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  1. Mad Hatter's Petting Zoo As you might recall one of mine epic, scary, ridiculous quests is to perform a burlesque routine. The hard deadline is before I'm 30, but why wait? I mean I could wait until "I'm ready", and I've learned to dance, and to make circus cool tricks and how to make awesome costumes. Or I could just start now and learn it on the job. I'm going with option 2. For three reasons. The first because I happened to be stalking the hooping thread and there was a performance of a girl who did fairly simple tricks. But Lilith pointed out that it doesn't matter because it was still really fun to watch, and that's the whole point! I might not be able to do a lot, but I can use what I can to do something fun and use what I can't do to do something creative! The second reason is that there will be a burlesque class in the fall where the "final exam" is a solo act. And it won't be just in front of friends and family, but in front of Stockholm's burlesque crowd! This sounds like a way too fun opportunity to miss out on. When I found out it brought out the butterflies and butterflies is always a good sign I'm heading in the right direction. And 3, in a few weeks time I'm taking an 8-week staycation and I need a big project! Because I learned from the last two challenges that big overambitious projects inspire me, even if I fail. Because my day to day situation will change so much during the challenge I really want my goals to be sustainable. So I'm actually going to do a 4 week challenge followed by a 9 week challenge, but with largely the same goals except for some minor tweaks. Now part of why I love circus and burlesque is because of I'm a huge fan of the weird and the wonderful in the world. But I was struck how the assassin has an unfair representation of cute, cuddly animals so today I'm going to make a stand for all the uglies and creepies in the world. Because they need some assassin love too. Life Quest: Hey, look at my shiny butt! or Create a burlesque routine! Starting with my life goal because it's the most important one. In part 1 of the challenge I will start the prep work for creating a routine: Find musicDesign costumeCome up with theme and feelFigure out what skills I want to useCollect lots and lots of underpants. Mostly figuratively.In part 2 I will: Come up with choreographyMake props and costumesPractice necessary dance and acrobatic skillsDevelop characterPractice facial expressionsBe creepy and stare lots at peoplePractice costume makeup skills Side goal #1: Don't become a blob fish! or Get off the sofa! I have a fear that I will spend my two months off on the sofa being a blob and that's not allowed to happen! For the next two challenges I will do my assassin "chores" (icky stretches, boring strength training etc) in a short session in the morning as Nymeria suggested. That way I get it done without sucking up my fun evening time, it'll add to my daily movement and it should hopefully get my ass into work on time. When I'm on vacation I'll also have add a longer evening fun session where I can do whatever I want. Side goal #2: Om nom nom or Made from scratch I'm bringing back made from scratch eating. My food was so much more delicious when I had it as a challenge goal, but somehow my laziness won over me and against better judgement I'm eating way too much crap again. Four weeks will be too short to form the habit, so I'm going to stick with it for the whole next two challenges. I won't be as militant in my grading though. Like ice cream doesn't count. What, it's summer! Side goal #3: Jazz...Tentacles! or Fun movement! I admit it, I got jealous of all your fun goals when I had homework to do. I'm also itching to go climbing and lindy hopping again, but I haven't had the time to drag myself to go. But with summer, lots of free time and limited class schedules I'll be able to add more fun things. Who know, I might even get a hoop again to get in with all the cool kids. The goal is to do something different and that gets me outside the house at least once per week. As you might have noticed I don't have any stat points for grabs and no grading. This is because in the past I've got good grades on technicalities, and I've got bad grades though I did good because my grading was too harsh. This time I'll grade myself on a completely subjective scale from Epic to Epic Fail and award stat points where I think I've made the most progress. Oh and my side quest will be to participate in the mini challenges. Because I know what they are and you don't lalalalala. But I can tell you it's going to be fun!
