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[Update] first official 5k in 32 minutes

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I managed to finish my running track (about 4 km or 2,5 miles) in 4 parts of about 10min each with only 50m (55 yards? Is that the correct measurement for that lenght?) of walking in between! Considering that I always hated running and only started June 11th with alternating 50m of running and walking that's pretty awesome. I wouldn't have believed to see so much progress so soon and it feels great :D

Next step: take the first and last break sooner/later so I eventually can skip them entirely and run the whole track in 2 parts. Then, ommit that last break, too. Then, work on my time. Quite frustratingly, improving my running/walking ratio did absolutely nothing to the time it takes me to complete my track. Appartently I walk very fast. Or maybe I run slowly. Probably that.


As a bonus I present to you: Blistception. The Babushka-blisters. The three Blisterteers. Okay, I'll stop now (I think there's more than 3, anyway).



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"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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Impressive blister!


YAY for  running! 


Have you thought about trying something like the C25K program - lots of folk here have used it and its a brilliant gradual progression of running more and walking less, but is gently incremental which makes it easier than some on your body as you build up to running continuously (i used a similar strategy to get running - and it worked).


Go you!

NF challenges: March 2018 , 12 , 11 , 10, 9876, 54321



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Thanks! I think I do something similar without any specific program. There are posts all along my running track which are about 50m apart (I think...) and I use these as markers when to start/stop running. I started with alternating at every post and worked my way up. I'm pretty happy with my progression so far but if I stall somewhere in the future I'll definitely check out C25K, I've heard a lot of good things about it :)

"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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I don't think I have ever managed to get a blister there ...... congrats :D

I get blisters all. the. time. I once had one on top (!) of my pinkie toe. In this case though, it's just a matter of getting better running shows. It's on the top of my list-of-things-I'm-going-to-buy-when-I-have-the-money ;)

Thanks, WarriorAmy! Woot! :D

"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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I was running again this morning and, while on the first part of my track, contemplated how to divide it. Should I take all the walking-breaks later than usually and thereby shorten the last part until it's short enough to skip it? Or should I only take the first break later but keep the half-way break until I can eventually skip the first break entirely? In any way, I pushed the first break about 50-100m/yards back but wasn't quite sure what I was going to do next when I slowly approached the half-way point where I took the second break last time. Then a voice in my head said "you know, you could skip the second break entirely". At first, I just laughed at that... as if. But when I got closer, I thought "well, I don't feel tired, my feet feel fine, my legs feel fine, my blisters don't really bother me... I could actually do it." And I thought about how awesome it would be to tell you guys that I went from 10/10/10/10 minutes to 10/20/10 minutes right away.... sooo... I skipped it! I just turned around and kept running! And I felt great doing it! I stuck to it and took my third break exactly as planned (although at this point my feet did hurt!), then ran the rest of the way and didn't even stop for the 5 minute part that takes me from my running track to my flat. So it was more like 10/20/15 or something. Woot woot!

I also added a new blister to my collection and won't be running again until at least monday. Maybe I'll do some biking instead. Or rowing although that is so much more exhausting. Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever been this drenched in sweat outside of a sauna. Seriously, my hair was soaked at the sides.The shower I just took was heaven :D

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"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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Update: Today I ran the whole track of 4,2km (2,6 miles) in about 37 minutes without stopping once for a walking pause! It wasn't half as exhausting as I thought it would be. I still can't quite believe it, I hated running, now it's a weird kind of fun just to see how much longer/further I can go :)))

"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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Woot!  That's a great acomplishment.  I managed a single 10 minute run in my 5K training but I have had trouble duplicating it.  And it is frustrating that it doesn't seem to do much for the total time to compelte the run.  I found the same thing.  But you are continuing to do amazing things so I am sure you will see improvements in your total time soon enough.


