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Bit of a read but desperate for pointers.

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Hi guys


Im Dan. I'm 22, Scottish, married. I wouldn't say I am a nerd but then I do enjoy a bit of Warcraft from time to time. About 12 months ago I decided i needed to make a change and lose some weight, I ran every second day and lost 25kg, aye, was a big loon (old scottish/doric for boy) around a three weeks ago I started going to the gym with my wife, we havent got any real structue to the work outs but we have each seen some good weight loss, all good for her, she just wants to get skinny for our holiday to florida in october. I, however have started looking into weight training a while before we took up the gym, I have done some research and now understand weight machines are useless, problem is,

1. What free weight excersizes should I begin with?

2. How many reps? 6-8? 

3. Do i still need to do cardio alongside the weight training and if so what type? Running? Rowing?

4. Any foods I should absolutely avoid? I.e cut carbs for protein? Have already started doing this to some degree.

5. I still have a generous belly that has been significantly reduced from all the running I have done but I want a flat stomach, will weight training help me rid myself of this?

6. I see some of the bigger guys with some lumbar belts and fingerless gloves will I need any of this stuff just now?


Thanks for reading this far guys, I know this is a bit of a long post but I am mega eager to get into the world of free weights and would love for some pointers.




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Hi Dan,


Lots of questions there, and most can be answered by reading through Steve's blog posts. I'll do what I can from here to get you going, though I'm sure those who know more will be along shortly.


1) Keep it simple to start with. Go with something like stronglifts 5x5 as it's easy to track and progress, and lots of people have had success with it. Big compound movements > machines.


2) If you're going with the above, then you do 5 sets of 5 reps each.


3) Not necessary, but many enjoy the odd bit of cardio. Mark Sisson of Primal Blueprint recommends that you walk lots, lift heavy, and sprint rarely, whilst others would argue for more running. People can be quite tongue-in-cheek about it all.


4) Many around here are paleo or primal (these are similar, but not the same). Since cutting out wheat and processed crap, I've felt much better, but YMMV. Read up on a bunch of different eating plans (including vegetarian), try it out for a month and see how you feel. Tweak from there.


5) Bellies are made and fade in the kitchen. All the weight-training in the world isn't going to miraculous torch just the fat located there. There's a whole bunch of research about what causes big bellies, but mostly you need to control what goes into your body. Eat first for your health; the belly will take care of itself.


6) No. Don't go buying specialist equipment of any kind until you are thinking about going into competitions. You will need access to free weights, and if you can't afford a personal trainer (lord knows I can't) then access to YouTube to see how techniques are meant to be performed. You're lucky to have a training partner in your wife, as you can form-check for each other.


7) Hi and welcome to nerdfitness! Bring your glasses; you're going to need to do a whole lot of reading of the research that is out there in the wide web.

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Ally: Panda Ranger Lvl 2

Challenges 1a | 2a | 1b | 2b | 3

str 6.25 | dex 2 | sta 0 | con 0 | wis 2.75 | cha 2.3

"And master the skills of bodacious and awesome!"

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fadaski is right on most of it, but I like cardio to balance out weight lifting personally. Mainly because I like the idea of being able to run 5 miles no problem, and then deadlift 200lb. to. It's all about your preferances, do you like running?

I can vouch for Paleo being really good diet. But not many people can just go cold turkey like that. Do some research and in the meantime cut out one or two things you know aren't good for you. Like soda, sugar, how much bread you have, etc.

Oh yeah! I can do 50 hanging leg raises, but my stomach still looks like I have an ass growing from my front :P It wasn't until I changed my diet to Paleo that it started flattening out. Also crunches aren't going to work, stomach muscles are slow twitch. They respond better to prolonged exercise periods with little rest. And exercises like planks, pushups, leg raises, decline crunches, etc. are really effective. I do pilates along with bar work, and HIIT. Totally worth the burning pain!

If you want a good place to look for info, Bodybuilding.com has a lot of great info. If you want I can look around for you on great websites and info. I like researching plus I have a lot of time on my hands.

If you have any questions or need advice feel free to PM me!

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Hi Dan


I have done some research and now understand weight machines are useless


All tools are useful in the right hands.



1. What free weight excersizes should I begin with?


I'm a fan of Squats, Deadlifts, Bench, Press, and weighted Chinups.



2. How many reps? 6-8?


Many beginner programs recommend ramping warmup sets followed by several work sets of 5 reps.  Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe advocates the use of 3 work sets as optimal for beginner strength increases. So do the results of many strength studies I've seen published in journals.  If you can scrounge up $30, the SS book in the link is worth the read.



3. Do i still need to do cardio alongside the weight training and if so what type? Running? Rowing?


No.  But if you like running or rowing, then do it because you enjoy it.



4. Any foods I should absolutely avoid? I.e cut carbs for protein? Have already started doing this to some degree.


Avoid any foods that will put you in the hospital because you're allergic to them.  Otherwise, enjoy what you like.  How much you eat is far more important than what you eat.  Just try to get from 0.65 to 0.8 grams of protein a day per pound that you weigh. That should take care of protein needs for tissue repair and growth.



5. I still have a generous belly that has been significantly reduced from all the running I have done but I want a flat stomach, will weight training help me rid myself of this?


It sounds like you'll be happier with yourself if you get rid of the belly.  That puts you in a good spot.  I ate restricted calories during the entire last 6 week challenge.  I lost weight, I lost waist size, I lost fat.  I also gained lean mass and my strength on all my lifts went up.  As a novice, this is the perfect time for you to take advantage of eating less to get rid of the belly without hindering your weightlifting.  But weight training isn't likely to give you a flat stomach.  You have to pay attention to your diet for that.



6. I see some of the bigger guys with some lumbar belts and fingerless gloves will I need any of this stuff just now?


Save your money.  You might look into a belt down the road when your lifting enough that your ab muscles could benefit from pushing again the belt, but there's no need in the beginning.

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I Stand With Gina Carano

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Hey Dan!

I'm not going to give you any advice, it would just be echoing what's already been said, but as a fellow Scot I thought I'd say "Hi" *waves frantically*

I'll even let you off with being East Coast. :P

There's a fair few of us on here and we're organising a couple of informal meet ups (check the Meets page - Whiskey Anyone?) and a weekend get together on the 3rd - 5th of October if you're interested.

Whereabouts are you from?

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Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hey guys thanks for all the replies, thought I'd post again as a reply to the responses. I started the 5x5 workout plan so thanks for that fadagaski, definitley works, I'm crippled after the first session last night. My diet will stay much the same, less carbs, more protein, keep calories low, no processed crap, junk, etc. From all the stuff I've looked at it'll be weights and cardio 50/50 for now, an hour of each 3 days a week. Plan is to get into the Police so I need to be quick on my feet for the fitness test as well as strong. Anyway thanks for the tips guys, gives me plenty to look at, no doubt I'll be hanging about the forum for quite some time now asking questions so thanks for the warm welcome.


Oh Guzzi, I'm an Aberdonian, nihin wrang wi bein fae Aberdeen!

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Ha! Well at least I have a slim chance of understanding you. I thought you were going to say Fife, in which case I'd be buggered. :D

Did you check out the Meet-up thread? There's a few folk getting together on Sat 26th in Edinburgh. Probably a wee bit far for you to go just for a couple of pints right enough...

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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