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Nanos gigantum humeris insidentes [march 19 - april 15]

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Here we go fellow stretchers :D


Passive shoulder hang (sped up the video)

Shoulder stretch in the back (hollow back on the second one -_-)

Hanging shoulder shrugs: from a hang, pull the shoulder blades together and down (retraction). 5-10 reps is sufficient.





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Oh my, this looks exactly like the stretch I need right now!


I have this problem in elbow stand/bridge where my hands tend to get close to each other no matter what I do. Today I used a book to prevent that but otherwise my shoulders will simply twist, the elbows will go further apart, and the hands will start touching each other like there is no tomorrow :D
This should help a lot!

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I know this one with the hands clasped together behind the head, so this is a very interesting new version :)

Felt really good, update coming up...


Level 18 Wood-Elf Assassin


battle log: counting the good things

current challenge: something, nothing, all the things

previous challenges: 25242322212019181716, 151413121110987654, 321


How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too

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@@mu thanks for the shoulder shrugs, I am sooo out of them :o time for more training again for sure :D 


I sped up the second stretch as well (finally figured out how to do that, yay) as I realized after a while that I hadn't bent my elbows at all so I did it some time with bent elbows as well


Added eagle pose with stretching upwards from there, which you probably can't see well as not that much mobility :lol: hope I did it correctly. @Norgaard please correct if need be, you're the yoga teacher :)




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Level 18 Wood-Elf Assassin


battle log: counting the good things

current challenge: something, nothing, all the things

previous challenges: 25242322212019181716, 151413121110987654, 321


How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too

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Level 18 Wood-Elf Assassin


battle log: counting the good things

current challenge: something, nothing, all the things

previous challenges: 25242322212019181716, 151413121110987654, 321


How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too

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I sped up parts of the video again. Please correct if you see any wrong as usual.


Stick stretch: I tried to play a bit with strong/neutral back vs bendy back to see how it feels. Both are interesting (?) The cat also wanted to play with the stick :rolleyes::P
I could feel my hands wanting to escape so bad, it was good :)

Eagle pose: I hadn't done it in a long while. Back should be neutral right? I felt like I was arching a little bit sometimes.

New move: Elephant trunks :D it's not really a stretch, and I'm not sure it makes sense to have it during a stretch only session. But it is very very nice after any heavy shoulder pressing exercise, as a cool down. You shouldn't rotate too actively but let the shoulders rotate themselves in their socket somehow, using gravity. The end of the video shows that better I think.



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Battle log The Assassin's Path (current)

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oooooooh, the elephant thing is such fun! Feels really good, I will do that more often from now :)


Not sure if I did the cuban rotation right, I think I moved the arms too much in total at times because when I focused on rotating only and not "lifting up" it felt different. Now that I'm trying to see a difference on the video I can't :lol:


I'm not good with names, so I don't know what this is called, but am sure you know it anyway... it's a simple wide legged forward fold with the hands clasped and arms pulling up (or forward) while shoulders still pulling away from ears. You can't see it, but I am trying to bend my elbows a bit in order not to lock them in too tight... that's what my yoga teacher always recommends for not straining the elbow joints here



@@mu you're up :)


And HAPPY EASTER by the way!!

Level 18 Wood-Elf Assassin


battle log: counting the good things

current challenge: something, nothing, all the things

previous challenges: 25242322212019181716, 151413121110987654, 321


How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too

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Happy Easter! :)


I did mine tonight because my time will be limited the next couple of days.


Re the Cuban rotation, it's a bit like the rotator cuff hitch hiker, I think (?), the arm rotates around the elbow. The elbow should not move.

I also found it a bit harder with a stick but it like it :P


For the shoulders down in the back, I know a variation. I added it to the video. Let me know what your thoughts are. I usually do the easier variation first: I use a band instead of locking hand to hand. And then I do the hand-locked stretch that is a bit more intense!


The new stretch is … bridge!


Again there is an accelerated bit in the video (Cuban rotation), I didn't go crazy with that stick :D




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@@mu you are so gracefully bendy :love-struck::love-struck:


Bridge was a bit of a challenge for me as I had not done it in a long time, tried twice and the second time went better, but this does need some work for sure!

