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  1. Happy First Day of AUTUMN! (North Hemisphere - Happy First Day of Spring to ya'll Southerners!). So life has me starting a new job! I finished my Internship (basically cried in the end with people not wanting to see me go). Trying a job in Security (because Money... it pays more than any Janitorial job, but will have to stay grounded). My mom and step-dad getting married on October 9th, we moving out of the apartment by Halloween. A great time to make new habits as life goes into chaos... but a calm can be seen for the Holidays (honestly see myself working on the Holidays this year... because Overtime!) I have been LOVING NF Prime, (the Journey App) and had a realization of what are "baby steps." Small goals you can keep up for the next 3 years even on shitty days.... I have taken a weight off myself because I remind myself daily. My small things now will help make the best step better. I actually think I'm in the right mindset to back at getting NF Coaching, but this year instead of buying a couple months I want to save up for the whole subscription. So seeing if I can keep up the momentum for myself and see how that goes, as I save up. The only issue I have with NF's Journey App, is the continuing habits after the quest. So why I'm here, to help keep the momentum up. Currently my character is at level 28 after 1 month and half. I've decided to not step on the scale until Halloween, just to check in. Small changes make small changes.... The Scale only says so much. Now to the habits. Nutrition Habits I feel I have: ⭐Intentional eating is coming out, not a burden more of coming out when I eat food I know I want to sit down and enjoy (and gives my bedroom and car a break from the crumbs. ⭐Intentional on Drinking Calories...(Finally accepted Diet Drinks when I do want Soda, or intentional at home cold brew with cream at home). Idk if the weight is falling off, but I've made it a goal some days just to drink zero calories (or order Small... and noticing how big they are). ⭐Read Labels for Calories and Serving Size... Been intrigued by how this shifts how much I eat when I acknowledge both... Habits I will Be Working on! Meditation - Been working on this one for awhile, right now it just involves me turning on a chanting video that has me get out of my head before falling asleep (just listening to it, grounds me like crazy where I have listened to the whole hour without realizing_ NF Planning A Meal- Planning out Meals the Next Day NF No 2 in a Row - Enjoy my treat/rest, make the next option better! NF Walk - I'm at 7 mins currently (found a lap in the front of my house that works perfectly for this in the morning). Morning Routine After Walk - Making the goal to work out in the morning, so first a walk than breakfast/shower/getting life together (I work at 3 pm - 11 pm now). NF Dailies - A daily goal that the NF Journey gives will note here if I did it. YNAB - Check in on my budget transitions, bonus when I reconcile! Side Quest - Post daily, work on Konmaring my room (still working on this...) Yesterday's Results/Template: 9/21/2021 NF Walk (7 mins) 🍁Done after work Morning Routine after Walk - 🍁 Went to On the Job Training for 7-3, was presentable (can see why this shift would be appealing but meh). NF Plan Tomorrow's Meal 🍁 (Breakfast and Lunch was planned and made) NF "No 2 in a Row": (didn't start) NF Daily 🍁 Was "plan a meal", I planned out a Dairy Queen run when I couldn't say no to mom before driving out there (and ate it at the table when I got home). Post daily! 🍁 Konmarie? No... just not a day. Now trying not to eat more than 1 serving of cookies... if I'm hungry I'll batch cook
  2. Hi Warriors. I need your advice. This video shows the last of my earliest attempts at c&jfrom sunday. Explanation: I decided to throw in some mobility skill work on my cardio/rest day. .. I've always been flexible as a brick, and no attempt at improving mobility has ever worked until I started kettlebell training several years ago. So just working on mobility obviously does not work; I need a goal that is worth working for. Else I loose motivation and skip the bendy stuff. Contortionism is not a sexy as lifting stuff. (At least, as long as we are talking about overweight middle-aged dudes...) So that's why I chose do dabble a bit with olympic lifts. After all, these guys are strong and agile... Both of which I am not. Makes for a good goal. Watched some turorials, read some stuff, got the explanatory graphs from the german olypic weightlifting federation, and set to work. I have never done an olympic clean before sunday; the video shows the last attempt of my very first session. I started with an empty bar and then gradually threw some weight onto it (ended up with 40kg/88lbs), as I had the impression that I would not get the "dive under the bar"-part right if the bar was so light that I could hold it or move it around where I wanted. I shall probably raise the weight a bit further, as 40kg still seem ridiculously light. My own impressions: - will probably have to pull higher and extend more when real real weights come into play - elbows need to go forward further and earlier (need more shoulder mobility) - need to get down into the squat further (need more hip and ankle mobility) - grip (width, hook grip necessary?) Anything else I missed? Thanks.
