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  1. Hi all. Respawning under a battle log because this year the challenges have not been working for me. I want to be active on the forums but keeping my own thread up to date drained too much energy from my super-introvert self. Going to use this thread as a home-base to update on my quests and progress, but realistically most of my energy will be focused on checking in with my NF Coach in the app. My hope is that having a low-pressure home base in the battle logs will make participating in the forums less intimidating for me. That way I can hang out in the super inspiring threads of other Rebels What am I training towards? I want to participate in my first Tri-Sprint by this time next year (Swim: 750 m; Bike: 20 km; Run 5 km) Global pandemic back-up plan is a self-run/virtual duathlon (Sprint distance - 5km run, 20km bike, 2.5km run)
  2. Welcome to the Scouts Camp! Ever on the move, our camp has relocated from the mountains into the wilds of the jungle farther down the river of NerdFitnessLandia What we will find as we explore this year? What mysteries lie out in the world beyond our camp? Welcome to 2018 ... here's to the future!
  3. One of my goals for 2014 is to complete an Intermediate Triathlon. I feel relatively confident about the running and biking portions, but I've never been a fantastic swimmer. Other than swimming a lot (which I plan on doing this next year as often as I can) are there other exercises, techniques or things that I need to know before I embark on this challenge? What's the best way to approach swimming a mile long distance in open water? I'd be grateful for any tips or suggestions of any kind that you all might send my way.
  4. I have been planning on making a battle log for a while now. I have been in and out of the challenges for 3 or 4 years now. I have enjoyed them but I think for now I am done with them. I used to be bigger into lifting and rucking and then shifted into the world of IRONMAN. In 2017/2018 I finished two full IRONMANs struggled through a couple of GORUCK challenges and generally was not too happy with my fitness. This past year(2018) I have kind of been lazy and not focused much on a goal, I did a few sprint triathlons and a GORUCK light. For 2019 my new game plan is to hit the triathlon disciplines pretty hard while maintaining rucking and beginning a new linear lifting progression. In general I want to become stronger, fast, quicker, and improve my flexibility. I want to achieve a WOD daily with stretching. I have always followed a mostly 80/20 healthy eating regiment. I find this is not really good for me, I like to eat healthy during the week and then I would do an 80-100 mile bike ride on Saturday which would be followed by binge eating then usually a night of binge drinking. Sunday would be a "refeed" day. In order to really achieve what I am hoping for I need to follow a 100% healthy eating rule and maybe see it slip into the 99/1 range. I have a large amount of goal distances and weights I am shooting for. I won't post them until I achieve them. Same goes for other(mental)aspects of my year. For now I have a GORUCK light scheduled in two weeks, a tough/light in may, and a heavy in September. Tri's are just some sprints and a tune up half IRONMAN in march. I do want to get my "A" race sometime in the late fall for the half distance. I have no intentions of doing a full this year, that is for sure. I will post some book reviews as I finish them since I have reading goals as well as any other aspects of my hobbies that I feel like(gardening, cars, fishing, etc).
  5. Hello, hello! It's time for another 4-week challenge! Last challenge went off pretty dang successful! I am hoping to continue that streak with the number of upcoming challenges planned for the month of June. This June I have a few races coming up such as a Triathlon, Spartan Race, and a couple of road races. Last challenge I found that focusing on completing Nerd Fitness Quests ended up being a great motivation for me to follow through with a number of challenges. So this challenge I will be doing the same! Quest Challenges Finish a Triathlon Sprint[POST] Complete a Spartan Race[POST] Run the 5K Cookie Fun Run[POST] Run the Midsummer Mile Race[POST] Do 12 Consecutive Double Unders(Part of Burpee-Bop's Boss Battle)[POST] Attend 9 Martial Art Classes(Krav Maga and Swords Training) Write 300 words a day for 30 Days Quests(In Order) Non-Quest Related Challenges Program 1 hour a day, 6 days a week Go to Parkour/Freerunning class 2 times a week Swim once a week ________________ Other than the races, one of my biggest physical focuses is to finish my last NF Boss Battle and move on to my custom-made workouts. I am planning on focusing more on core strength and workouts to improve on Parkour. I'm also going to dial it back on cardio after my triathlon(With the exception of the races) and focus more on strength training this month. Like the last few challenges I will be accomplishing a minimum of one NF Academy Quest per day. I am going to make each post formatted like last challenge and how I format my photo journal. Each day I am going to snap a photo that relates to some sort of progress or memorable event in my life. To save space, each photo will be put in a spoiler tag. Weekly Summaries Week I Summary Week II Summary Week III Summary Week IV Summary Good luck on everyone else in the 4-week challenges!