  2. - MAIN - Survive & thrive! ->Do what I have to and then do some more. 4/4 exercise a week. I usually do one group lesson on Wednesdays (either bootcamp or bodypump) and work out in the gym 1-2 times a week by myself. I'm currently squatting 45 kgs, my weight is around 62 kgs. I wonder if I can get up to bodyweight during this challenge (Not my main goal by any means, but it would be great). The amount of exercise is what's important here, though. One of four workouts can be a simple longish walk. - SUB1 -> More time in the evenings… Do not go to bed before 10 pm 6 days a week. (Use extra time for reading, cooking/baking, colouring, playing music) Ah, I love me some sleep. Meds MIGHT be playing into this, but I prefer to sleep for ridiculous amounts of time. Especially if I'm not feeling well (mentally) or if I'm simply very.bored. I'm known to go to bed at 8 pm (or even earlier at times) just because I don't feel like doing anything else. I rarely get up before 7, most days 8-ish. This means that not going to bed before 10 pm (which means I can get ready at around 9.30) should still mean plenty of hours of sleep. I just want to try Naps in the afternoon are allowed, however. -SUB2 -> Get rid of the sugar. (Yes, this has crept in again. Tbh I can’t be bothered about avoiding grains right now, but I know I can (and like) going without sugar. Let’s re-form that habit! Exceptions: Birthdays of family members (Nephew, my dad). -LIFE -> Create a spreadsheet with LOTS of ideas for the summer holidays. I'm going to get you guys involved As mentioned in the bedtime-goal - I get bored easily. When I do I feel miserable. Summer holidays... (6-7 weeks... teacher-stuff ) TERRIFY me. (Seriously). Obviously I'm looking forward to being able to do my own thing... but I need a bit more planning than just 'let's do what I feel like during the holidays'. So this challenge I want to create a list of things to do/try/achieve during summer. Then next challenge I'll make an actual schedule (keeping 2-3 days a week 'off' and having a general idea of what I'd like to do when.). This should make this summer a lot easier and better than ... ever Spreadsheet of epicness
  3. Hey everyone! I can't wait to meet you all and show you a couple of my fave places in my beloved Des Moines Date: Saturday, March 1st (time TBD) We will start off at: Brenton Skating Plaza 520 Robert D Ray Dr Des Moines, IA 50309-1824 We're obviously going ice skating, and Brenton is an outdoor skating arena, so wear several layers and bring plenty of gloves, hats, scarves, etc. Also, it costs $6 for admission and $3.50 for ice skate rentals. However, if there are 10 or more people, it will only cost $7 per person. This is one reason that it would be fantastic for everyone to commit as soon as possible, so I know what kind of numbers we're looking at, but either way, no big deal. For more information about Brenton, check out: http://brentonplaza.com/ We will then be going to my favorite restaurant, Zombie Burger The food's delicious, it's a really fun atmosphere and it's undoubtedly one of a kind. The restaurant is literally two blocks away from the skating plaza and has been my hangout spot since it opened in August 2011. They also have really creative shakes, spiked shakes and a full bar. For more information, here's their website, along with the menu: http://www.zombieburgerdm.com/ If everyone would like and if we had time, we could go over to UpDown (which is also a couple blocks away; all of the places we're going are in the East Village). drink beer and play arcade games http://updowndsm.com/ Or, we could just stay at Zombie Burger and drink there Either way, it's going to be a blast! As far as accommodations, I would definitely let you guys stay with me if I had my own place, but I don't yet. I would suggest finding a hotel near the airport, which is about 10 minutes away from the East Village, where we'll be spending our time. There are some very nice hotels in downtown DM, but they will be pricier. Here's a link to some airport hotels: http://www.tripadvisor.com/HotelsNear-g37835-qDSM-Des_Moines_Iowa.html Confirmed nerds so far: SnowWhite FalseAesop Wufkar SammyShark mmitchell151 Bananandrea And lastly, please reply if you are still planning on attending, and let me know if you have any questions; I'd be more than happy to answer them! I'd recommend everyone post their challenge thread or battle blog so we can get to know each other a bit before the meet up. I can't wait! Battle on, Nerds. Cheers! -SnowWhite
  4. Hi guys, how are you? Seeing as Easter is less than a week from today, I wrote a small, simple, but fun challenge for Sunday. As a way of kicking my own ass with it. It consists on doing 6 ladders with burpees, pull-ups and Hanging Leg Raises for your enjoyment. Follow the link for the details (a small but shameless attempt to self advertising). An Evil Easter Challenge
  5. Testing the waters to see if there is any interest... Here's my idea (and not entirely sure it hasn't been done here before). I'd like to start a co-op story writing thread that mimics the class activity I would do in grade school where the teacher had us start a story, pass the paper, and keep going round until the teacher called time. Then, we took turns reading the crazy awesome tales we fashioned with the help of our peers. I'm no poet laureate, but I thought it would be great fun to get you nerds involved in a similar activity. Let's see what epic greatness we can come up with? If interested, please respond to sign up. Once sign ups are closed, I will use a RNG to decide the writing order and post it (so that everyone gets a turn, and we aren't all responding to the same story post at the same time). If you are number one, let the story begin! Once the writer before you posts his or her story segment, you are free to continue the tale with your work. Take as little or as much time as you like posting your bit! The sky is the limit, but you are confined to a single post (so fit the sky and more in that one post!). SIGN UP FOR ROUND ONE CLOSED! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN ON FUTURE ROUNDS! Current Posting Order: gwenhwyfer seahound jitterstheclown red1263 klaymates ghost alienjenn vengefulpear
  6. Hey Everyone, So I am Jeremy, otherwise known as Omnianimaphobia, an I'm a gowk. Simple math Geek + Jock = Gowk. I am a group fitness instructor, assistant director of a fitness center, marathoner, paleo enthusiast, obstacle course racer, on and on and on. I am here cause I want to encourage everyone to stay active, get happy, and enjoy life! If I can help, I'll do my best! Never been a big forum person, but NF seemed right up my alley. Looking forward to reading everyones stories and maybe even learning a bit at the same time as well.
