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Episode IV: A New Hope

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2 minutes ago, Broba Fett said:

That was generally the norm for a night of drinking before.  A six pack of craft brew followed by 4-5 of bud lights and I'd be pretty toasty.  That or slam 4-5 shots of cheap whiskey first and then go on to the beer.  I'm glad i've got a drink that I can get a bit tipsy with without drinking 1500 calories.


Yessir sounds like my go-to when I drink (or used to) before I put on my big boy undies Liquor before beer and your in the clear-Beer before liquor and never sicker. That's always my rule of thumb and has saved me from dipping my head in the porcelain throne later on in the evening :) 


8 minutes ago, Broba Fett said:

Thanks man.  I would be all for that, long as I can put enough cattle to feed all of us somewhere on the property.  That's my real passion: livestock.


DUDE! Cattle, chickens, all sorts of livestock, yes please. That way we can get our own meat, eggs and all the inbetweens without the nitrate filled horror show that they do to most livestock these days. You got my vote!


10 minutes ago, Broba Fett said:

Forgot to post a couple pics I took.  First is atlas stones aftermath, bruises all the colors of the rainbow:

Second was my throwback thursday from this morning.  Crazy how much 4 years can change things:


Damn son! What a freakin difference with the before and after. Well done. Gnarly ass bruises that show you are a TRUE Warrior. Cuz there's no way your slinging around 225# stones without a warcry here and there ;) 





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Wild Wolf

Class: Peerless Scarred/ Height: 6'2 / Weight: 188#

Instagram: @ryanwolfbell / Facebook: Ryan Wolf Bell / Bible App (YouVersion) Ryan Wolf Bell

Current Challenge: Intro to Wolflean


Last Challenge(s): 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16

Epic Challenges: Welcome to the Fireteam & Wolfpool 

Gotham Project: 1


Know, O prince, that once the sun burns out and the earth's core becomes solid and cold, there will come a man to provide the endless energy needed to sustain life and for the planets to keep moving. He is the source of light and the warmth of hope back into the hearts of humanity...." - Dark_Raider


A wolf rises in my heart; against my darkness; against my demons; against my despair. I DECLARE WAR!


Romans 8:28 (CSB) We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.


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Got weekly weigh in tomorrow but I will say we are very close to 110lbs lost.  I'm officially out of the 400s, hopefully for the last time.


The last couple fridays I've gone in the basement and done some power cleans or a fitness test or two in the morning.  However, I decided to give my hand a little break as it still hasn't closed up where my callous covered the crease between my pinky and hand.


Very excited/nervous for the competition now.  Just two more sessions in the gym next week prior to the actual event. 


No matter how it goes, I don't think I will be doing another strongman competition for a while.  Assuming I place, I can't do another novice event.  This is fine except I can't keep up with the Open SHW men yet.  Also, I want to focus on my weight loss and general health for a while, via CF classes at the gym.  I also want to try rucking.  During my first big weight loss I always tried to get one long walk in per week and I have yet to work that back in this time around.  I figure while I'm at it I'll do that long walk with 40lbs on my back and see what happens on the scale.


May still do some strongman events from time to time as the fiancee has really gotten into it and I want to support her.  Plus they're fun.  Just don't see myself competing again for awhile unless I really having a fantastic time.

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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On 6/30/2016 at 1:53 PM, Wild Wolf said:

Yessir sounds like my go-to when I drink (or used to) before I put on my big boy undies Liquor before beer and your in the clear-Beer before liquor and never sicker. That's always my rule of thumb and has saved me from dipping my head in the porcelain throne later on in the evening :) 

True story.  I have only puked a couple times due to drinking but none of them were good nights.


Speaking of alcohol, I really need to get my next extract kit ordered and get to brewing again...

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Congrats on the weigh loss milestone man! And good luck for the competition this week!

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Level 21 Wood Elf Ranger


STR: 18  -  CON: 22  -  CHA: 11  -  SAN: 19  -  INT: 17


"Shit is going down, but I am not." - iatetheyeti

Don't say "I don't have enough time", say instead "that's not a priority right now" and see how that makes you feel.

Current Challenge: Get going!

External: Epic Quest - Instagram - Strava


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Old Stuff: Battle Log - My Introduction - 2017 Road Map - 2018 Road Map - 2019 Road Map - 2021 Road Map - 2022 road map/wrap-up

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Thanks much Jarric.  I weighed in at 394.x this weekend so we are at 106 lost overall.  44 to go before the wedding.


I have some work cut out for me though.  Spent the weekend celebrating the birth of our country and my future stepdaughter, both born on the 4th.  Lots of cake and delicious food.  Won't be stepping on the scale until the end of the week so the water gets a chance to flush out.


Sunday our coach/gym owner invited in after open gym hours and we worked out with all the coaches.  I really feel like we have been accepted to another level there.  Feels good to belong to a gym where people care about one another.  More importantly, I got a full 40-50' farmer carry with 500lbs! 


