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Storng, Liek Bear Durid

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Image result for bear druid<- Me in another universe, probably.

Just kidding. Sort of.


So hi, yes, hello, my name is Annie. I've been on and off this site for a few years, lost weight, gained weight, lost fat, gained muscle, and every variant in between.

Anyway, I wanted to make a log of my weight loss. I struggle with food every day, it's really an addiction. Been actively struggling since 2009. But I'm tired of feeling gross and bad about myself. I'm tired of the food hangovers. Tired of the guilt.


So what am I doing? What are my goals? Why do I want to do this? What am I going to do to achieve this? I feel like these are difficult questions to answer. But let's give it a shot.


What I am doing: Implementing lifestyle changes to be healthy and happy. I don't want a quick fix that'll end with me back to where I started.


Why I want to do this: The ‘why’ behind this is due in no small part to body dysmorphia and underlying psychological damage due to years of trying to fit in under the pressure of being told to look a certain way. But it is what it is at this point. I will never be tiny. I will never be dainty, I'll never be slender. But I don't want to be fat and subdued. My body is built to be strong, and God help anyone who tries to stand in my way. I said once I want to be able to rip a tree out of the ground, and I intend to get there.


My goals: I feel like for most people, the goal is a number. A goal weight, goal pant size, goal measurement of some fashion. So I guess I'll keep in the same vein. And I'll keep this preliminary, and will probably update it as time goes on.


Goal weight: 210. Since I'm currently hovering around 230, I'd like to get down to 210. I will achieve this with fat loss, not muscle loss. I've spent a good deal of time working up my lifts, and would prefer to not lose my progress.


Weightlifting: Become nationally ranked. I'm actually pretty close to this for my weight class (a la USA Weightlifting). If I remember correctly, I need a total of 194kg, but I'll double check.


What I'm going to do to achieve this: Ok, this is where it gets complicated. My diet is what's holding me back at present. So I need to make some rules, I think.


  1. Log EVERYTHING I eat. No exceptions.

  2. Drinks: Water, tea, milk (almond or otherwise) only. Amino Acid supplement is permissible. The reason for this is two-fold: 1) Good for body, and 2) My teeth are piles of junk, they don't need help eroding

  3. Food:

    1. Limit pastas and fried foods.

    2. Limit dairy. I frack'n LOVE cheese, so that's permissible (in moderation). But milk and such is basically off-limits.

    3. Limit sauces. Mostly BBQ sauce. Love BBQ sauce. Opt for hot sauce instead!

    4. Limit sugar. I'm admittedly addicted to sugar. Cookies, cake, soda, sweet stuff. Love it. Shouldn't eat as much of it as I do. Aim for less than 60g of sugar for the day.


So! I actually started this yesterday, so here as my meal for yesterday:



Protein shake


Chicken with peas and carrots

Apple sauce

Lemon fiber bar



Sweet Tomatoes (restaurant): Huge salad with mushrooms, spinach, mixed greens, croutons, feta, red onion, fat free honey mustard dressing; some kind of weird arugula and pine nut pasta (like 3 fork fulls); small bowl* creamy/cheesy cauliflower soup with bacon and green onion; small bowl Mac 'n' cheese; 2 cornbread muffins; 1 mini blueberry muffin; 1 brownie; 1 small bowl* tapioca pudding; 1 glass unsweetened acacia green tea. (Note* “Small bowl” = approx 1 cup)


So the day ended kinda meh. But! I didn't buy any junk from the vending machine at work, so that's a win.


My problem is, I'm totally fine in the morning, the food is adequate and filling. Then the afternoon hits; after I have my lunch, I start getting lightheaded and cranky. This is usually when I break and eat everything I can get my hands on and shove into my mouth.


But part of this whole log is positivity, so here's what I'm proud of:



Rode my bike approximately 6 miles (between home, school, work, and all the way back)

Stuck to drink rules

Did not buy junk food at work (including stealing jelly beans from the annex. Haven't jelly beans since, like, May. Yay me!)


But anyway. On to today!


So today has been pretty good. Morning classes, then I headed home to play WoW with the boyfren. We actually went and got Chipotle first.



Protein shake


Chipotle (Bowl: brown rice, black beans, grilled onions/peppers, chicken, mild salsa, light cheese)



Boston Market: Chicken breast, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes with gravy, 1 cornbread muffin



Rode bike 4.6 miles

Refrained from drinking soda (even though I reeeeaaaalllly wanted some)


The sucky thing about today was my dentist appointment. My teeth are all sparkly and clean, but I have to get four (yes, four) fillings. Uch. (Just a note here, I brush, floss, and use extra fluoridated mouthwash, and prescription gel daily. My teeth just suck.)


