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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 8.5 Hrs

Weight: 246.2 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



6:00am - Coffee

8:00am - Greek yogurt

11:00am - Salmon, broccoli, pasta, coffee

3:00pm - 1/2 PB Sandwich, coffee

6:30pm - chicken, veggies, rice

8:00pm - Scoop of Peanut Butter



Cardio - Elliptical

Strength - Conditioning



Babbel - 0 :(



Personal - 0 :(

Professional - 0 :(


Notes: Trying some fasted cardio. To be honest I heard Henry Cavill does it, so if it’s good enough for him it’s good enough for me:


Also focusing on meal planning, working on purposeful eating and portion control. I think if I can nail that down along with the exercise I should start to see some more incremental changes in my energy levels and on the scale.


Day 3 of the DadBodKiller Circuit:

Round 1 - 18:30


Shaved about 4 minutes off Day 2, not as big an increase as last time going from 40 minutes to 22, but not bad. Happy to see my body adapting to the challenge. Crazy how in under 20 minutes I can be absolutely gassed, exhausted and drenched in sweat.


Another day gone with no work on my language or reading goals. Work has been go go go, so haven’t had been able to take the time during the day. Tomorrow looks better and goal is to get back to it then.


Daily Music Motivation:

DJ Khalil - Elevate


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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 244.4 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



6:00am - Coffee

8:00am - Greek yogurt

12:00pm - Salmon, broccoli, pasta, coffee

3:30pm - 1/2 PB Sandwich, coffee

6:30pm - chicken, salad, potatoes

8:00pm - Scoop of Peanut Butter



Cardio - Treadmill

Strength - Legs/Obliques



Babbel - 0 :(

Podcast - 1 Hour



Personal - 0 :(

Professional - 0 :(


Notes:  Made the decision today that watching Anime during cardio might not be as beneficial as focusing on my language goals, so started listening to a Spanish learning podcast during my morning cardio instead. Adulting…


I may switch to watching shows in Spanish as part of my morning cardio once I have more proficiency, so I have that to look forward to. Naruto en español!


So….little to no language or reading happened this week aside from the addition of Spanish podcasts during my morning cardio. I think I’m going to have to start getting up earlier and prioritize my goals before anything else in the day or it won’t happen. 5am wake-up’s here I come. Ooooof…

I know if I want to make exceptional changes I have to make exceptional changes. One little consistent change at a time I’m seeing the difference.


Daily Music Motivation:
Migos - Is you ready:


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9 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

5am wake-up’s here I come. Ooooof…


Oh boy, 5am's hard. Good luck. 

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 244.8 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



6:00am - Coffee

8:00am - Greek Yogurt

11:00am - Loaded Chicken potato, salad

1:30pm - Coffee

3:00pm - Cereal, blueberries, coffee

6:30pm - Tacos (so many tacos), beans, apple juice



Cardio - Elliptical

Strength - Chest/Triceps/Lower Back



Babel - 1 Lesson

Podcast - 45 Min

Conversation - Confirmed and Scheduled



Meditations - 5 min

Personal - 1/2 Chapter

Professional - 1/2 Chapter


Notes: Woke up at 5am but took a good hour to get out of bed. Step in the right direction.



Rough weekend, had a depressive episode from my bipolar. Really overdid it with some activities on Saturday plus changing my sleeping schedule really knocked me for a loop. The medication definitely helps but every once in a while I have these episodes that remind me I still have this disease and have to be mindful of it.


The thing that probably most got me down is we went to see another house (looking at becoming home owners). The market in North Texas is just so crazy right now you have to have a sizable chunk of cash to bid over down payment and asking price, a chunk which we don’t have yet. Gone are the days of just buying a house at the price posted or negotiating down. The other option is to go with a new build which will cost  nearly double what we wanted to spend. All this means instead of moving in the spring we may be staying in our apartment for the next year to couple of years while we continue to save up. Whole thing got me really down.


I’m better with it now and just have to trust that the timing isn’t right. Fortunately there is no big rush to move right now and we can afford to take our time, still sucks though. Housing here has gone up by nearly 30% (an extra $100k on most houses) in the last year which is just crazy. Oh well, as some friends of mine like to say, “acceptance is the answer”.