  7. Fitness, Finance, Food, Friends, Family & Fun in 2014 This year's goals I consider this a work in progress and I will edit and change as necessary. Fitness Continue with NF challenges Waist down to 28" Get rid of tummy fat Maintain a size 6 Be bikini ready for June Take swim lessons Finance Read - I will teach you to be Rich and Rich Dad, Poor Dad Proceed from there Friends Through the years friends moved away or just lost touch Even when I can go out I have no one to go out with. I need to expand my circle of friends! Make 3 new friends and do something fun with them. Family - Improve the diet of my whole family less pizza and chicken nuggets! - Sit down for a family meal once a week in the dinning room- more difficult than you would think, autistic son hates to sit down, constant battle to keep him at the table - Cleaner home; declutter and fix broken things J (severe autism, non-verbal, age 10) - address toilet training (he's almost there) and sleep issues & keeping clothed (Loves being naked, running around the house) - TMJ issues; lots of biting things and bottom teeth are starting to become very crooked; research treatments - Fix dynavox program, with family pics - Sign up for horseback riding program in the spring - Sign up for Surfer's Healing program this summer in Toronto O (mild autism, very verbal, socialization issues, age 10) - Socializing skills & Counciling - Sign up for Canisius College socializing program - Get back into counciling and back on meds. Husband - Have more fun together - I want to say go out once a month but I think three times before my birthday in July is more realistic. Fun - Belly dancing classes - Travel to Chicago for summer architecture program - Go out with husband - Go to more live music events
  8. I'm starting later, because I was in a bit of a funk. Those happen During the mini-challenge, I did a bunch of push-ups, and I really liked how it feels to have a bit more muscle in the shoulder region again. Being a bit stronger and having a bit more muscle just feels.. physically good? This is a thing I want. So, I think this challenge is a good time for me to get serious about doing body-weight exercises again. Also, erhm, I kinda finally got over the idea that "guys will not like me when I look strong, oh no" I don't care anymore. This kind of thinking is blocking my fun. Some goals that are doing the opposite of that: - Strong Nyxy: Push-ups and body weight squats. because I like those. A calendar will be hung on the wall to check how often I do some kind of workout session it, according to the do-it-or-mark-it thing I did last challenge. Thus, there are no goals regarding how often I do things. Following that same attitude, I'll try to determine what is enough activity for one workout session for me by setting no goals, but just writing down what I do - Curious Nyxy That thing I do for my back? I feel ready to try to make it harder. right now it looks like this: I'm pretty sure I could move back into the direction of doing a bridge, if I want. But, the goal is to kind of play around and see how different progressions/variants of these moves feel This can join with the rest of my workout stuff, really. - Relaxed Nyxy I will continue doing the exercises that were in my anti-shyness workbook. I almost got trough the whole thing last challenge, it might be good to reread some parts and see what that does for me, especially because it made a big difference for me already :) I'm counting this as a physical goal, because of how much it reduces my stress, like is argued for in this super great video: - Eloquent Nyxy I made a small stack of cards to learn more Serbian. Just HAVING the cards seems to convince me "Serbian Vocabulary" is a fun thing to play while having a tea. The goal is simple: turn that list of words I have into cards completely, so I end up with a little stack of things to say. It will prevent stuff like today's chicken incident. Since the goal itself is some kind of handwork involving scissors and markers, it's very attainable, if I end up learning serbian as a consequence, good. There's like, no pressure here.
