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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Monday, September 26th, 2016

More days, no workouts.  I really had intended too... then before I realized I had planned to workout over lunch I was heating up my lunch, then suddenly one of the new guys had to have something done in 60 minutes, even though I told him even if I finished it, it wasn't going to happen due to other parties in the company not being able to approve things that fast.  Sure enough... I got my work done around 3:45, and no one else was ready to approve it. :(  Ugh... so no workout, and then day got even worse.

Got to daycare to pick up the kiddo and she seemed happy and playful.  By the time we got home, which is all of 5 minutes, she suddenly was complaining about her stomach hurting.  Didn't want dinner, didn't want water, just wanted to lay around.  Finally, got her to drink her night time beverage (milk, instant carnation, vitamin D, probiotic, all stuff doctors recommend due to the chemo).  It stayed down for about 20 minutes.  Vomit clean up took a solid 30 minutes.  2 stuffies may have been killed in the accident, they are hanging (literally) in the balance on whether the stank leaves them.  Either way, she passed out quickly again after everything was cleaned, and I drank tequila.  After that, even managed to get my wife upset with me because I wasn't talking about my concerns about kiddo enough.  One of those situation where I felt like I reacted fine, but I need to consider her emotions as well.  The whole being a better husband and listener thing... 


Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Unfortunately, kiddo didn't magically get better.  My wife is right now in the busiest / longest days of her year with it being election season.  So she can't take off work and has to work late Tuesday through Thursday this week and next.  So, I got to stay home with a sick kiddo all day solo.  Overall, it was pretty easy though.  She didn't want to do much short of lay on the couch watching videos and reading books.  We gave her some nausea medication she has due to the chemo, and called her doctors.  They said to keep up the medication for 48 more hours and make sure she's getting fluids.  If not, bring her in.  She did eventually start drinking water and juice, and ate a box of raisins, some tortilla chips, and a few handfuls of Honey Nut Cheerios.  That was it for the entire day.  So we still might not be out of the woods.  But she did drink 3/4 of the previously listed night time beverages and has kept it down for 60 minutes at this point.  I'm sans alcohol tonight, per my challenge weight loss protocol, but the day was mostly spent keeping the house in order and taking care of her.   

Overall though, this day's been pretty brutal.  She took a 60 minute nap and a 2:30 nap, so I've had a lot of time to think.  Scared that this chemo is finally starting to really affect her if 80+ hours after treatments she can still feel the impact.  It sucks.  Plus when you are half begging your child to eat something and she's just saying "No, my stomach hurts too much", it in turn makes your stomach hurt for an entirely different reason.  Damn... cancer sucks.  

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Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

Another day of staying home with kiddo.  All signs pointed to here being much better, but she still didn't want to eat.  My mom came up around noon and stayed until 6pm.  Allowed me to get out and run a few errands, one of which was hunting down a beer that I've wanted to try since I found out about it (Melange No. 14 by the Bruery, France 44 has some still available if other beer snobs in MSP area are reading this).  Overall, it was good that I was able to get out of the house, even for such a meaningless task as booze.  That said, I also had a 2nd opportunity arise where a relatively famous Youtube Woodworker named Matt Cremona, posted that he was giving away some scrap of wood in his Instagram account.  He lives in Brooklyn Center.  Since I was home, I said I could come them up.  So I got to go meet him as well.  So that was cool.  I'm went a bit celebrity on him ("Holy shit!  I can't believe I'm here") when I first got there, but I got over it we actually have 2 pretty good friends in common.  We chit-chatted about that, then I took some nice walnut scraps from him.  Day finished without much else exciting happening.  Gave kiddo a bath, and went to bed thinking she'd go to school the next day.  