Did better in the reading and Spanish front today. I also made the commitment to do a short conversation in Spanish once a day with my parents (who are both fluent). I have a pretty good vocabulary and understand a lot but I get super anxious when I actually have to speak or hold a conversation. Hopefully this kind of daily practice will help alleviate that. Still makes me uncomfortable for the time being.

I guess that’s the price of growth.

On the upside I got some new laces in for my lifting shoes (came with a busted lace), got red to match the accents on my gloves:



As Dion Sanders said - “If you look good, you feel good, If you feel good, you play good…” ?


On to tomorrow.


Daily Music Motivation:

Konata Small - Ruckus


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5 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

what time do you normally wake up? Maybe baby steps it to 5am? 

I don’t really have a normal wake up time right now, which is probably not healthy. I wake up anywhere between 7am and 11am on weekends and between 5am and 6am in the weekdays. I think I need to just pick a time and get up consistently at that time.


thanks! ?? ?

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 244.4 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



4:30am - Coffee

6:00am - Greek Yogurt

12:00pm - Loaded Chicken potato, veggies, chips, coffee

3:00pm - Apple tart, coffee

5:30pm - Egg white beef burrito, sparkling water



Cardio - Treadmill

Strength - Conditioning



Babel - 1 Lesson

Podcast - 45 Min

Conversation - 20 min



Meditations - 10 min

Personal - 1/2 Chapter

Professional - 1/2 Chapter


Notes: Out of bed at 4:30am today (Woo!). Rough times but got it done. In the gym by 5am and out by 6am ready for the day.


Felt like going back to sleep by 8am but pushed through. Hopefully that will get better with time.


Starting to find that I get full much faster. May need to listen to my body and taper back on the amount that I’m eating (or rather over eating). One more thing to tweak as the week progresses. My target is to lose 1.5 to 2.5 lbs per week and so far I haven’t made any real progress despite exercising quite a bit. 


Got started with my Spanish conversations today. Working with my Dad who is a stickler for pronunciation, tenses, grammar, and repetition which is all helpful. Thankfully we are keeping to simple, slow communication, which good for me at this point.


DadBodKiller Circuit Day 4:

Round 1 - 16:30

Round 2 - Incomplete, Got to exercise 8


Feeling good enough today to start building on the second round of the circuit. Got a little more than halfway through and body just wouldn’t move any further. Thus is the terrible beauty of this circuit. Pretty happy with this being my 4th try at this though.


Trying something different with evenings, my last MMA coach recommended cutting complex carbs after 5pm when I was trying to cut weight (still can eat all the vegetables I want) to encourage my body to utilize existing fuel (fat) as I go into the evening. Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad found these cool wraps made out of egg whites that taste like tortillas but with no carbs (Egglife original egg white wraps in case anyone wants to know). Ended up using them to make a low/no carb burrito for dinner, along with a Liquid Death (sparkling water in a pretty cool can) for a pretty healthy dinner option:


Will see how it effects the scales tomorrow.


Daily Music Motivation:

 Tedashii - Get Out My Way:


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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 242.0 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



6:00am - Coffee

8:00am - Greek Yogurt

11:00pm - Egg white veggie omelette, cereal, blueberries, coffee

3:00pm - 1/2 PB & Honey Sandwich, coffee

6:00pm - Pork Chops, veggies



Cardio - Elliptical 

Strength - Back/Biceps/Abs



Babel - 1 Lesson

Podcast - 50 Min

Conversation - 30 min



Meditations - 5 min

Personal - 1/2 Chapter

Professional - 1/2 Chapter


Notes: Still finding a middle ground on sleep. With all the exercise I’m finding it tough to get by on 7-8 hours so upping it to 9-10 hours and will try waking up at 6am. I once heard of a trainer to the stars (specifically for super hero movies) that made part of his contract that his trainees would get 9-10 hours of sleep per night.