  3. Kishi

    Kishi Says Clean

    It's fun to do music in my challenges again. I missed it. So, gonna keep this short and simple because I've started parts of it and I'm on a short amount of time. Yes, time. I was staring at my schedule - all the things that I wanted to do and want to do still - and it finally occurred to me: life would just be easier with more daytime in it. And the way that happens is to go to bed earlier. But it's not just about going to bed earlier. The truth is, a lot of my life is messy. I'm thinking about that a lot I guess because, well, my bro and I are looking at moving out of the parent's place. Yup, that's right. Now that Dad's back to dying as slowly as we can ask him to, it's feeling a little crowded under this roof. He, I, and a third roommate are looking at places where we might want to live where the rent doesn't suck. And I want to leave this place as well as I can. That'll be a lot easier if I clean my end of things up more. So. Clean time, clean house. Let's get to it. GOAL 1: CLEAN UP MY TIME - BED BY 11 GOAL 2: CLEAN UP MY SPACE - ONE WALL OF MY ROOM EACH WEEK GOAL 3: CLEAN UP MY GUT - ONE SERVING OF SAUERKRAUT A WEEK GOAL 4: CLEAN UP MY CATALOG - FINISH UNDERTALE TO MAKE ROOM FOR ME: ANDROMEDA Bonus-That-Isn't: 4 written pages a week. And with that, we're off to the races.
  4. Last month was a month of doing stuff. This month is the same. Some of the goals have changed, but the overall goal remains - to do all of the things in true Ranger style. Should I exceed any of my goals each week, I will be putting £5 into a savings jar per goal exceeded. At the end of the month, I'll use the money to treat myself to something on my Amazon Wish List. Join with me as I sail the 4 Cs with regular stops along the Exercise Islands. Goals: 1. Crochet. Last month my goal was to crochet 3 squares OR sew one row onto the blanket I'm making my son per week. This goal has not changed. By the end of this challenge I should have at least 1.5 rows worth of squares crocheted and 1 row sewed onto the blanket. I will be grading this goal by keeping track of how many squares/rows I get done throughout the week. Squares: 0/3 2. Cook. This is a new goal, but one that I believe I mentioned either on my challenge or someone else's challenge last month. My goal is to clean out the food shelves, fridge, and freezer by cooking one meal each day that I'm home. I will only buy food that is needed to use the food that we already have. For example, if I have a BBQ pulled pork spice pack, then I can buy some pork. The reason I'm doing this is because we have loads of frozen food, sauce packs, tinned food, etc that's been sitting on various shelves for well over a year and they need to be eaten before they go off. My version of the NFA eating plan is going to take a hit this month, but that's ok. Once all of this food is gone, I can start the second part of my plan and start stocking up on stuff that does fit with my eating plan. I'll be tracking this goal by sharing photos of what I cook over on my FB page and will link to the photos here (though you're welcome to add me or follow me over there, if you like). 3. Clean. Because I spend most of my time during the day job hunting, taking my Android Basics course, and taking care of my son's needs, T is meant to do the majority of the housework. However, he has a bad habit of not seeing when something needs to be done (example, he left the dishes piling up for nearly 3 days because we still had clean dishes, so he didn't notice the dirty ones in the sink). So to help him out, I'm going to clean one room from top to bottom each week. Week 0: Living Room Week 1: Kitchen Week 2: Paul's room Week 3: The Master Bedroom Week 4: My Bedroom 4. Class. My Android Basics programming course is nearly done, but that doesn't mean I can slack off. My goal is to get through the rest of my course by the end of this challenge month. (Weekly goals may be changed depending on how well I did the week before) Week 0: Complete at least half of Lesson 3B Week 1: Complete Lesson 3B Week 2: Design final project Week 3: Final project finished and posted in class forums Week 4: Fix any problems noticed by other students and mentors 5. Exercise. Welcome to exercise isles! Each week, we'll have a different goal to complete. Week 0: Go Geocaching. Last week I tried Geocaching for the first time. It was so much fun that I decided to make it a part of this month's challenge. My goal is to find 5 caches this week. To get to their location, I'll either walk or cycle. Week 1: Go on a Virtual Walk. I will choose one race from yes.fit and walk the entire thing this week. Week 2: Go on a Virtual Cycle. Same as above, except instead of walking, I will cycle the entire distance. Week 3: Do NFA Bodyweight workouts 4A, 4B, and 4C at least once (each) this week. Week 4: Battle NFA Bodyweight Level 4 Boss. Counts as exceeded goal if boss is defeated.
  5. I have been having trouble with the Customize Your Batcave quest. It seems easy, but I have a small home and put into place most of the suggestions before I had even heard of Nerd Fitness. I am looking for suggestions that maybe out of the normal as I am working toward a full life level up. Maybe ways to help making cleaning easier and messes more difficult to make... does something like that even exist??? ANY ideas would be great - looking for that kick start. If there is a board that already talks about this (I can't seem to find one) I would love to hear about that as well! This is also the time where I wish I had gone to Hogwarts - although I would have probably never have mastered cleaning spells either... or be rich enough for a (well treated) house elf. Support S.P.E.W.!