  6. Hi, I'm new to NF and am looking for a training partner. I live in Lebanon, TN and am basically starting from scratch with my new fitness lifestyle. I want to complete a triathlon and am interested in finding people to train or workout with. You don't have to be training for a triathlon, any workout buddy would do. PM me if you live in the Nashville area and would be interested! Thanks! - Leiros
  7. WELCOME TO PART II This is a shortened challenge this time, as there is only two weeks left until the triathlon (GETTING EXCITED!). For the first two weeks, my challenge will be the same as part I: Track my food in MFP. Way too hard to eat enough calories, so I'm dropping from 'Active' to 'Lightly Active' to make me feel better Goal is now 1920 Cals + exercise Cals from training Follow the last weeks of the sprint triathlon plan Week 1 - Two 20min swims 45min bike ride 30min run Week 2 - 15min each of bike, run, swim TRIATHLON!!!! I will still be trying to do 2x lifting every week, but I'm not too worried if this drops off. Next goals will be trying out kickboxing and working through the NF handstands program, but I'll save these for the next challenge. Week 3 & 4 - I'm going to experiment with a couple weeks of low calories (1400/day or something similar) and test the effect. I'll also go back to 3x lifting then as well. I lost weight slowly but quite well at 1700-1800Cals, however it messed around with some health stuff when I did it for three challenges straight. I only want to drop about 3kg max (if even that much? I have built lots of muscle the last six months). This is so I have room to bulk back up a bit more. MFP reckons two weeks at that level should be about 1kg total lost.
  8. Hi everyone! I was very disappointed last year when my last challenge (november) fell apart...I was doing ridiculous hours at work for a few weeks, and didn't have time to keep track of what I was doing and do weekly scoring. I have been lifting still 1-2 times a week, but not tracking food or anything else. And now I find myself in 2017 with only 8 weeks to go until my first full-length sprint triathlon!!! I'm calling this a double-challenge because the triathlon will happen at the end of the next challenge (late Feb), so I'm taking an 8-week look at it. Not sure yet if I will do a points system up like with previous challenges. Basically, my goals are to: Follow the 13-week training program on beginnertriathlete.com. I'm starting on week 6, but week 6 & 7 are rest weeks (low volume), so I think that should work out well to ramp up. I'll be doing 2x each sport per week. Track my food again in MFP. I am worried with the extra training I won't be eating enough calories (I struggle at the best of times) and that is a sure-fire way for me to fail miserably at the training program!! MFP reckons calorie expenditure for me, set to "active" is 2160Cals. My maintenance level normally is about 2000-2100, so this may be too low. I think I had better track exercise in MFP as well, and eat the extra calories...
