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Weight Loss PVP: 10 or 12 lbs in 10 or 12 Weeks! PIRATE EDITION [June 19-September 3, 2023]

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3 minutes ago, Elennare said:

Edit: is anyone else having issues with the spreadsheet?  I'm looking at it using Google Sheets on my phone, and it's missing all the headings and maybe some of the columns!

Try it now. I was messing with freezing some of the columns since the spreadsheet is wide enough to be hard to see on one page. I unfroze them since it sounds like mobile wasn't handling it well.

  • Like 1

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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6/21: 267 (my lowest weight in YEARS)

6/30: 269 (up 2 - unexpected funeral while moving) 

7/03: 269 (steady...)

7/10: 270 (up 1)

7/18: 272 (up 2)

7/24: 273  (up 1)

7/31: 274 (up 1) 

8/7: 273 (Down 1)

8/14: 268 (down 5)

8/21: 270 (up 2)

8/28: 267 (down 3)


I've been quiet because I haven't been happy about my progress. 
I've found it struggle to keep my weight back in the 260s and stay. I've been focusing on going to bed earlier and having a daily walk in (or be active in another way). 

Last Tuesday I went to an amusement park and was a few times almost told I couldn't fit.. (extrema heat with salty food didn't help with rides).  And with my brother discussing with me on future wants of other amusement parks.... I have some work to do. 


With the extra sleep I realized I need to change up my food plan... I keep finding or receiving treats that are hard to say no to or only take a part of.  So focusing on eating 3 meals a day with at least 4 but try to move up to 6. I can eat vegetables, fruit or protein as a snack but will be working on making a habit to pause on seeing if I need something else (like drink or a deep breath). Will see how it goes. Focusing it on 3 meals for meal prep has removed some stress as I'm finding easier meals to make. Hoping to automate my eating plan to reach the goals instead of focusing on not saying no to treats. 

  • Like 4

"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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6/19: 154.4

6/26: 152.5

7/03: 152.3

7/10: 152.5

7/17: 153.2

7/24: 153.4

7/31: N/A

8/07: 152.8

8/14: 152.8

8/21: 153.1

8/28: 152.9

9/04: TBD


I'm up today likely due to sodium at lunch yesterday (Mexican restaurant - hello chips and salsa!) and an extra glass of wine in lieu of dinner due to circumstances I typed out in my personal challenge. Alas, I'm back in the 152 range and I'm alright with that. I'm not sure next weekend's plans (and therefore meals) but I have up until Friday planned and groceries purchased for dinners. All but tomorrow's is filled with veg so I'm feeling confident in my ability to make a difference. I'm also back to working out regularly and walking the dogs every weekday (and sometimes weekends, too!)

  • Like 3

You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before. Do that every day and you will succeed.

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3 hours ago, Elennare said:

6/19: 174.8

6/26: 177.1

7/7: 175.3

7/10: 172.7

7/17: 170.2

7/24: 173.9

7/31: 173.1

8/7: 171.1

8/14: 171.7

8/20: 171.8

8/28: 172.9


Ugh.  Apparently the gain last week I didn't record was real.  Because that where I've been all week.  Also, this week ended up being a lot crazier (mostly good, at least!) than expected, plus we didn't make it to the grocery store so have been eating out a lot, none of which is helping, I'm sure.


Things definitely go better for me when I eat a lot of produce.  The problem is, it's hard to eat a lot of it unless I plan really well, it's hard to keep it for more than a few days, and it get expensive when you buy a lot of it.  I like the idea, and plan to stick with it, but I need to plan better.  And then stick with that!

Produce IS pricey. I have a lot of frozen stuff. Some stuff doesn't freeze well, like blueberries, but I have frozen peaches and strawberries right now, and it's a nice break from going to the store three times a week. Unless the frozen stuff is pricier where you are. But look at your overall progress! It's been great! 

3 hours ago, Elennare said:

Edit: is anyone else having issues with the spreadsheet?  I'm looking at it using Google Sheets on my phone, and it's missing all the headings and maybe some of the columns!

Try it now. I know Most Loathed fixed it, but I fussed with it now too. We're so fussy ;) The first column should stay put but everything else should be visible. 

2 hours ago, The Most Loathed said:

Try it now. I was messing with freezing some of the columns since the spreadsheet is wide enough to be hard to see on one page. I unfroze them since it sounds like mobile wasn't handling it well.

Oh dang, I love this idea though. Okay, I moved all the info above the spreadsheet to column B so it works on my phone and computer now.  If it doesn't work for anyone else, I'll change it back. 