Prepping for a 6 hour work call tomorrow and Friday in the mornings (in addition to my regular work day) so going to be doubling up workouts in the afternoons. Curious to see how that goes as far as having the energy to get through it as well as if I’ll be able to keep up the steady weight loss. Have 2lbs to go before Monday to get back on track for the month so far . We’ll see how things go.


Realtor got back to us on a new house build that is surprisingly reasonable price wise and looks like a good floor plan. Trying not to get my hopes up too much, we’ll see what tomorrow holds.


Daily Music Motivation:

Konata Small - I’m the One


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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 242.0 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



7:00am - Coffee

10:00am - Cereal, blueberries

12:30pm - Chicken sandwich, chips, candy bar, coffee

3:00pm - Sugar free Monster

7:00pm - 3 meat leftovers, spinach, cottage cheese



Cardio - Elliptical

Strength - Legs/Obliques



Babel - 1 Lesson

Podcast - 0 Min

Conversation - 25 min



Meditations - 5 min

Personal - 0 Chapter

Professional - 0 Chapter


Notes: Crazy couple of days, had 11 hours of work calls scheduled over Thursday and Friday. Weight slipped a bit, since I didn’t exercise yesterday, going to try and make up for it later in the week.


In other news, WE GOT A HOUSE! Our realtor came through big time and found us a new build right in our price range (if a little high), but there was one left in the floor plan we liked so we pulled the trigger and should be in the new place by March or April depending on the build time.


It’s a weird thing to be moving into a house we’ll own. Lots of steps and very expensive (most expensive thing we’ve bought/finances to date). But feeling in a good place for it. Hopefully we can finally start building some home equity.


Had work calls starting at 7am. Knocked out 2 workouts in the afternoon instead of my typical fasted cardio in the morning. Did Legs then elliptical and somehow made it through.


On to tomorrow.


Daily Music Motivation:

Masked Wolf - Work


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8 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

In other news, WE GOT A HOUSE! Our realtor came through big time and found us a new build right in our price range (if a little high), but there was one left in the floor plan we liked so we pulled the trigger and should be in the new place by March or April depending on the build time.

OMG, CONGRATS! That's great news!

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11 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

In other news, WE GOT A HOUSE! Our realtor came through big time and found us a new build right in our price range (if a little high), but there was one left in the floor plan we liked so we pulled the trigger and should be in the new place by March or April depending on the build time.


That's so awesome, congrats!!

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 241.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



8:30am - Coffee

11:00am - Omelette, fruit, pastry, juice, coffee

3:00pm - 1/2 Turkey melt, coffee

5:30pm - Salmon, spinach salad, cheese



Cardio - Treadmill

Strength - Shoulders/Arms



Babel - 1 Lesson

Podcast - 60 Min

Conversation - 30 min



Meditations - 15 min

Personal - 1/2 Chapter

Professional - 1/2 Chapter


Notes: Got a late start to the day, just couldn’t wake up. Didn’t make it to bed as early as I would have liked to last night and had a heavy late night workout that may have effected the way I slept.


Weight is coming back down, goal is to be at 240 by Monday but I’ve already lost 3 pounds this week, so not doing too bad.


Last day of Spanish for this week, have tomorrow off. In some ways I feel like I did pretty good, in other ways I’m still lost. I don’t have a set learning plan yet with my tutors. Still in an assessment phase, which I suppose is normal. Just going to enjoy the rest tomorrow (from language, reading, and workouts) and get back to things on Monday.


Daily Music Motivation:

Tedashii- We came to play:



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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 242.8 lbs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon



8:00am - Coffee

11:00am - Coffee

3:00pm - Coffee

5:30pm - Sugar free soda



Cardio - Rest Day

Strength - Rest Day



Babel - 0 Lesson

Podcast - 0 Min

Stories - 0 Min

Conversation - 0 min



Meditations - 15 min

Personal - 0 Chapter

Professional - 0 Chapter


Notes: Another late start to the day, not sure why I’ve need more sleep this weekend, but hopefully will get back on track tomorrow.


I picked up another pound from yesterday. Pretty sure it’s water weight but need to figure out another component to continue shedding pounds. I’ve been reading more about weekly fasting, specific on rest days. Trying a 40 hour fast from Saturday evening to Monday morning to try and reset my system. I hear there are all kinds of benefits like increased HGH, lower bad cholesterol, higher good cholesterol, and less inflammation. Big challenge is going to be just plain hunger. So we’ll see how it goes.