  9. Hi I'm going to be aiming for an Olympic Tri in July and do a Sprint in May for practice, trying to figure out a training plan that will work in my schedule: I have the 5-9 hours to be able to train though most will be indoors until summer time, the thing that I'm struggling with is that I have to factor in that my main transportation is by bike and I bike with 80lbs of kid to get to the gym and one day a week is errand day where I bike around 15-25km with them just broken up between stops and how to factor this into training. My bike to the gym is 5km each way again with the kid cargo and then to add in brick training....oh and my weakest area is running, swimming is fairly strong and biking is probably the strongest but my weakness is hills
  10. JAPAN! So for part of this adventure I will be traveling to Japan for a 12 day vacation(11/1 - 11/12). I plan on doing some fitness there and tracking all the walking I plan on doing with my garmin. I will also be posting heavy on here with photos. IRONMAN Maryland did not go well. The swim was cancelled and the bike was only 100 miles. The run was partially through water. Because of this we are now signed up for IRONMAN Texas on 4/22. I need to keep training the 3 disciplines of triathlon whether I would like to or not so that I can finish there. I do plan on not training nearly as hard since I felt Maryland was pretty easy. I did a GORUCK Light a few weeks ago and remembered how fun that was. I am thinking of doing the prohibition light on 12/2 and then the MLK back to back in January. End goal would be a heavy sometime this summer. Goals through the end of this Challenge: Miniatures(Tau Squad) Cut out legs Base legs Cut out missile arrays Base missile arrays Fish(12 gallon future reef) Assemble water filter Hang water filter Connect drain to waterline Connect filter to waterline Cut out egg crate Rinse rocks Test run rocks Aquarium on shelf Test all hardware Cars Clean EVO exterior Clean Mazda interior windshield Mazda oil change Mazda gear oil Miata inspected EVO cat change Deck Finish lower section framing Finish nailing beams Chalk line Cut beams Assemble outer ledger Frame stair area Clothes Clean out dresser Finish the corner of shelves area Magic Try to find a box of Kaladesh for $90(I know this is not in my control but I need to check pricing often) Reading Finish two current walking dead books Finish the two most current walking dead books Finish short story sci fi book Finish Dive book As far as Fitness and Food goes. I am going to start lifting again doing linear progression starting very light, Swimming mon-fri, and then throwing in a ruck on Saturdays and run/bike on tues/thurs. Food is going to be between 2,000 and 2,200 Calories daily, No drinking at home, and not eating like a pig in Japan. I do attempt to keep carbs low <100g and no sugar sources or grains. I have been on a non stop gorge since 10/1, gained easily 4-5 lbs and need to get back on track big time.
  11. Not much going on this challenge in terms of nerd content and games. Sorry no zombies or neighbors to be saved. I took last challenge off and hit kind of a meh period, had a lovely bike wreck and luckily did not break anything(going 18 MPH and the wheel snapped all the way to the left suddenly) but suffered some nice road rash and some general poopy attitude about being so sore and missing workouts. 2 weeks afterwards I was pretty much pain free. I am now only 2 weeks out from my IRONMAN so number one focus is training/diet. I am going to continue my old method of posting daily habits and chores and just marking off what I do and grading myself based on the progress made. After 10/1 I am unsure where my challenge will head but there will be a recomp of goals and sort of a new challenge inside this challenge. I originally thought I was going to continue this long distance thing and go even further(double or triple IRONMAN next October) but recently I am deciding it is not really for me. I am likely going to do sprint Tri's and get much more back into lifting/rucking, I may even pick up rollerblading(tricks on rails and jumping stairs) again. One other big thing recently is I am down 25lbs just about. I have started bagging up my current clothing(style would be best described as Hobo) for donation and have purchased some really nice clothing that fits properly. First day at work I was asked where my interview is so I know I am looking good. I am starting to feel strongly about dressing nicely as a part of feeling good. I'll post crash pictures later.
