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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Weight: 240.0 lbs



8:00am - Coffee

10:30am - Coffee, breakfast taco

1:30pm - Breakfast taco

4:30pm - Coffee, cereal

6:30pm - Pot roast, veggies, potatoes, cup cake.



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - 1 Load

Trash - N/A

Laundry - 1 Load

Extra - None


Fitness: Endurance Day

3 mile run


Weekly Mileage: 3



5 min



0 Spanish Online Lesson 



3 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



0 Puzzles

0 Lessons

0 Game - 0W/0L/0D



Had a doozy of a depressive episode over the weekend. Seems to be clearing up thankfully. In the dumps of depression really leaned heavy on the junk food and it’s showing on the scales. Just have to get back to clean eating and exercise. Taking it a day at a time this week.


There a pretty severe ice storm over the next couple of days here in north Texas so we are all house bound for a bit. Not able to walk as much so may need to hit the treadmill some more.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Weight: 239.4 lbs



8:00am - Coffee

10:30am - Coffee, cereal

1:30pm - Coffee, eggs, chopped steak, toast, tomato slices, cereal, juice

4:30pm - Coffee, candy bar

6:00pm - Ham, Mac n cheese, peas



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - None

Trash - N/A

Laundry - None

Extra - None


Fitness: Nothing


Weekly Mileage: 3



5 min



0 Spanish Online Lesson 



0 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



0 Puzzles

0 Lessons

0 Game - 0W/0L/0D



Still down in the dumps and can’t see a doctor until Thursday. Going to be rough week but I’ve had it worse.


Got assigned a series of last minute updates to a project due tomorrow so all my free time for exercise and chores went out the window today. That and crashed out for a bit for what I affectionately call a depression nap, so time for other things today has been sparse. Trying to focus on sticking to the basics. Just have to make it to Thursday for my doctors appointment and hopefully will get some relief then, if the episode doesn’t already pass before then that is.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Weight: 238.6 lbs



8:00am - Coffee

9:30am - Coffee, cereal

12:30pm - Bagel pizza, soda

1:30pm - Coffee

4:30pm - Coffee, PB snack bar

6:30pm - Steak quesadillas, lemonade



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - None

Trash - No e

Laundry - None

Extra - None


Fitness: Nothing



5 min



0 Spanish Online Lesson 



0 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



0 Puzzles

0 Lessons

0 Game - 0W/0L/0D



Work presentation ended up going well today but after that had a heart to heart with my boss, he wants to see me improve in my position this year and has some definite suggestions that are very much going to change my work experience. He was pretty straightforward and no-nonsense about it, which he could have delivered with some more polish, but he got his point across and I have my new directives, means less workday flexibility and some more oversight but such is life.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Weight: 238.8 lbs



6:00am - Coffee

7:30am - Coffee, Bagel

10:30am - Eggs, toast, tomatoes, oj

1:30pm - Sandwich, chips, soda, cookie

2:00pm - Coffee

4:00pm - Coffee, banana

7:00pm - Chicken nachos, apple sauce



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - None

Trash - None

Laundry - None

Extra - None



Run - 3 miles



5 min



Been a couple of days after a pretty bad personal shake up at work with my new boss and my motivation is low to say the least. Really bothered me on top of struggling with this depressive episode.


Kind of out of nowhere I was put on an unofficial improvement plan. Really have to dig my way out of a hole I didn’t know I was in and to a place where the new boss wants me to be. Last week was a rough one, hopefully this week will be better.


Removing Spanish, reading, and chess goals as I really need to consolidate with the increase in my job work load. It’s a shame because I was enjoying it, but only so many hours in the day. 


On the depression side, I saw my doctor and got a med increase but it just doesn’t seem to be working. Giving it a week to see if anything changes but if not I have another med he wants me to try. Just putting one foot in front of the other for the time being.


On top of all that Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad and Little Miss ReturnOfTheDad are down with the flu, so on Nurse/Dad duty in the morning, afternoon, and night along with work. Just keeping my head above water today but did get a run in and only one soda today, which is an improvement over my normal stress sugar eating/drinking.

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On 2/7/2023 at 7:22 AM, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Kind of out of nowhere I was put on an unofficial improvement plan. Really have to dig my way out of a hole I didn’t know I was in and to a place where the new boss wants me to be. Last week was a rough one, hopefully this week will be better.


Yeesh, I feel you on that one, I'm in kind of in a similar boat right now. You'll get there, I believe in you. I'm sorry things have been rough, though, hope they get better soon. 


Hug GIFs | Tenor

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Hey.  Just sayin' hi since I'm hanging out a little on the battle log board.


Hope your work and medical stuff work out because Spanish, reading, and chess goals sound like so much more fun!  I'm hooked on Spanish Duolingo myself, and I work with kids in a library where I'm hoping to start a chess club over the summer.  I'm glad I found you!


Anyways, good luck with those new meds and responsibilities at work.

  • Thanks 1

suzyQlou * Ranger    

Old Challenges: #1(2015) * #2 * #3(push ups) * #4 * #5(food) * #6 * #7(2016)* #8(nerdiversary) * #9 * 10(animal) * Battle Log * 11(2017) * 12(garden) * 13 * 14(biking) * 15 * 16  * 17  * 18 * 19(2018) * 20(2019) * 21

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Weight: 240.0 lbs



10:30am - Coffee

12:00pm - Coffee, egg white veggie scramble, tortillas

3:00pm - hotdog, chips, soda

4:30pm - Coffee

6:30pm - Hot Dog, veggies, rolls



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - 1 load

Trash - N/A

Laundry - N/A

Extra - None



Rest Day



5 min



Thank you all for the support while I’ve been going through my health issues. It’s a frustrating thing to deal with but I know getting help and sticking with it is the most important thing towards living a normal life.