It's really hard having the self-control to not have tasty things. Like soda. I know for a fact that when I drink it I get dehydrated, end up with a weird taste in my mouth, and have a stomach ache afterwards, and yet I still find it incredibly difficult to resist the urge. Why? Because it tastes good for, like, a second. Then there's all the bad that follows. And yet, I still fight against the urge to grab one. Hopefully they disappear soon. We had a bunch left over from the miniature party we had on Sunday. I had four cans on Sunday. But none since then. And I think I can be proud of that, at least.


I need to get back to weightlifting. The friend I was training with has been working on getting his gym up and running, then after that I imagine I'll start working with him again. But I have a bar and some weights of my own at home. I should use them. If I can convince myself to get up early to go to the rec center at school, that may be a good place to work out. It's always so crowded there, though. And people stress me out.


Anywho. I have to study now. Thanks for reading!


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Today has been alright so far. I totally did not make breakfast or a lunch for myself.


So it occurred to me that I should post some starting stats. I weighed myself this morning, and I'll use this as my starting point.


Annie's Starting stats!!

Weight: 233 lbs

Height: 5'9" (presumably, this won't change)


Three-rep max (in lbs):

Snatch: 100

Clean: 140

Front squat: 180

Back squat: 230

Deadlift: Did not actually record, but it's around 250-300


Now, these are from June 30. I've come a ways since then, but I haven't bothered to to test my 3-rep maximums since then, but I will do so hopefully soon.


Now for current events. For food, here's what I've had today so far:



Fruit snack (friend who sits next to me offered me some, I took literally one piece)


So funny story about this. So, as I mentioned above, I forgot to bring a lunch. After class, I was lamenting the fact that I would have to go to the hospital cafeteria to buy food, but as I exited the building I got caught in a crowd of people. Girl turns to me and says, "the line is going that way," and points behind her. Turns out this was a line for free food that I happened to be standing in. 


TBD (but it's looking like more hot dogs, since Sonic is having $1 hot dogs today). [Update]: Yup, that's exactly what we did. Because we have no self-control, we purchased twenty (seriously). I have eaten four chili-cheese hot dogs, one American dog (ketchup, relish, onion), and a four-piece Kit-Kat bar. And a bag of peanut M&Ms, and two oatmeal raisin cookies. Thankfully I was able to keep myself from drinking soda, despite my thirst and the temptation to say "eff it." I am currently drinking a liter of water.



Rode my bike 4.32 miles

Did not buy cafeteria food!


Tonight is Boss Fight night, which I'm excited about. Basically what that means: every Thursday a group of 4-7 of us get together to play cooperative board games for a few hours. It's really a good time.


[Update] Well, today I did not win out against the afternoon hunger. I didn't have work today, so that may have had something to do with it. 

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Can't wait to see how you continue to do on this.  


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Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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Thank you both! :D


So I was looking back at my old logs from years ago, and there a few things I've gleaned:

1) My thoughts were much more organized.

2) 28g of sugar was considered "high." Yikes @ me, right now.

3) I never did fit in those space cat leggings. I'll have to revisit that goal.

4) I make myself laugh. A lot.

4) Walking around campus was considered a workout.

5) I can't count.

6) I was so proud to run a mile at just under 15 minutes back in 2013. My best now is 11:35.

7) I couldn't do a single burpee in 2014. Now when I do a cardio workout, I do upwards of 50 (not all at one time, I do circuits).


Man. It's like I'm a whole different person now. That was a journey, reading all that. I've come such a long way. For that, I am grateful. When I think back, it doesn't seem like I've come that far. But actually reading it, in detail, how I was and what my fitness level was...it's like I didn't even realize how far up the mountain I've already come. I think I needed that today.


I have just started my second year of pharmacy school. I no longer live in that one-bedroom apartment. I'm in a three-bedroom house, my grandma'sold house, where I live with my boyfriend, my dog, and my rabbit. My engagement fell through in April of 2015, but I'm so much happier now. I have a great job (well, technically two jobs; but previously I was unemployed) and I love my field of study. Given the nature of my field, I think I sometimes get wrapped up in my head, and worried about how I compare to everyone else around me. Even physically. Everyone is so fit and healthy in healthcare, and I think I've gotten to be very self-conscious and feel like I'm the odd one out. But reading back through the posts of where I started...I've come a long way, to be sure. And here's to the future!