  9. Here is the Nerdiversary Party plan All party food will be Yummy and make me happy when I eat it (ie. No gluten or dairy, limit sugar to ONE treat per week, except pre shark week, I get 3, and REALLY try to limit allergens)There will be lots of bendiness (back to 3x/week yoga)Will try new and exciting things with new (and old) friends (participate in all Biggest Loser 2.0 mini challenges)Preferably, all gifts will be Fiction books (I will read nothing but Fiction books for the entire challenge)There will be juggling (I got myself into a juggling PvP! O.o)No grades, no pass/fail, just going to enjoy the next six weeks the best I can, and do the things I love and that make me happy and feel good. My birthday falls on the Wednesday before the challenge ends, so it's a double dose of party!! "If it ain't fun, I ain't doin' it"
  10. So here's the deal: First to 60 minutes of Jump Roping (is that really a word?) wins. Please note, this is not an all at once thing. 60 minutes of constant jumping might kill a few of us. Do this in increments. I have document to keep track of your time, however, I can't upload it for some reason. I don't know enough of Google Docs (or whatever it is now...) to make this work here, but I am willing to keep track if you want to email me or send me a message here. If you want to join, please let me know and I'll add your very own tab to keep track. I will post updated totals daily for all to see until I figure out how to put the document up here. jitterstheclown@gmail.com Edit: Alright, AlexCold crushed this challenge into the ground. So, I am updating the deal. Jump for 60 minutes. Feel like a kid again and feel the burn. 60 minutes everyone. Go!
  11. Celebrate -Good Times ! It’s my 2 year Nerdiversary. Two years ago I joined the Rebellion, and stared leveling up. During that 2 years I’ve learned how to do push-ups, pull ups, swing press a kettlebell, more squat variations than I knew existed, gymnastic moves like headstands and crows, learned swing dance, and went climbing for the first time ever. Wow, writing that list makes me realize how much stuff I’ve been able to do, thanks to the encouragement of the Rebellion. This place has been great at encouraging me, giving me tips on improving, helping me when I am discouraged, cheering me on, and competing with me. As I celebrate my Nerdiversary, I raise a toast, to all of you who cheered me on. I have been pondering what great things I would do to celebrate my Nerdiversary. I considered trying for a grand feat, like 100 pushups or 3 pull ups. Then I decided I just wanted to take time and enjoy what I have already accomplished. I wanted my Nerdiversary be a time for me to play. I don’t need to make a goal to workout. I already have that habit. This challenge I am going to do whatever work I feel like. I plan on some kettlebells, gymnastic skill work, Hugh’s Jedi Work outhttp://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/34210-more-themed-workouts-please/, and when someone posts fun work outs, I am going to try them Having taking forever to say what my goal isn't, perhaps I should now say what my goal is. My Main Quest: To eat healthy Goal 1 I will make bone broth and eat it 5 times a week (healthy and a lovely way to celebrate fall) POINTS; 3 STA Goal 2 Eat at least 100g of protein a day ( so I can continue my leveling up) POINTS 4 STA Goal 3 Eat no bananas ( eat better carbs and more protein instead) POINTS 3 CON Life Quest: No computer until after I work out. If I’m using the computer for working out, that is fine, but no surfing the web. This will help with two things. One, I’m wasting too much time on the computer. Two, one drawback of doing random workouts is my tendency to spend waaay too much time finding the perfect one on the computer. This way, I will have my workouts decided the night before at the latest. POINTS 5 WIS Side Fitness Quest: Try 5 new exercises, flows, or balance skill. No points, just for fun Other stuff: I am going on vacation the first week of vacation. Not taking bone broth with me, so that won't happen the first week. And the protein may or may not. And I'm taking the week off exercising.Guess I'll just celebrate and work on the challenge when I get back.
  12. Sunmage

    Druid Lodge!