  6. TL::DR- I started Clean and press-any tips? About two months ago I saw a set of weights on Craigslist for a wicked deal- 2 dumbbells, 1 7' barbell, and 200 odd lbs of assorted iron weights, so I was pumped and picked them up. I've been in the gym, for a few months building on rows, dips, bench, and farmers walks... But lifting barefoot in the backyard in front of the garden is just magical. I get to assert my dominance over my vegetables to let them know their fate is near! I don't have a bench, or rack so benching it out. My row is to high to use on the dumbbells I got. After regularly doing rows for the last 2 years I'm up to 100# single arm and feel quite accomplished. Farmers walks also out, though I am in search of a couple 10 gallon buckets to fill with sand. Point being is all I did in the gym, I can't really do at home so I looked for alternatives of what would work with what I have...Ended up at the clean and press. It's hard with the amount of weight I have, it works back, and I am getting my BF% low enough that a stronger core will be visible. started at 90#, worked up over the last month to 111# Where I have the question is my programming and form. 3 "sets" 1- 86# -5 continuous reps 2-106#- usually get three out before taking a breather and doing 2 more 3-111# - 2 reps, break, 2 reps, break, 1 rep The third set is always a struggle, form is maintained, but every time out I am increasing the weight 3-5#, so it is a hard lift. As for form: I get the clean perfect...or at least I think I do. But getting the bar the first 3-4" into the press is where I am unsure. I have been dipping down slightly with my legs and pumping back up to get the weight moving then let the upper body take over. I have started the but/quad clinch at the end and it did help get the last PR. Is the press like that wrong? Have I bastardized the Jerk by doing the little pump? Should I slow adding the weight if I can't pull out 5 in one continuous set? With the listed above equipment can you think of another exercise that would benefit someone with the goals of being better at fast distance running, Dodge-ball, and looking pretty? Any advice welcome and appreciated.
  7. Ok so cleans are my favorite thing ever along with back squats because I've always felt badass doing them since a lot of girls never have. Well today, the weightlifting portion of our WOD was hang clean, and the rep scheme was 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1. I wasn't feel that great because I've been on vacation for a week and haven't done anything heavy in a while. Well once I started on the first set I felt super good and I was like huh maybe I'll be able to hit 125! Because that was my previous max for a regular squat clean. So anyways, this is what I ended up doing: 5 @ 65lbs 5 @ 85lbs 3 @ 105lbs 3 @ 115lbs And then I was like ok next step would be 125..and I did that easily. Then I added a five to each side, hit 135 easily (I was texting my boyfriend after every set giving him minute-by-minute detailed updates), so I kept going, and then I hit 140, and 145 before I ran out of time. 145!!!!!!!!!!! On a hang power clean! Ok like I know this whole thing has been really long and drawn out just to say that I hit 145 on a hang power clean but like I AM SO PUMPED. And I maybe could've hit 150 if I had more time! Plus if I had been catching it in a squat like I probably should've been, I could've hit even more! LIKE WHAAAAAAAT. Ok sorry I'm done I'm just super excited and none of my friends except my mom and boyfriend care!!!!!
  8. My ultimate goal is to fit comfortably into UK size 14 trousers. To do that, I need to drop a dress size and I want to do this by losing fat. I feel like I've got a good grip on workouts and food / diet so this challenge is about creating new routines and adding another level of automation into my daily life. Being more active outside of workout sessions and looking after my body are my main focus areas for this challenge. 1. Activity! STA+2 CON+2 Be active outside of workout sessions. Minimum is walking for 10 minutes per day. This is continuing from my previous challenge but is being made more difficult by a higher target. A = 30 or more active days B = 26-29 active days C = 22-25 active days F = 21 active days or fewer. 2. Spring clean! DEX+1 CHA+2 WIS+1 The start of spring is approaching and my body is beginning to show signs of winter wear and tear. I have made a list of activities I need to do to look after my body, and I have attributed points to those activities depending on how difficult (how likely I am to do them) they are. A = 100 points or more B = 75-99 points C = 50-74 points F = 49 points or fewer. 3. Floss! CON+2 CHA+2 I'm treating this like a 30-day hard hat challenge for the whole of the 6 weeks. Fairly simple, I want to automate my flossing routine, put floss everywhere and make sure to floss daily. Pass = Never miss 2 days in a row Fail = Miss 2 or more days in a row. 4. On your bike! DEX+1 CON+1 STA+1 I received a folding bike for Christmas and it's really easy to get out and about with it. I want to fit my bike in my car and take it to work with me. I hope to make a new activity out of bike riding and my initial aim is to ride my bike once per week. A = 5 bike rides or more B = 3 or 4 bike rides C = 1 or 2 bike rides F = No bike rides.
  9. I have cleaned up my diet quite a bit but I still feel it may be unhealthy. I do not eat paleo but I would like to stat turning my diet into 'clean eating'. Any advice or beginner tips? Is this a good move? What should I mostly rely on? What should I be sure to avoid? How do you eat out or at other's houses?