Thursday, September 29th, 2016

Woke up to kiddo wanting breakfast.  I was super pumped as I thought this meant a return to normal.  It lasted for a solid 5 minutes before she vomited all over the table.  Got that cleaned up, and my wife and I started worrying again.  We called her doctor team again, and had a more in depth chat.  They gave us reassurance that it wasn't related to chemo (wasn't really possible for the drugs she is on to be in her system that long) and that it was more than likely a stomach bug.  So not fun, but it's normal kid sickness.  That was somewhat of a comforting fact, except you know... the whole sick kid thing.  So I stayed home again.  This really was one of the worst possible weeks to get sick with my wife being stuck working 12-14 hours days Tuesday through Thursday.  Hopefully kiddo is better next week since my wife is doing the same again next week.  My mom came up at 11am again, and let me try and get some work done.  Sadly, I wasn't really feeling it, so I went upstairs and after some random interwebz searching found myself watching old episodes of Naruto.  Been a long while since I watched anime, but it was fun.  Ended up watching like 6 episodes of roughly where I think I left on Shippuden which was around episode 315.  Only 150 episodes behind. :P  I may end up trying to catch up.  We'll see.  Overall, kiddo was drinking and eating fruit and cheerios well all day without issues.  But again overnight, her stomach started hurting and diarrhea happened.  


Friday, September 30th, 2016

My wife's mom agreed to come up and take care of Sloan for the day so I could go to work.  She got there at 8:30am, I got to work by 9:00am thanks to good traffic, and now it's almost noon.  I get to eat lunch with our company's CTO today.  He's been doing lunch with 3-4 engineers within the company on Fridays for awhile to get to know the lower rung people.  I'm interested to see where the conversation will go.  Rest of the day, I will be sneaking out of work early to go grab a beer with a co-worker and then going home to take care of the kiddo.  Probably not much else to report so I'm posting it early.  

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Saturday, October 1st, 2016

Day started off rough when my daughter decided that 3am was wake up time.  No idea what was going on, short of she complained about being hungry but my wife and I weren't sure how to handle it due to the stomach issues.  I get any meaningful sleep after 3am, so was pretty groggy most of the day.  Led to not really wanting to do much.  When my daughter finally passed back out at 8:45am, I just sat on the couch and binged watch Naruto: Shippuden.  Got through like 10 episodes.  Forgot how much I love watching anime like.  It's totally nerdy, but the thought of super powers like that and always being able to dig deeper to beat the bad guys, it gets to me.  So I'll probably be trying to sneak in a few episodes per week.  Maybe over lunch breaks or what not.  Kiddo finally awoke around noon and the rest of the day was pretty low key.  She appeared to be on the mend from her stomach bug as she ate a lot of food and drank a lot, but we still weren't sure.  And overall, neither my wife nor I had a whole lot of energy.  Did some basic house cleaning and what not.  


Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

Ended up being much the same as Saturday.  Daughter was up even earlier at around 1:30am, but was just requesting that Danika just go sleep in her room with her.  She obliged, but said kiddo didn't sleep well at all while she was in there.  Very tossy and turny.  Finally at 4:30am, kiddo woke up and it was my shift.  Fought "getting up" as long as possible and much the same cycle happened.  Kiddo passed out again at 8am, and I binged watched more Naruto.  Once kiddo finally did wake up, she ate a huge lunch of all different types of foods and asked for seconds of everything (and ate them).  Was great to see.  I had tentatively been planning to go see my sister as she has a mini horse and my daughter has talked about wanting to see a horse a lot.  So we headed out to Big Lake, MN where my sister lives.  Had a great time talking with her and watching my daughter play with her daughter.   Hopefully, I can get out there more often as I would like to try and hang out there more.   Got home around 7pm, ate some chili, then just normal bed time activities.  



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On 10/3/2016 at 4:23 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:

Mini horse is awesome. I'm glad you got some normalness in.


Yeah.  My sister got a good deal on that horse and she loves horses and has a 5 year old daughter so yeah.  Works out well for us.  I tried to think of nicknames like you have, and all I could come up with was Rooksmom and Rookskid.  Doesn't have quite the same ring as yours, nor is it original, so I'm scrapping that idea for now.  


Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Honestly, can't think of anything I did that stood out.  I was at work.  I didn't workout.  I'm just out of it.  


Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

Wow.  This was a day and half.  So I've got 2 direct co-workers (work on the same team as me, in the same building).  Well last week, 1 of those 2 (who's only been here since April) put in his 2 weeks notice.  It was a bummer because he was cool guy, but in talking with him, its centered around mostly his desire to go back to India (where he's originally from).  Well, anyway, got to work today and at the end of our 8am team meeting, we were informed my other co-worker had been let go.  I knew he had issues with our boss, but had no idea it was near that.  He was with the company for over 5 years, so yeah... that was crazy.  Put me in a big funk for the entire morning.  Apparently other people noticed as my boss came up and asked me to go with him to lunch.  He just wanted to make sure I was ok.  I didn't really have anything to say.  Sure?  I never got along great with this co-worker, but at the same time, you work with a guy for over 3 years and you feel at least partially connected.  Obviously, I have no idea what happened behind closed doors that led to this, but my boss is a good guy so I'm not going to judge him.  If he felt that was the best course of action, so be it.  