    Welcome to a fresh new 6 week challenge! If you are a returning Guild Member: Glad to have you back! If you are new to the Druid Guild: Welcome to the BEST of all guilds! We know this to be true because we did a tour of all the NF guilds earlier this year. If you are new to NF and this is your very first challenge: Congratulations on taking the first step towards a better and more balanced life. You are Welcome to join the Druid Guild. We recommend that you read the Adventurer'ssummary of information. They've done an awesome job at summarizing all the key points. Those folks are very organized... they have to be, as they run the largest Guild we have! ​ You can also watch this awesome video: We will have awesome mini-challenges created by Chanda! Your Druid guild leaders are Chanda, Evenewbie, livingroovy and Sunmage. You are welcome to contact us should you have any questions! Use this topic to chat, ask questions and generally have fun with your fellow druids. I am really looking forward to the next 6 weeks. Our goals will be finished soon, too! Please read the new goal rules and define your mission on your way to what you want to achieve! The last challenge has shown that these missions help you stay motivated! Be the best Druid you can be: excel at your own challenge goals and motivate your fellow druids! Are you ready?
  13. Hey all, I know it is still about a month and a half away but I am trying to put together a halloween costume and could use some help. My fiance and I are planning on going as a pair and she has already figured out that she is going to be going as poison ivy. She is making her costume. I don't know what I should go as. Batman or Robin would be the obvious choice but I don't really have the cash to dish out for a good costume. Bane could also work but I am not THAT jacked yet. then there are the other villans joker, twoface, penguine ect. OOOOH Idea! I could always do a homemade version of the darkest Night black ring batman (aka zombie batman) This could be fun and shouldn't be to hard to do hmmmm. What is everyone else going to be doing this year?
  14. Hello everyone! I want to introduce to you a sport that I began playing about a year ago and that I love with all of my heart. This sport is called Johnball. Johnball is relatively new, having been invented in 2005 by some friends in Lakeville, Minnesota while they were in middle school. It started when they were bored one day, and they played it all through high school. When they graduated from high school, the friends brought Johnball to their own respective universities all throughout the midwest. This is how I found out about it; one of the friends goes to my college and brought it here. The simplest way to describe Johnball is this: dodgeball with bats. It gets much more complicated, but that is the core of Johnball. Players hit these balls at each other with these bats. There are literally an infinite number of possible "gametypes," but here are my personal favorites: Free for All This is the most basic gametype, typically played first in a "session." Players each have a specified number of lives. If a player gets hit by a ball (really if they touch a ball for any reason) they lose one life. This includes accidentally hitting yourself, kicking a ball, falling on a ball, etc. The only part of your body that does not count if hit is the hand that is holding your bat. Once a player loses all of their lives, they are "out." The last player with lives remaining is the "winner." Notes Like I said, this is the most basic gametype in Johnball. This is generally the first one that we play when we get together, as well as the type that we use to introduce new people to the game. One thing we've noticed, at least in our chapter, is that newbies tend to win their first game. This has held true almost every single time we have a single new person play with us. If we have several new people, it's almost guaranteed that one of them will win. This is only something that I've seen or heard of in our chapter, so I don't know about any others. Medusa Medusa (or "Deuce Meduse", as we call it here) is an interesting spin-off of Free for All. Each player starts with two lives. Once a player has lost those two lives, they must drop their bat and become a "Medusa." This means that the player cannot take any more steps. The player has two things that they can do: kick balls at people, or catch balls hit by "humans." If a Medusa kicks a ball and hits a person who is still in, that person loses one life. If a Medusa catches a ball in the air that a person has hit, the Medusa comes back in the game with one life and the person loses one life. To clarify, if a Medusa kicks a ball and hits a person, it does not do anything beneficial to that Medusa except give them the satisfaction of hitting somebody. No lives are gained unless a Medusa catches a ball in the air off of a human's bat. If a Medusa catches a ball kicked by another Medusa, this does not count for anything at all. Medusas may only move as if they are carrying a basketball in a game of Basketball; that is, with a pivot foot, and without walking. Medusas may also dive for a ball if they so choose. Notes Medusa sucks to play when it's windy, but it's my favorite because even if you're the first person to become a Medusa, you could still win the game. It's also really funny when a Medusa kicks a ball and hits one of the last two people who are still in, ending the game. Bank of Lives This gametype is one that can be played with any number of "teams" with any number of people on each team. It may also be played in what we call "doubles", which is just teams of two. Each team or partnership shares a specified number of lives among them. This means that if three people are sharing five lives, one of those three people could lose all five lives and lose the game for their entire team. Notes This is always a fun game to play to get people together who usually wouldn't talk to each other, or are too shy to talk to people without some sort of catalyst. It's also fun to make fun of the teammate who loses the most lives Last but not least: Detonation This game is also team-based, with two teams. Each team starts with two balls, each a different color. The balls must correspond with each other, which means that each team must have the same colored balls . To clarify this further, if one team has a green ball and a yellow ball, the other team must have the same. The object of