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Status Updates posted by DarK_RaideR

  1. Achievement unlocked: Bar Muscle Ups

  2. After a week of struggling with a cold, it's time to return to the gym!

  3. Ain't no rest for the wicked...

    1. Teros


      We got bills to pay, we got mouths to feed, there ain't nothin in this world for free

    2. Buff Brogan

      Buff Brogan

      haven't seen you in a while friend. hope all is well.

  4. Already warming up for the next challenge. The break only serves to damage my focus and momentum

    1. Noname123


      Same here! 8 week challenge instead of 6 week :D

    2. Terinatum


      Right there with you. So, Week Zero is a great alternative.

  5. Alright, new challenge. Do your worst

    1. Katydid


      woohoo! let's go!

    2. Ryoko


      You will crush it. ^.^

  6. Another day, another challenge

  7. Anybody watched "Fed Up"?

  8. Back on the boards and slowly catching up...

    1. Buff Brogan

      Buff Brogan

      i was beginning to worry

  9. Battle Log revamped. Next is Epic Quest and then an avatar change before the next challenge begins!

    1. astormofsparkle


      Oh my stars and garters! Do I see a Beast avatar? JAWESOME.

    2. DarK_RaideR
    3. shaar


      OooOOooOoo it MOVES!!

  10. Can it actually be a thing that I'm stuck into Beast/Beserker mode? Feels like it's time to kick things up a notch further

  11. Celebrating one year of NF membership today

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noname123
    3. Terinatum


      Serious congrats, man! Awesome effort and determination! And great Bacon!

    4. jennilovesryan
  12. Doing a million things and still feeling like I'm doing nothing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raincloak


      A hivemind, you are not. Do one thing at a time, you must.

    3. Tanktimus the Encourager

      Tanktimus the Encourager

      But...but, haven't you guys seen his title?

    4. DarK_RaideR
  13. Endure. In enduring, grow stronger

    1. ShadowLion


      “All through my life, I have been tested. My will has been tested, my courage has been tested, my strength has been tested. Now my patience and endurance are being tested.â€

      ― Muhammad Ali, The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on Life's Journey

  14. Everytime I try home-cooked food, can't help but wonder what the hell they do in restaurants that makes the same dish taste so terrible in comparison.

    1. TheCrimsonFist


      Having spent many years working every job in the food industry, I can tell you it comes down to two things. 1) All the ingredients are bought in bulk for as cheap as possible. 2) Nobody cooking your food really gives a damn how it tastes :P

    2. MalleusMaleficarum


      ^ this. People cooking stuff at home do it by feel and taste several times, people in restaurants do it by protocol. What you get is what's technically correct, not what they thought was best.

  15. Final step of the transformation complete, as my Epic Quest has been re-vamped. Onwards to greatness!

    1. Buff Brogan

      Buff Brogan

      exciting days indeed

  16. Guild Wars 2 made Free to Play? Better go check that out...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Fatal


      I'm going to give it a try. Fatal.8126 is my username if any of you want to add me.

    3. Teros


      If we're playing GW2 - then I bet be breaking out my cd key.....

    4. shaar


      I am sami.7462 :) I have TONS of stat food I cooked if anyone needs it, haha! I'll probably be on in a few hours.

  17. I can stand the heat, but 75% humidity... just, NO

  18. I'm starting to become the anti-social guy at work. Mostly because everyone else tends to socialize around pizza boxes. I regret nothing

    1. Eleanorsbee


      I hear you .... my lot socialise around packets of biscuits

    2. Terinatum


      Awesome, DR. Socializing can be real messy when changing our ways. Hold true, Bacon!

  19. I've learned how to embedd YouTube videos on my posts. NerdFitness, tremble

  20. Is it Sunday already? Gimme mah level up!

    1. redpuma


      haha... yeah. I'm eager to distribute some points!

    2. Barfly


      Depends on which planet you're on.

  21. Just bought myself a new set of wheels!

    1. RutgerS
    2. DarK_RaideR


      Photos will be posted, probably on my Battle Log during the weekend

  22. Just bought myself a new set of wheels!

  23. Lazy Sunday playlist

  24. Less than a week on it, I spend more time in NF than Facebook already

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