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3 hours ago, Kishi said:

Anyway, that's fair. You know me well enough to know I'm pretty well-steeped in leftist propaganda, and that stuff has expressed some skepticism over what triggers "moral panics" and "outrage." I'm not quite sure how much I buy it, because on the one hand it's tempting to see a systemic rejection of left wing ideas, but OTOH the analyses I've read/watched haven't really taken the other films I mentioned into account and I feel like that's a potential gap in the analysis. Film critics ostensibly judge the craft of a thing and how it explores its themes rather than the themes themselves, but then again if something is judged poorly that has the effect of drawing people away and this in turn hurts the exposure of the themes and ideas of the film.

Remember the primary bias of any form of media is to make money. That concern supersedes all others, including political ones. It's possible the sources you read just wanted your clicks, and said whatever it took to get them. 

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"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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17 hours ago, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

Remember the primary bias of any form of media is to make money. That concern supersedes all others, including political ones. It's possible the sources you read just wanted your clicks, and said whatever it took to get them. 


Sigh, that also is true. What is topical is not just what is topical; what is topical is also what sells.




So! Monday was Monday. Stayed busy at work for a while and then went to game. Gaming was also good, although we definitely outplayed the DM-san's degree of preparation. Folks wanted to stay behind and chat up for hours after the game was over, and I didn't choose to walk away, so I wound up sticking around longer than I would have liked.


Q&D was notable in that I finally rolled for banded KB swings, so I had to look up how those worked. It was interesting; the band accelerates the bell enough to get more work done in the same amount of time, and having to deal with that was a change of pace.


Afterward, I tested my ROM in my shoulder to figure out where the pain was before proceeding to roll the hell out of it. This was a good strategy; I have far less pain today than I did last night. So foam rolling and TGUs - good shoulder medicine.


I also measured out my walking space in the apartment and I do have 15 feet of un-interrupted line to walk on. There's a possibility here. Need to explore further.


Anyway, martial arts and strength work planned. We'll see how traffic cooperates.

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BTW, I keep meaning to do so and haven't, but: shout out to @Jupiter for reminding me that I could set aside just ten minutes a day to work on the story. I've been doing so for the past few days and it's been awesome to keep showing up and doing the work. I just accidentally stumbled my way into a solution to a big problem I've been trying to solve in one of my magic systems, and if I hadn't shown up I wouldn't have been able to get there. So, thanks for that!

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5 hours ago, Kishi said:

BTW, I keep meaning to do so and haven't, but: shout out to @Jupiter for reminding me that I could set aside just ten minutes a day to work on the story. I've been doing so for the past few days and it's been awesome to keep showing up and doing the work. I just accidentally stumbled my way into a solution to a big problem I've been trying to solve in one of my magic systems, and if I hadn't shown up I wouldn't have been able to get there. So, thanks for that!


You're welcome! :) 

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Fwaaah, rough night last night. Had one of those nights where I learned a lot of really cool and useful things and couldn't put any of it to work in a sparring session. Which is honestly the most frustrating part of it for me; the fact that I got smashed to the point that I left the mats bleeding was secondary.


Oh yeah, that happened too. I wound up eating a front kick to the face on my final match and had to cut it short to go bleed in the sink for a while. Couldn't stop in time to get back out and finish. Boo.


On the plus side, I got to play around "in the pocket" for a while with some folks and managed to play a lot of good positional stuff. Also, even though I got smashed in BJJ, I've learned some sensitivity in that I can feel it when someone knows what they're doing or when they have more skill than their belt stripes bely. And afterward, I got to have a growth moment with the guy who kicked me in the face; he'd apparently been having a rough go last night anyway as he's rubbed some people the wrong way and rather than be one of them and say "it's fine," I caught it and instead managed to track along and assure the guy that he wasn't bad and that he was coming from a good place with the things that he was trying to do. It felt like a very bushido thing to do; we walked out of the school laughing together.


It occurred to me as I drove home that I'd been running into opportunities to express growth and kindness and "giving space" to people a lot more lately. But it's not more than usual; it's actually the same amount as it was before, and I'm just recognizing them now. Meaning that I've missed so many. But then, I'll miss so many more if I don't keep trying.