the game for each team is to make the two balls of the same color touch each other. So if we are to use the previous example, one team wants to touch the two green balls together and the other team wants to touch the yellow balls together. Each person has one life. Notes This is a really tiring gametype because of all the running that goes along with it. However, it is definitely in my top 5. Generally each team kind of splits into groups: defense, aggressive defense, offense. The defense will stay back with the ball that the other team is trying to get. They are in charge of keeping that ball safe from the other team. Anyone who is in the aggressive defense group will attack the other team's offense group, trying to get the ball so that they control both of the other team's balls. The offensive group will attack the other team's defense with the ball that they want to touch. Depending on how many people get out on your team, it can be quite tiring trying to chase the balls around. There are 3 major rules in Johnball. Follow these three rules and you will be golden. Honesty. This is number one because Johnball is completely self-regulated. If you get hit, even a little bit, you need to be honest and count it. If you don't, you're just a big poopy-head. Plus it's pretty obvious if a ball hits you and you don't call it out. People will be able to tell, and they won't be happy. However, if you see someone get hit and not call it out, don't call them out on it. The point of Johnball is to have fun and make friends, and calling people out only causes arguments. It's not fun for anyone. So why not just call out your hits? It's much easier than yelling about it. Sportsmanship. This goes hand in hand with honesty, and it's pretty self-explanatory: don't be a dick and everyone will be happy. Documentation/Friendship. We've combined two into one here, because we don't know which one is more important. Documentation matters because of the fact that Johnball is relatively unknown. The more pictures and videos we take, the more the good word can be spread. As for friendship... well, do you really need an explanation? Ok, that got a lot longer than I expected. However, I still have a couple of things to talk about. First off, how do we start games? Well, here's the John of Johnball, the Johnfather himself, to explain that to you. Here is the Johnball highlight video, which, if you are an avid reddit user, you may have seen on /r/videos recently. Here is an imgur album with my favorite Johnball pictures: http://imgur.com/a/aC9Gu#0 And finally, here is the official Johnball website: http://www.playjohnball.com Let me know what you think; any questions, comments, etc. are welcome! Here is the International Johnball Association Facebook page. Thanks for reading! Nannoo
  15. Hey, everyone! I've seen lots of fun activities in this part o the forum, but I haven't found juggling yet. So, do you guys like it? What kind of jugging do you like? How often to you practice? I, personally, am still struggling with a 3 ball cascade, but I love training. It's probably my favorite activity, actually. And now I've found a group of jugglers in my college's campus, so I'll start learning other kinds of juggling. Oh, and I have a diabolo that I'm trying to figure out how to keep on the string, hehe. So, if anyone has any tips or comments on juggling, please share it here! A friendly bear hug to everyone!
  16. Hello, Just joined Nerd Fitness last week. I was very happy to find this site and community. I am a 30 years old, work a lot, and have a high stress job where I deal with people and animals. I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, and no children yet. I currently weigh 184 lbs and would like to weigh 150 - 155 lbs. I took a photo of myself last week and then had my husband hide the scale. I wont be able to make it long without weighing myself. Over the past ~10 years, I have tried many methods of losing weight and have always been unsuccessful. As in, I just can not lose weight. I have done diets and exercise before with little or no results. Diet wise I have tried weight watchers, biggest loser, dukan, and counting calories. Counting calories worked a little, but I was eating 1200 calories a day and working out for an hour a day and as soon as I couldn't keep that up what weight I did lose came right back. I have played sports my whole life and have always been fit, just overweight. My frame can carry a lot of muscle. I have been working out with a trainer since December doing circuit training and I run on my off days. I am so much stronger now and I know I look better, but I have lost 8 lbs in that time. I was down 11, but I visited my in-laws and gained 5 lbs in a week (no eating bad and working out every day). I love to work out and am excited to learn more about it here. With the community here, I know I will be successful this time. Thanks for reading my story ;-)
  17. Nyxy

    Nyxy does less

    Let's do this thing: Main Goal: See how good things can get. Last month, I found out that I have PCOS, and it's been messing me up by making my metabolism wonky and my brain ridiculously depressed. It kind of explains why I have been failing at the past challenges in an extraordinary manner. Now, I get Fancy Pills that should, in time, turn me into a robot make my body work better. This is awesome and really motivating, because it sounds like I'll have more of a 'fair fighting chance' than I've had the past... two years or so. So here is my chance at doing stuff and actually seeing results, and finally becoming a ninja. Because fun is important in this ninja-plan of mine, all my goals will go towards being physically able of having more of it. This challenge, I will be taking it extremely easy, and focus on some daily habits, because I'm still pretty weak, and I'm inspired by the "do less" line in this post. I think I can gather the willpower points for the following: 1. I have a mini-rountine of exercises that stop my back from hurting. I will do that every morning. Because not having pain = good. 2. Every evening before bed, I will either do 3 sets of push-ups, or 3 sets of squats. Because it's a start. That's what I need right now. 3. I will drink at least one and a half litre of water every day. Because being thirsty is for suckers. By means of an AWESOME side-quest, I thought it would be rather assassin-like to know how to tango, so I enrolled myself into some tango classes. ALSO THIS: Yay!
