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I decided I should catch up. 


Challenge 1

A. Introduce us to the protagonist in story you are currently working on.
Luke's face was gaunt, full of hunger. Dirt caked his face, his lips shriveled. It was two days since he last ate something. Or was it three? It seemed like everything just blurs together in one big mess these days. He looked down at his dirty hands, rot had set in on the corn. Breaking off the rotten part, he looked off in the distance at his children playing.  He waived them over. 
"What's that,daddy?" Simon asked. He was still so full of innocence. He never knew the loss of his mother or how the world worked before all of this.  He looked at me with those blue eyes and a half-toothed smile.  
"Corn," Luke replied. "It's food." Luke handed the ear to his Daugter, Elise. "Share with your brother."
"What about you, daddy?" Simon questioned. He's a sweet boy. 
"No, no, it's okay buddy. I found some food," he lied. Luke patted his belly as if he were full.  His stomach roared with hunger.  He gave Elise a look and shook his head to keep her mouth shut. 
Challenge 2
A. Write a short paragraph or two on the interaction of between yourself and the protagonist of a story you are working on/completed. Think of it as the artist meeting their creation.
Luke looked up. He noticed a man in his late 20s to early 30s.  Despite his young appearance, his graying hair showed experience. He was obese for someone after the event. This was rare considering how scarce food was nowadays.  Luke stepped in front of his children feeling for the knife strapped to his belt. 
"There's no food here. You should be on your way," Luke called out. The man stepped forward. "I mean it. Leave us alone." 
"Luke, it's okay. I made this. I made all of this. I made you," the man called out. 
Luke stepped closer, he nodded. Then with as quick as a flash blood was seeping from the man's neck.  Luke held the knife in his hand wiping the excess blood. 
"You created this?! This misery?! You created the suffering for me?! My children?!" Luke kicked the man's leg out from under him and proceeded to kick him.
Challenge 3.
B. Share a part of your writing process
I don't really like typing out stories.  I mean, I do, but I don't at the same time. I like the fact that I can get words out faster than if I were to handwrite it, but at the same time I get too much in the mode of wanting things to be perfect that I just keep editing as I go and then realize I spent an hour and have nothing to show for it. So when I write, I typically have a notebook that I use to write. So I get something to drink, look at the notebook, take a sip of my drink. Look outside.  Decide my bed looks comfortable. Lay down for a while. Take a nap. Then realize I didn't write anything. 
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Battle Log |Current Challenge: Better Late Than Never| Previous Challenges: 1 | 

instagram: @gambitbjj | Winner of the Harry Potter PVP Challenge: House Ravenclaw

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Hey kids,


Just thought I would share with you all that I'm going to be a published author! This is the first time one of my short stories will be published and it will be in a regional anthology. I'll be honest, I'm pretty proud of myself! <g>


Shameless plug!

That's so awesome!!! Congratulations! 

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Kilyra|Level 4|Gorgon|Adventurer

Stats: STR 5 | STA 10 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | WIS 9 | CHA 6

"If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed. Look, I may fail. You may fail. But there is no try" ~Kanan Jarrus, Star Wars: Rebels

Introduction|Challenge|The Writer's Guild|Battle Log




Eating 90/10 (2 of 4)




Workout at least 4x a week (8 of 16)




Hollow Body Work 3x a week (6 of 12)




Life Goal: Write 3.5 hrs a week (1 of 4)








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Challenge 2
A. Write a short paragraph or two on the interaction of between yourself and the protagonist of a story you are working on/completed. Think of it as the artist meeting their creation.
Luke looked up. He noticed a man in his late 20s to early 30s.  Despite his young appearance, his graying hair showed experience. He was obese for someone after the event. This was rare considering how scarce food was nowadays.  Luke stepped in front of his children feeling for the knife strapped to his belt. 
"There's no food here. You should be on your way," Luke called out. The man stepped forward. "I mean it. Leave us alone." 
"Luke, it's okay. I made this. I made all of this. I made you," the man called out. 
Luke stepped closer, he nodded. Then with as quick as a flash blood was seeping from the man's neck.  Luke held the knife in his hand wiping the excess blood. 
"You created this?! This misery?! You created the suffering for me?! My children?!" Luke kicked the man's leg out from under him and proceeded to kick him.


Haha. That's why you shouldn't write sob story. Your characters might take it out on you.


