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Were you always overweight?


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I wasn't, when I was a little girl, I looked emaciated.

Then came puberty, and growth spurts, and boobs.

by the time I was 14, I was 6ft1 and 170lbs.(I looked really really good)I played softball, ran track, swam, rode horses and shot archery for fun. I was putting away the calories, but burning them off as fast as I could get them in.

Then I effed up my knee when I was 18. Then I couldn't do anything, I could hardly walk, but I still ate like I was training everyday.

Then I had 3 babies in 10 years.

90lbs later,,,eeek.

My 2 older children are both thin, my almost 11 year old son looks like a wraith (he's 5ft5 and 104lbs), my almost 8 year old daughter is thin, (the baby is 7 months old, she's a long skinny baby according to the Dr)

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Nope. I was an all-state athlete in high school and a D3 college athlete in college. Then I discovered alcohol and drank myself through about 70 lbs over the course of three years. I ballooned from 180 to about 250 or so before realizing what a fat ass I had become. Doctors confirmed my fat ass-ery with diagnosis of high blood pressure and a weak heart.

So, I switched the game up. I'm about 200 now and more muscular than when I was on scholarship. And the heart isn't doing that bad either.

You ever see those guys who look like they totally used to be in shape?
I'm working to get back to that...

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Nope. I was an all-state athlete in high school and a D3 college athlete in college. Then I discovered alcohol and drank myself through about 70 lbs over the course of three years. I ballooned from 180 to about 250 or so before realizing what a fat ass I had become.

I came in to post a similar story. Beer 5 nights a week + all you can eat college cafeteria food is a dangerous combo.

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Sadly no. When I entered college I was 155 lbs (5'9"). Actually didn't gain too much in college either, it was the first two years out of college when all I did was go to work, program for 9 hours, come home and drink a 6-8 beers. Like Every Day... got up to 195, before I realized what I was doing to myself. Started working out and quit drinking like an alcoholic. got down to 165. Now I'm back up to 175, still have a gut but I'm working on that.

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I was also a skinny kid until around age 9? Then ballooned up, seemingly for no reason... at the same time, I suppose it was about the same time I started being ostracized by peers for being 'the smart kid'

Starting mucking with my weight as soon as I got to highschool. Five years of being fat was more than enough for me.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Yes, I was always overweight. I was a chubby kid all through grade school, and I never liked sports or any kind of activity. But when I went to college, that's when my weight ballooned up to 300 lbs. Combination of a new environment plus being away from parents (never drank, it was just all the crappy cafeteria food all the time).

Then when I moved back home I got a job in retail and that helped keep my weight in check (still ate like crap but moved around so much that it offset the bad eating a little bit).

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My parents met at Over-eaters Anonymous, so needless to say I've been fat as long as I can remember. I have 6 siblings, all of which are overweight- some of them in the 400-500lb range. I worked hard in high school to lose weight, and had a moderate level of success, but I've always been chubby at my best. Buy yeah, I've always been the "little" one in the family. (I'm the only one shorter than 6' as well.) I get a lot of crap at family functions for wanting to cook healthy food instead of baking 2 sheets of brownies and cake, but I've put up with it most of the time.

A mixture of alcohol and depression made me gain over 70lbs in the last year, but I'm ready to work it off. ^^


level 1 Feol Viera
Monk at heart, training with the Adventurers


"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever...
Whether a parting last forever or merely a short time...
That is up to you."- Happy Mask Salesman


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I have been fat since birth it seems, always in the upper percentiles. Born at 10lbs 2oz in a German hospital and they had no clothes that would fit me. I was a chubby, but active kid. I loved climbing all over things and going camping, but I was still fat. Graduated high school at 240lbs with an arthritic disc and insulin resistance. The next year I had my gallbladder removed. All my issues are brought on by my weight according to my doctors.

Now I'm 160lbs, in a healthy weight range with around 20%BF. I don't have back pain every day anymore and my insulin resistance has not been rechecked, but my doctor believes I have reversed it.