  18. Just making a place holder for now. This challenge is going to be based off of a book series as opposed to my last few that have been movie based. The book series is The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. hope you enjoy following me
  19. The New England Region of the World Tang Soo Do Association is hosting our second annual 5k run and 2 mile walk. This is a fund raise for a scholarship fund to help students achieve their higher education goals, since mental growth is just as important in the martial arts as physical. Last year was a fun event and this year looks to be as well. The race starts and end in Mixville park in Cheshire Ct. That atmosphere is very friendly and informal, the emphasis for the event is fun and completing personal challenges. I will be out there this year looking to beat my time of last year. If you in the area and looking for a 5k to try this is a good one. Here is a link to the active.com page for registration. http://beta.active.com/cheshire-ct/running/region-9-5k-run-2-mile-walk-for-knowledge-2013
  20. I'm starting this out and I'm going to start talking here. I've attempted to start an accountabilibuddies thread but that did not seem to work out so well. So I think I'm going to just get all my thoughts, work out feats, defeats, and all around daily struggles here. Be prepared for what might come because my mind tends to really scatter. But I think this will be a new and very well needed adventure. I welcome all beneficial criticism/comments/concerns. Optimism encouraged. Negativity left at the door. If you have questions about me, look me up and check out my current challenge. Or my accountabilibuddies page pretty much is a good explanation of myself. I don't feel like typing much about myself. Basically because it's 11 pm. Ugh. Gotta get to sleep. first thing is first.... some numbers: 7/30/13: BF% of 29.78 8/13/13 BF% 29.4 I'm slightly on target with my goal. However, I think I gotta kick it into high gear. What do yall think? I think I'm gonna look up my macros after reading some threads. I've always attempted to do a food journal but have never followed through. I think it's finally time to really commit. Any tips on how? I know to use MyFitnessPal. I guess just eat the same things all the time that way I just have to put in the same things and not have to worry about measuring things out. Macros found.... Calories: 1740 Carbs per day: 208 g Protein per day: 100.1 g Fat per day: 56.4 g Fiber per day: 28-35 g Calories per meal: 580 Carbs per meal: 69.3 g Protein per meal: 33.4 g Fat per meal: 18.8 g Fiber per meal: 9-12 g
  21. So this will be my official challenge thread. Main Quest: Get back to 155Lbs. Side Quests: - Maintain my weightlifting routine for the duration of the challenge. - Run 3 miles 5x a week (also for the duration of the challenge). - Make a point of not overwhelming myself every day trying to do everything, every day. Y'know, relax a little; let the small stuff slide and learn to let go. Specifics to follow in the next post.
  22. Hi! This is my first true blue attempt at joining an online community that isn't a guild in an MMO. I'm new to the Nerd Fitness forums, though I've had my fair share of exercising stints and I'm slowly devouring all of Steve's articles. My goal is to gain strength through body weight movements in order to fling my body through the air in a succession of flips, kicks, and twists. This training stint is going to largely focus on gymnastics training (went to my first adult tumbling class on Monday, loved it!) and hanging rings for upper body development. I like to play frisbee, slackline, read nutrition articles, read books (half fitness, half whatever interests me), and hang out with friends. I dream to have a job doing something involving fitness, maybe involving teaching children, and owning a well kept VW bus. And my name comes from a strip in one of my favorite web comics ("Antics"), though years of biking have had their benefits in the development of my posterior. I'm looking forward to being a part of the community and making new friends!
