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What made you smite today?

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Posted Today, 04:37 PM

*language warning*

So today here rant 1:

Story starts yesterday when this woman comes into the pool and allows her two children under 3 to roam around unattended or "watched" by older children between 5-17 years by looking at them, 6 kids total, her best effort of keeping her smaller kids safe is putting "toy" life vests on them. Not one of the six is in the swimming lessons or good swimmers. The pool manager/life guard chats her about letting her youngest, the little girl who looks to be no older than about 20 months jump off the .5m diving board, mother argues child has vest on and other parents are letting their kids in vests jump from boards, pool manager points out, the other children have parents in the water waiting below boards to grab them up, they are not sitting 30 meters away on their phones. Chat gets heated, woman leaves in a huff. Pool manager is angry at apathetic parents and their unwillingness to believe their children can die in the pool.

Today, same woman, I have started my class, we are sitting on the lawn about 5m from pool edge, as I talk to my class I watch young girl in vest (same one from yesterday) move to the big pool with her 8year old sister, they enter the water via the steps and sister loses control of vest girl who ends up face first in water unable to turn herself face up. I get to girl and pull her from water, tell older sister she needs to take little sis to Mum, who I cannot see anywhere. Older sister about 12 comes to get vest girl. Ok so about an hour later as I am clearing away the gear from the days lessons, my Son6 says "Mum there is someone drowning" I'm going "where?" Looking all over the place, directly across from us about 18m away in the pool the vest boy from yesterday who looks about 3 is in the water, trying to keep his head above water, (no vest today), as I reach the waters edge, pool manager/lifeguard grabs boy after entering the water and pulls him to the edge. As we sit there Mum comes over grabs child and starts telling him off, gives me and pool manger the voodoo stare of death, strides away screaming for her tribe to come on and promptly sits on her towel and berates all her children. What The Fuck!!!!

No crisis today but fuck me, she really needs to get a fucking grip and look after her fucking babies. I have been stewing on this for at least 2 hours and I am fucking angry. There is no excuse for her kids to not do lessons, it costs $6.50 per child to do the lessons, if she can afford a fucking 6S phone she can afford lessons.

Not more than a month ago a young boy in Perth nearly drowned, well he did drown but they managed to get him back. He is now unable to do anything for himself. He has basically entered the vegative state we would not wish on anyone or any parents. Does the woman above not watch the bloody news? Stupid woman!

Some people's parenting abilities end with pushing them out.

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wow.  If that woman puts unsupervised babies in the water again, your manager needs to revoke her membership and threaten to call the police.  Considering the stakes, you'd be doing her a favor.  Letting a kid drown would certainly ruin her life and probably traumatize all the other kids, too.


I wonder if you could talk the pool owner into putting up a wire cage all around the pool, which would block cell phone reception.  They make active signal jammers, but I'm told those are illegal in Australia (and the USA, sigh).

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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wow.  If that woman puts unsupervised babies in the water again, your manager needs to revoke her membership and threaten to call the police.  Considering the stakes, you'd be doing her a favor.  Letting a kid drown would certainly ruin her life and probably traumatize all the other kids, too.


I wonder if you could talk the pool owner into putting up a wire cage all around the pool, which would block cell phone reception.  They make active signal jammers, but I'm told those are illegal in Australia (and the USA, sigh).

just repaint it.... http://www.southgatearc.org/news/jan2005/rf_paint.htm

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Last night, while brushing my teeth prior to going to bed, I noticed that the water wasn't going down the drain.


Insert profane diatribe with elements sexual, beastial, pathological, scatalogical, inhumane, theoretical, anti-intellectual, parasitical, perverse, obverse, reverse, irreverant, illegal, immoral, and fattening.


Repair to garage for hair-plucker thingy.  Can't remove plug from drain because can't unscrew fitting which passes thru drain pipe without releasing water in sink onto floor, and no room under it for bucket.  Use plunger to force water down, then remove plug and remove masses of hair.  Reassemble and go to bed.