  12. Doctorake's Final Fantasy In coming off my last challenge I wanted to try something more weekly based as opposed to a daily list of stuff that had really been stressing me out. I want the ability to take a day where I ignore some stuff and not have a penalty because of it. So here I am needing to restore the four crystals and bring balance back into my world. I will have a daily battle and update the day after like I usually do. I will log my 4 areas of focus and see how high of a % I can renew each crystal. Earth Crystal The Earth Crystal will be recharged based on my workouts, lifting, body weight exercises, and my stretching. This is a 7 days a week deal for me and I would like to go 100%, I will not beat myself up though over injuries or anything else. Fire Crystal The Fire Crystal will be recharged based on working on my deck, yard, and house work. Hoping to get 5 days a week and no task is too small. Water Crystal The Water Crystal will be recharged based on my intake. This will be alcohol, food and pills(vitamins/creatine). This one also needs to be 7 days a week. I am currently on day 5 of no drinking for 30 days(Wife challenged me) and am likely going to continue it until IRONMAN Maryland(10/1). Air Crystal The Air Crystal will be recharged based on my hobbies. This will be any of my exciting hobbies I have been neglecting. This may include but is not limited to; aquariums, nerd room, woodworking, magic cards, ardiuno, welding, etc. I am hoping for 3 days a week on this one but could do even more if I manage my time better.
  13. ZOMBIES ATE MY RANGERS CHALLENGE! For those that do not know, this was an amazing game originally for the SNES system in which you would adventure through levels 1 or 2 players and gain items/weapons while attempting to save your neighbors. You could die by losing health or by losing all 10 neighbors. I loved playing it as a kid and really need to put it on my retro pie when I get a chance. So I will start with 10 lucky Neighbors/Rangers to be saving. Neighbors: @raptron @Tanktimus the Encourager @DJtrippyT @Jarric @Lifter5 @WorldSparrow @Rinna @Artemis1 @sozzielou @Rurik Harrgath @Thom Ulfhedinn @Sloth the Enduring @Xena @mr_willes @maegs @Rebel Five @bker1370 How Rangers die, simple, I miss doing things I am supposed to be doing in my training and life. Groupings: pills/stretching - miss either each day 2 dead Rangers. lifts/pulls/workouts - miss any each day 1 dead Ranger. low carb/no drinking/correct calories - mess each day and 1 dead Ranger. daily habits - more than 2 missed 1 dead Ranger. So pretty much if I miss a day of taking my pills or stretching, I kill two of you guys. I made this one so harsh because it is so simple to do, there is really no reason to miss a day. Missing a workout, pull ups, lifting etc. One of you are zombie food. This is pretty simple to understand. Injuries will be given special treatment, excuses will not. Caloric intake. I need to lower my carbs to less than 100 per day(some special considerations may apply, not excuses). Absolutely no alcohol unless I am at a special event, and then keep it low calorie/low carb. My calorie limit is 2,600 per day, super heavy training days it may be slightly pushed up, but is not an excuse to go to 7k calories. Any of these messed up in a day results in a dead Ranger. My daily habits are pretty simple, things I should be doing any ways. I can miss up to 2 a day, special considerations when I have things like work all day then a late hockey game I go straight to. More than 2 missed in a day though and one of you guys die. Chores: none - 1 dead Pretty much get at least one thing off my chore list done per day at least. If I fail without a seriously legit reason then one of you die. How to earn bonus Ranger: 3 days of all dailies - 1 bonus Ranger 5 days of lift/pull/workout - 1 bonus Ranger 5 days of pills/stretching - 1 bonus Ranger I can earn up to a max of 20 Rangers. Bonus items: 5 guys cheeseburger 5 guys cheeseburger Chipotle bowl(no rice/wrap) Thai bowl(no rice, 4 buddies) Chipotle bowl(no rice/wrap) Thai bowl(no rice, 4 buddies) wings(3 wings) wings(3 wings) Wegmans Pizza slice Wegmans Pizza slice Pretty much for each bonus item task completed I roll a D10 and get the coresponding item. All food bonuses must fit inside of the intake criteria for the day(calories/carbs). Bonus items disappear once received and a reroll will be added to their slot. Bonus item tasks: Notch all posts on deck Finish all beams Finish framing Finish setting up filter Finish setting up 12 gallon Finish building 75 gallon stand Clean entire Nerd Room Organize minis Organize an entire set of MTG 7 days of healthy intake 7 days of exercise 7 days of stretching/pills SUPER MEGA BONUSES: Finish with X Rangers: 20 neighbors: Rib Eye/Shrimp and a nice low carb side, then go ruck 5 miles with 20lbs 15-19 neighbors: Go buy a new fishing rod/reel 10-15 neighbors: Have a nice dinner out wherever you want 9: Not amazing, Buy something small fish tank related 8: Not too good, open 2 magic boosters 7: Average, you get nothing < 7: You suck, go RUCK 10 miles At 30 lbs That is it, hopefully I can keep everyone alive!