  10. I'm back! I was a Scout briefly last year. Before spraining my right ankle and my left foot last July, I had been training to run my first 5K in September. Well, I migrated to the Assassins after that, and did achieve my first 5K this past June. My goals were to run without stopping, no matter how slow, and to finish in under 45 minutes. I finished in 43:01, and I never stopped chugging along. I consider myself somewhere between a Scout and an Assassin, a combination that I like to call Bounty Hunter Class. But since my focus right now is on running - I signed up for 3 more 5Ks to run between now and December - I finally decided today that I'd spend some time on the Scout side of my split personality. Main Quest - To weigh what I did back in High School when everyone made me believe I was fat. I have four goals for this challenge, one of them being a Life Goal. They go like this: Clean : Harder Eat : Better Run : Faster Get : Stronger Clean Harder - I will set a timer and clean for 15 minutes minimum, three days per week. The theory is that I can actually get a lot done in 15 minutes, and that once I get started I'm more likely to go for longer than 15. CHA +3 Grading based on 18 possible cleaning days. Eat Better - My goal here is to eat more fruits and veggies. I'd like to do 4 per day, but considering my current track record I'm going to set 3+ daily as the goal. I believe I can do at least 3 and will always try to do more. CON + 2, WIS +2 Grading on 42 days worth of eating. Run Faster - I have a new app called 5K Forever which is supposed to train me to run faster. I'm starting week 2 of the 8 week course this week, so the plan is to not miss any runs, of which there are 3 weekly. STA +3 Grading differently on this since it's critical I not miss. A = 17-18 runs, B = 15-16 runs, C = 14 runs, D = 13 runs, F = 12 or fewer runs. Get Stronger - I have had a crappy success rate sticking with any kind of strength program I've ever started. I tried Yoga for my last challenge and didn't mind it so much, so I now I'm going to try Pilates 3 days a week, which is supposed to be good for strength and flexibility. STR +2, DEX +2 Grading again based on 18 days of 'pilots'. Now I gotta get to bed. Tomorrow I'll start making charts to track all of this stuff. At least today I got my fruits and veggies in, so I'm off to good start.
  11. Hey guys. I just started to power clean and I'm under the impression that as long as you get in the front rack position, whether or not you catch it in a quarter squat or even perform a full squat, you've completed the movement when you stand straight up. Now my question is, do you dip down to a half squat or maybe even lower the higher in weight you go? Personally I just barely meet it at a quarter squat but I'm still trying to get used to the wrist movement. What are your thoughts?
  12. Last challenge I found myself a little bit vague and wandering, lacking a sense of purpose. Without set restrictions on what I could and couldn't eat I found myself indulging more and eating more stuff I knew I shouldn't be. I still made improvements physically - running for longer and doing more push ups - but I know I can do so much better. So this challenge I'm going to be focussing on improving my physical form more then any higher consciousness type challenges typically found over at the Druids. Shape shifting as a druid requires a certain knowledge about one's true form… And mine has gotten a bit hazy and well, pudgy. If I am to be the best druid I can be I need to know what my body is capable of, push those limits as far as they can go, and make those new limits my norm. Hence me joining the ranks of the Rangers this time to really buckle down and put some serious hours in. I don't want to be "sort of" or "kinda" fit, I want a clearly defined body shape with clearly defined muscles, as well as knowing my body's abilities. I want to put a number on my deadlifts and squats, and I want to have a total of exactly how many push ups I can do, and pull-ups (eventually) instead of this "I can lift some weight sometimes!". No more. No more of this vagary flaky "I might do this but I might not" shenanigans, I'm Keeping It Simple (Stupid!) This time around. Them's The Rules! Eat. Intermittently. Between 12pm - 9pm 7 days a week. (42 days) STA +4 I prefer to have a coffee for breakfast and eat bigger at lunch and dinner, so I'm going to experiment with this this challenge. I was going to try primal again but apart from making me fat if I have too much, my body doesn't have a problem with bread and dairy, so I will allow them but limit my intake. I've worked my way off milk anyway, but bread is something I haven't been able to give up yet. So instead of that I'm going to try fasting. I'll also count my calories for at least the first two weeks and see exactly what I'm eating and what I need to change. I've been too vague on this too. TDEE: 2000cal. I'll be aiming for around 1800cal every day so hopefully slowly I shed the little bit of excess fat around my stomach, and go from there. Motivation: I want to stay around 15-17% BF, eating enough protein and fat