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so I took up startbodyweight routine.  Now my shoulders are stiff like cardboard and my back hurts.  Last workout was two days ago, and I'm supposed to help a friend move tomorrow.


fuck, I'm done getting older.  I'm still too young for things to hurt.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Went to thrift store today to look for furniture.  Saw an awesome shelf of a type I've been hunting for for (literally) a couple of years, at a really good price.


I grabbed it, carried it to the front of the store, put it in a cart, took the cart with me back into the store, turned my back to look at some books ... and some asshole snatched the shelf right out of my cart when I wasn't looking.  By the time I turned away from the books, the shelf was gone.  Of course it was the only one, this being a thrift store.


Normally if something is in a cart, that means it's taken.  Asshat.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Ugh ugh ugh. Women piss me off, and I'm a woman. I don't know how you men deal with us.

It was my finish time anyway. Would have strangled that child if I'd stayed!!

It might not reduce the birthrate but it might convince people to teach their kids manners.

Story starts yesterday when this woman comes into the pool.....

.....Does the woman above not watch the bloody news? Stupid woman!

Some people's parenting abilities end with pushing them out.

ALL of the above is why I just hate people at times. What the fuck happened to parental responsibility? Teaching your children manors?

I worry for our civilisation

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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ALL of the above is why I just hate people at times. What the fuck happened to parental responsibility? Teaching your children manors?

I worry for our civilisation

Nothing is your responsibility anymore...it lands on someone else.


I just sit back with my popcorn, and wait for the zombie apocalypse, then those same people will be the first ones to go because they'll be waiting for others to protect them since their safety isn't their responsibility.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Manhattan fucking Transit and their fucking lack of clear signs and maps. If I could cope with reroutes and strikes on the Paris metro, you would THINK fucking Manhattan would be easy! But you would be oh so wrong. Thanks to their shit, I missed a plane today for the first time in my life. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow. It was not a good plane to miss.

On the upside, Jetblue stuck me on the next plane (five hours later) with very little fuss. The rumors are true, their service is good. If only they flew more on the west coast. While waiting, I had an overpriced beer at the airport bar and told the bartender my woes like some sitcom character.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Mice. I hate fucking mice. For months not a sign, then boom their shit and stench and now their corpses every fucking where. bad enough I had trouble staying on top of normal house work, today has been all about tearing everything out of cupboards and moving furniture and white goods and disinfecting everything! Fuck mice. :(

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Wait! What............?

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Fuck mice. :(


Makes me think of this:




but yes, fuck mice.  The cats chase a golf ball or a moth for an hour but ignore the mouse.


One of my dog's has already been poisoned once by eating too many poisoned mice (outside from someone else's house) but it pretty much limits me to sticky traps.

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"For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm."

Just remember that Scooty Puff jr sucks!

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During my commute home yesterday I encountered people who didn't understand the proper functioning of revolving doors, stairways, and escalators, so I offer this Public Service Announcement:


Revolving door:  Kindly wait until I get out of the quarter of the revolving door before you try to shove your way into it.  I have no desire to accompany you back into the building, and there will be much more room for you in the section of the revolving door if you wait until I vacate it before you get into it.


Stairs:  Please finish your cigarette BEFORE you start going down the stairs, don't stand there on the fourth step down getting your last few puffs.  I can't go around you because there are people coming UP the stairs too, and standing stationary on a subway stairway in NYC is a good way to get turned into a (allegedly) human slinky.  Yes, some people truly are like slinkies, they serve no useful purpose, but you can't help but smile when you see them tumble down a flight of stairs.


Escalator: When the escalator deposits you at its terminal, kindly step away from the end of the escalator.  The person behind you is about to be deposited there.  Two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time, and I really don't mind shoving you out of the way as you stand there admiring whatever you find so interesting in a train station.  By the way, this holds true for revolving doors too, if you stand there right outside the opening, the next person is presented with the choice of shoving you out of the way or being hit by the door as it comes around.  It's not a difficult choice.