  14. My overall objective really hasn't changed from the last challenge, but I did rearrange things a bit to help myself organize a more efficient and effective plan of attack. I have cut things down to only 2 primary goals, but each involve a lot of moving parts (body parts, mental parts, mechanical parts...). I do have high expectations, but I am also happy working my way up to achieving my goals and potential, no matter the time necessary. Thus far, I feel I have been fairly diligent about allowing myself that time to adapt slowly in order increase my chance of success. And now, after a pretty nasty stumble mentally, I am hoping to finally step it up to this next level that I have been eyeballing for quite some time. Additionally, one of these days I intend to complete a nerd fitness challenge to my satisfaction. So why not now? As an added bonus to nailing this challenge, I should be much better off in my race the day after the challenge ends. Mountain Man Olympic Tri in Flagstaff, AZ, August 14! Here we go... Goal #1 - Triathlon Training A. Strength - 5 days a week (push and pull twice each, legs once) B. Swim - 2 days a week C. Bike - 4 days a week (commute 3 times, road once) D. Run - 5 days a week Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. Run (interval) Bike* (interval) Bike* (tempo) Bike* (easy) Run (long/trail) Bike (long) Rest Swim (interval) Run (easy) Run (tempo) Run (transition) Push Pull Legs Push Pull Swim (long) *commute I am already pretty routine with my 3 days of bike commute, 2-3 of my runs, and 1 swim. My focus will be to get my long bike in every week, get my strength days going, and make that second swim more routine. Goal #2 - Recovery Priority #1 - Turn computer off at 7:00 pm Priority #2 - Bedtime at 8:30 pm Priority #3 - Yoga w/ Adriene at 7:00 pm Priority #4 - Stretch after all exercise I still need to do a lot better about sleep. If I do not get in the habit of shutting down, I will never succeed at keeping a bedtime. My flexibility is horrendous and always has been. I am not content with accepting that that is just they way I am. Let's Get It!!
  15. Hello I am looking for one or more someones to help me stay on track. I have a tendency to slip if I don't have the accountability that comes with talking to someone. My current challenge is with the rangers and I think that is where I'll stay for a while, but being the same class is no must. After all a group of more than one class tends to do best. The things I am currently working on include: weightloss, training for a triathlon, starting with some body weight training, focusing at work, focusing at home to do the things I want to do, walking the dog more, survival skills (like learning edible plants), trusting myself and my ability to do things more. I'd love to stay in contact either here or on some form of chat service, I use skype quite a lot for chats.