to help my body recover and build muscle and keep me healthy. Sleep. (42 nights) CON +4 7.5hours a night. Every night. No exceptions. Getting to bed by 11 should give me more then enough hours sleep and I might even coax myself into get up earlier. If this isn't long enough after two weeks I'll up it to 9 hours. Motivation: I want to feel awake when I get out of bed. I want my morning coffee to be optional, not a necessity. I want to be able to spring out of bed and greet the day. Run. 3 days a week. (18 days) DEX +4 Finish my C25K program, move onto a 10k program as that is staggered nicely and I feel like I'm accomplishing something. Otherwise if it's raining and cold outside 2 HIIT workouts spaced throughout the day. Motivation: Rule #1 is cardio. Lift. 2 days a week. (12 days) STR +2, STA +1 Deadlifts and squats etc, bodyweight workouts, the Rebel Outcast Workout etc. Keeping up my motivation for actually doing hardcore exercise is hard for me, hence the extra stamina point awarded for completing this. Motivation: I want to be able to deadlift and squat my own body weight. I want to be able to do 20 push ups. And I want to do a chin up. At least one. I'll will be keeping track daily through my Battle Log (Starting from around page 19) and update here weekly with my scores for each section. Also for a change I made myself a pretty spreadsheet to colour in and type numbers into which you are welcome to look at. And I've also made an MFP account to log food. All the accountability! Starting Stats: I'm not expecting these to change a whole lot, but out of interest I'd like to see if anything changes, and where on my body it does. Weight: 64kgs Measurements (in cm) Neck: 32 Chest: 72 Waist: 69 Hips: 85 Thigh (both): 51 Upper arm (both): 27 BF %: 17.2 Deadlift: 20kgs Squat: 11kgs Push ups: 1x7 Pull ups: 0
  13. This is my 4th challenge ! This time, i will make it a little easier and focus on the 4 recommended goals, since the last times i had 5-6 goals and it was getting hard to focus. So, this time around i will : 1) Run 5 Km (CON 1 + STA 1) I am already doing the C25K program, and am now (as of today) doint week 4 day 2. I will continue to run 3 times a week to reach the 5km, hopefully by the end of the challenge. C25K recommends 9 weeks, so i should reach my goal in that timeframe. 2) Blogilates every day, following the beginner calendar (STR 1 + CHA 1 + CON 1) My goal is to do 1 thing everyday from the calendar, and the hole thing if i can. I would LOVE to check every one of those boxes. For some reason this challenge calendar appeals to me at the moment, so i will follow my wants and see where it leads. I love the fact that every day is different, and the goal is 10-15 min long everyday for only 1 of the things, so short enough that i can make it. I will aim to do this first thing in the morning. The rest day will be tuesday, or whenever in the week i feel the energy of timing lacks. If i already took it, i can't have another in that week, 3) Sleep 7.5h a day, from sunday to thursday at least (CON 1 + STA 1) This is a hard one for me. Has been a goal in the last challenges as well, still not where I want to be, but i am getting there. What i find hard is that with all my treatments, family time, household chores, at the end of the day i want to relax and do things for me before going to bed and i end up going to bed really late. I will aim for 10h pm, and waking around 5h30 every work day. This should give me enough time in the morning to include Blogilates and my things, while letting me get that extra 30 min i need desperetly. - Week 1: Sleep at 10h, for 7h - Week 2: sleep at 9h45, for 7h15 - Week 3: sleep at 9h30, for 7h30 - Week 4: sleep at 9h15, for 7h45 - Week 5: sleep at 9h, for 8h - Week 6: sleep at 9h, for 8h waking up at 5-5h15 every morning 4) Life : be mindfull and present (WIS 1 + CHA 1) Give the most important people of my life my undivided attention when i'm with them. This means : - Playing with my son at least once a day without distractions. - Hanging around my boyfriend and being there for him when he's with me instead of doing something else. - And meditating 5 min everyday for me. I will also leave my phone in my purse when i'm getting back home to limit electronics, wich is an addiction of mine and is in the way of this mindfullness goal. Side quest 1 : RPG Fanatics accountabilibudies. I will do the chanllege there and attribute 6 of my points at those. Side quest 2 : Clean and organise my Home (in any order) - shop my wardrobe for spring clothes and keep 20-30 items, not including accessories and shoes. - clean fridge and oven - finish cleaning and organising my paperwork - clean, organise and make pretty my drawer as well as the desk in the hallway - simplify my cleaning supply, replace them with ecofriendly brand or homemade equivalent Done 20/4 - organise the laundry area I will aim to post daily for updates, as this is the best way to keep me acountable and motivated. 21/4 edited my sleep goal
  14. One of my fitness goals for 2014 was to clean & jerk my body weight. Done! C&J @ 175# today! (That's 79.5 kg for you non-Yankees.) W00t!
