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The Weekend Weekly (Household Challenge)

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Fitness isn't just about our own physical health and nutrition. A huge part of our mental health is linked to our living environment. Living in a cluttered, disorganized space can create a lot of mental noise that impacts our daily lives, often without us realizing it.


But, we're also often very busy people, or struggling with mental health or poor work-life balance.


So every week I'll post one of these challenges. It will be a relatively small, localized task that you can take as little or as much time as you need to complete. Simply do the thing, then post back here to report! Feel free to share tips or what made the thing challenging and how you solved it. Or maybe you expected it to be harder than it was, and that's awesome!


Weekend Weekly #1: Delving into the Depths (of the Fridge)


With summer in full swing, it's party time! But with many of us hosting social gatherings and parties, or simply helping our hosts get rid of the leftovers, now is the prime time for fridge gremlins to flourish. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it: clean out the fridge!


Level 1: Busy or don't have the energy? That's ok! All you need to do is go through it and toss whatever's overstayed it's welcome. We don't need any science experiments in our lives right now.


Level 2: Once all the icky stuff is gone, let's go through what's left. Is there anything you need to use up? Let's get to it! Make at least one meal that utilizes ingredients from the fridge.


Level 3: Go all out! Let's delve into it, literally, by taking everything out and giving the fridge a good scrub. Fridges are probably the most important appliance aside from our coffee pots, but it's so easy to neglect when we get busy.


All finished? Great! Give yourself and the fridge a good pat on the back and report back here.




Refrigerated produce is probably one of the biggest waste categories for a lot of us, but it doesn't need to be that way! Here are a few ideas for using up some of those fruits and vegetables if you know you won't get to them before they turn:


Pickling: You don't need to be an expert canner for this. Quick pickling is super easy and can be done in the time it takes water to boil. Boil a solution of 1:1 water to vinegar with up to 1/4 cup of sugar. Chop up your vegetables and put them in a container, preferably not plastic. Add spices if you want such as whole peppercorns. Once the solution boils, turn off the heat. Pour it over your vegetables until they're completely submerged. Let it cool then stick it in the fridge. Use in a month or two. You can pickle just about any vegetable this way.


Jams or curds: Fruit that's too soft to eat can be turned into jam or if it's citrus, curd. For jam, put your fruit in a pan, add some sugar, a bit of liquid (could be water, or even juice if you want to get crazy) and any flavorings if desired such as a cinnamon stick or zest. Bring to a boil then back it down to a simmer and stir occasionally until it turns into jam. Note that it will thicken as it cools and sets. Curds are a little bit more complicated and involve eggs and a double boiler.


Quick breads: Fruits and some vegetables can also be turned into a quick bread for a nice breakfast or tea snack, or earn brownie points (literally) with friends, family or coworkers. Quick breads are one of my favorite ways to use up the random odds and ends of my baking supplies, too.


Beer bread: Have some leftover beer but you're not a drinker, or at least not a drinker of that crap? Turn your liquid bread into bread bread!


Feel free to add your own tips, tricks and recipes, too!

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Echoing what fitnessgurl said.  I would also be interested in this. 

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“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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Well…I guess Cymas hasn’t been on since Aug 2023.  So let’s give this a go in the same spirit.


Weekend weekly #2 (January 7 - January 13)


Clean out your clothing drawers! This weekend let’s just focus on drawers or if you don’t have drawers, a clothing closet is okay too! We are in the middle of winter for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, so let’s rid ourselves of clothes that no longer fit our bodies.  Remember clothes are made to fit us and we shouldn’t feel guilt around getting rid of things that no longer fit us. 


Level 1:Pick one drawer.  I would suggest either your sock drawer or underwear drawer.  It is easy to go through and get rid of things that are too worn or just gross without feeling a level of “maybe that will fit someday”. It is also more affordable to replace these things with new things that do fit or even make us feel good.


Level 2:Pick a second drawer that is used for daily clothing. Be it old T-shirts that are 10 years old (my hubs has t-shirts that are older than our mini adult minions), or PJ’s that have holes in savory places, it may be time to replace those with things more fitting to our lifestyles and bodies. 