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Found out one of my managers has been feeding Not-Quite-Boyfriend's unwarrented doubt about our relationship, to the point where he broke up with me when I had a drink with the new pair of chefs after work and had a laugh. Managed to get him to calm down and work things out, but seriously. Fuck you manager. Forever stirring the fucking pot.

Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Found out one of my managers has been feeding Not-Quite-Boyfriend's unwarrented doubt about our relationship, to the point where he broke up with me when I had a drink with the new pair of chefs after work and had a laugh. Managed to get him to calm down and work things out, but seriously. Fuck you manager. Forever stirring the fucking pot.


ow.  Huge bummer.  I'm not sure I could stand a boyfriend who doubted my fidelity, but that's pretty wrong for a manager to do.

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Teachers openly insulting students in front of a class because they don't understand a question. It must mean the students don't care. :(

...the hell?

Where does this still happen?

I thought that teachers are supposed

to care about students?

"There is beauty in hardship / There are poems in grief" -Assemblage 23, Damaged

| STR:2.25 | DEX:2.25 | STA:2 | CON:1.25 | CHA:3.25 | WIS:7 | A place I will collect my woots - if I remember

Challenges | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |  6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 15.115.2 |

Milythaels'  HOoRAY for which I am grateful | Today, right now, I am alive. And that is good.

It is amazing the power of those small gestures of love and kindness have on our lives. <3 - Liberator

"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stiched together with good intentions." - Augusten Burroughs, Magical thinking:True stories

"Pick up the pieces and keep going, one painfully slow step at a time." Hiraedd the twice-risen, hamadryad. 

"Spread love and understanding. Use force if necessary." - Leon Trotsky

"Let me think about the people I care about the most, and when they fail or disappoint me, I still love them, I still give them chances, and I still see the best in them. Let me extend that generosity to myself." zefrank1, An Invocation for Beginnings

"I don't feel guilty for wanting. That's like being mad because you have to breathe or pee. It just is." Someone in Reddit

"If you do strange things, strange things will happen!"

"That's it! Now go make something beautiful." -Jake Parker


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Me Be A Grumpy Guzzi!!! :angry:


I received this^^^ letter from the DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) through the post today.

WTF???? A "Work-focused interview"??? I HAVE a job you morons! I'm just off sick and because I've been off longer than the Statuary Sick Pay period, YOU, yes YOU, moved me over to ESA instead of sick pay, so you know bloody well that I am employed.

I wouldn't be so mad except for because THEY changed the benefit I receive, I have had to fill in countless forms and send the same bloody information to God only knows how many different parts of the same department.

SURELY they can share information????

They even sent some of the letters to my new address and the rest to my old address. How stupid can it get?!?!

How can our government ever think that they can run a whole country when they can't even run a single department???

And the best bit....? I tried to phone them to sort it out, and the buggers are closed for the holidays. Grrrrrr!

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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My boss in Atlanta just gave notice; her last day is three weeks before the attorney retreat (which she is coordinating) in Los Angeles. 337 attorneys, and the LA manager will be on maternity leave at that time. I'm already on board to cover the LA office while their manager is on leave, and now my (soon to be ex) manager wants to have a conference call with me and the BOD next week. This can't be good.

Amazon || Assassin


"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Samuel Langhorne Clemens

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20 hours ago, Guzzi said:

Me Be A Grumpy Guzzi!!! :angry:


I received this^^^ letter from the DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) through the post today.

WTF???? A "Work-focused interview"??? I HAVE a job you morons! I'm just off sick and because I've been off longer than the Statuary Sick Pay period, YOU, yes YOU, moved me over to ESA instead of sick pay, so you know bloody well that I am employed.

I wouldn't be so mad except for because THEY changed the benefit I receive, I have had to fill in countless forms and send the same bloody information to God only knows how many different parts of the same department.

SURELY they can share information????

They even sent some of the letters to my new address and the rest to my old address. How stupid can it get?!?!

How can our government ever think that they can run a whole country when they can't even run a single department???

And the best bit....? I tried to phone them to sort it out, and the buggers are closed for the holidays. Grrrrrr!


Ohhhhh, so it's just not Australia with dickheads running things.

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Wait! What............?

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