I now feel fully ready for the comp sunday.   The farmer was the only thing I was worried I'd zero.  Now I know I can finish everything, even if I think I'll probably get last in a couple of the events.  Long as I don't zero I'll be super happy.


Taking the week off from the gym per coach's orders.  Gotta let the body rest up for sunday.  Made a huge pork shoulder in the crock pot and a bunch of fajita vegetables for lunches this week so nutrition is on point.  Hopefully I'll be starting next week with a new challenge having freshly completed the competition.




Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


Broba Fett tracks em down.

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Have been wondering lately if others get as emotionally tied into their diet and workouts as I do.


A "variance" or cheat meal gives me a lot of guilt, even if it's planned.  A missed workout even more so.  This week of no working out is brutal, despite being coach's orders.


There's this little worry ever-present in the back of my mind that I'll slip again and before I know it I'll be back up 30 pounds and have tacked on another 3 months work to atone.


Seems overly dramatic to type it out but I've been bummed about that today. Not getting up for my 6am weds class and the early morning endorphins it brings has thrown me off.  It's also one of the reasons I'm going to steer away from competitions that require such a deload for awhile.  I feel my focus probably needs to be on consistent working out and skill-building for a few months. 


On the bright side, I found out yesterday that my diesel Jetta was one of the several hundred thousand that was set up to circumvent EPA testing and therefore VW will offer to buy it back from me for well over what it is worth/what I owe on it.  Would leave me actually making a profit on my car purchase.  Considering I have the truck as a 2nd vehicle anyway and a wedding to pay for, that option is very attractive to me.  So there's that.


Keeping nutrition on track, especially knowing that this weekend I will be eating a big pasta dinner and carbs all day sunday during the competition to keep me fueled. Excited to get my first Ranger challenge thread up at the end of this week to get some more goals written down and have some more accountability.

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Holy cow. Downloaded Pokémon Go this morning and just walked 2.7 miles wandering around catching virtual Pokémon.

I'm loving the nostalgic flashbacks to middle school while playing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Weighed in today and weight is still up from the birthday/holiday eating this past weekend and sodium packed carnitas all week.  So I measured in.  Total losses since beginning of April:


Waist: 67 -> 60.8

Hip: 55.5 -> 52.8

BF: 44.8% -> 37.3%


I know much of that is subjective based on me possibly measuring slightly differently every week but the important thing is all the numbers go down every time I measure and I KNOW I've lost inches as clothes are fitting much better or becoming too big to wear.

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Weight this morning: 392.6.  107.4 down 42.6 to go before the wedding. 


Glad I'm down a couple net pounds this week as today and tomorrow morning I'm eating all the things to have plenty of energy for 6+ hours of strongman competition in the sun and 84 degree heat tomorrow.  Spaghetti and garlic knots tonight, some kind of high carb nonsense tomorrow morning. Likely with syrup on top.


Nervous/excited as hell.




Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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With the deload (I know it's over now but still) you just have to remember that the best training for you at that point is not training, so you need to apply just as much determination and effort to not working out as you usually do to a workout! I know that it's not that simple, but it's worth bearing in mind.


On ‎06‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:34 PM, Broba Fett said:

Excited to get my first Ranger challenge thread up at the end of this week


One of us, One of us, One of us!


Good luck in the competition today man, looking forward to hearing about it!

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Level 21 Wood Elf Ranger


STR: 18  -  CON: 22  -  CHA: 11  -  SAN: 19  -  INT: 17


"Shit is going down, but I am not." - iatetheyeti

Don't say "I don't have enough time", say instead "that's not a priority right now" and see how that makes you feel.

Current Challenge: Get going!

External: Epic Quest - Instagram - Strava


Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Old Stuff: Battle Log - My Introduction - 2017 Road Map - 2018 Road Map - 2019 Road Map - 2021 Road Map - 2022 road map/wrap-up

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Competition went well. Believe I got 3rd, waiting on results. Finished every event and set a few PRs. I'll see if I can get the video of the truck pull loaded up soon.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


Broba Fett tracks em down.

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Competition went well. Believe I got 3rd, waiting on results. Finished every event and set a few PRs. I'll see if I can get the video of the truck pull loaded up soon.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Dude that's awesome!! I definitely want to see that truck pull brother.

Super impressed that you came out that high- it just goes to show what can happen when you put in that hard work :)


"Maximum Effort"

Wild Wolf

Class: Peerless Scarred/ Height: 6'2 / Weight: 188#

Instagram: @ryanwolfbell / Facebook: Ryan Wolf Bell / Bible App (YouVersion) Ryan Wolf Bell

Current Challenge: Intro to Wolflean


Last Challenge(s): 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16

Epic Challenges: Welcome to the Fireteam & Wolfpool 

Gotham Project: 1


Know, O prince, that once the sun burns out and the earth's core becomes solid and cold, there will come a man to provide the endless energy needed to sustain life and for the planets to keep moving. He is the source of light and the warmth of hope back into the hearts of humanity...." - Dark_Raider


A wolf rises in my heart; against my darkness; against my demons; against my despair. I DECLARE WAR!


Romans 8:28 (CSB) We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.


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