Level 3:Do all your drawers. Try things on to see how they fit.  Sort them by if they can be donated, trashed or sold to consignment.




  • Implement an organization system.  Most stores have dividers and organizers you can buy for drawers. Give everything that needs to be in there a place.  If you don’t have enough space it may be worth deciding if you really need everything.
  • Get a storage box that can hold items by season.  Put all your summer stuff in there for now.

Feel free to add to this list!

  • Like 3

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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On 1/7/2024 at 9:37 AM, Sepherina said:

Well…I guess Cymas hasn’t been on since Aug 2023.  So let’s give this a go in the same spirit.


Weekend weekly #2 (January 7 - January 13)


Clean out your clothing drawers! This weekend let’s just focus on drawers or if you don’t have drawers, a clothing closet is okay too! We are in the middle of winter for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, so let’s rid ourselves of clothes that no longer fit our bodies.  Remember clothes are made to fit us and we shouldn’t feel guilt around getting rid of things that no longer fit us. 


Level 1:Pick one drawer.  I would suggest either your sock drawer or underwear drawer.  It is easy to go through and get rid of things that are too worn or just gross without feeling a level of “maybe that will fit someday”. It is also more affordable to replace these things with new things that do fit or even make us feel good.


Level 2:Pick a second drawer that is used for daily clothing. Be it old T-shirts that are 10 years old (my hubs has t-shirts that are older than our mini adult minions), or PJ’s that have holes in savory places, it may be time to replace those with things more fitting to our lifestyles and bodies. 


Level 3:Do all your drawers. Try things on to see how they fit.  Sort them by if they can be donated, trashed or sold to consignment.




  • Implement an organization system.  Most stores have dividers and organizers you can buy for drawers. Give everything that needs to be in there a place.  If you don’t have enough space it may be worth deciding if you really need everything.
  • Get a storage box that can hold items by season.  Put all your summer stuff in there for now.

Feel free to add to this list!

How did you do? I only did 1 drawer.

L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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7 hours ago, fitnessgurl said:

How did you do? I only did 1 drawer.

I did pretty good!  I only have 2 small drawers and I managed to get both done. I also realize I have a sock addiction. So a new mini side quest on my end is to actually wear these socks and not just collect them. ?

  • Like 1

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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On 1/9/2024 at 6:29 AM, Sepherina said:

I did pretty good!  I only have 2 small drawers and I managed to get both done. I also realize I have a sock addiction. So a new mini side quest on my end is to actually wear these socks and not just collect them. ?

Lol, I totally get the sock thing!

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L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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Weekend Weekly (January 14 - January 20, 2024)


In the northern hemisphere we are in FULL cold and flu season.  Before we actually get sick, we should probably clear out that old expired stuff in the medicine cabinet and replace it if needed with new stuff!  If your cabinet looks anything like mine, it probably has a few tubes of travel toothpaste, or that bar of soap you got 3 years ago from your aunt for Christmas.  Maybe we can use that up too!


Level 1: Just throw out the old stuff and replace it if and when needed. There are some medications in the USA that you SHOULD return to a drug take-back location (check with your local pharmacy or pharmacist to locate one) if possible.  These medications are usually labeled as such, or instructions given when prescribed.  If you can’t find a location, check the link below from the FDA  to see if it is eligible to be flushed down the toilet.  All other over the counter medications can be disposed of in the trash.


FDA Flush List


Level 2:  Use the old stuff up.  That half used tube of toothpaste, USE it up.  The weird soap that smells like grandma’s bathroom….use it up! Wipe down the front mirror if you have one and the shelves.  Only put what you absolutely need back and make a plan for the other stuff.


Level 3: Like me and have a second cabinet (perks of living in a house with 5 people).  Tackle that one too!  