After lunch, got back, and quickly found out that we had a big problem at work (or at least could be).  Without going into a ton of boring detail, we have a program that stores a bunch of our data.  Well, one of the admin level users performed an action that he thought would only impact his project, but it impacted everything in the system.  I think I'm the one who knows this program the best (maybe that's my ego, but it's what I feel) so I started digging into the problem to figure out what our options were.  Lots of running around, trying to find people and discuss what would be lost with a database restore.  Not a fun day.  Turns out it wasn't a big deal and that the data that was lost, no one cared about anyway.  But, this will probably lead to some tighter security controls on the program.


After work, life didn't get better.  Picking up kiddo from school, I was informed she didn't nap.  Didn't think much of it, but she hit a wall around 6pm.  And my wife is working late again Tuesday through Thursday so I was solo parenting.  I'll say it over and over again, I have no idea how single parents come out of raising kids sane.  Trying to perform life tasks while taking care of an almost 3 year old feels impossible and I'm only been asked to do it for 6 nights out of 10.  Back to the night at hand, my daughter exploded at around 6:30 when I demanded she go sit on the toilet to at least try and go.  It led to roughly 60 minutes of her scream crying because she was mad at me, but she wanted me to hold her because she wants to be held when she gets that mad.  So if I talked, the scream crying would escalate, but I couldn't put her down.  Eventually she cried herself to sleep, but she hadn't eaten, she hadn't used the bathroom, or taken her medication.  I felt like a complete failure.  


After about an hour she woke and I got her to use the bathroom and get some pajamas on her before she passed back out.  Around 11:30, she woke up my wife and she got her to eat something and take her medicine.  So yeah... that was a day.


Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Another wasted day.  I'm in such a funk right now.  I'm slacking in all aspects of life right now.  I'm not focused at work.  I'm not doing anything related to physical fitness.  I'm finding myself getting annoyed with my daughter faster than normal.  I'm eating like shit.  I'm drinking every night.  It feels like everything is just spiraling at the moment.  And I feel like I know what to do.  I just don't do it.  I know it's not about motivation.  It's just about simply doing something and being disciplined about it, and yet, I don't do it.  And I hear over and over again, that the easiest way to stay focused is to know what you want.  I have no idea what the hell I want.  I don't find my job meaningful, but I have no clue what the hell I would find meaningful.  I constantly argue with myself internally.  I'll come up with "the reason" everything is terrible, only to realize shortly thereafter that the reason has no basis in truth.  


No idea why I'm even typing this to be honest.  Maybe to get advice.  Maybe to just write it out.  I don't know.  At least, it's something I'm finding the desire to do.  I started listening to a Tony Robbins podcast yesterday and it was on what he sees as the 6 human needs (link for those curious).  Initially, I would think I have 2 of those 6 met, "Certainty" and "Connection & Love".  The rest, I don't know.  I'll keep pondering around this for awhile and see if there's anything actionable I can take out of that.  


One positive about the day was the night with my daughter went much smoother.  We had a pretty good night.  She did wake up at 3am and decide that 4 hours sleep was enough for her, but that technically counts for Thursday.  


Did find this song on Spotify.  I've had it on repeat for about an hour now.  NSFW language.  Reminds me of early Eminem.  



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Sorry that it's so rough right now. You've had a real tough year, with your daugher in chemo, everyone in the family is under stress. Give yourself permission to slow down a bit. Maybe for fitness just do some stretches or a walk around the block, just tell yourself to do something for 15 minutes of movement. 

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Thursday, October 6th, 2016

Been too long.  Don't remember much. 