But then you can take away their children with Malaria or Cholera... Not the best move ever, but, you know, it can be an option.

*Insert extreme evil laugh here*

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February 1 - 29, 2016 Challenge mini-challenge


(Take part or not, just a little bit of fun. I think it goes without saying that being polite and respectful is expected.)


The challenge this week is to either...


A. Tell us what you are currently struggling with as it relates to your writing.




B. Which kind of character do you like to write about, the hero or the villain and why?

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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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February 1 - 29, 2016 Challenge mini-challenge




A. Tell us what you are currently struggling with as it relates to your writing.




Right now I'm struggling to find the time to write. I've got a lot on my plate with work and outside activities and my free time has me reading a book rather than writing something. It's not the end of the world since I'm still enjoying myself, but since I'm going to be published I find the itch to write becoming strong.


I've tried to force myself to sit down and write for just 10 minutes, but I find my thoughts wander so much unless I'm really in the writing mood.


Anybody have any suggestions?


P.S. Looking for ideas for future challenges.

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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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Right now I'm struggling to find the time to write. I've got a lot on my plate with work and outside activities and my free time has me reading a book rather than writing something.


It's the same problem with me. I hadn't written any expansion of my book for a while now.



B. Which kind of character do you like to write about, the hero or the villain and why?


As mentioned somewhere in this forum, I always ended up writing melancholic beta males who are unsure of themselves. It surprises me a lot since I am most of the time too sunny for the Midwest and can come off as overconfident and overly friendly.


However, I do notice after I mentioned about sad characters last time that my closest friends are similar to the characters I write. Those introverts who are not superstar handsome but good-looking in their own ways, gentle, sensitive, unsure of themselves, and dripping with melancholy like a wet mob. 


Then I realized I hang out with mostly artists.




Simplification: I like writing about artist type men-- for protagonists or villains.


PS. I do have a lot of fun writing ass-kicking, take-no-prisoner women. I believe that's also my type IRL. :P

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B. I am very drawn to trickster and anti hero types, complex characters who try to do the right thing but maybe not for the best of reasons. 

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Lv 1 Wood Elf, 

A New Beginning C1:  A Rough Start, b=But Still a Start

Lv 7 Wood Elf Ranger

STR: 15 | DEX: 8 | STA: 12 | CON: 11 | WIS: 14 | CHA: 12
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February 1 - 29, 2016 Challenge mini-challenge

A. Tell us what you are currently struggling with as it relates to your writing.

I imagine it would be perfectly acceptable to blame a lack of time for my lack of writing. I now have three children under three, my own business and six months left in my degree. Yet if I actually consider it, delve a little deeper down the rabbit hole, I'm quite sure it has more to do with the fact that I'm actually quite happy and content in my life right now. Writing has always been a bit of a release for me, I write when I'm angry, depressed, irritated and every other negative emotion I'm capable of feeling. Yet now, with a viable career path on the horizon, three beautiful healthy kids and a wonderful and supportive wife, there's nothing to release.

I created a 'short story competition' that I hoped would inspire a bit of change, feel free to volunteer. If I can get three more committed to the first round we can start with the new month :) 

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"No-one tells a T-Rex when to go to sleep".

- Jim Wendler

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B. I am very drawn to trickster and anti hero types, complex characters who try to do the right thing but maybe not for the best of reasons. 


Awesome. I really like reading about tricksters! But I don't write them well enough.



I created a 'short story competition' that I hoped would inspire a bit of change, feel free to volunteer. If I can get three more committed to the first round we can start with the new month :)


*raised hand.*

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Right now I'm struggling to find the time to write. I've got a lot on my plate with work and outside activities and my free time has me reading a book rather than writing something. It's not the end of the world since I'm still enjoying myself, but since I'm going to be published I find the itch to write becoming strong.


I've tried to force myself to sit down and write for just 10 minutes, but I find my thoughts wander so much unless I'm really in the writing mood.


Anybody have any suggestions?


P.S. Looking for ideas for future challenges.

A. I'm in the same boat as Pete.  I have exams and I'm kind of falling behind on my EMT course, so writing has fallen off on the back burner.  I'd like to write, but at the same time, I can write for free. I paid over 800 bucks for this class, soooo. 


And for a bonus...