  16. I've been rewatching Scrubs, and just enjoying myself immensely. So, to indulge my love for the silly gif's, here we go! Scrubs theme challenge! I will be doing a 5 week challenge, starting today, and my biggest focus will be on my very first Sprint Triathlon taking place at the end of official week 2, June 25th! Interns Survive the triathlon (Bonus - time 1:50) At the beginning of the series, J.D., Turk, and Elliot are interns - learning the ropes, going through hazing, trying to fit in and survive. I will be channelling the interns to survive and thrive in the new triathlon environment! Hopefully not me at my triathlon! Residents Follow the training plan for the triathlon As the series progresses, the residents survive endless paperwork, doing all the groundwork for their superiors, and endless routine. This is going to be me for the next three weeks. Overarching goal is to swim, run, and bike 2X/week. This is unrealistic though, so I will aim to do 5 workouts/week over a range of activities. I will be following a plan I modified based on one I can't find anymore online... Nurses Stretching and foam rolling Nurses take care of people behind the scenes, responsible for the care and comfort of patients. I need to take care of my body in order to survive the triathlon, so will be stretching after every workout and foam rolling 3X/week. Nurses are the best! Janitor Clean and maintain my home While the Janitor in Scrubs doesn't actually clean the hospital very much, I will hopefully do a better job than him. I will clean the bathrooms 1X/week Well let's do this!
  17. Howdy Scouts!! I am making my return to the rebellion after quite a few challenges away and am ready to get back in the good fight with all my fellow nerds. This will be my first as a scout, as my fitness life has taken a drastic turn toward much more endurance activities. That, and I just wanted to see how things are done in the scout camp! Honestly, I have never been a huge fan of running just to run, but have been trying to convince myself otherwise. I have always been good at running, just never pushed myself outside of casual sporting activities. Now I am really wanting to hone that skill. My problem, as it always has been, is that I want to be good at everything. As a compromise, I have taken up the sport of triathlon. That is all well and good, except I am unwilling to ditch my strength goals. I have been tweaking my strength routine here and there to try to make it as compatible as possible while still allowing me to possibly achieve my goals. I have an updated plan, and where I really need help is with some good ol fashioned accountability! This is all a test case of the possibilities and my capabilities, but if you have any suggestions, I am all open ears. I am always looking to learn and willing to adapt. Quest I am honestly not entirely sure. I really need to figure this out. Not knowing this is the primary reason I am always jumping around and never really fully achieving my goals. Goals 1: Strength Training - 3 days a week 2: Running - 5 days a week* 3: Stretch or Yoga - 6 days a week 4: Be in bed by 8:15 - 7 days a week* 5: Figure out my Quest *leniency if necessary Upcoming Races August 14, 2016 - Mountain Man Olympic Tri in Flagstaff, AZ October 22, 2016 - Pumpkinman Olympic Tri in Boulder City, NV February 25, 2017 - Phoenix Marathon in Phoenix, AZ Training Schedule Monday: Run (interval); Swim (interval); Strength (upper) Tuesday: Bike* (interval); Run (easy) Wednesday: Bike* (tempo); Run (tempo); Strength (lower) Thursday: Bike* (easy) Friday: Swim (long); Run (trail); Strength (upper) Saturday: Bike (long); Run (transition) Sunday: Rest *commute Triathlon Training Plan Week Run (interval) Run (tempo) Swim (interval) 8;24;B 8 x 400 meters 3 miles 8 x 50 yd, 8 x 25 yd 7;25;B 4 x 1200 meters 5 miles 4 x 200 yd 6;26;BR 6 x 800 meters 7 miles 10 x 75 yd, 10 x 25 yd 5;27;B 3 x 1600 meters 3 miles 5 x 150 yd 4;28;B 10 x 400 meters 5 miles 16 x 50 yd 3;29;BR 5 x 1200 meters 5 miles 2 x 400 yd, 4 x 100 yd 2;30;P 7 x 800 meters 8 miles 10 x 100 yd, 10 x 50 yd 1;31;P 3 x 1600 meters 10 miles 4 x 400 yd 0;32;T 12 x 400 meters 3 miles 10 x 50 yd Long Run--------------10K pace + 60 to 75 sec per mile Long Tempo (8-10)--10K pace + 30 to 35 sec Mid Tempo (5-7)------10K pace + 15 to 20 sec Short Tempo (3-4)---10K pace = 6:10 per mile 1600m Repeats------10K pace - 35 to 40 sec 1200m Repeats------10K pace - 40 to 45 sec 800m Repeats--------10K pace - 45 to 50 sec 400m Repeats--------10K pace - 55 to 60 sec 25-75 yd-----10 sec RI 100-200 yd--15 sec RI 200+ yd------20 sec RI Strength Training Plan Upper Body: Vertical Pull - Pull-up Progression Vertical Push - Handstand Push-up Progression Horizontal Pull - Row Progression Horizontal Push - Push-up Progression Lower Body: Squat - Squat Progression Core - Back Lever Progression Hinge - Bridge Progression Core - Leg Raise Progression Looking forward to a wonderful journey with you all! Let's Do This!!!