Ahahaha my wall angel was with the hands on the wall but elbows not so much :D again better at the end, but my back might have given too much... this is a tricky one and also one to do more often

I have to admit I am running a bit out of ideas, so I hope you are okay with what I added: it's a stretch using the rings to hold onto. My rings are outside and I didn't find the ideal place to film yet, but hopefully you see enough as is. I kneeled on a mat and where you'd normally stand on all fours I hung onto the rings instead with moving gradually outwards to the sides. They look higher up than they were due to the camera angle but I realize were still set too high, at shoulder height from being on hands and knees would probably be a better angle. 

Anyway, I really like this stretch as you can feel for all the interesting angles as you stretch down with arms straight forward and then gradually moving out sideways. You can of course go all the way back if you want.

@mu I thought, with the silks this must be possible as well, right?




Level 18 Wood-Elf Assassin


battle log: counting the good things

current challenge: something, nothing, all the things

previous challenges: 25242322212019181716, 151413121110987654, 321


How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too

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Wall stretch: I'm not sure why my right shoulder sits higher :wacko: I only noticed when watching the video. Maybe because I was on the bed and was not quite straight, I'm not sure!


Your stretch was very interesting @lucky fire dragon, my bum kept wanting to sit down, I tried to correct that at the end, and it was hard!


New stretch is... stretching the cat. I did 3 variations. You're probably familiar with it. If you haven't done it in a long time, make sure you can reach the floor at first. I did that mistake a few months back and I had to call for help to avoid a face plant... On a pullup bar, you could use a pair of towels or bands to hang at the desired height.



Next: @Norgaard

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Battle log The Assassin's Path (current)

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So sorry for having taken this long!!! 


Here we finally go:



I'm not sure I had the rings on the right height for the cat part... wanted to go down slowly in order to up the stretch, but well I just flopped every time :P need moar strrrrength

Also need more strength for the arched hang :D

Maybe I just need more strength fullstop... here's a relaxing stretch therefore ;) 


I added a side stretch on the floor, and hope you can see well enough. Pointers are

- knees at 90 degree angle and make sure knees stay on top of each other (otherwise the hip moves too much and the shoulder gets less of the stretch, I had to adjust for this at times as you can see)

- arms to the side at shoulder height and both hands on top of each other to start, then you open up as far as you can, if you can touch the floor on the other side woah, congrats, if not just open as far as possible

- 3 times moving in and out, then hold

- if you'd like you can after holding shift the open arm to a different angle


@@mu you're up :)

Level 18 Wood-Elf Assassin


battle log: counting the good things

current challenge: something, nothing, all the things

previous challenges: 25242322212019181716, 151413121110987654, 321


How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too

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that may be, but it doesn't take any strrrrength :P I had to soothe myself ^_^ sorry for you, I didn't mean to be mean!

Level 18 Wood-Elf Assassin


battle log: counting the good things

current challenge: something, nothing, all the things

previous challenges: 25242322212019181716, 151413121110987654, 321


How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too

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Hiya fellow stretchers


Arched hang was a nice reminder. Will do again and probably on silks as well.

I lost the 90 degree angle in my knees when I turned, I didn't notice when doing it :( will watch out for it next time. I'm not sure my position overall was correct, this is one those stretches that are easy to cheat -_-

The new stretch is a straight arms sliding thingy on the floor. I don't like it too much to be honest... Your arms will want to spread out, try to keep them in.


Next: @Norgaard




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Battle log The Assassin's Path (current)

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8 hours ago, @mu said:

On that last one, your shoulders are looking very strong and more flexy at the same time. Work is paying off!

I will do it tomorrow, not sure I will make a video though.


Well you dont need to record it either, just thought it was a fun way to end it :D

Be like water my friend

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9 hours ago, @mu said:

On that last one, your shoulders are looking very strong and more flexy at the same time. Work is paying off!




Oooh, this was fun you guys, thanks so much :cheerful:

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Level 18 Wood-Elf Assassin


battle log: counting the good things

current challenge: something, nothing, all the things

previous challenges: 25242322212019181716, 151413121110987654, 321


How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too

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