2 hours ago, Loveable_Bouncer said:

6/21: 267 (my lowest weight in YEARS)

6/30: 269 (up 2 - unexpected funeral while moving) 

7/03: 269 (steady...)

7/10: 270 (up 1)

7/18: 272 (up 2)

7/24: 273  (up 1)

7/31: 274 (up 1) 

8/7: 273 (Down 1)

8/14: 268 (down 5)

8/21: 270 (up 2)

8/28: 267 (down 3)


I've been quiet because I haven't been happy about my progress. 
I've found it struggle to keep my weight back in the 260s and stay. I've been focusing on going to bed earlier and having a daily walk in (or be active in another way). 

Last Tuesday I went to an amusement park and was a few times almost told I couldn't fit.. (extrema heat with salty food didn't help with rides).  And with my brother discussing with me on future wants of other amusement parks.... I have some work to do. 


With the extra sleep I realized I need to change up my food plan... I keep finding or receiving treats that are hard to say no to or only take a part of.  So focusing on eating 3 meals a day with at least 4 but try to move up to 6. I can eat vegetables, fruit or protein as a snack but will be working on making a habit to pause on seeing if I need something else (like drink or a deep breath). Will see how it goes. Focusing it on 3 meals for meal prep has removed some stress as I'm finding easier meals to make. Hoping to automate my eating plan to reach the goals instead of focusing on not saying no to treats. 

I know you're not happy with your progress, but I'm here to gently remind you that you started this round with a move and a funeral.  You recovered really well from that. I think you'll continue to see the numbers you want to see as you move forward. I'm excited that you are thinking about focusing on meals and what you're eating instead of saying "no" to everything. The focusing on what I'm adding to my diet and less on what I'm ending in my diet really helped me feel happier and I hope you experience this too. 

6 minutes ago, Darciana said:

6/19: 154.4

6/26: 152.5

7/03: 152.3

7/10: 152.5

7/17: 153.2

7/24: 153.4

7/31: N/A

8/07: 152.8

8/14: 152.8

8/21: 153.1

8/28: 152.9

9/04: TBD


I'm up today likely due to sodium at lunch yesterday (Mexican restaurant - hello chips and salsa!) and an extra glass of wine in lieu of dinner due to circumstances I typed out in my personal challenge. Alas, I'm back in the 152 range and I'm alright with that. I'm not sure next weekend's plans (and therefore meals) but I have up until Friday planned and groceries purchased for dinners. All but tomorrow's is filled with veg so I'm feeling confident in my ability to make a difference. I'm also back to working out regularly and walking the dogs every weekday (and sometimes weekends, too!)

It looks like you creeped down a bit from last week though.  And you're still down overall for this challenge. I bet now that you have fewer disruptions, you'll start seeing the results you want. Do you like bananas? That always helps me after eating salty food, or just potassium in general. I just happen to like bananas :D 

  • Thanks 1



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Starting weight: 94.0 kg / 207.2 lbs

Week 1: 91.6 kg / 201.9 lbs

Week 2: 91.2 kg / 201.1 lbs

Week 3: 90.9 kg / 200.4 lbs

Week 4: 90.45 kg / 199.4 lbs

* vacation *

Week 9: 95.5 kg / 210.5 lbs

Week 10: 93.8 kg / 206.8 lbs (-1.7 / -3.7)


That puts me back under the starting weight, so... successful post-vacation respawn? ?

Final week. Let's see how much I can lose this time...

  • Like 5

TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

Old threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII

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3 hours ago, The Most Loathed said:

Try it now. I was messing with freezing some of the columns since the spreadsheet is wide enough to be hard to see on one page. I unfroze them since it sounds like mobile wasn't handling it well.


26 minutes ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

Try it now. I know Most Loathed fixed it, but I fussed with it now too. We're so fussy ;) The first column should stay put but everything else should be visible. 

Oh dang, I love this idea though. Okay, I moved all the info above the spreadsheet to column B so it works on my phone and computer now.  If it doesn't work for anyone else, I'll change it back.

Seems to be working for me now.  Thanks!