Oh - and get some better shoes!  :playful:

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

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Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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Oh - and get some better shoes!  :playful:


I already did. After not being able to walk a whole day because of those darn blisters, I switched to my indoor shoes which I bought years ago for badminton. They fit really well and give nice support and I haven't had any trouble since. However, I want to start badminton again, so I'll need to buy another set regardless... but that can wait until next month.

My time has improved, indeed. Once I was able to run the whole track without stopping I started trying to run a bit faster, take longer, more powerful strides. Not much, but it definitely showed on the clock! On the 13th I ran the 4,2km track in 35 minutes and today (after a long running break due to really hot and humid weather) I set a timer to 20 minutes just to see how far I could go. In the end, I ran 5,3km (3,3 miles) in 40 minutes. It was exhausting (especially the final spurt I somehow decided to do) but so worth it. I'm not far from being able to run the bridges-track - there are three bridges over rhine river where I live and so far I've just been going back and forth along the bank, but... scratch that, I just checked with google maps. The track over one bridge and back over the next is freaking 9km long (5,6 miles). I'm definitely still far from that. But I guess it's a nice goal to work towards to?


My goal is 30 minutes of continuous running at the moment and I have a 5km booked for September. I'll be happy with 50 minutes for that.


I also want to do a 5k at the end of the next challenge but I still need to find and sign up for one. Good luck with your goal! Just take steps at your own pace, try to do a little bit better each time. I didn't have a set timeframe in mind on how fast I wanted to improve, I just tried to push myself a little more each week. Oh and remember, it doesn't matter how fast you are, you're still way faster than anyone on the couch (that thought has helped me a LOT!)

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"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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A little update on how my running has been going. I checked the track from the 21st of July again and it was probably more like 4,9km. I've since then cracked the 5k 4 times, besting my running time from 42 to 37 minutes today. I've been trying to keep my pace steady and ran the whole track with 8,0 kmh (that's about 5 mph). I will try to get my time below 35 and then to 30 minutes, but it's going to be tough. I constantly need to reming myself to go faster, and I slow down as soon as I stop paying attention. But, I usually manage to keep my pace and not get slower in the second half, so I guess that's a good thing. Or maybe it just means I'm not pushing myself hard enough ;) Onwards!

"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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I haven't cracked my PB on the 5k again, but I did run 6k in 45 minutes today, which is a really good speed for me (I consider anything 8kmh or faster a win ;) ). I'm still a bit amazed that I was able to go that fast for the whole 6k but I had a running-buddy who was constantly a bit ahead of me, so that might have helped :D

"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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So, I have a new running track that is about 6,4km long (about 4 miles) that I ran for the sixth time this morning. The previous runs all fell into the 50 minutes range, making just below 8kmh. This morning, I decided that it's not a challenge if it's not challenging me and pushed myself the whole time. I also asked my running buddy to go a bit faster and pull me along, which worked just fine. I finished the track in 46 minutes which is 8,3kmh or 5mph and a new personal best (especially over that distance!). Woooooooot!! Awesome start into the week. Running buddy's last words today? "so, under 45 minutes next time?" :D

"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

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I ran my first official 5k run today and finished it in just under 32 minutes. I aimed for 37 again, 35 if I was good, so I'm completely floored by the result. I didn't believe it at first when I was told the time ;) I think I could have gone even faster but it's difficult to keep pushing myself the whole time and not let my mind wander ;) I'm still super hyped - the 10kmh is in reach :D

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"The way you spend your days is the way you live your life"

Challenges: Current | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1

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I ran my first official 5k run today and finished it in just under 32 minutes. I aimed for 37 again, 35 if I was good, so I'm completely floored by the result. I didn't believe it at first when I was told the time ;) I think I could have gone even faster but it's difficult to keep pushing myself the whole time and not let my mind wander ;) I'm still super hyped - the 10kmh is in reach :D

This is awesome Briniel! So happy for you. Way to go!!!

Level 14 -- Yeti Ranger -- STR 30.25 | DEX 12.00 | STA 21.00 | CON 14.75 | WIS 18.00 | CHA 7.50

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