  15. I took the last challenge off because I was too busy living my life to come online and participate here. Things have settled down a bit so I'm back into it! Goal 1 - Weight loss (CON 2 | CHA 1) So I don't fit into my uniform that I'm expected to wear in the last week of this challenge... My quads and hamis are too big, so I'm hoping with a bit of fat loss they will fit! * Lose 3kg * Goal: 79kg * Stretch goal: 77kg (5kg loss) Goal 2 - Running (DEX 2.5 | STA 2.5) I used to be a big runner, but after an overuse injury I threw it all in for strength training and CrossFit. I have a thing coming up in 3 months where I'll be expected to do HEAPS of running and I don't feel like I'm mentally or physically ready for it. Sure, my fitness is there but I really hate running these days! So... Back to the grind. * Run 3 long runs per week * Run 1-2 sprint sessions per week * Track speeds with Polar HRM (GPS) * Goal: 2.4km in 13 minutes Goal 3 - Oly Lifting (STR 4) I have hit a wall with my lifting recently. Partly because I'm not fueling my body like I used to so that I can lose some weight, but also because my upper body strength isn't where it needs to be. My upper back and my catch position are a bit weak so I need to work on that. * Develop upper body strength and stability (snatch press, DB strict press, OHS, snatch balance) * Develop back strength (Pendlay rows, snatch deadlifts, pull-ups) * Goal: Snatch 50kg * Goal: 3 extra strength sessions per week Goal 4 - Clean up (WIS 3) I will be moving in 3 months so it's time to get rid of all this crap I have around the house! Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous how much ONE person can own! I think I need to have a garage sale. * Goal: Pack all unwanted stuff into boxes * Consider garage sale
  16. Hey hey, just starting a post thread for my battle log. I'm currently on the starting strength program, using madcow programming. Current maxes Squat - 265 x 5 Bench - 195 x 5 Deadlift - 295 x 5 Press - 135 x 5 Monday 19th Workout Squat - 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 200 x 5, 230 x 5, 265 x 5 Bench - 100 x 5, 120 x 5, 145 x 5, 170 x 5, 195 x 5 Instead of just cleaning, I did some hang clean technique drills to work on my form a bit. I did a hang clean from mid thigh, just below the knee, then from the ground using 95lbs, 115lbs, and 135lbs for 2 sets each. I'm having a bit of trouble with my hip drive on the heaver weights, I can't seem to get the bar moving fast enough. It's possible that I was just starting to get tired since it was near the end of my workout though. I also did two sets of 1 arm rows using 40lbs, for 20 reps and 2 sets of 10 dips. I felt pretty good afterwards, getting the dips was tough for me, I could barely do 3 of them a couple months ago. Progress!
  17. I should start by saying that I'm a Ranger. Well, a Warrior trying to disguise herself as a Ranger! But really, my strengths are in lifting and I really feel like focusing on what I love this challenge - Olympic lifting! Main Quest: To get body weight Olympic lifts! (Obviously this is a work in progress!!) Current body weight: 86.6kg/191lbs (14/9/13) Height: 183cm (6'0) of freaky femurs and positive ape index! (Being all limbs makes lifting a rather interesting adventure!) Current PRs: Clean & Jerk: 60kg/132lbs Clean: 65kg/143lbs Jerk: 65kg/143lbs Snatch: 45kg/99lbs Bench press: 50kg/110lbs Deadlift: 102.5kg/226lbs Back squat: 77kg/170lbs Front squat: 65kg/143lbs Goal 1: Get Rid of the Dead Weight! (CON 2 | CHA 1) I have been eating Paleo for a long time now, but have let a few not-so-favourable things back into my diet. Nothing too horrid in the scheme of things, but my nutrition hasn't been optimal (read: full of sugarrrrrrr) and all it has been doing is supporting the extra body fat that I have. So, I'm going back to basics this challenge! It's Whole30 time again! So that means - * Whole30 for the entire challenge* Attend Whole9 seminar * Read the following books - - It Starts With Food - The Paleo Solution - In Defense of Food - Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It* Drink 2L water per day* Log all food End of Challenge Goal:* Drop 3kg Goal 2: Olympic Liftinggggggggggg! (STR 2 | DEX 2) I LOVE Oly lifts. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. It's true... I have the t-shirt! * 3 Oly lifting sessions per week - 2 individual coaching sessions, 1 extra (self-driven or WOD) * Focus on The Outlaw Way lifting drills End of Challenge Goals: * Snatch 50kg/110lbs* C&J 70kg/154lbs (may perform as individual lifts) Goal 3: Shut Up and Squat! (STR 3.5 | STA 0.5) The major thing holding me back with my cleans is my front squat and my back squat is pretty crap for my size as well. I had a knee injury earlier this year, so I wasn't able to squat for quite a while but things are back on track now so I'm gradually building my strength and technique. I am currently half-way through the Hatch squat program and will hopefully finish with enough downtime to re-test my back and front squats before the end of the challenge. * Complete Hatch squat program End of Challenge Goals: * Back squat 80kg (though a body weight squat would be amazing!) * Front squat 70kg Fitness Side Quest: Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep! (CON 2)Nice and simple, but oh so important! * Sleep >=8 hours per night. End of Challenge Goal: I'll allow 2 nights of <8 hours sleep. Life Side Quest: Get Your Stuff Together! (WIS 2) There is so much paperwork lying around in my study, it is beyond ridiculous! So this challenge I am going to file it all away and get into a habit of filing things as they come in. I also think it's about time I went through my old paperwork and got rid of the stuff I don't need anymore. Okay, so it's not quite that bad...!!! * Organise paperwork and receipts into folders* Sort old receipts and paperwork and discard if not required* Submit tax! ugh! End of Challenge Goal: * To have all paperwork nicely filed away and sorted * Tax submitted Alright, let's do this!