But anyway...on to the day!


Today's exercise!

Road cycling: 9.47 miles


Today's food!

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 3 bacons

Lunch: Piece of caramel cake (they had it at work for some reason, so I tried a piece. It was tasty), 1/4c almonds, 1 applesauce cup, 1 fiber lemon bar

Dinner: 1 medium cherry limeade Eegee (Eegee's is a local sandwich chain here in Tucson, and they make their own crushed ice dessert things), 0.43lbs baked chicken breast with homemade buffalo sauce, 1 American hot dog (left over from yesterday)


Today's positivity!

So on my bike route between home and school, there have been signs posted that say "Lost rabbit!" And I've been kinda like, "aw, that sucks," but I mean, it's a lost rabbit in Tucson. If the coyotes/snakes/tarantulas/hawks/owls/buzzards/javelinas don't get them, someone's car will. Anyway, as I'm riding I just happen to glance down an alleyway, and lo and behold I see a gray rabbit just chillin' in the dirt. So I stop, call the number on the flyer, and proceed to help a very nice British lady and her American husband catch the rabbit for an hour and a half. Their three little kids seemed very happy to have Nibbles (the rabbit) back home, safe and sound (if a little dehydrated and cranky). WHich was why I got the Eegee, I was tired, thirsty, and felt like celebrating. :triumphant:



I think I like having a "positivity" heading. A lot of good things happen every day, and I want to remember when I look back through these in another three years. Good conclusion to the day. 

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Well! I had something I wanted to say, but then I forgot. Ah, well.

Oh! Wait, no, it's gone again.


Oh yes! Ok, it's back.


So, I weighed myself this morning.


Start weight: 233 lbs (8/24/16)

Current weight: 231 lbs (8/27/16)

Pounds lost thus far: 2 lbs


Image result for booyah gif


Off to a good start. My plan is to do some exercise later today after work, since I haven't really been doing any lifting for about a week. Also didn't bike to work today, since I'm not a morning person and I had to be there at 9 this morning. Blech


Today's Exercise!

EMOM: 3x full snatch, 2x jerk, 1x split jerk @100#; 10 minutes total

Fexibility yoga: ~20 minutes


Today's Food!

Breakfast: 1 lemon fiber bar, 1 applesauce cup, 1/4c almonds, 1 tablespoon cake frosting

Lunch: Sprouts. I only ate half the sandwich, saving the other half for another time

Dinner:  Boston Market: Half of a chicken pot pie (chicken, carrots, peas, potato, puff pastry, cream sauce), 1 cornbread muffin


Today's Successes!

Did not buy junk from the work vending machine!

Joined an MtG draft, which still puts me on the verge of an anxiety attack, but everyone is always so nice. This is the...third? Draft I've participated in. 


Today's Positivity!

So the fun part about working in an MTM pharmacy call center is that I get to talk to some pretty amazing individuals from all over the U.S. For example, there was a lady I talked to once who was over 70 years old. This in and of itself is not unusual, I primarily talk to patients who are over 60. What made this particular interaction memorable was that she was a weightlifter. We ended up talking about weightlifting for a good 10 minutes. She was totally with it, very sharp mind and a very strong body, both of which she has maintained despite her age. I hope to be that badass when I'm  70.



Today has been a pretty decent day. It's only 5pm, though, I usually get the afternoon hangers about this time. But I had some grapes to get my sugar up, hopefully I make it through the rest of the day. I need to drink more water, though, I haven't even had a liter yet, and I'm thirsty. Been doing really well to not give in to my cravings. Let's keep it going.

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Today's exercise!

5x10 Squat @100#


Today's food!

Breakfast: 1 egg, 3 bacons, about 10 almonds

Lunch: Other half of tuna sandwich

Dinner: 1 pretty gosh dang large pineapple and pepperoni calzone from the pizza place down the street from where I live

After dinner: 4-5 cups of hot chocolate, 3-4 cups of maple syrup kettle potato chips. I couldn't help it. :cold:


Today's positivity!

Got to wake up when I was ready today, I had absolutely no reason to set the alarm. Woke up at almost 9am. That doesn't happen for me a lot, so it was magical.