B. I like writing the villain.  I think a good villain can really make a story.  I've found that a lot of good stories have complex villains because they are usually driving the catalyst for the hero to change.  A classic tale of a knight saving a princess from an evil king or something.  The villain acted, while the hero reacted.  

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Battle Log |Current Challenge: Better Late Than Never| Previous Challenges: 1 | 

instagram: @gambitbjj | Winner of the Harry Potter PVP Challenge: House Ravenclaw

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A. Tell us what you are currently struggling with as it relates to your writing.

Pretty much just taking the time to sit and write. Like right now. I could be writing, but I'm not. Bad pureleeawesome.


B. Which kind of character do you like to write about, the hero or the villain and why?

I like to write the hero but my heroes are not always "good" people.

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Level 1 Adventurer


Quest for Adventure


Took the road less traveled. Now lost.

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B. I like writing the villain.  I think a good villain can really make a story.  I've found that a lot of good stories have complex villains because they are usually driving the catalyst for the hero to change.  A classic tale of a knight saving a princess from an evil king or something.  The villain acted, while the hero reacted.  


Good villains are so hard to write, but without one, the story can fall flat!!



B. Which kind of character do you like to write about, the hero or the villain and why?

I like to write the hero but my heroes are not always "good" people.



Like how not good?

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In the story I'm thinking she has to become the hero because she fucked up big time and helped pass laws to strip criminals of their magic due to her own prejudices against magic users.


So the kind of hero who does the right thing the wrong way and for the hell-bent wrong reasons? Sounds delicious!

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Hello everyone. Aspiring writer, photographer, and professional donut delivery driver popping in. I'm in the middle of 5 stories right now including a zombie survival story, a space western, a fight club like book that I'm not sure where it's going, and a few others. I also write poetry and lyrics. I'm good at coming up with ideas and getting emotions through, I'm bad at outlining and finishing anything. Hopefully with your support I can not only hit some of my rebellion goals but also just finish something.

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In brightest day, In blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight, Let those who worship evils might, beware my power, GREEN LANTERNS LIGHT!

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Week 2 challenge

She looked so peaceful laying there on the bed. Her pale eyes glazed over and staring at nothing. What looks like a strand of hair hanging across her face, it's really blood. It's been about two hours since he killed her ... and her body ... like always, it's perfect, but now it’s wasted. If only I hadn't been so lonely before I met her. If only I hadn't met him, hadn't ... invented him. Maybe then she would still be alive. If only I could turn back time, go back to last summer, to when I was happy, before I was left alone. This is all my fault, his fault. It's all the same.

Week 3 challenge

Bennett walked tentatively into the house running his fingers through his dark matted hair, his free hand gripping his machete tightly. As he rounds the corner he sees a slightly chubby young man writing frantically in his notebook. "Hey..." He says cautiously "are you ok?" The man jumps turning around. "Who are you?" The man asks. Bennett lowers his weapon slightly "you can call me Ben." The man looks at him for a minute "you look familiar. Are you... Bennett Anderson?" Ben steps back in shock "how could you know that? Have you been watching me?" The man laughs nervously "no I've been writing you". Ben looks at the man for a moment. "Either you're crazy or you are some sort of God either way I'm out" he says turning to leave. "I'm no God and I may be crazy but not as much as you'd think." The man says going back to his writing. Bennett sets fire to the house as he leaves. " no way am I going to risk running into him again" he says walking away.

Week 4 challenge

My eyes go dark

My skin grows cold

Now I watch as my life unfolds

My childhood

The teenage years

Now I'm trapped in this box

With these wheels and these gears

Sirens grow closer

Worried voices are clear

If only I'd known

This was my last year

Week 5 challenge

My literary goal is to finish my series and hopefully get published.

Week 6 challenge

A random thing I said when I was really tired that has always amused me "I thought your calendar was a window. I was like.... Since when are there mountains in Michigan?"

Week 7 challenge

At this moment I am struggling with my A.D.D and work distracting me from my writing.

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In brightest day, In blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight, Let those who worship evils might, beware my power, GREEN LANTERNS LIGHT!

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Hello everyone. Aspiring writer, photographer, and professional donut delivery driver popping in. I'm in the middle of 5 stories right now including a zombie survival story, a space western, a fight club like book that I'm not sure where it's going, and a few others. I also write poetry and lyrics. I'm good at coming up with ideas and getting emotions through, I'm bad at outlining and finishing anything. Hopefully with your support I can not only hit some of my rebellion goals but also just finish something.