LVL 3 Animagus Ranger
STR: 8.8 | DEX: 5.6 | STA: 6.25 | CON:8.55 | WIS: 6 | CH: 6


"Today is not tomorrow." -Unknown
Third Challenge: Victorious Valentine
Current Maxes(Female 160lb bwt): OHP 110x2, Squat 265x1, DL 275x1 , BP 140x1

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I was always super skinny, even before I developed an eating disorder... I had to take in 'Extra Small' shirts if I didn't want to be swimming in them. I didn't start gaining weight until I was 22, at which point I went from 105 lbs to 198 lbs in 3 months because of stress, steroids, and finally getting therapy for my eating disorder. You can't even imagine how badly I was freaking out about that, btw, but they assured me once my body got acclimated, things would balance out; it's true, after about a year and a half at 198 my body dropped to 168 without me doing anything, but I've been hanging in the 160s for a while now, and I'm ready for that number to drop a bit more. Now I'm trying to get down to the 130 -140 range the healthy way; it's hard when I can't trust my own view of my body and I work in an industry that's "all pressure all the time" about body size, but I'm tough.

"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination." -Nelson Mandela



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Nah, I was a premie, so weighting in at 3lbs. 3oz. I had a lot to make up for. I was a skinny kid and would eat like it was going out of style. I gained weight in middle & high school and didn't really care for physical activity. I REALLY started eating like crap in college, one or two meals a day, fast food or gas station burritos, that kinda thing. Then I got on a diet with my mom and dropped a lot of weight down to 205... then got off the wagon a couple of years later and steadily gained weight again till 2010 I was 289lbs. I've been working to get it down again, down to 260 lbs.

Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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I've basically always been just a little overweight. A little more so before my height started catching up to my weight, but even after that, yes, somewhat. But NerdFitness has gotten me the best-looking I've ever been, and I have even better looks to look forward to. Yay!

Level 4 AssassinStr 8.50, Dex 7.25, Sta 6.75Con 6.00, Wis 8.00, Cha 6.00

My tumblrtumblr for silly band names

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If I would have come here 30 years ago I would have been an elf. Could and did eat anything and never gained weight. I was in super good shape -- I used to run, swim, go to multiple jazzercise classes a week, lifted weights, etc.

I got postpartum depression after my twins were born almost 18 years ago (after I lost the pregnancy weight) and that was that. I have never been able to lose the weight since. I'm hoping this time will be what does it. :)

Anduril, level 3 human adventurer

(ranger wannabe)
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 3.5 | CON 6.5 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5

Intro thread | Daily Journal
Top weight 211, currently 184, goal weight 150 (5' 8-1/2")

Life has no remote; you have to get up and change it yourself.

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I was also a skinny kid until around age 9? Then ballooned up, seemingly for no reason... at the same time, I suppose it was about the same time I started being ostracized by peers for being 'the smart kid'

That's right about how I was. Up until 3rd grade-ish, I was super skinny. That year, I switched schools from private Christian school to public schools and got ostracized as "the smart one." Not long after that, I started gaining fat. By the end of high school, I hit my max at somewhere between 400 and 450 pounds. Since then I've slowly lost weight through no special reasoning until about a year ago when I've started occasionally exercising and when I switched to paleo in March, I started losing weight at a good pace and am finally down to (as of today) 193 pounds.

So, I'm no longer technically overweight, as I've reached my target weight. But I am still overly fat.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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I've always been "chubby." I used to be active, but I ate like crap so I never lost any weight. I weighed around 175 pretty much for all of high school and college (I'm 5'7") until I got up to just under 200 at the beginning of year. I started eating a little less Taco Bell and drinking a little less pop and got back to 175 without really trying. And in the month and change since I've started exercising and eating slightly better (I still wouldn't consider it good), I'm done to almost 160. If I actually get myself to start eating Paleo for decent stretches without adding in a cheat meal every couple days I feel like I'll get down to the body I would like.

Level 3 Ranger

STR: 6 | DEX: 3 | STA: 9 | CON: 4 | WIS: 6 | CHA: 5


Current Challenge

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I didn't really start to get really chubby until junior year in high school. My boyfriend at the time did all sorts of bike races and ate tons of food and I basically ate what he ate. I went from 140 to 170 (I am 5'4") over the course of that year, but I managed to maintain my weight till I was 20. I moved from California to Colorado to be with my then fiance (now husband) and again it was eating like the boys (and working a sedentary job) that caused me to gain weight. I was somewhere around 200lbs when I ended up with a blood clot in my lung and had to be hospitalized for 8 days. After I got out of the hospital I couldn't do anything, I could barely walk 20 feet without having to stop. In the 6 months that I was out of comission I had gone from 212 (hospital weight) to nearly 250lbs... Yeah, so fast forward a couple years. I am sick of being heavy so I decided to take charge. I restricted calories, exercised liked crazy, and low and behold over the course of a year I lost 80lbs! I was so inspired that I decided to go to school and become a personal trainer... Two years, a degree, and the return of those 80 lbs (minus the 20 I lost doing Atkins this year before I switched to primal) here I am today.