Funny story from today. So the DnD group I meet with on Sundays recently (three weeks ago) decided that we wanted to start playing a Star Wars RPG campaign. So today we kicked off the campaign, had an encounter, and one of our party looted a dead droid, stuffed a damaged heavy pistol with no stun setting or safety into the front of his pants, and rolled a "target loses a limb" critical. What I'm saying is, he shot his dick off. 

Image result for yikes gif


In the end, we let him get away with just very bad burns, a lesson learned, and a still-attached "limb." But it was hilarious. :biggrin-new:

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Sounds like you are in a great place.  Keep up the positive thinking.


Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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Merf. So yesterday, I had a whole thing written out and never got around to posting it. BECAUSE

Image result for world of warcraft legion



And I was doing the pre-launch events, so I kind of forgot. BUT NOW I CAN'T PLAY BECAUSE I HAVE TO BE AN ADULT AND GO TO WORK AND SCHOOL AND SUCH.


*Regains composure*


Anyway. I logged all my food and exercise on MyFitnessPal yesterday, so I won't reiterate it here.


Today' exercise!

Road cycling: 8.8 miles

5x10 Squat @100# (I'm planning on making this my daily minimum. So new goal! Do at least this every single day)


Today's food!

Breakfast: Protein shake

Lunch: Chicken with peas and carrots, 1 cup applesauce, 1/4c almonds, 1 Nature Valley peanut butter bar. My pharmacist left a Hershey's chocolate thing on my desk today too! So I ate that.

Dinner: A burrito bowl type thing.


Today's positivity!

A girl I trained at work last week came and shadowed me again today. She's already improved so much over the past week, and she speaks so confidently on the phone with patients! I'm so proud of her. :applause:



I'm really tired today. I kept hitting the snooze button for a literal hour and a half. It was set for 7:30, and I finally dragged myself out of the bedroom at 9. I sort of regret only taking one of my caffeine tabs, I was foggy until about 1pm. But not a bad day, overall.

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Today's exercise!

Road cycling: 9 miles

5x10 Squat @100#


Today's food!

On MyFitnessPal, too lazy to write it all out here again.


Today's positivity!

I am actually putting off procrastinating! I've already started organizing my notes to prepare for a test that I won't have for another 2 weeks! I would love to not have to pull all-nighters again this semester. I didn't get as many A's last year as I would have liked, and I attribute that to putting off studying until the day before the test (which resulted in me getting hardly any sleep and feeling like hammered dog poop for days following). Not this semester. Straight A's, baby. :encouragement:



Today was a pretty good day, but I'm definitely feeling more fatigued. I'm so happy for my current schedule, though. All my classes start at 9am or later (I don't start until 11 on Fridays!), so I don't feel as rushed or deprived of sleep in the mornings as I have been since January. I would go week after week with my alarm set for 5am Monday through Sunday and it was the worst. This is better though, I feel much healthier mentally. :tranquil:

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Mental health is important.  Good job on the cycling and squats.

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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Thank you both, @Jittersthe.Clown and @CloneClubber, I appreciate the encouraging words. :)


Today's exercise!

Road cycling: 7.1 miles

5x10 Squat @100#


Today's food!

I did not eat as much protein today as I probably should have. The chicken I purchased the other day has turned to be really, really gross. It's...gristly and feels like chewing tendons. I don't like it. I keep taking like 1-2 bites and trying to stomach it and it just isn't working out well. I settled for frozen chicken strips I made in the oven just now.


Also, I felt that I ate kind of a lot today, and it wasn't all good, but MyFitnesPal tells me that I consumed ~1335 calories, 217g carbs (YIKES), 41g fat, 47g protein (DOUBLE YIKES), 1863mg sodium (yay!) and 65g sugar (eesh). So...not great, but not terrible. However! That leads me to...


Today's positivity!

So I have major willpower issues when it comes to food. I want to eat it all, all the time. It's a struggle, hour to hour. BUT! Today, I really REALLY wanted Applebee's chicken wings, because on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or any weekday after 9pm, they have 50 cent wings. Which, a) are freaking delicious because it's more or less fried chicken breast drenched in sauce (I'm partial to bbq and any spicy/sweet sauce), and b ) appeal to my desire to not spend a ton of money. But I resisted the urge! Because I really don't need to eat 20 chicken wings in one sitting. I'm very proud of myself. :excitement:



So I decided to dig up some old pictures of myself. Since I see myself everyday, it's a bit difficult to recognize when I look different. It's been an interesting experience.