  18. My goals last round went well, so this round is going to be similar. I have no theme... Goal #1: Train for and execute the June triathlon Bf and I are doing a 3mi canoe, 3mi run, 8mi bike (half distance compared to previous years) 6/5. We need to practice canoeing (the first year we had a disagreement in the canoe), plus normal training. Goal #2: 5 servings veggies/day Still trying to find a balance. Focusing on incorporating more vegetables seems to help squeeze out carbs. Goal #3: Sleeping/Waking routine Having no kids, and really not that many commitments, I can and should be prioritizing sleep more. 8 hours (tracked by Fitbit), with 5 minute morning meditation. Bonus Goals: (aka being a grownup) Plant/tend the garden Read the Kondo book (I feel a purge coming on and want to use the book as impetus) Clean the kitchen: oven, refrigerator, microwave Buy the chest freezer and bulk meat order Buy the kitchen island and reorganize Keep May groceries under $400 (except meat purchase) Cook 4 new recipes (1 each out of the cookbooks I have checked out) I'm counting the freezer, meat, and island as my 'rewards' for completing last challenge's goals.
  19. This challenge is basically try and keep on with what I started last challenge, 1. SWIM: Goal is simple, swim every weekday, unless out of town. 2. BIKE, At least one 20k+ ride, MTB preferred. At least two lunch-commutes (5k round trip, on a 16-inch bike), per week 3. RUN, get back to running, or at least walk-run, Goal is two runs per week. 4. Paleo: After a Whole29 (February), I intend to keep on primal/paleo, no cheat-meals, but not get too strict either, goal is no more than 3 deviations per week (or 18 fully paleo meals), deviations must be small and meaningful (worth it).
  20. A day late (yesterday was holiday, so...) My second challenge of the year is go back to basics, and by basics I mean swim, bike and run, oh, and paleo, my first Whole30, which ended up being something like Whole47 went great, lost some weight, felt a lot better and made some food changes that keep on two years later, BUT, some other healthy choices have become less and less common lately, so: 1. SWIM, finally, back in the pool (today was my first of the year): Goal is simple, swim every weekday, unless out of town. 2. BIKE, At least one 20k+ ride, MTB preferred. At least two lunch-commutes (5k round trip, on a 16-inch bike), per week 3. RUN, get back to running, or at least walk-run, Goal is two runs per week. 4. WholeFebruary, 28 days, grain, milk, sugar, processed food and leguminose-free. (already on day 2), no cheat meals, no exceptions (works for me!). On a side note, going back to my previous (long ago) challenges, I realized a reading goal started as a NF goal, 12 books a year, well, I did it for two years and last year I read 24, this year is 24 again and it's not even a goal anymore, it's more of a house-rule now, cool stuff.