  • If you do not live in the US, please check the regulations in your country for disposing of medications.
  • Here in the US we have a tendency to buy an all inclusive cold medication that treats a whole slew of symptoms (some we may or may not have).  Take a tip from our European friends and buy only the medication you need for the symptoms you have.  Most of these are common generic medications that are far cheaper than that name brand cocktail marketed to you.  
    • If you are unsure which ones to buy, check the Drug Facts on the package of the name brand.  It tells you the purpose of each “active ingredient” in the medication.  Using that information/name of the ingredient, find the corresponding generic version of that specific medication.  Google is also your friend here.

Please feel free to share any insights or tips you may have around this.  And make sure to share your successes!!!


Stay healthy friends.



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“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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Weekend Weekly (January 21 - January 27, 2024) 


This week I was making a new recipe that called for a spice I don’t use too often.  When I opened the bottle it smelled like dry grass. Whelp!  So this week we are going to clean out the spice cabinet! Whole spices can last up to 2 years at room temperature while ground spices only last about  year.  So open those jars and take a good sniff!  If you smell nothing throw the contents in the compost or trash, and don’t forget to recycle the container. If it is something you use often; replace it maybe with a smaller container.  If not, consider substitutes the next time you need it.


Level 1:  Just do one drawer or one shelf.  


Level 2:  We are spice hoarders and we have several shelves.  Do them all.


Level 3:  Have a pantry?  Do that too!  Throw out old nuts, expired canned and dried goods.  Do not donate these to food pantries; they can’t use them and will throw them out as well .  Remember to be mindful of the environment. Utilize that compost pile that we want for spring planting and ALWAYS! recycle those items that you can.


Level 4: Have stuff in that pantry that is close to its expiration date?  Use it this week!




  • Tackle one shelf/drawer each day.  It will feel less overwhelming.
  • Find a spice that is still in good condition but you have never used?  Plan a meal around it
  • Consider ways to grow fresh herbs.  Most don’t take up too much space in a sunny window or pot outside.

Good luck and feel free to share any tips or tricks you may have.


  • Like 1

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 



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On 1/21/2024 at 12:01 AM, fitnessgurl said:

Spice tip: before tossing, take a mortar & pestle & grind up a bit of the spice--if the spice still has a scent; you can keep it a bit longer.

This is an awesome tip!


  • Thanks 1

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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Weekend Weekly  (January 28 - February 3, 2024)


Sorry for the late post, the weekend totally got away from me.


When was the last time you looked at the cupboard under your sink?  Mine is always stashed with old rags, multiple, duplicate bottles of cleaning supplies, and other random bits of kitchen stuff.  So lets go through this small area this week.


Level 1:

Pull everything out, wipe down the bottom and put everything back in neatly.  Pretty easy.

Level 2:

If you are like me and you can’t stop at just level 1.  Throw out stuff that is no longer useful. Do you have multiple open bottles of the same cleaner?  Combine them.  Maybe put down a pretty liner to protect the shelf better (can usually be found the discount/dollar stores)

Level 3:

Buy a caddy for the supplies for easy access.  Or maybe invest in some more eco friendly supplies.  I personally like Grove.  You can get nice glass spray bottles and concentrated cleaners and forever rid yourself of the plastic stuff. They also have some compostable items like dish scrubs or even food bags (commercial compost safe only).   I also use Dropps (not a misspelling), for our dishwashing tablets and laundry pods.  Everything comes in cardboard for these which is also very nice. (Their first commercial with their CEO is also funny).


Do you have any more tips or tricks that you use for this space?  If so please feel free to share!

  • Like 1

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 



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10 hours ago, Sepherina said:

Weekend Weekly  (January 28 - February 3, 2024)


Sorry for the late post, the weekend totally got away from me.


When was the last time you looked at the cupboard under your sink?  Mine is always stashed with old rags, multiple, duplicate bottles of cleaning supplies, and other random bits of kitchen stuff.  So lets go through this small area this week.


Level 1:

Pull everything out, wipe down the bottom and put everything back in neatly.  Pretty easy.