Friday, October 7th, 2016

Not sure what it was, but I was starting to feel better Friday.  I came to a couple realizations on Friday.  First, my back no longer seems to hurt periodically.  Ever since March when hurt myself deadlifting, I've periodically felt the injury (be it moving just right, etc.).  I realized on Friday I haven't felt much in the way of low back pain in awhile.  Interesting since I've been doing nothing.  But it's a positive right.  Second realization was that while losing 2 co-workers within a week is a drastic change, I'm not the sole SA engineer on my team.  And that means, all the stuff I've wanted to do to improve things, but knew would be a hassle to get other employees to agree with are now up for grabs.  So BOOM!  I'm the captain of this ship now.  


Boss even offered to take a few of us (guys from other teams) out for a beer so I went out and had one.  When I got home, I found that kiddo was in much better shape than I expected since she had chemo on Friday (with my wife).  She was actually moving around and drinking which is a huge improvement over the past few treatments.  She fell asleep at 6:30pm, then woke up at 9:00pm.  By 9:30pm, she seemed like she was back to normal and I got her back to sleep at 10:30pm.  


Saturday, October 8th, 2016

Took it easy around the house.  Nothing stands out about the day except kiddo didn't nap.  Both my wife and I were bemoaning this.  Those two hour breaks are great.  


Sunday, October 9th, 2016

Again, pretty boring day.  Went to church in the morning.  It was a pretty small service as a large contingent of our church was either running the TC Marathon or support the crew that was running.  Pretty cool to see such a large crew dedicate to the marathon in an effort to raise money for a charity.  That was fun.  Got back to the house and I tried to take care of kiddo while my wife watched the Vikings (she's a fan, I'm not).  Again, kiddo didn't want to nap, at least at first.  She unexpectedly passed out around 3pm.  I took the opportunity to get out to the garage and do some woodworking.  Cut 14 dovetails in the project I've been working on.  It was good.  I love using my hands to make stuff.  I'm pretty hopeful this will turn out well.  



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3 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

Big dovetails like that must have been cut by hand. Very impressive. Keep posting and you might inspire me to get back in the shop.


Indeed.  Got a Dozuki Dovetail Japanese saw for Christmas last year and I'm finally attempting to put it to good use.  Also learned how to use a coping saw while doing this.  That turned out to be a huge time saver.  Snuck out to the garage for 20 minutes tonight, but got stuck figuring out the best way to cut the matching dovetail.  


6 hours ago, Rooks said:

I realized on Friday I haven't felt much in the way of low back pain in awhile.  Interesting since I've been doing nothing.  But it's a positive right.


Funny how I just thought that and sure enough driving home today I could feel it tightening up.  But more about that below.


Monday, October 10th, 2016

Holy piss balls!  I WORKED OUT!  WOO!  

  • 1/2 mile run @ 6.0MPH
    • Just a nice warm-up
  • GB Core Day 1
    • Had 6 different exercises.  Seemed like it was 1 strength and 1 stretch exercise combo'ed each time for 3 super sets each.  
    • Had planned on doing another day as well, but then realized it was 44 minutes long so pushed until tomorrow.
  • Squats 135lbs/10 x 2
    • Just wanted to squat.  Right hip started to feel tight near the end of set 2.
  • Pause Squats 135lbs/3
    • Widened out my stance and did these more low bar as an experiment to see if my hip felt bad with these.  It didn't.  Something fun to note for the future.

Otherwise, work has been pretty good.  I cleaned out the desks of my two co-workers to acquire their useful stuff (seems so scavenger-esque, but it's a necessary evil).  Got a bunch of stuff take over and cleaned out a bunch of crap that isn't needed.  


Found a new webcomic.  Fowl Language Comics.  http://www.fowllanguagecomics.com/  Here's an example of a good one.  Probably spent more time than I should have catching up, but I'm still having a damn productive day.  




Back tightened up a bit on the drive home so I spent a few minutes rolling on a la crosse ball.  Feels good now again.  That said, might need to hold off on squats for awhile letting the movement of the GB course get things loose first.  Tomorrow is a stretch today so that'll be interesting to see how I feel after a full 45 minutes of loosing things up.  

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Well it certainly won't be a majority of the population. And its like the bear story.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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23 hours ago, wildross said:

Well it certainly won't be a majority of the population. And its like the bear story.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Curious about this bear story.

Apprentice of Intent .  Lvl X Druidu Bronze IV

Epic Quest | Battle Log | Current Challenge

' Who has the time to stall reaching hus highest potential? Death tells me "I'm a fickle thing, and I see you." ' •Aerisand

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Curious about this bear story.