  • Like 1

Wood Elf Waywatcher Mandalorian (Assassin/Ranger hybrid)

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Starting Weight: 263.6

Week 1: 265.9 (up 2.3)

Week 2: 265.8 (down 0.1)

Week 3: 266.1 (Up 0.3)

Week 4: 264.7 (down 1.4)

Week 5: 268.1 (up 3.4)

Week 6: 267.4 (down 0.7)

Week 7: 266.5 (down 0.9)

Week 8: 267.2 (up 0.7)

Week 9: 269.9 (up 2.7)

Week 10: 269.3 (down 0.6)


Whelp, the week before last was a rough one.  It was Peach's last week at home and moving weekend.  We ate all the things!  I got to my highest weight this year, and last year and most of the year before that!  I was able to recover some last week and get things moving in the right direction.  I'm working on it this week too but my annual trip to the Minnesota State Fair is coming up this weekend.  The only right way to do that is to eat all the cheese curds and things on a stick so I'm going to live it up and then get back to business.   This week will probably be my last weight in for these dates since I leave Friday and won't be able to weigh in at home until Wednesday next week - and I don't think I'm going to like that weigh in!   I'm definitely down for another one though.  I really need the motivation and accountability now! 

  • Like 4

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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2 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

It looks like you creeped down a bit from last week though.  And you're still down overall for this challenge. I bet now that you have fewer disruptions, you'll start seeing the results you want. Do you like bananas? That always helps me after eating salty food, or just potassium in general. I just happen to like bananas :D 

I have indeed creeped down a bit so I'm happy. In general, I'm content staying in the 152.x range for this round given all my interruptions.

I went back and looked, I ended the previous iteration of this challenge at 152.2 but I started this specific one on an up after a long weekend away with the kiddos before they went back to their mom's for school. I did change my goal to maintenance when I discovered just how much travel and disruptions and I'd say I'm doing pretty dang good with that, especially having started with those extra 2 or so pounds.


Bananas! I have some, conveniently. I hadn't even thought of potassium for salty foods. I usually drink dandelion tea to help offset bloat but I'm getting dangerously low on that (hello grocery list!) so I'll sneak in a banana instead. Thank you!

  • Like 2

You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before. Do that every day and you will succeed.

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3 hours ago, TimovieMan said:



That puts me back under the starting weight, so... successful post-vacation respawn? ?

Final week. Let's see how much I can lose this time...

Absolutely successful respawn!!!


2 hours ago, Shello said:

I'm definitely down for another one though.  I really need the motivation and accountability now! 

Awesome!! We are definitely doing another one with a bonus holiday month! 

enjoy the cheese curds! I don’t think I ever ate those before! I may have to change that soon ? 

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17 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

enjoy the cheese curds! I don’t think I ever ate those before! I may have to change that soon ?

You should fix that!   


And, there are cheese curd tacos!!


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  • That's Metal 1

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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On 8/28/2023 at 12:51 PM, Shello said:

I'm working on it this week too but my annual trip to the Minnesota State Fair is coming up this weekend.  The only right way to do that is to eat all the cheese curds and things on a stick so I'm going to live it up and then get back to business.   This week will probably be my last weight in for these dates since I leave Friday and won't be able to weigh in at home until Wednesday next week - and I don't think I'm going to like that weigh in!   I'm definitely down for another one though.  I really need the motivation and accountability now! 


All the local news of late has been about the state fair food. I haven't gone since the year we lost to COVID but I always just had to sign off a couple of days of eating to be what they would be. I've never been huge on the the latest food any given year but there is good stuff for everyone. 

  • Like 1

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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2 hours ago, The Most Loathed said:


All the local news of late has been about the state fair food. I haven't gone since the year we lost to COVID but I always just had to sign off a couple of days of eating to be what they would be. I've never been huge on the the latest food any given year but there is good stuff for everyone. 

I don't always appreciate the new foods but I have my favorites that I hit year after year.  Sadly me favorite is from a booth that shut down since the Covid year.    Sometimes I have enough year over year favorites that I don't have room to try new foods or the new foods might not be worth the long lines to get them.  This year though I'm looking at this new food item to add to my list...  



  • Wow 3

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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6/19: 79.8

6/26: 79.8

7/7: 78.1

7/10: 77.2

7/17: 77.1

7/24: 76.7

7/31: 77.5

8/7: 75.8

8/14: 76.0

8/20:  76.2

8/28: 76.0

9/4: 76.2


Final weigh in this morning.  Back up again a little bit from last week, but I am still feeling pretty good about it because it came with the lowest body fat % reading I have had all year.  It translates to a 3.6kg drop of the course of the PVP in total weight with a 3.3kg drop in body fat, meaning almost all of the weight lost was from fat  :) (in theory, of course.  The BF% numbers are hardly trustworthy).  A guy at the park whom I hadn't seen in a while said I looked a lot thinner and guessed I had dropped 10kgs :)  