Got home and did strength work anyway. (what. I wasn't bleeding anymore). Did suitcase carries with my lightest bell to get a feel for what I was going to do - just 10 minutes of back and forth. Not particularly strenuous but more proof of concept than anything else. Managed to extend my walking space a little bit so now it's maybe 15-20 feet down and back? Maybe. Need to start thinking about the programming more, although something nice and simple as just down and back for time still feels like it could be productive with heavier weights. And I'm gonna have to get to that point anyway since there is a top limit to what I've got available to carry.


Anyway, just a new variable to play with. Foam-rolled my shoulder and my hamstring; hamstring feels better today but shoulder's still a bit problematic. But it's a rest day today, and resting definitely does me good.

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3 hours ago, Kishi said:

On the plus side, I got to play around "in the pocket" for a while with some folks and managed to play a lot of good positional stuff. Also, even though I got smashed in BJJ, I've learned some sensitivity in that I can feel it when someone knows what they're doing or when they have more skill than their belt stripes bely. And afterward, I got to have a growth moment with the guy who kicked me in the face; he'd apparently been having a rough go last night anyway as he's rubbed some people the wrong way and rather than be one of them and say "it's fine," I caught it and instead managed to track along and assure the guy that he wasn't bad and that he was coming from a good place with the things that he was trying to do. It felt like a very bushido thing to do; we walked out of the school laughing together.


You know, it seems like when these things happen the guy who did the injuring has a harder time of it than the person who is injured. Like, a lot harder. It sounds just awful to have a day where it seems like you step in it with everybody and then you kick a guy in the face. Woof. 

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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20 hours ago, Mistr said:

My sympathy on the rough night on the mat. There are some days when the body and the brain just aren't talking to each other. Trying harder just makes it worse.


Yeah. They happen. It's buggersome that it happened two days after I managed to smash all comers, but sometimes that's just how the dice roll. One thing I've noticed is that I tend to get smashed by people when I roll with them for the first time, and I can't help but wonder if there's something in my temperament that makes this so in terms of the intensity I bring with me when I roll. It's food for thought.


20 hours ago, Mistr said:

Good for you dealing well with the guy who kicked you. Nice that you can see the opportunities to use your new interpersonal skills. :encouragement:


Thanks! Gotta keep practicing~


19 hours ago, Urgan said:


You know, it seems like when these things happen the guy who did the injuring has a harder time of it than the person who is injured. Like, a lot harder. It sounds just awful to have a day where it seems like you step in it with everybody and then you kick a guy in the face. Woof. 


It can be. I've been that guy in similar places before, back when I've gone too hard with K-sensei's wife for instance. Although it's not exactly analogous as I never injured her, but I still felt awful as I conflated disrespect with harm. Then again, the fact that she would flip her shit if I ever went a hair over her desired intensity makes me wonder just who was taking what harder.




Not much to report on last night. Rest night and beginning season 2 of Jack Ryan where this time we're going to Venezuela, y'all.


I just... yeah. That's gonna be a thing.


The day's rest has been good. Anyway. Today. I'm thinking I'mma drop by the MMA place tonight and keep working with them. Reason being that my home gym seems to have enough bodies on the mats now that I don't need to be there anymore. The drama, incidentally, appears resolved in that the home gym appears to be set on keeping the BJJ program. So that's good.

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So! Wasn't able to get to the MMA place! Boss got in late and decided to stay late; as a result, I wasn't able to sneak out and do my thing.


Still, any mat time is better than no mat time, so I went to the home gym and rolled. This month, we're working on guard retention, so we worked on keeping certain distances. Had some good rolls but wasn't able to apply what I learned. Did prevent wrist locks, though, which just feels like a pride point right now.


Did Q&D afterward; wound up rolling the bodyweight edition. After that was a mad dash through dinner and shower to sleep.


Weekend plans are notable in that there's supposed to be a sparathon over at the Kyokushin place on account of trying to fundraise for a friend of the school. We'll see how many people show up and how long they last; I've pretty much outlasted every person who I've gone with so far in terms of conditioning. Which is a neat feeling. Sunday I'm going writing with a friend, which will be good as I've been writing but my notes are all over the place and I need to focus on compiling everything.


And, uh, yeah. Following week should be a deload week. Feels like I could use some reduced work, just to let my shoulder rest a bit. It's doing better, but still not there yet.

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Wow, but this weekend flew by. Means I must have had fun.