I dont have to out run the bear. I just have to outrun my companion.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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Monday, December 12th, 2016

I make no guarantees this time around, but at the very least I'm going to try.  I finally willed myself back to the gym this morning which was impressive in that I was even a smidge hungover.  Poured probably two ounces too much tequila last night.  


Anyway, the hope is that I'll be doing SOMETHING every day from here on out.  Even if it's just 20 push-ups and a few pull-ups.  Also, I'm hoping to get back to a remotely active on these boards.  It's time for change.  



  • 4 minutes of 6.0 MPH Treadmill
    • Just enough to start sweating and getting the heart rate up.
  • GB Core Programming
  • Squats - 135 x 5/5, 185/1, 225/1, 245/1, 275/1
    • Planned on just getting something in, but the itch struck as I got further into the sets to see what was still there.  225 flew up.  Felt great.  Better than all 25 squats at 135.  275 started to get a bit wonky but still went up without trouble.  Good to see that despite a solid 4+ months of basically not working out, I still have a base to squat well over BW if not 1.5x.  

Planning on doing some mobility work tonight.  Left ankle and left shoulder have been a bit wonky lately so I'm going to do that as well as Prescription #1 from Deskbound.  


Also, since I know was the very least @Sloth the Enduring expressed interest in this, I'll post an update to things I'm doing for fun.  I'm finally nearing completion of my saw benches.  I basically just have to install a brace on all 4 sides.  I may also need to an upgrade to slap another 2x4 under the top to increase the thickness above 2.5" if I end up picking up a set of holdfasts.  Even used my bumper plates to hold the tops down while I glued them.  Cause you know... might as well put those weights to some use. :P  



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I'm always glad when you post.

Nice sawbenchs. Are you planning on ripping by hand? That's a good workout right there. Hold Fats? I gotta assume you're reading Popular Woodworking and Christopher Schwartz's stuff. I gotta find a way to start building stuff again, I haven't made time since the kids were little.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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On 12/12/2016 at 5:57 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:

I'm always glad when you post.

Nice sawbenchs. Are you planning on ripping by hand? That's a good workout right there. Hold Fats? I gotta assume you're reading Popular Woodworking and Christopher Schwartz's stuff. I gotta find a way to start building stuff again, I haven't made time since the kids were little.


Holdfasts are old-timey clamp things.  Picture can explain better than I can.  Also, I'm not reading either of those things.  I'm mostly learning from Youtube videos like Samurai Carpenter, Stumby Nubs, and Matthew Cremona (he's actual local and I've met him).  




Tuesday, December 13th, 2016

Started feeling a bit sick today... for a 3rd time in less than 2 months.  So tired of having some sort of mucus floating through my mouth and nasal cavities.  That said, I'm going to tell myself I mildly deserve if with the complete lack of exercise and the complete lack of a decent diet.   The only that that has kept my weight down is that I'm eating less.  But so much of my calories has been beer and other crap lately, it's pretty disturbing.


Anyway... didn't workout at work and that's been my death nail the last couple months.  Unless I workout right when I get there, stuff always comes up that I don't feel like I can step away from.  However, today, I did SOMETHING.  It was less than 20 minutes, but I did after the kiddo went to sleep.  Crappy feeling and all.



  • GB Lower Body Programming
    • Stupid easy for me right now.  I think they are assuming the beginner can't hit full depth in a squat or do body weight squats.  Not sure... but hopefully this will progress quickly.
  • Fat Bar Rows - 70lbs x 10/4
    • Should have gone with my 45lb weight instead of 25lb, but whatever.  Just wanted to move my back.
  • Wide Grip Negative Pull-up - x3
    • I've completely lost my pull-up gains I had.  I can't even come close anymore.  Will be doing loads of negatives daily.
  • KB Swings - 35lb KB x 25

Like I said, it was quick and simple.  I'm off to do some mobility now and chat with my wife.  

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Look what happens when I poke around in the battle log forum! *waves*


What GMB did you go with again?

Current Challenge

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Instagram | Goodreads

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8 hours ago, miss_marissa said:

Look what happens when I poke around in the battle log forum! *waves*


What GMB did you go with again?