  • Like 3

Intro Thread   Challenge Log   Bodyweight Exercise Library   Recipe Book   Shuffle Club 


Level 2 Ninja

Strength: 13 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 6 Dexterity:14 Constitution: 12 Charisma: 11


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6/19: 240

6/26- 236.6

7/3- 237.5

7/10- 236.2



7/31- 231.6

8/7- 233.4

8/28- 230.6

9/4- 231


Total Lost: 9 pounds 


Well, I didn't make it past 230 this week, I pulled a butt muscle this weekend and had a family birthday party.  I'm happy with the progress I made in this time, and I'm not giving up on starting the next spreadsheet at 230 or under. :)   Which I am going to go finish up and post now :) 


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6/19: 154.4

6/26: 152.5

7/03: 152.3

7/10: 152.5

7/17: 153.2

7/24: 153.4

7/31: N/A

8/07: 152.8

8/14: 152.8

8/21: 153.1

8/28: 152.9

9/04: 152.9


Well, not what I was hoping for. I ended up hitting 151.3 last week but a series of eating out (running errands out of town for this remodel) and then hanging out with friends last night for the holiday weekend while we waited for the bathroom stuff to fully dry/set for paint didn't help the bloat. I am currently bloated so this weight is somewhat false, but it is what was read so it is what is recorded, despite knowing it's not the most accurate.


Definitely in for another round of this one to keep me honest leading up to the holiday season.

  • Like 3

You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before. Do that every day and you will succeed.

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6/21: 267 (my lowest weight in YEARS)

6/30: 269 (up 2 - unexpected funeral while moving) 

7/03: 269 (steady...)

7/10: 270 (up 1)

7/18: 272 (up 2)

7/24: 273  (up 1)

7/31: 274 (up 1) 

8/7: 273 (Down 1)

8/14: 268 (down 5)

8/21: 270 (up 2)

8/28: 267 (down 3)

9/4: 268 - Up 1 Lb for the 12 weeks. 


So showing up to the scale and settling into my new life. I 100% need to simplify my nutrition. For most of this challenge I tried a CSA and bulk buying food for cost. Finding out I was stressed out and many ways not able to get the right food to fit my goals. Sitting with hunger is fine until you almost break something when someone offers you treats... (I had not willpower most days when I was offered a treat). 

I worked on eating only 3 meals the last 2 weeks and I am now aware I may need to find meals that have more protein to help balance eating less.  This morning I looked at my calorie goal and protein goal (just getting to 100 protein itself will probably help me....). 


Things I have won at with this challenge. I have been buying less pop/energy drinks/treats. Disappointed I have to do more to lose weight but working on my sleep and seeing how tired I get but don't want to drink the coffee or tea has me wonder what life will like in the future.  

Another win was finding a hack for daily walks - bring my phone and doom scroll on a walk. I also have Duolingo out for Spanish. Hasn't been 100% been working but I have had more activity due to allowing myself this freedome. 

  • Like 3

"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Starting weight: 94.0 kg / 207.2 lbs

Week 1: 91.6 kg / 201.9 lbs

Week 2: 91.2 kg / 201.1 lbs

Week 3: 90.9 kg / 200.4 lbs

Week 4: 90.45 kg / 199.4 lbs

* vacation *

Week 9: 95.5 kg / 210.5 lbs

Week 10: 93.8 kg / 206.8 lbs

Week 11: 92.4 kg / 203.6 lbs (-1.4 / -3.2)


Not that bad for the final week. Especially since I ran on very little sleep all week (with just myself to blame - staying up too late to play video games).

Curious to see how I'll settle in the school year routine these coming weeks... ?

  • Like 2

TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

Old threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII

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4 hours ago, Darciana said:

6/19: 154.4

6/26: 152.5

7/03: 152.3

7/10: 152.5

7/17: 153.2

7/24: 153.4

7/31: N/A

8/07: 152.8

8/14: 152.8

8/21: 153.1

8/28: 152.9

9/04: 152.9


Well, not what I was hoping for. I ended up hitting 151.3 last week but a series of eating out (running errands out of town for this remodel) and then hanging out with friends last night for the holiday weekend while we waited for the bathroom stuff to fully dry/set for paint didn't help the bloat. I am currently bloated so this weight is somewhat false, but it is what was read so it is what is recorded, despite knowing it's not the most accurate.


Definitely in for another round of this one to keep me honest leading up to the holiday season.