Welcome to our little group Becoming-Bane, glad to have you.

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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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February 1 - 29, 2016 Challenge mini-challenge


(Take part or not, just a little bit of fun. I think it goes without saying that being polite and respectful is expected.)


The challenge this week is to either...


A. Submit a piece of your writing that you would like the group to "critique", no more than 500 words.




B. Share a piece of writing advice that has really helped, or inspired you.

Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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An elevator pitch for an idea that's been on my back burner for years finally came to me.  It's "Portal fantasy meets The Breakfast Club."


now to actually write the damn thing...

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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B. Share a piece of writing advice that has really helped, or inspired you.


This post - http://www.sfwa.org/2011/12/guest-post-how-i-went-from-writing-2000-words-a-day-to-10000-words-a-day/


I'm yet to utilise the advice though.  :rolleyes:


Great advice! I can't ever imagine writing 10,000 word a day. But I guess I will try to write normally for now and try it on the next day off. 7 hr of writing doesn't seem so far-fetch until I start doing it, I guess. :P



An elevator pitch for an idea that's been on my back burner for years finally came to me.  It's "Portal fantasy meets The Breakfast Club."


now to actually write the damn thing...

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February 1 - 29, 2016 Challenge mini-challenge


(Take part or not, just a little bit of fun. I think it goes without saying that being polite and respectful is expected.)


A. Submit a piece of your writing that you would like the group to "critique", no more than 500 words.



It's in the spoiler!!


“I wonder,†Jose said. His white teeth clashed with his latte colored skin. His dark stubbles twitched as he spoke. “Why there are no hairpins in pinball machine? I mean-- hairpins are everywhere.â€


“Aha-aha-ha-Hah†Xiaoying produced a sound similar to a coughing fit. She place a hand on Jose’s thick shoulder and rubbed it through his green t-shirt. “Jose, you are so funny!â€


He wasn’t-- really not. His jokes always made almost no sense at all, but Xiaoying laughed anyway.


They were in a dimly lit bar, in front of the troublesome pinball machine. It was Wednesday night, and the crowd were moderate.


“Let’s see here,†Jose lifted up the lid of the electronic thing. Red and yellow lights flashed, illuminated his profile. His straight nose was bathed in yellow light.


“Hmm, I don’t think there is any new problems. It’s just dusteeeeeeey.â€


He pronounced it like it meant something, so Xiaoying laughed again, and now it sounded like a mammal’s mating call, “Eeeeh, eh, iie, eheheh.â€


She walked toward the counter. His image still projects brightly in her mind. Slim. Broad shoulders tapered to narrow, narrow hip. His lips were devious, and his eyes were flashing madness.


Even so, he didn’t seem to understand the advance she was giving him over the years of working in this bar together. She asked him to solve silly little problems she could do herself-- like fixing a faucet. She made cookies for him. Somehow, Jose just stayed polite and friendly. Maybe he didn’t find her attractive enough.


Xiaoying sat down behind the counter, assessing herself. She wasn’t bad looking. Her glossy hair was done well and fashionable. Her get up today was blue flannel and a pair of just-right jeans. Was she doing something wrong-- like was there a cilantro at her teeth or something?


Never mind those. Tonight, she was going to ask him for a date. A movie. She would make sure they would go to dinner afterward and talked about the romance. She would know, then, what he liked most in women, what he found as a turn on. The thought made her flush. She felt a little vulnerable. It would be okay, she thought, now it’s 2015, a girl could ask a guy out.


She walked back to him, and noticed Jose was talking to Charles, the bar accountant. They were laughing. The nerd tipped his head backward from laughter so much the glasses almost fell off on the other side of his head.


“And-- the ball. How is the pinball not made of pin? Who knows! Right?†Charles said.


“Ahhuehuehue huehuehue Ahhuehue†Jose answered, and he squeezed Charles arm.      “That’s so funny! Charles, you’re so funny you know that?†Jose said.


“No, you’re funny,†Charles replied, a giant grin on his face. “You’re so funny it’s crazy.â€


Xiaoying smiled. She decided she would clean the tables for a few minutes before joining them. After all, it was not a busy night, and no one was playing pinball. 

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