Friday was Open Mat. Nothing terribly notable. I showed an escape for kesa gatame to someone I normally get it on and now I don't get to get it anymore. I guess I'm going to have to evolve. Curses! :P


I did some strength work afterward as well, as I figured I wasn't going to be in any shape to do anything after the Sparathon on Saturday. I decided to explore further regressions since apparently I'm missing a pause in my cadence. Some of this is fine where it is, and some of it is going to have to go backwards, and some of this is going to require that I up my reps to correct and build a little more strength before I go further. None of which is bad, necessarily.


Saturday I told myself that I'd go into the office and work some overtime. Didn't. Was fine with that. Saved up my energy for the Sparathon instead. Went there and instead of there being a lot of people there, it was just me, Ky-sensei, and a bunch of blackbelts from other schools. Which was kind of a yikes moment for me.


Until I started beasting on most of them. :D


Went a good 24 rounds, and the only reason I didn't make the full 25 was that I ran out of partners. Walked off the mats feeling like a million bucks.


Sunday, the plan was to write. Did some, but for the most part it was me and my friend venting and geeking out over stuff together, which was also fun and necessary. It seems that this year is the first time that a major nerd-franchise event is happening and I won't be off to see it three times as both of the groups of people that I'd be roped with scored free tickets. I'm rather peaceful with this.


I went back out again for BJJ. Blue Belt was teaching this time as the Coach was out. We did a bunch of guard retention stuff, but then he also decided to show wrist locks. He does what he calls C-lock and S-lock, which our aikido student referred to as kotegaeshi and nikyo. Was actually able to use kotegaeshi in sparring; goosed my opponent into rolling out of my guard and opening up some things for me to do. It wasn't a fight-ender, especially when we were shown counters, but, you know. It's a tool. Might be able to pull it off on other white belts.


I kind of had a hair to go do more strength work after class, but I decided that the disciplined thing to do was to rest and recuperate. Get an early start on recovery instead. And now, we're on deload.


Tonight should just be gaming and maybe Q&D. Q&D is ultimately supposed to be one of those things that you can take time off from and should be able to come back strong; if that's true, then a week off of it isn't really going to hurt anything and may in fact help in the recuperation process.

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20 hours ago, Kishi said:

Saved up my energy for the Sparathon instead. Went there and instead of there being a lot of people there, it was just me, Ky-sensei, and a bunch of blackbelts from other schools. Which was kind of a yikes moment for me.


Until I started beasting on most of them. :D


Went a good 24 rounds, and the only reason I didn't make the full 25 was that I ran out of partners. Walked off the mats feeling like a million bucks.

You are a HERO and also a MENSCH nice work!!!!  BOSS MOVES dude, boss.  Love it.  Way to come at them swinging.  Seriously.  Swinging.


20 hours ago, Kishi said:


Sunday, the plan was to write. Did some, but for the most part it was me and my friend venting and geeking out over stuff together, which was also fun and necessary. It seems that this year is the first time that a major nerd-franchise event is happening and I won't be off to see it three times as both of the groups of people that I'd be roped with scored free tickets. I'm rather peaceful with this.

It is sometimes nice to be at peace not doing things with other people.  I have begun to value this.    I am glad you had time to see your friend and vent; it sounds like that was very healthy for you.

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Battle Log

Breathe deep.  Seek peace.  Bring a sword.  ---Kishi

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49 minutes ago, Treva said:

You are a HERO and also a MENSCH nice work!!!!  BOSS MOVES dude, boss.  Love it.  Way to come at them swinging.  Seriously.  Swinging.


:D That was the idea.


49 minutes ago, Treva said:

It is sometimes nice to be at peace not doing things with other people.  I have begun to value this.    I am glad you had time to see your friend and vent; it sounds like that was very healthy for you.


I think it was. Hopefully for her too as she had some things to talk about. Figuring out that this kind of work can be a two-way street - and that people want it to be! !!! Holy crow! = is probably one of the best things that's come out of the wreckage.




Welp! Figured out why I was talking like I was going to take a night off. One of my coworkers brought in some, ah, microscopic friendly friends, and by the end of the day my throat was on fire and my sinuses were trying to low-key drain.


Sick Protocol, Go. We are on day 2.


Still, good timing. This could have happened on a not deloaded week and I would have had to leave some gains on the table while recovering. As it is, the rest and recovery is very probably going to do me a world of good.


So, I'm probably going to stay late and work OT at the office instead. After all, if I'm not going to be on the mats, might as well get paid for it.