The nice thing about recording a bloat weight is next week you can be like "KAPOW! LOOK AT ME NOW!" And we'll have this on record so the KAPOW can be verified :D  I'm glad you're coming back!

3 hours ago, Loveable_Bouncer said:

6/21: 267 (my lowest weight in YEARS)

6/30: 269 (up 2 - unexpected funeral while moving) 

7/03: 269 (steady...)

7/10: 270 (up 1)

7/18: 272 (up 2)

7/24: 273  (up 1)

7/31: 274 (up 1) 

8/7: 273 (Down 1)

8/14: 268 (down 5)

8/21: 270 (up 2)

8/28: 267 (down 3)

9/4: 268 - Up 1 Lb for the 12 weeks. 


So showing up to the scale and settling into my new life. I 100% need to simplify my nutrition. For most of this challenge I tried a CSA and bulk buying food for cost. Finding out I was stressed out and many ways not able to get the right food to fit my goals. Sitting with hunger is fine until you almost break something when someone offers you treats... (I had not willpower most days when I was offered a treat). 

I worked on eating only 3 meals the last 2 weeks and I am now aware I may need to find meals that have more protein to help balance eating less.  This morning I looked at my calorie goal and protein goal (just getting to 100 protein itself will probably help me....). 


Things I have won at with this challenge. I have been buying less pop/energy drinks/treats. Disappointed I have to do more to lose weight but working on my sleep and seeing how tired I get but don't want to drink the coffee or tea has me wonder what life will like in the future.  

Another win was finding a hack for daily walks - bring my phone and doom scroll on a walk. I also have Duolingo out for Spanish. Hasn't been 100% been working but I have had more activity due to allowing myself this freedome. 

It feels like you've really developed some good habits that are going to really support your weight loss goals for the next round. I'm excited to see you take on the next 12 weeks (and Bonus weeks!) and see you conquer your goals. 

54 minutes ago, TimovieMan said:

Starting weight: 94.0 kg / 207.2 lbs

Week 1: 91.6 kg / 201.9 lbs

Week 2: 91.2 kg / 201.1 lbs

Week 3: 90.9 kg / 200.4 lbs

Week 4: 90.45 kg / 199.4 lbs

* vacation *

Week 9: 95.5 kg / 210.5 lbs

Week 10: 93.8 kg / 206.8 lbs

Week 11: 92.4 kg / 203.6 lbs (-1.4 / -3.2)


Not that bad for the final week. Especially since I ran on very little sleep all week (with just myself to blame - staying up to late to play video games).

Curious to see how I'll settle in the school year routine these coming weeks... ?

I suspect you are going to kick butt. That's my prediction. I'm looking forward to seeing if I'm right.



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6/19: 174.8 

6/26: 177.1 

7/7: 175.3 

7/10: 172.7 

7/17: 170.2 

7/24: 173.9 

7/31: 173.1 

8/7: 171.1 

8/14: 171.7 

8/20: 171.8 

8/28: 172.9

9/4; 171.7


I ended up 3.1 lbs down from where I started. I was down another 1.25 lbs yesterday, but apparently I do something on Sundays that makes my weight go up. That's kind of frustrating, but identifying an issue is the first step to fixing it!


Given how awful work has been the last 6 months, and the hellish end to that (hopefully) that went down at the end of last week, I think the fact that I managed to lose 3 lbs while dealing with all that stress is pretty awesome. Looking forward to keeping that momentum going for the rest of the year.

  • Like 2

Wood Elf Waywatcher Mandalorian (Assassin/Ranger hybrid)

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30 minutes ago, Elennare said:

6/19: 174.8 

6/26: 177.1 

7/7: 175.3 

7/10: 172.7 

7/17: 170.2 

7/24: 173.9 

7/31: 173.1 

8/7: 171.1 

8/14: 171.7 

8/20: 171.8 

8/28: 172.9

9/4; 171.7


I ended up 3.1 lbs down from where I started. I was down another 1.25 lbs yesterday, but apparently I do something on Sundays that makes my weight go up. That's kind of frustrating, but identifying an issue is the first step to fixing it!


Given how awful work has been the last 6 months, and the hellish end to that (hopefully) that went down at the end of last week, I think the fact that I managed to lose 3 lbs while dealing with all that stress is pretty awesome. Looking forward to keeping that momentum going for the rest of the year.

you did really well, bouncing back after that bump up in the beginning ?  nothing can stop you now!! Muwahahahahaha!!!

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