So here's a side-by-side comparison

  photo Weight comparison 2012 to 2016_zpshfvcnd6q.jpg

So the picture on the left was taken literally this morning while I was getting ready (hence the toothbrush). So apart from the fact that my hair is now blue (and yet, somehow still the exact same length), I do see quite a bit of difference between these two pictures. I mean, I remember the day that that right picture was taken, and how much like a stuffed sausage I felt. I remember how amazing it felt to take that belt off, and take off those pants that were too tight. Those pants were size 16. The pants I'm wearing today are size 14, and I wear a belt. Don't get me wrong, I'm still pudgy. But the difference between muscle and fat is amazing. I weigh almost exactly the same. But I look pretty different. Anyway. Just took some time for reflection today.

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Way to go!  I hope you feel as great as you look

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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Today's exercise!

Road cycling: 8.8 miles


Today's food!

1554 Cal, 179g carbs (much better), 69g fat, 69g protein (also better), 2348mg sodium, 59g sugar 9(better)

Not a bad day. I'm not including the pie slice I'm going to get later tonight, because I'm treating myself. It's been a long, but good, week.


Today's positivity!

I have ridden at least 35.7 miles this week on my bike. I say 'at least' because I didn't start using Strava until halfway through Monday. So It's probably more like 36-37 miles total. Before Monday I was using MapMyRun, but I like the layout and clean look of Strava. Both are good for tracking distance, and there are definitely a few features of MapMyRun that I wish Strava had. But I like Strava.



I'm pooped from this week. Not overly excited about the study/cleaning weekend, but I always love the days when I don't have to set my alarm. :)

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Well, after taking a few days off, I'm ready to get back at it. I binged videogames, did some studying, cleaned the house, it was a good time. However, on Sunday I did have instant ramen for the first time in maybe a year and my LORD did I regret it. The broth tasted good, but the amount of salt and whatever the heck those noodles are made of certainly took a toll. I'm not as equipped to handle junk as I used to be, bleh. But anyway.


Today's exercise!

Road cycling: 8.8 miles

5x10 Squat @100#

Flexibility yoga


Today's food!

Breakfast: None, I'm fasting until after 5pm

Lunch: None, probably

Dinner: TBD, probably a sandwich from Sprouts


Today's positivity!

So it's been raining! We're getting some of the rain and wind from the hurricane that passed over Mexico the other day. So for us, that meant pleasant steady rainfall for the entire day. It kind of sucked riding my bike in the rain to school and work, but a classmate/coworker gave me a ride home last night, which was very nice of her!



So the reason for the fast today is because I'm going to be training how to test cholesterol, which will require me to test my own. Since it's been over 2 years since the last time I had my cholesterol checked, I am interested to know how I'm doing in that area. 

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Today's exercise!

Road cycling: 8.8 miles. (My work schedule changed this week, so my weekly average of riding will probably go up to around 40 miles :D)

DDP Yoga!


Today's food!

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Portion of breakfast quiche (egg, milk, half and half, tomato, spinach, onion, cheese, pie crust). I made a huge one and portioned it for the week. Also had beef + black beans + brown rice + homemade salsa + low fat sour cream (1 tbsp)

Dinner: Tilapia with spinach and baby romaine salad


Today's positivity!

So over the weekend, I felt that I needed a pick-me-up, so I purchased a few new shirts and new workout pants! I'm wearing them now, and love them because they have a zippable pocket in which to put my phone so I can easily listen to music. Plus, they make my butt look great. :biggrin-new:



So, the boyfriend and I enjoy WWE. We watch, usually, two shows per week and a third when there is a Pay-Per-View. Personally, I like it because those wrestlers are STRONG. There's no way around it. They are professional athletes. But, to my story. So one of the boyfriend's favorite wrestlers swears by this program called DDP Yoga, which is a program put together by Diamond Dallas Page (a fellow wrestler), and focuses on no-impact strength building. One of the barriers to the boyfriend getting fit is the pain he deals with, since he has osteoarthritis in his hips and knees. But he wants to get fit, so we're trying this program together. I'm excited, since I'm about as flexible as a crowbar, and I'm happy to have a workout buddy now!

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Well, I keep meaning to update. But I write my updates on my laptop, which I typically use in the morning, and it doesn't save so I can simply pull up what I've already written on my desktop. Ah, well.