  18. I've been away for a while and now I'm coming back. Many games have grindy parts that don't really progress the story or directly get you closer to the main boss. It's looking like I'll be spending this challenge on the stupid stuff that keeps me from progressing. Main quest: Get the house so that it takes care of me more than I take care of it. My last challenge, I had a 12-week plan to track how much time I was spending on housework and then work on limiting how much I did. This challenge, I'm going to be a little bit more lax and just note what I did so that I know that I'm doing something. I'm not sure how to score it if I wait so long that I can't remember what I did on a particular day. I also want to note the answer to the question "Did I do enough?" at every day, roughly every week, for the two halves of the challenge, and for the whole challenge. Good answers are actually "eh, sorta," or "no, and I'm too tired to care." Last Sunday I did a stupendous amount of work, like 16 hours, and was frustrated that I dropped from exhaustion when I wanted to keep going. It put me out of commission for most of the week. Grind 1: Keep track of what I did in the day Grind 2: Answer the question "Did I do enough?" Since last challenge, I still haven't resolved the creeping issue of cooking. Many times I have regretted not buying hot pockets. The main idea is to get some freezer-to-oven meals into the freezer, but I'll go easy on myself because it's harvest season and include everything from loading the dehydrator to brewing beer. Grind 3: cook at least 6 things for future consumption. XP seems a little bit inappropriate for what I am doing, except for the freezer-to-oven stuff. Some grinds are just to get to a high enough level to progress, or enough currency to get gear, or the gear itself. Other grinds are meaningless except that you get a piece of bling to prove that you did it.
  19. "Well well well, what do we have here, an AWOL ODST trooper returning back to Firebase Alpha." This is my quiet little re-entry back in to the world of Nerd Fitness, proper strength training, the Warriors Guild and finding an income. I'll try to stick by the challenge script. For a bit of a background, as of the 18th of Sept, I'll have been without employment for a whole 365, an achievement which hasn't appeared on my XBOX, gone through the drag of 6 months of failed job applications and interviews and of not having daily objectives to achieve, went back to university to start a Masters in Project Management and now I need to hit the streets again and get out of this (more on that later). Even without work life has been hectic: I've planted a church with some good friends in a close by city, have played my first season of soccer since I was 6, (Regular season Wins:2 Draws:2 Losses: 14) Go Citylife FC! Have limited my own training by bungling up my shoulder nicely. Have started training a younger guy in the Ways of the Warrior out of my garage. Challenge main quest: Back to basics 1. Regular garage strength training 3x a week, rehab permitting 2. Run 2x a week, LSD or sprint sessions, to be tracked and posted here. 3. Rugby skills every week. Challenge life quest: Get an Income 1. Find employment via the traditional methods regularly, apply for 5 jobs per week If any are available. 2. Cold call 10 companies, either phone, face to face or email. 3. Complete initial market research for start-up. Challenge side quest: Shoulder wellness Shoulder hasn't been fully functional in a long time. Exacerbated the problem about 6 months ago, went from impingement on any over hand vertical pull, pull ups, lat pull downs, to being unable to bench, OHP, hold my arm out horizontal. Finally sucked it up and went to the docs, initial assessment was an inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon. Ultrasound shows an impingement. Recovery: 10 days of anti inflammatory tables as provided by the doc. Steroid injection scheduled for this Thurs, 48 hours without any resistance after that. Build up shoulder from the ground up, rotator cuff health. More later Peace
  20. Flylady: Contestants: Elastigirl KB Girl Bekah Open to any one else who wants to follow along and do the Flylady missions, but you need to sign up by challenge start. Rules: We will be doing the missions from http://flylady.net/ Each week we have a possibility to earn 5 points. Each task complete gets 1 point. A task does not have to be completed on the exact day, but must be finished by the end of the week to count in point totals. You must post at least once a week with how many points you have earned. At the end of the 6 weeks, the winner is the one with the most points. Stakes: Losers have to write a poem in honor of the winner and post it on the PVP challenge
  21. WYAAAAAA RUH RUH! ("Hello, how are you" in Wookie) First of all, my name is Steve, or Stelmer... doesn't bother me. I have been stalking NF for the last 4 days now, reading, reading, writing and reading some more. I am totally amazed at the dedication and the transformation of so many people on here. Congratulations! My goal is to lose 10Kg, stretch and tone my body through Yoga and basically lose the spare tire that is hanging around my waist. ... let me start of with a bit of history. I have always had a little bit of "chub" on me since day one, my Mother is always a bit larger, my dad always skinnier. I got my Mum's genes. Early in 2010 when I was 25, I started up at my local gym with one of my best mates. We were bright eyed chubby dudes ready to smash the weights. During that year, I DID smash them weights as well as increase my cardio. In a matter of weeks, I was seeing results. This was a 1 months transformation: Then one warm summer, we all decided to head to a remote beach getaway, you know... just to relax. We relaxed a bit TOO much... we lost our workout routine and took up way too much beer. This is also about the time that I started working two jobs and basically ate at my desk and drank more beer than one man should. All of the food that I ate came from packets. The most cooking that I did was taking frozen sausage roll and dims sims out and putting them into the oven. 3 years later, I find myself happily married to my beautiful wife. She is an amazingly fit woman who has a real grasp on correct eating and is a yoga junkie. ... this is me now: HOW AM I GOING TO TRANSFORM MYSELF BACK? Easily... I will start with these 4 goals: 1. Eliminate brown and white sugar from my diet. 2. Run 10km a week. 3. Continue doing Yoga with my wife every other day. As for my level up challenge: 4. Eliminate soft drink from my diet for at least one month. These 4 goals should help me unlock level 2 on my NF 6 Week Challenge. Please, I am new to this forum and the way things are done. If you have any tips for me, especially in the eating department ( I love eating!) I have trouble curbing my cravings. Thanks again NF Crew.
