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Back where I started (only slightly worse that is)

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Oh thank god for the respawn point!

I'ts been a year ... or more  ... I was even scared to log back in again.

But well, it cannot be helped, and I am going to need you guys if I am ever going to get my *!$%t together aren't I?


So yes, here I am, most literally back where I started and only slightly worse.

Last August, I moved back to Germany from the UK with my family, I changed careers (new job - yay!) and only now do I have enough time to get my head above the water (barely).

I have gained 3 kgs in the process ... which puts me at 76kgs now, definitely overweight now and no longer in the Oh-but-I-still-am-a-healthy-BMI-(barely) range.


What went wrong? Stress is the big issue, definitely, and the alcohol that goes with (cheeky glass of red every night to take the edge of? Yes please).

So this is what's going to have to change and it's an easy one as everybody and their auntie is having a dry January anyway right?


Next, diet. I cannot do carbs because I pile on the pounds if I do, so it's going to have to be low-carb paleo. I need to lose at least 20lbs (30 would be better but that sounds a bit daunting). So at least I know what to do.


My big poblem is treating myself. Money is still an issue and will be for another couple of years, so I must not fall into the trap of using food as a reward ("I so deserve this raisin and custard pastry... and it's only one Euro!").

It's not like I don't have a long list of little things I need and want in the 10€ range (like, new workout top, new towel for the sauna, new stainless steel lunchbox, new thermos coffee mug etc), but every time I get something for myself I feel like I'm splurging (yeah I know this is a mum thing). So, I'm going to save up my raisin custard pastry money and splash out on something sensible every week. That said, if I do go dry, that wine I'm not having is probably a tenner a week.


I have gotten a lot better at planning since we moved because I now have to get up before 5am every morning and catch the train at 6am. So I have the kids' lunch boxes ready every night (except for the sandwiches because I don't want them to go stale); only thing, I need to fix one for myself as well.


Sleep is a big one too. I usually do about 7 hours and I'm an early riser, but one of these days I slept for 10 hours and I woke up feeling amazing. So I think there is room for improvement.


I have signed up for another half (in March) and have completed the first week of training (*looks chuffed*). The plan has 4 running days and two strength training days a week. I have lost quite a bit of speed over the past year but I guess it could be worse. Good thing about my weird hours is I have no trouble fitting the training in.

I know that cardio doesn't do much good for me in terms of weight loss. Still, I love running and I don't want to let it go. Plus I love training for an event and ticking off the trainings I have done ... yep.


Another good thing is that I found out my health insurance is willing to pay for a Pilates course for me and this takes place (wait for it): next door: yay!

Also, I there is a bouldering place about 10 mins from where I live and I have been taking the kids there - they love it.




  • relaxation without alcohol (dry January and beyond)
  • treating myself with nice things instead of food (from list, one item a week)
  • prepare paleo lunch box the night before
  • sauna with best friend once a week
  • Pilates course once a week
  • half marathon training continues
  • healthy family hobbies


So, no I'm going to have a bit of a look around and see what has changed ... Sorry for the long post! Happy to be back!

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Level 3 Human Assassin



challenges 1 2 3 daily battle log


6 months goals



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Don't ever be afraid to log back in - we've all had setbacks of one sort or another; if anything, we understand.  :)


It sounds like you've got a good plan!

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Hey there! Thanks for popping by my thread. I see we're both in half-marathon mode, and I recognise a lot of similar traits of the "I deserve this ------(insert treat here)" type as faults we share too. You seem to have landed on your feet though, with the free (ish) Pilates course and the bouldering place (I wish we had one nearby too - I have a junior assassin who would love to go but our nearest is a PITA to get to).

Anyway, great to see you up and running in the new year. Let's make 2015 a good 'un!

Level 20 Ferret Demon Scout

STR 43 | DEX 21 | STA 49 | CON 30 | WIS 45 | CHA 21

Challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25

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Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena Se a alma não é pequena.

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Yay for re-starting!

Level: 15 Race: Human Class: Adventurer (Sailor Senshi/Aes Sedai)

STR: 14    DEX: 12    STA: 16   CON: 28   WIS: 26    CHA: 15 

(unspent points: 6? challenges worth)

Weight Loss Progress (SW 12/5/15 272)

Mini-Goal: Get back down to my low 152.2 - SW 6/1/17 170.4 - CW 6/10/17: 166.6

regained the last few months - back on track losing in June


My Battle Log|My NF Character Sheet




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So... Germany is two hours ahead of GMT, isn't it? So you're 38 minutes into the challenge? How's it going so far? Are you crushing it?

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Level 20 Ferret Demon Scout

STR 43 | DEX 21 | STA 49 | CON 30 | WIS 45 | CHA 21

Challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25

Instagram | Wordpress | Twitter | Linkedin | Goodreads | Facebook: *spits* I despise facebook!

Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena Se a alma não é pequena.

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Level 20 Ferret Demon Scout

STR 43 | DEX 21 | STA 49 | CON 30 | WIS 45 | CHA 21

Challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25

Instagram | Wordpress | Twitter | Linkedin | Goodreads | Facebook: *spits* I despise facebook!

Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena Se a alma não é pequena.

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