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What's the best way to track your workout?

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Hi!  I've just gotten into the swing of things, and now I'm at a loss for how to best track my progress. (I apologize if this is redundant but I couldn't find another topic like this).


I'm not sure what is the best shorthand to use when tracking sets, reps and weight.


I keep a notebook in the gym with me and mark off when I do a particular exercise (with sets, reps and weight).


Is there somewhere online that's good for tracking progress?  I'm on Fitocracy, which isn't terrible, but I didn't know if there was anything better?  I'm not tracking calories, so that's not really necessary for my needs, which is what I was thinking about MyFitnessPal - that also seems mostly geared towards runners?  


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks for your knowledge base!  Ta!

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~ Buddha


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I had a Google sheet for awhile, but actually, MFP does let you track weights, sets, and reps!  Just under the "strength" heading instead of "cardio."  I've found most of the barbell and dumbbell exercises I do in their system (that said, it doesn't associate calorie burn with strength workouts - but per your statements above, for you that might be fine?).  So it's definitely not just for runners. ^_^

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Since the Stronglifts forums have shut down, a lot of the members there have moved over to Crazy Strength.  There's a pretty decent community over there, but the best stuff is in the paid forums.  They have a pretty good product for $100/year.


On my phone I like to use the apps "Strong" or "Big Lifts 2", depending on the program I'm running at the time.

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If you have a smartphone, FitNotes is a really nice and easy app for tracking. I like it because you can see your history for a specific exercise by swiping left on it. Plus, it is easy to copy a workout and then just change the weights or reps as needed.

I'm not a big fan of MFP as an exercise tracker. I've gone back to pencil and paper, despite liking FitNotes, because I just like having that notebook. If I want to jot a note or reminder in the margin I can do it easily.

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2015 goals: Get stronger, stop loathing squats and get better at them - DONE!!!

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I use an app on my Android called Gym Book. It's good, and easy to use, but frankly it was the first one I tried. I can't pretend I downloaded several and test drove them all. I still use it because it's easy enough to use and meets all my needs. The set up could be easier, but now that I have my standard workouts in the system, it's quick and easy.


The downside is that occasionally a menu option appears in Russian. I guess you could consider that an upside if you were trying to teach yourself a few gym-related Russian terms.

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If you have a smartphone, FitNotes is a really nice and easy app for tracking. I like it because you can see your history for a specific exercise by swiping left on it. Plus, it is easy to copy a workout and then just change the weights or reps as needed.

I'm not a big fan of MFP as an exercise tracker. I've gone back to pencil and paper, despite liking FitNotes, because I just like having that notebook. If I want to jot a note or reminder in the margin I can do it easily.

Highfive for FitNotes!

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MFP and use the strengTH

th section or create a cardio exercise. Stronglifts has a free app that tracks squats/overhead press/deadlifts/bench press/and rows that also has a notes section. I used to use a pencil and paper, but the smart phone is with me anyway, so using it instead savea space and paper. Double win!

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I use fitocracy and honestly it's the only way I've ever managed to stick with tracking. I'd always forget my notebook or something like that when I tried to write it down. lol

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When in the gym I use Evernote to keep a note of everything (it also allows me to easily see what the heaviest weight I got up to last time) when I get back I put it all in to fitocracy. If im tracking food I use mfp but I feel it's a pain to track any exercise on it.

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I use a small notepad most of the time and one of my most important tools is the huge classroom whiteboard hanging in my room. Whiteboards have a great amount of utility; they're great for organization.


Yeah, the second option is kind of over the top, but it works when you're as technologically impaired as I am!

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A good old fashioned hardcover journal.


I prefer the analog system for recording my workouts over the digital out of some 'garage gym sense of nostalgia,' and as I prefer to get my weights and reps scrolled down ASAP after a workout, I'm not terribly worried about getting sweat or chalk on my journal instead of my phone.