  22. I'm back!!!!!!! Spidey reporting for duty for Challenge # 2!! Starting info! Weight: 232lbs Waist: 36 Str(7), Dex(2), Sta(13), Wis(2), Cha(3) Goal 1: Paleo life is the life for me!!!+3Sta So last challenge I made the amazing decision to start my journey down the paleo way of eating. I really wasn't sure how I was going to like it, because I am a major foodie!! I was extremely surprised to find that this is definitely something that I can do, and I have never felt better in my life. My acid reflux and other fun stomach issues have been kept to a minimum since switching to paleo so I'm super excited. For this challenge I am still going to stick to paleo but I am going to allow myself wiggle room. I will allow for 1 cheat day during the week. However even with the one cheat day I'm not gonna go crazy and gorge myself! Grading: A=sticking to only 1 cheat day week B-sneaking in 2 cheat days C= 3cheat days D= 4 cheat days F= Am I even on a diet?!? Goal 2: Run for your life!!! +3Str +2Dex I can't say enough how much I've fallen in love with running!!! I love it soo!! O_O For this challenge I am gonna try to add an extra 2miles to my continous run. So instead of 3miles it shall be 5! Grading A=Complete 5miles with no stops B=4.5miles C=4miles D=3.5miles F=Do you even run?!? Goal 3: Get off the ground you can do it!! +5Str I have always wanted to do pull-ups so this is the challenge to throw myself into it!! For this challenge I am going to work to do 5pull-ups in on set Grading A=5pull-ups B=4 C=3 D=2 F=Do you even lift bro?!? Final Goal: Clean it up!+2Cha I'm stealing this from some other scouts because I really need this!! So I shall be cleaning my house weekly, making sure I put all laundry away when I get it out of the dryer, and not letting my sink become the Mt. Everest of dishes. Grading A=Clean every week B=Clean 5 weeks C=Clean 4 weeks D=Clean 3 Weeks F=Hoarders buried alive! Can't wait for this challenge!! Good luck to all and remember never touch a black/white cat, it's probably a skunk! Spidey out!
  23. Starting stats: 5'4" female 122 lbs Waist: 31in Hips: 37in Neck: 13in BF% ~ 30% Goals: 1) Finish 30 Day Shred and get through day 6 of Ripped in 30 I'm currently at day 9 of level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. I want to finish it. I generally do it every other day, so in 6 weeks... *counts on fingers* carry the two.... that should get me to day 6 of Ripped in 30 by the end of week 6. Measurement: Days worked out / 18 potential days of working out. Rewards: Str+3, Sta+2, Dex+1 2) Learn to do the front splits I'm not particularly flexible, and I've never been able to do them before. Measuring in inches from floor to back of knee: Starting left leg in front: 9 inches Starting right leg in front: 8.5 inches Measurement: (Total Starting - Total Ending) / Total Starting Rewards: Str+1, Dex+2 3) Fast food only once per week. (Friday gaming night not included ) I'm so bad about eating fast food. I stay within my calorie goals (Whopper Junior and a milk, usually), but it's probably still bad for me. Measurement: Successful weeks / 6 possible weeks Rewards: Con+1, Cha+1 4) Study for my APICS exam for 1 hour four times / week APICS is an organization for operations research (manufacturing and distribution). This is my life level up goal, as I'm hoping by gaining my certification, I'll have an easier time finding a better job. Measurement: # of days studied / 24 days in which I should study Rewards: Wis+3, Sta+1 For each goal: 90+ = A, 80 - 90 = B, etc. Here we go!
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