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1 hour ago, Kishi said:

I think it was. Hopefully for her too as she had some things to talk about. Figuring out that this kind of work can be a two-way street - and that people want it to be! !!! Holy crow! = is probably one of the best things that's come out of the wreckage.




1 hour ago, Kishi said:

Welp! Figured out why I was talking like I was going to take a night off. One of my coworkers brought in some, ah, microscopic friendly friends, and by the end of the day my throat was on fire and my sinuses were trying to low-key drain.


So, I'm probably going to stay late and work OT at the office instead. After all, if I'm not going to be on the mats, might as well get paid for it.


Sorry you are sick. Good for you getting in some hours at work. Better to be miserable and distracted by work rather than feeling down at home.

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Level 81  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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6 hours ago, Kishi said:

and by the end of the day my throat was on fire and my sinuses were trying to low-key drain.


This is sounding like what my husband has, or a similar flavor. Hopefully it passes over quickly. 

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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On 12/9/2019 at 1:04 PM, Kishi said:

He does what he calls C-lock and S-lock, which our aikido student referred to as kotegaeshi and nikyo. Was actually able to use kotegaeshi in sparring; goosed my opponent into rolling out of my guard and opening up some things for me to do

Ha. I know your opinions on aikido so this I find humorous. But I’ve done Kotegaeshi sparring with BJJ guys before. Works well as long as you both aren’t on the ground (obviously), but also it’s  one if my default movements of I need to change a technique on the fly since it’s so easy to find. 

Also sorry my minions of disease found you. Feel better!

RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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3 hours ago, RisenPhoenix said:

Ha. I know your opinions on aikido so this I find humorous. But I’ve done Kotegaeshi sparring with BJJ guys before. Works well as long as you both aren’t on the ground (obviously), but also it’s  one if my default movements of I need to change a technique on the fly since it’s so easy to find.


Haha, yeah. I was kinda surprised you didn't respond when I talked about being taken down by kotegaeshi when I didn't wanna be, but, yeah. I've felt the power. Mm-mm. Gotta love me that second serving of crow. :D


But yeah, the dude said that it was pretty much the high-percentage wrist lock, and he's definitely tried to pull it on me before. Speaking from down here as someone who's been exposed to it on the ground, it can lead to a submission, but whether or not it does so is contingent upon position. So if tori has uke in mount so that uke can't roll away from it, tori can sub uke with it (assuming they don't cancel it by balling their fist or catching their hand with the other). (which, come to think of it, is all subs in BJJ, in that they all rely on position). But even if not in mount, it can still draw attention from what someone was doing by giving them an immediate problem to have to deal with. That was how I used it - my opponent in that case uses grip as one of the major parts of his game, and he got lazy in the roll, so I used kotegaeshi to short-circuit him a little bit. It got me the effect I wanted, so. It was effective.


Just my 0.02. I reckon as I get more opportunities to use it I'll have more thoughts.


3 hours ago, RisenPhoenix said:

Also sorry my minions of disease found you. Feel better!


Thanks! I feel like I may be on the mend.




Calling today Day 3 of Sick Protocol just to be conservative with my treatment. I am feeling better, although I'm really not down with waking up with a frog in my throat and a cough in my chest.


Still, the past couple days' rest has been good to me. My right hamstring's quieted down a lot in the past couple of days. Shoulder's still achy, but nowhere near as bad as it was. I suspect if I attack it with a LAX ball it'd respond really well as it did last time (especially as it's turned out to be in my lateral delt as opposed to my anterior delt), but I really haven't prioritized it as much. I wanted to see if maybe just rest would do the thing. It appears to have helped some, but not as much as I'd like.


Anyway, I'm not sure at this point if I'm going to go hang or not with my friends tonight. I'm not as bad as I've been the past couple of days but given how contagious this thing was I'm not sure I want to chance exposing anyone to anything. I suppose we'll see how the day unfolds.

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Wound up going to hang with my friends! I took a turn for the better over the course of the day and decided to go and see them. They're having a particularly hard emotional time lately related to the stuff I mentioned earlier, so I really got to practice empathy. One thing I've noticed - there's a big difference between saying that something "is" a way and saying that something "sounds" a way, because one is you making a judgment and the other provides an opening to clarify. At least for me, I find that when I say it the first way that I disengage a little from the conversation or else try to steer it a certain way; saying the second way really forces me to pause and dig in to what's going on and just run with it whatever direction it's going.


