end of April and I can quit my job :D (need my bonus which will be paid end of april for my debt). Then 3 months period of notice (maybe we will talk about a cancellation agreement) and after that I am finally free :D

Haven't done a lot the last weeks besides sport, reading a lot and (more or less) chillin, but today morning I thougt about you and this forum and that I miss it, so I am coming back to say hello.

Thinking about participating in the next challenge but until then I will have an end-year-check and think about the stuff I want to do the next 45 days until I may have to work again.


How are you doing?

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So nice to hear from you! Too bad you're not feeling great ? But I'm happy you have someone professional to talk to about it. 4 h per day seems like a lot to start with. Standard here Sweden is 10 hours per week after burn out. So 2 h per day, or 4 + 4 + 2 or however works best for you.


If you don't want to commit to a challenge, feel free to just drop random updates in this thread for now ☺️


Take care and rest a lot ? ?️

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