  21. Hey guys and gals, I just signed up for my first triathlon, yay! I'm kinda scared. But ok. The distance is Sprint btw, 750m Swim, 20k Bike, 5k Run. I got myself a pretty good training plan together, with about 6 sessions a week (2x run, 2x bike, and 2x swim) My question to you folks is: where would you stick your strength training sessions in here? Right now I'm thinking doing Arms/Upper on a Run/Bike day and Legs on the Swim days (I'm currently doing Arms Mo/Thu and Legs Tue/Fri). Does this make sense, you think? I tried googling when to strength train during triathlon training but I've surprisingly not come across a single article discussing this! (Only "strength exercises for triathletes" and "why you should strength train as a triathlete" - but none about *when* to do those sessions. Have you done a triathlon? What was your experience during training? I'm excited to hear any opinions! Cheers
  22. Hello Scouts! After some pretty long pause (last post around April 2014, I think), I am ready to be back here. About four years ago I started this journey to a better version of myself with some degree of success, I stopped smoking, lost a lot of weight and started excersising, one thing led to another and I got into triathlon, which is awesome, then I decided to train to run a half ironman (1.9k swim, 90k bike 21k run), which I did, for my 40th birthday, and although I did finish the distance, I was quite unprepared, so I suffered, big time, and I decided to take some time off, the effort had been big and the reward did not seem proportionate. Month after month I found "reasons" not to get back to training, and I gained some weight (not as much as When I begun), so this winter break I did some thinking and here I am, back again seeking some accountability, some short term goals and to find (and give) some motivation to get back on track. The things I knew, but ignored. Of all the things I was doing, I've kept on swimming, and my eating habits have remained somewhat healthy, but it has been slowly going back to old habits, so I don't think I fell completely off the wagon, but still, I need to get back on track! So, this is my 12th? of 1st challenge, depending on how you see it. Quest #1 - Eat Healthier - No more unhealthy snacks, not even one. - At least two fully paleo meals a day - No sugary drinks, including coffee, only exception is an evening tea with a teaspoon of honey, once a day maximum. Quest #2 - Just keep swimming - Five times a week, at least 8,000m a week Quest #3 - Stir it up - Add at least three workouts a week (besides swimming), that's biking (fixed or real), or walking/light jogging Quest #4 - LIFE - Write something, a long, long time ago I used to love writing, I would like to get back there.
  23. Hey My name's Ben, I'm 40 years old living in Dorset, England. Married, two kids, I work in data sales and have had an on/off relationship with sport all my life! Last week, out on my bike (after three years of doing sprint and olympic triathlons) I decided to do a half IronMan next year. I'm blogging to share my training experience and experiments, and to have a record I can look back on that is slightly more interesting than my Garmin logs! Who knows, but hopefully I'll also write something that might be useful to other normal blokes trying to keep fit? Anyway, come over and please comment, like, follow, advise, contribute etc...! http://www.triathlondaddy.com Thanks! PS Having read the rules I dont know whether this is a promotion or not, it's my blog. I also will be on here as often as possible offering whatever help and advice I can...
  24. Well, I am back for my 2nd challenge. I really enjoyed the last one and found out a few weaknesses that I have. My theme for this challenge is "Time to Put Up or Shut Up!" The reason I chose this theme is due to this challenge will end 6 days before my Triathlon. This Challenge is all about being ready and not having excuses. Quest 1: Train for that TRI! The TRI is getting closer each day. I want to make sure I can do the 1500M swim, 40K Bike and 10K run. NO EXCUSES! A - 5+ Workout days each week (Run, Bike, Swim) (30+ workouts) (+2 STR, +2 DEX) B - 4 Workout days each week (Run, Bike, Swim) (24+ workouts) (+1 STR, +1 DEX) F - 3 days or below Extra credit - If I do 2 brick workouts a week then bonus points (12+ workouts) (+1 STR, +1 DEX) Quest 2: Drink my water Drink 3-24oz bottles M-F. I am getting my water in pretty well at home but work is a struggle. I have a 24oz water bottle that I want to drink 3 of. A - 30 days (+2 STA, +2 CON) (5 times a week) B - 24-29 days (+1 STA, +1 CON) (4 times on average) F - 23 or below Quest 3: Post Updates for Accountability I am going stop by every couple of days and post updates. I hope this helps me stay accountable. A - 15 + updates (+1 WIS, +1 STA) F - Below 15 I am going to try and track everything in HabitRPG.
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