And not to make this about me, to be clear. Dude was having a hard time emotionally, and I wanted to show availability for him. He's not the only one I've wanted to show this for, and this is an observation that seems to track across multiple situations. So. May be useful. Constant Vigilance and all that.


What else was notable about yesterday... um, we had Employee Appreciation Day! Which means we got to go out and eat on the government's dime. That was nice. I ate like a vegan and didn't get any trouble. Fun little note: the restaurant we went to is a couple blocks from my place. I wanted to fake a sudden turn in my sickness so I could just go home, but I chose honesty like a sucker instead. Oh well.


Went to bed feeling okay. Got up this morning feeling not. The throat's responding to water and coffee, and I'm not particularly stuffed, but I'm feeling a little spacey and I have intermittent productive coughing. Sick Protocol Day 4. Sigh. If this keeps up I'm gonna have to drop my calories down to sedentary intake.

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8 hours ago, analoggirl said:

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for mentioning 




Oh yeah. They say that on average, the human body can stop one level of activity but continue to take and use energy to sustain that for about a week or so before it becomes excessive. Of course, n=1, but while I'm a touch fluffier than I'd like it's not terribly so.




Worked late. Not my favorite thing ever, but better to get paid for physical misery.


Since I haven't been training, I've been doing the next best thing and thinking about how to program the next cycle. I'm toying with the idea of bringing back a 3rd strength training day, as that's what the program insists on and I find I don't prefer the results on 2/week. I've been tracking my body and such and I actually managed to cross 1.4 on my basic Adonis Index on 3/week. I stopped measuring at that point, but when I dropped it back to 2, I watched my results change in the mirror and I didn't like them.


What remains to be seen is whether or not my conditioning takes a hit. I don't think it will? It doesn't seem to have changed any between 2 vs 3; I do note that it's recently improved, but I think this has more to do with me trading in swings for loaded carries and other such slow, stable work. One thing I think I have not respected is the degree to which Q&D calls for power, and the extent to which I've needed to properly recover from that kind of work.


That's like the one big change I want to do moving forward.


Oh, and it looks like there's a grappling tournament up next month. Might do it. Might not. Want to do it, but I gotta admit, I'm feeling kind of shabby right now what with all this sick time and recovery.


Speaking of, I don't know how I'm doing as far as recovery right now. I'm tentatively going to say that I'm coming around the bend as I woke up with symptoms that weren't quite as bad and recovered a fair bit quicker with the application of water and coffee? So we're going to still say this is Sick Protocol Day 4 as now we need to begin to march back to day 0. That means that today we begin to reintroduce some gentle movement, like walking around, maybe some sick yoga, stuff like that. Probably yoga since the weather took a turn and it's all rainy and ish today.

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And the weekend is done. Damn. Went too quick.


The weekend was actually relatively quiet. I spent most of it babying myself and taking it easy, sleeping lots and drinking water. I'm actually doing a lot better than I was a couple days ago, although that damned chest thing is persisting. I've run my symptoms against those for bronchitis and pneumonia because that's where my history led me through, but I'm not a match beyond the fact that I'm coughing when I wake up in the mornings. I'd honestly forget that I was sick if it weren't for that. But as it is, no pain, no shortness of breath, no sense of restricted breathing, no real phlegm beyond the morning cough. Reckon this is probably just a garden-variety URI.


The only reason I'm thinking in more dramatic terms is because my Mom was doing a concern when I went to see her and Dad this weekend. They invited me out to check out a sushi-Thai place that popped up in Holly Springs that they'd fallen in love with and they'd been low-key inviting me out for months to show it off. I figured I finally had the right combination of time and reason, so I decided to go. It was actually really cool, although not what I expected; it's got this weird mix of sleek big-city vibe with country-style hospitality in its waitstaff that you expect from the small towns around the city. The closest analog to that feeling I have is from when I went to NYC, where you have the 'hub' that is NYC and the boroughs that each have their own flavors and temperaments. I dunno if that actually makes sense or if I'm just pretending it does.


Anyway. Food was good, company was good. I could totally have been vegan about it if I wanted to be and they wouldn't have batted an eye, but they had frickin roast duck massaman curry and I was not gonna let that pass by untasted. It was everything I dreamed it would be.