Level 2:

If you are like me and you can’t stop at just level 1.  Throw out stuff that is no longer useful. Do you have multiple open bottles of the same cleaner?  Combine them.  Maybe put down a pretty liner to protect the shelf better (can usually be found the discount/dollar stores)

Level 3:

Buy a caddy for the supplies for easy access.  Or maybe invest in some more eco friendly supplies.  I personally like Grove.  You can get nice glass spray bottles and concentrated cleaners and forever rid yourself of the plastic stuff. They also have some compostable items like dish scrubs or even food bags (commercial compost safe only).   I also use Dropps (not a misspelling), for our dishwashing tablets and laundry pods.  Everything comes in cardboard for these which is also very nice. (Their first commercial with their CEO is also funny).


Do you have any more tips or tricks that you use for this space?  If so please feel free to share!

Oof! I hate this job! It needs done though.

L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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1 hour ago, fitnessgurl said:

Oof! I hate this job! It needs done though.

Same, but we will feel soo much better when it is done!

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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Weekend Weekly!  (February 4 - February 10, 2024)


In true American tradition, those of us in the USA watched to see if Punxsutawney Phil would see his shadow yesterday. He did not!  And if you believe the superstition,  this means spring will be here early.  In either case, for those of us that garden, it is probably time to sort through our things before we start.


Level 1: 

Go through your seeds and take note of what you already have.  Check your containers if you use them and ensure they are still in good shape.  Throw out anything that may be moldy, broken or damaged.  Put the rest back in a designated spot so you can find it when you are ready to start seedlings.  Do you need to order plants or seeds for this year?  Do that now.  Many places have sales during this time of year and will deliver plants when they should be planted.


Level 2:

Check your tools.  Are they in good repair? Does anything need to be thrown out and replaced.  Again put things that are being kept in a designated spot.  If you don’t have a spot, create one.


Level 3

If it is warmer where you are, and your ground is snow free, give your current garden space a look over.  Are the borders in good condition?  Will you need any mulch or soil this year?  Take an inventory of things that need replaced or resupplied.  Replacing/restocking this over several months should reduce a larger bill down the road.



Feel free to supply any tips or tricks that you  have for this time of year!


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“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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This looks fun.  Well, it's cleaning so not really fun fun but you know.  I'm in, but not promising to get anything done.  

  • Haha 2

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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11 hours ago, Shello said:

This looks fun.  Well, it's cleaning so not really fun fun but you know.  I'm in, but not promising to get anything done.  

This is a low commit group.  Do what you can send what serves you and leave the rest. No pressure. 

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“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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Weekend Weekly. (February 11 - February 17, 2024)


This week is clean out your vehicle! Has your car become a catch all for your daily commute?  Does the mini van smell like old French fries?  Are  your suv seats covered in puppy paw prints (mine is lol)?  If so it’s probably time to give your respective vehicle a once over. 

Level 1

The next time you are putting gas into your vehicle, gather and throw out all the trash. Open to doors, look quickly under the seats and put any unwanted stuff in the can. Be careful to not throw out anything that has personal information on it (save that for home). 

Level 2

 Take your car to the car wash. This will keep it in good repair and wash all the dirt and grime off of it.

Level 3

Vacuum the floors and seats. Wipe the paw prints or dirty kid fingers off the windows and seats. This can take awhile so budget time to do it. 


I really don’t have any tips except for my level 1. I do this nearly every time I fill the car with gas. As a mom of three minions and a puppy it keeps the car from looking like a total disaster. So please share any tips/tricks you have! 

  • Like 4

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy” -Nightbirde

 “Dreams do not come true all by themselves. They are nourished by the bounty of hard work”  -Unknown Disney Imagineer


2024 Word

Svastha: Standing in One’s Own Power

Current Challenge:

Sepherina Focuses


Prior Challenges



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Avery The Patient:

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I've started keeping a small trash bucket in my vehicle to help with cleaning and longer trips where trash would otherwise end up in unwanted spaces. It's helped a lot with cutting down on the unwanted trash in the vehicle.

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Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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23 hours ago, Asha Phoenix said:

I've started keeping a small trash bucket in my vehicle to help with cleaning and longer trips where trash would otherwise end up in unwanted spaces. It's helped a lot with cutting down on the unwanted trash in the vehicle.

I do the same.

  • Like 1

L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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