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Congrats on the new house! I am interviewing buying agents this week, about to join the absolutely insane house hunt. My area has been absolutely insane for probably a decade, and the past two years have made it even worse.  Still really hoping to find something and be able to move before spring is over.

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Chaotic-Neutral, Elven Bladesinger (Apprentice): Level 1

Current Stats: STR 11 || DEX 11 || CON 12 || INT 15 || WIS 15 || CHA 12

Goal Stats: STR 14 || DEX 17+ || CON 14 || INT 18+ || WIS 18+ || CHA 14

"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily; to not dare is to lose one's self". - Søren Kierkegaard

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 238.6 lbs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon



5:30am - Coffee

7:30am - Greek yogurt

11:00am - Cheese stick & chips

12:30pm - BBQ, Dr.Pepper, coffee

3:00pm - 1/2 PB, honey, raspberries sandwich, coffee

6:30pm - Ribs, corn



Cardio - Elliptical 

Strength - Chest/Triceps/Lower Back



Babel - 1 Lesson

Podcast - 60 Min

Stories - 10 Min

Vocabulary - 10 min

Conversation - 30 min



Meditations - 15 min

Personal - 0 Chapter

Professional - 0 Chapter


Notes: Actually got up on time today!


The 40 hour fast worked INCREDIBLY well. I was definitely hungry but with the coffee and lots of water I was able to maintain reasonable energy and was able to clear the water weight that had been fluctuating. This leaves me at a total of 6lbs lost for the week. Looking forward to seeing if I can maintain that progress. Until I reach my target weight goal I think Sunday/Rest Day fasts are going to be part of the regimen.


Daily Music Motivation:

Le Castle Vania - John Wick Mode


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43 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

This leaves me at a total of 6lbs lost for the week.


Wow, nice job!

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 240.0 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



6:00am - Coffee

10:00am - Cereal, berries

12:00pm - BBQ tacos, chips, coffee

2:30pm - 1/2 PB & honey sandwich, coffee

5:00pm - Tofu, broccoli 

9:00pm - Cold cuts and cheese



Cardio - Missed ? 

Strength - Conditioning



Babel - 1 Lesson

Podcast - 0 Min

Stories - 10 Min

Vocabulary - 5 min

Conversation - 30 min



Meditations - 5 min

Personal - 0 Chapter

Professional - 0 Chapter


Notes: Weight came up a bit (as expected after breaking my fast yesterday), but still happy where I’m landing.


No running this morning due to a busy work schedule today and starting some early morning community activities with church. May try to do a make up cardio session later in the week.


DadBodKiller Circuit Day 5:

Round 1 - 16:00

Round 2 - Incomplete, Finished Core

Remainder - 20min Shadow Boxing


Daily Music Motivation:

Gary Clark Jr. -  Come Together:


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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Consistency

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 240.6 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



6:30am - Coffee

8:00am - Greek yogurt

10:30am - Breakfast taco, sausage, coffee

2:00pm - Cookies and milk

3:00pm - PB & J, cheese, coffee



Cardio - Elliptical 

Strength - None



Babel - 1 Lesson

Podcast - 50 Min

Stories - 5 Min

Vocabulary - 5 min

Conversation - 10 min



Meditations - 10 min

Relationships - 30 Min

Personal - 0 Chapter

Professional - 0 Chapter


Notes: Weight keeps going up and figure it was due to the extra meals yesterday, extra salt and not hydrating enough. It was a weird day. Started off with a mens Bible study at my church (part of my goal to get more involved in my faith community) at 6:30am, a long than normal day at work, then a marriage class Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad and I are doing from 6:30pm - 8:30pm, so it was more or less a 14 hour day with all activities. Not sure if I need to make Tuesday my rest day for exercise or what. Will give it another week or two before making any decisions.


The rest of the day was a blur. Everyone wanted something and I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to including evening workout. Trying to keep it together and just try to catch up tomorrow. Rough day.

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