  23. (Look at me trying to keep this short... I'll fail ) How exciting, this is going to be my second challenge. Time definitely flies! Now, immediately onto the good stuff: Goals! 1. Make the exercise fun! You see, I really really enjoy bodyweight stuff. I injured my back though and I'm convinced I'll be busy recovering for quite some time. So that means my favourite form of exercise will be severely limited with which exercises I can do. I'm very glad I found something I really enjoy, but I'll have to find other things I enjoy, too! I will do two workouts a week (they can be the same, but I have to do 6 different things throughout the challenge) chosen from the following list: - Dancing workout - Stepmania (yes, it's 'dancing' too, but different!) - Poi while walking - Running - Swimming - Playing football with my hubby - Try KB stuff over at KBgirl's gym(? if possible - really hope so!) - long (over 45 minutes), brisk, walk in the forest - ??? (Any ideas? please leave me some suggestions!) For completing this I will receive +3 sta (for actually doing all of the exercise on days planned) and + 2 cha for learning about what types of exercise I enjoy. A = tried at least 6 different things, completed all (or missed max 2) workouts. B = either tried 6 different types of exercise and missed out on fewer than 5 workouts or did more workouts but tried 4 or 5 different things, C tried fewer than 4 or missed more than 5 workouts, F = worse 2 Recovery is important! I'm getting bored with my recovery exercises. They are important. So I will do my recovery exercises at least 5 days a week and when I don't do everything I will do at least (no official names here, just so I know what I mean by it): 5 lying on back + knee to side 8 vacuum cleaner 8 wall push ups (/or desk) 5 superman (arms next to body) 10 left arm + right leg up 10 ‘zen’ exercises (with 0.5 kgs if I can find two water bottles) 5 ‘half’ planks (hold 6 seconds) ‘zwaaien’ for 50 seconds Stats: dex + 2, con + 2 A = Done all days and all exercises, B missed 1-2 days or did partial set of recovery exercises on 1-5 days, C missed 3-5 days or did partial set of exercises 5+ days, D - missed more than 5, less than 10 days, F - worse 3. Hydrate! Already hate this one! But it's wise, so I'll try. Instead of making it too hard (and probably impossible/demotivate myself) I will try to drink 1 additional glass of water a day, and I will do so when I A) get home from school/work or (on days off) when I switch on the computer. As this is a wise things to do I'll get stats: + 1 wis + 2 con 4. Preparation is key I am (should be) graduating soon! The ceremony is July 5th. As I'll be teaching starting next academic year I need to get organised. I don’t think I can make a proper planning just yet (might be something for the next challenge) but I want to create a folder/organised system of all activities I can use in class (so when I don’t know what to do I have some back up activities). In addition I will have to buy a diary that’s large enough to keep organised for all groups I will be teaching. While I’m at it I might as well organise, decide what to keep and what to throw out, all of my study books, material etc. This should also mean I will have some empty folders etc. I can use for my work +3 wis If I only manage part of this the breakdown will be: A - everything done, B - missed part of one subgoal, C - completely missed 1 subgoal, F - worse (yes, being a bit strict but I should have plenty of time!) ---------- I hope I'll get as excited about this one as the first challenge, but I'm not quite there yet
  24. Let's play a game. Round robin style lets tell a story. Rules are simple, everyone gets 2-4 sentences a turn, building on what the previous posters have written. Please include in your post the previous story sentances written by the person who went before you did. You can post twice per day. Cliches are fine, cheesy is fine. In fact speaking of cliches and cheese.... In a galaxy long ago and far away, out past the bowl of perpetually falling petunias, there was a planet. A rather small, blue/green thing, going a bit grey around the poles. The residents here were (mostly) insects that spent their time avoiding the (mostly) sentient larger 2 legged things that were always stomping about the place as if they owned it.
  25. Hey guys, I have been into fitness and healthy eating for a long time but only just discovered this website. I have read through some of the articles and topics and it appears many people have similar beliefs to me. I do/ play football, tennis, climb, squash, badminton, running and generally love sport. I am hoping to learn some more stuff and progress myself from this site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5PdEaWAAVE&feature=youtu.be Here's a fun video I made from a park workout the other day. Stay cool and have fun!
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