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A good old fashioned hardcover journal.


I prefer the analog system for recording my workouts over the digital out of some 'garage gym sense of nostalgia,' and as I prefer to get my weights and reps scrolled down ASAP after a workout, I'm not terribly worried about getting sweat or chalk on my journal instead of my phone.


This is basically my exact thought process.  That and I am a bane to technology, and tend to fry things.  So I prefer a hard copy rather than a digital copy, so that my laptop doesn't mysteriously explode and take all of my relevant data with it.


I do have a spreadsheet that I log everything in as well, but it's just base figures.  All of the detailed information about what I'm doing and when is in hardcover journals.

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I personally use BodySpace on my smartphone. I'd found a routine I loved and they had it as an option there. I like it because you can enter your own info and adjust it as necessary. There are a few tweaks I've encountered i.e. for some reason it's determined to time your box jumps as well as record how many reps. But eh, whatever. To me that's no biggie.


Also, it compares the weeks for you and tells you where your gains have been and if your workout looks unbalanced.

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  I just make up an Excel spreadsheet.  It's as detailed (or not) as I want it to be, and I'm a whiz at calculating and programming in a spreadsheet.


I have a tab for meals, one for challenge goal progress, etc.

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I just use a little flip notebook and write everything down.  


The odd thing about me, apparently, is I write down my whole workout BEFORE I do it.  That way I know exactly what I'm doing and where I need to be.  


As for tracking, I just came up with a system of abbreviations that works for me:


DL 5x5: 225  =  DeadLift 5 [sets] x 5 [reps per set]: 225 pounds on the bar.  Change as needed. 

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I usually write the WOD for the next day down when it's put up (generally around 9pm the night before).  It gives me the chance to line up my schedule and also some time to research any movements I might not be 100% familiar with and to check out some mobility exercises for whatever is coming.


I can't say enough how much those preventative mobility efforts have helped out with my progress so far.

[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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I usually write the WOD for the next day down when it's put up (generally around 9pm the night before).  It gives me the chance to line up my schedule and also some time to research any movements I might not be 100% familiar with and to check out some mobility exercises for whatever is coming.


I can't say enough how much those preventative mobility efforts have helped out with my progress so far.


You  may have just given the first good reason I've heard to actually look at the WOD before going to the box. Not that my mobility shouldn't be 100% all the time ;)


I use Wodify to track my lifting and CF benchmark workouts, but Evernote holds my daily record. I can easily take a snapshot of the whiteboard, add notes, tags, etc. and it runs on every platform I have. 

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I plan each workout in advance - exercises listed in order with weight, sets, and reps.


During the workout, I just mark each according to whether I successfully completed it or not.


I use success / failure to plan the next workout - success = attempt more, failure = do less.

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I follow the Starting Strength program (sort of). So workout A is Squat, Bench, Row and Workout B is Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift. I alternate between A and B and lift 3x a week, increasing 5lbs each workout if I can do 3 sets of 5 reps of each exercise. If I miss any reps, I try to do the weight again the next time that exercise comes around.


To track this I made a spreadsheet that just lists all 5 exercises on the y axis, and I just fill in the dates on the x axis across the top. Each completed set gets a hash mark. 3 hash marks and I mark a +5 in the column. If I miss reps, I mark how many I did, and just put a slash where I normally would write +5. I do this continuously so that I know where I am, where I've been and where I'm going. I went from squatting an empty bar this time last year to 270 today.


There have been dudes at the gym who have given me shit for writing all this down, but they're doing curls till they can't move their arms anymore and that's not really something I'm interested in, so I don't listen.


I also find that writing it down on a piece of paper, as opposed to my phone, has the added benefit of me not looking at my phone in between sets. I find that fiddling with my phone in between sets, other than to change whatever I am listening to, just annoys me. 


It took me a lot of experimenting before I found a way to lay out a worksheet that I like, so just find a way that works best for you and go with it.   


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