So, it's not GMB.  I bought GymnasticsBodies.com $495 package (see here).  I'm just calling it GB for short.  From the few videos I've seen of GMB's stuff, they seem to be similar, but I've only seen a handful of 60 seconds clips from GMB so I can't say that with a lot of certainty.  


Wednesday, December 14th, 2016

Wow... what a day.  Started off with a giant brain fart on my behalf.  I woke before the family (typical) and was out of the house on my way to work by 6:45AM.  Got to work about 7:15AM only to find a text from my wife.  "Ummm... were you going to come back for that meeting we had at 8:45?"  Ugh.. worst part is we even talked about it the night before.  Drove back home for that.  The meeting was with some of my daughter's specialized teachers.  So quick update on that situation for those following along, we are now on a 4th chemo drug for her brain tumor.  This one, however, is the first that has scientific evidence to show that is has promise.  Basically, it works on specific types of DNA, and here DNA testing of the tumor showed this strand.  So here's hoping we finally have some success with shrinking the tumor.  Other big update is that her vision is very bad.  We thought she had one good eye, but even the good eye is not "good" by normal definitions.  She can't really make out objects well much past 10 feet it would seem.  So yeah... we now are working with the Minneapolis school district to develop an IEP (Individual Education Program, I think) so that she can start getting trained in Braille, maybe getting Cane training (what blind people use), etc.  It's tough to stomach sometimes.  Just knowing what she's going to have to go through compared ot what a normal kid gets to do.  How much harder she'll have to work.  How much crap she's already been through.  On the plus side though, her teachers are great.  They are all doing everything they can, and providing us with a lot of good info.  Ok... so yeah... lots of rambling.  Back to today.  Meeting was only like 20 minutes today.  Just a quick run-down and they want us to make a decision on if she should start the cane training now or later.  Not really sure, but the wife and I will discuss and figure it out.  


Anyway, that meeting ends.  I cruise back to work for the 2nd time in the day.  Needed to get stuff done by 1PM for a release today so was cramming a bunch of stuff in being I started so much later than anticipated, again because of lack of planning.  My boss showed up around 11AM and asked for 3 minutes.  Went over to a small office and he told me about my raise for the year.  Got a 4.25% raise.  Very solid raise by most standards (I think) but was a major let-down for me.  I thought I was all but guaranteed a promotion.  I'll try and keep this short.  Our company has an engineering structure of Entry > Senior > Lead > Principal for Engineering positions.  I'm a Senior at the moment.  We had a Lead on our team for a long while who ended up getting fired around September of this year.  We had hired a 2nd Lead in April who I was training who quit in October.  I figured with the loss of these 2 I was bound to be promoted up since I had been doing the work of Lead and by all accounts, doing very well.  So yeah... this was a big bummer for me, but I didn't have time to ask my boss questions because I was in a hurry as was he.  Hopefully next week, I can sit him down and figure what I could have done to get that promotion and start working on for next year.  Even typing this out, I can't help but feel like I need to #FirstWorldProblems to all this.  "Oh?  You have a great paying job, that your good at, has great medical insurance for your daughter, and you got a raise.  But you a really sad you didn't get a promotion?"  But I honestly do feel like I earned it.  Either way, won't know anything until next week.  Crammed through another few hours of work, got the release out, then went and ate my lunch at around 2:15PM.  Felt like it was too late in the day to get a workout in after all that, plus the late lunch.  


So, I finished the day out listening to some Ludovico Einaudi and working through some stuff from HackerRank.com (I want to get better at programming and a co-worker recommended I check that place out).  Also, for those not familiar with Ludovico Einaudi, just give a listen.  Exact opposite of most of what I listen to (Five Finger Death Punch, Metallica, etc.), but honestly when I need to code and just zone out, Mr. Einaudi is my new go-to.  




  • Push-ups - x25
    • Just one set... at least it's not nothing right?  Hopefully back to the gym tomorrow.

That's about it for today.  

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Sorry that your daughter and family have to go through all this. Sounds like a good new treatment though.


My husband's company did this thing for a couple of years where they just said they weren't promoting anyone, so even though he was qualified , he wasn't promoted. His immediate boss really liked him, and gave him raises, but it was super frustrating. Hoping you can find out what's going on with your promotion. Sometimes it has nothing to do with your job performance, though that's not good either, because if they say they want you to work on x, then you can do that. Hoping you get a chance to talk to your boss.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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