So things that have happened recently. My buddy got his gym up and running! I was there yesterday, it's pretty legit. All Olympic platforms and racks. And a few bikes. All in all, it was pretty cool, and I'm excited. Gonna build some beasts in that place, for sure. :bull_head:


So I haven't been hitting it too heavy the past few weeks (at least in part due to the fact that I don't have a lot of weight at my disposal), but yesterday, I did:


Front squats: 160# three-rep max

Road cycling: 10.2 miles


I'm a little disappointed. I weighed myself this morning. 233 pounds. :( I don't know why, I've been really good about keeping my calories around or under 2000 every day and I exercise almost daily. So...what gives. Bleh.

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Hi there! I know that a lot us here can reach a plateau where you can continue doing the right thing but all of a sudden, nothing is changing; no progress is being made, or you aren't seeing results. I've been in a bit of one myself lately, leaving myself feeling a bit like, well...




Haha. Anywhooo, I'm sure it will pick back up again soon! When you first begin losing weight or making changes, the change can sometimes be seen pretty quickly - but as you get closer to your goal, it all starts to slow down a little. Its natural, and I hope it passes soon! Followed to keep up with the updates. Best of luck! 

Your shield-sister,

Stella ;) 

Stella   ::   Sprightly Elf   ::   Level 1

Me!      ::    Battle log       ::   Challenge



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Mrf. So I have become sick. I'm 77% sure it's just a cold, and so far my symptoms are pretty mild. Last year, though, I'm just about positive that I got the flu, since I had a fever around 104 for three days in a row. I just wish this didn't happen when I have tests to study for.


Also! I got a heart rate monitor. It's kinda lame, just a cheap little watch that I have to put my finger on to get it to work. But I wanted to try one out before dropping some real money down on one (by that I mean, like, $50). 


Today's exercise!

Road cycling: ~9 miles

DDP Yoga!


Today's food!

Same ol', same ol'. Although, I'm finally out of all the food I prepped last week, so a grocery store trip is due. I averages around 1600-2200 calories last week.


Today's positivity!

It was cloudy this morning, and I love gloomy weather. :) 



Meh, not really. I'm functioning on half a brain right now, just trying to make through the rest of the day. Conserving what limited energy i have.

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On 9/20/2016 at 9:19 AM, tcw295 said:

Food prep day is best day. And RE: plateus.....trust the process and keep doing your best every day. I spent september at a constant +7 pounds and suddenly its finally back down despite eating the same targets...focus on your PRs and everything will turn out just fine. Great work!

Thanks! Yeah, food prep day is kind of insane. And it's always fun to try to find the biggest onion at the store (I think I just have a weird sense of fun). And I'm trying to not sweat the scale, which is hard. 


In other news: Going paleo again. I mean, for the most part. During this last year, I became unofficially diagnosed with PCOS. Part of PCOS means insulin resistance. Which explains a lot about my feelings towards food and the resistance I experience when trying to lose fat. I went primarily paleo a few years ago, with a lot of success, but then life happened, and long story short, I'm here again. So in addition to all the exercise I do, I'm going to do my best to implement some diet additional diet changes. Which means no more rice, bread, pasta...ah well, I've done it before, and I can do it again.


Today's exercise!

Road cycling: ~9 miles

DDP Yoga!


Today's food!

Breakfast: Lemon fiber bar

Lunch: Homemade chili (ground beef, hot ground sausage, onion, diced tomatoes, black beans, spices), salad (spinach, baby romaine, low fat feta, balsamic vinaigrette)

Dinner: Fish with vegetables of some sort


Today's positivity!

See my exultation about Autumn posted above.



So I've been sick with a cold, and it peaked yesterday with a hell of a migraine. It was the worst, but thankfully I didn't throw up. I skipped school, and almost left early from work because of the sickness. I'm feeling better today, but what I'm most excited about is...


Image result for spoopy gif


As of tomorrow, it's finally Autumn!! No more summer! No more sweating to death! No more flys invading my house! I'm still in Arizona, though, so no beanies or scarves or mittens or sweaters, really. It never gets quite that cold. But I love the cold. I was in Idaho two February's ago, and just had a light jacket and it was WONDERFUL. *sigh* Someday, I'll live in an area that's kind to my viking roots. Forests, snow, rivers...it'll be grand.

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Do you have a go-to meal when you food prep? I used to hate eating the same thing every day (more than I do now, anyway) but then starting cooking sundays and my lunches usually end up being really cheap liquid mashes of vegetables and beans with fish that other people have questioned. Is delicious and his the macros though.

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