After a week or so dealing with a pretty heavy medication transition I’m working my way back up to a more normal and healthy life balance.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Weight: 239.6 lbs



10:30am - Coffee, cereal

2:30pm - Soda, burger, burrito

6:30pm - Soda, Steak fingers, toast



Kids - None

Dishes - None

Trash - Took out the trash

Laundry - None

Extra - None



1.5 mile walk



5 min



Another day down. Got a walk in and made it to a recovery meeting. It’s a start.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Weight: 240.7 lbs



10:00am -Coffee

11:30am - Coffee, eggs, tomato, cheese, toast

3:00pm - 1/2 PB Sandwich and SF Monster

6:00pm - Pizza and chips



Treadmill - 3 miles



5 min



Trying to put my thoughts together. Been a rough couple of weeks.


It looks like my Bipolar may be classified as as Treatment Resistant which leaves me the option of stronger meds with some severe side effects or taking the route of electroshock therapy or intravenous therapy which honestly scares me and I just don’t want to do it. The other option is just to take the bare minimum of meds and deal with the episodes as best I can.


Going to try and focus on the basics of healthy living, fitness, and try to be as open about my journey as possible as it may end up helping someone else down the road. Going to also start prioritizing my fitness and health as that is a stabilizing force that I’ve been missing out on for almost a year.


Thanks for all the support I’ve received on here. It’s made a big difference and I am incredibly grateful for this community.

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Maybe it would be helpful to talk with someone who was in a similar situation? Do you have a community? I have no idea about electroshock therapy, but maybe it's not as bad as it sounds? I would also talk with at least few doctors. A really good specialist can make a difference and maybe will have better ideas than the other/previous one.


It's great fitness is helpful for you and it has power to ground you. Keep on going! It's always hard after a break but once you start, it's become a habit (again).

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  • Thanks 1

Veni, vidi, vici. 

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 1/2 Gallon

Weight: 240.6 lbs



11:00am -Coffee

12:30am - Sandwich, soda

2:30pm - Coffee

5:00pm - Coffee, nachos

10:00pm - Burger, fries, shake



Rest Day



5 min



A little sore from my run yesterday so took a rest day. I think I’m going to try for 3 medium paced runs this week to get back in the swing of things and then pick up some resistance training the following week.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Weight: 242.0 lbs



8:00am -Coffee

10:00am - Eggs, tomato, toast

11:30am - Coffee, Avocado toast, beans

2:00pm - Chicken fried rice

3:00pm - Coffee

7:00pm - Cheeseburger, Pie



Golf - Driving Range



5 min



Got some doctors appointment made, exhausted from filling out paperwork, but it’s a step in the right direction.


Got my first consulting opinion from a new doctor and it sounds promising. There is apparently a genetic test  that can be done to see what medications I would do well with. Fairly excited to see what that says versus the recent trial and error.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Weight: 243.6 lbs



11:00am - Coffee, oatmeal, granola

1:30pm - Coffee, bean, cheese tostadas

3:00pm - Coffee

4:30pm - pastry, milk

7:00pm - Chicken wings, veggies, chips, soda



MMA Conditioning - 20 Minutes



5 min



Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad has been cooking up a storm making homemade charro beans and jalapeño oil infused green sauce. The results on some tostadas were outstanding:



I also got to help in making some hot crossed buns, which turned out nice:




Exercise also happened, wasn’t much but it was something.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Weight: 241.0 lbs



10:30am - Coffee, pastry

1:30pm - Coffee, Pork fried rice, cookies

3:00pm - Coffee

4:00pm - Pastry, milk

6:30pm - chicken tenders, veggies, mashed potatoes 



Treadmill - 3 miles



5 min



Exercise happened.  Meds are not in a good place right now but working to have that taken care of in the next couple of days.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Weight: 242.2 lbs



9:00am - Coffee

11:00am - Coffee, egg white omelette, charro beans

2:30pm - Greek yogurt

4:30pm - Coffee, Bean and cheese tostadas

6:30pm - Steak, broccoli, pasta

9:00pm - Cereal



Rest Day



5 min



Another day, another doctors visit. Not as encouraging as the last visit but did get a referral to a local research hospital that may have some answers. One more thing to look into.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon

Weight: 241.2 lbs



9:00am - Tea, toast, bacon

1:30pm - Gyro, chips, hummus, pita, Diet Coke 

6:30pm - Pizza Soda



Walking - 2 Miles



5 min



Been down and out for a while but finally found a new doctor and getting on some new meds. I feel a little better, but can’t have caffeine on this new medication, so detoxing from caffeine for the next week or so, no fun.


It’s spring break so busy day of taking kids around to museums and trampoline parks. More of that tomorrow and then hopefully some down time before the next week and change in meds start again.

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I'm sending you some good vibes for the caffeine detox.  Anyone who can do this is a super hero in my world!  


Enjoy your time with the kids, and give my regards to Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad.  Her homemade charro beans dinner look delicious.

  • Thanks 1

suzyQlou * Ranger    

Old Challenges: #1(2015) * #2 * #3(push ups) * #4 * #5(food) * #6 * #7(2016)* #8(nerdiversary) * #9 * 10(animal) * Battle Log * 11(2017) * 12(garden) * 13 * 14(biking) * 15 * 16  * 17  * 18 * 19(2018) * 20(2019) * 21

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