Sunday I was invited out by my Maine friend to a home screening of Rogue One, Solo, and a Riff Trax of the Star Wars Holiday Special, and I wanted to say yes but I saw that the DO and the EDO were both going to be there and suddenly my symptoms just took a turn for the worse and I couldn't make it. Funny how that works.


I still elected to stay off the mats. I don't know if I could have rolled or not but I felt like it was the right thing to do.


Come today, I'm really, really itching to get back at it. I'll probably run a small Q&D tonight, do some gentle shadow rolling afterward and just see how it feels. If things take a turn for the worse, I'll know it was too much. It's an admittedly crude approach, but unfortunately that seems to be the nature of bodies.

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1 hour ago, Kishi said:

The weekend was actually relatively quiet. I spent most of it babying myself and taking it easy, sleeping lots and drinking water. I'm actually doing a lot better than I was a couple days ago, although that damned chest thing is persisting. I've run my symptoms against those for bronchitis and pneumonia because that's where my history led me through, but I'm not a match beyond the fact that I'm coughing when I wake up in the mornings. I'd honestly forget that I was sick if it weren't for that. But as it is, no pain, no shortness of breath, no sense of restricted breathing, no real phlegm beyond the morning cough. Reckon this is probably just a garden-variety URI.


When I get sick, this is typically what it looks like. If it were me, I'd consider stepping into a return to normal as far as training goes. Not the week for 3/week strength training if you haven't been doing that a while, but you know, get out there and see how it feels. And yeah, 3 > 2 in every sense lol. 


1 hour ago, Kishi said:

Sunday I was invited out by my Maine friend to a home screening of Rogue One, Solo, and a Riff Trax of the Star Wars Holiday Special, and I wanted to say yes but I saw that the DO and the EDO were both going to be there and suddenly my symptoms just took a turn for the worse and I couldn't make it. Funny how that works.


And just like that, your sickness paid for itself.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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1 hour ago, Urgan said:

When I get sick, this is typically what it looks like. If it were me, I'd consider stepping into a return to normal as far as training goes. Not the week for 3/week strength training if you haven't been doing that a while, but you know, get out there and see how it feels. And yeah, 3 > 2 in every sense lol. 


Yeah. At this point, it's probably okay to start up again; if things take a turn for the worse, then I know that it was the wrong time. Can't know that unless I try, though.


1 hour ago, Urgan said:

And just like that, your sickness paid for itself.


Right? It's not always bad to be sick.

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So, gaming didn't happen last night. A lot of us are either out of town or busy or sick and there's just not enough bodies to fill the seats. It kind of looks like we're going on break for a little bit, which I'm okay with for no particular reason.


Without that to do, I wound up working late and going home. Q&D was waiting for me. I wound up doing swings with the 32 again and it felt a little heavy in my hand but not wrong; I was able to hit the heights I needed to and my back and hamstrings felt good after. Shadowrolling also happened, albeit slow and controlled, really trying to focus on feeling my way to the positions.


Body initially showed a good response, but later when I went to bed I found that lying down caused me to cough a lot. Leading into today, as much as I want to be on the mats, given how likely it is that I'm gonna wind up on my back, it doesn't seem like a very considerate thing to do. (I can just see it. I lie down on my back for the partner to practice on and cut loose with a rattling cough right as they lay on me. That's being a bad partner). I feel like I could still do some strength work because it doesn't feel like I'm regressing; my sinuses aren't more or less congested and I'm not coughing more or less than I was, not really. It's just poor response to various positions, or so I think. I reckon I slug some cough syrup tonight and get a good night's sleep and I'll be well on my way to whipping this thing.


So. With that said, it looks like it's strength work tonight, barring a sudden turn in my condition. Cool.

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Sudden turn in condition didn't happen, so strength work it was. Made some notes about what I was doing and how I'd want to go about pursuing further work. Added my pauses where I needed them, shadowboxed on breaks. It was overall a good session, and I think it was probably the right intensity, as I did find myself in situations where I was going hard enough to induce coughing. It didn't last, fortunately.


Did some suitcase carries for distance and then stretched out. And that was that.


Tonight should be rest and whatever we wind up watching for sci-fi. We started in on the Mandalorian last week because we were trying to wait on the friend's wife for Jack Ryan. Apparently, this was the wrong move; while The Mandalorian is delightful, we apparently were supposed to wait for the wife on that one too, and I wasn't privy to this. My boy got in trouble as a result. Oh well. Not my fault.

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