TL;DR Got fat, lost weight, gained it back, trying to lose it again.

Level 2 Hobbit Adventurer
STR: 6 | DEX: 3.8 | CON: 5.95 | STA: 5.9 | WIS: 7.6 | CHA: 4

My Intro Post | My Battle Log | My First Challenge | My Second Challenge
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." --T.S. Eliot

ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

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Chunky kid, to the point that when I was five my parents got me a shirt that said "TANK". I would eat more than the grownups, at every meal. Early elementary, I was quite an athlete, but when I did not make track and field one year due to failing the ONLY ENTRANCE TEST because the fucking douche tripped me, I got bored with sports and spent all my time inside reading and watching TV. Got bigger. Late in high school I worked out a lot, got weights and a punching bag, got in pretty good shape. Got out on my own, dropped out of college, got my girlfriend pregnant, and gained close to 100 lbs in 2 years. Been fat ever since (but I've lost 80 pounds from my peak so far!)

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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I'm a girl, but at birth I was larger and heavier than an average BOY. (my cousin (girl) and I are a month apart in birth, but when you see pictures of us together as babies, I'm this super giant 8D)

That never really changed I guess. I've always been tall, but only when puberty came around have I been overweight.

Working out was never really on my list of things to do. Sure I did sports, but either I didn't like it, or I was bullied into quitting. (mostly the latter... and I tried many sports :| )

Only since finding NF have I been working out consistently :)

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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I have always been overweight. I was never super obese or anything; just chubby and a bit bigger than the other kids. It was a constant source of ridicule from my grandmother and some kids in school. I never liked sports (I was an artsy kid) and while I enjoyed healthy food, I think my portions were just too large.

Mgn, level 1 Satyr adventurerSTR 2 | DEX 1STA 1 | CON 3WIS 5 | CHA 3"'I wanna be this, I wanna be that'... well then grab your f**king nuts and BE IT!"

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When I was a little kid, I was not overweight. But i can remember being the chubby kid starting in about 5th or 6th grade. And I was that guy for about 20 years. But NO MORE I say!

Lvl 8 Half-Orc Warrior
STR: 25 | DEX: 11.75 | STA: 9.75
CON: 13.5 | WIS: 10.75 | CHA: 3

Challenge | DAI-GURREN | Stop Smoking

You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding. - TMBG

Pay the Iron Price. - Balon Greyjoy

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I wasn't overweight as a kid, but gained quite a bit in high school (pop, chips, candy, etc). I think my heaviest at that time was around 180-185. Kind of went up and down for several years after graduation. Went through EMT training about 8 years ago and lost around 20lbs from the stress. Now my weight is climbing back up and I'm almost 200lbs. Never been that heavy and it's really starting to take a toll on me (lethargy, sore joints).

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Was skinny-fat all through high school (at 6'5" 190lbs)...then added the freshman 60 (:)) and fluctuated between 230lbs-250lbs for a few years...with a very high body fat (25%+). At the age of 25, I started eating healthier, controlling portion size, and working out (weights, although not on any particular program) - weight stabilized at around 230lbs, but with a slightly lower BF (22-23%).

About a year ago I started lifting more seriously (Starting Strength/StrongLifts styles), and paying even more attention to my diet - currently at 225 lbs with 18-19% BF.

What you do, and what you don't do, matters.

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Was skinny in high school (and all my life up to then) when I was a swimmer, although always felt "chubby" 'cause I was taller and not as stick-shaped as some of my friends, which looking back is hilarious because I looked amazing and was actually quite thin. Stopped swimming, kept eating, got depressed, gained 100lbs through college...

LVL 1 - Human Adventurer - STR 1.0 | DEX 3.0 | STA 2.0 | CON 3.0 | WIS 5.5 | CHA 4.5

Challenge | Intro | The Doctor's Companions | MyFitnessPal

Start: 260lbs (on 05/01/13) | Goals: 220lbs (by 09/30/14), 199lbs (by 12/31/14), 180lbs (by 05/06/15), 160lbs (by 10/31/15) | Current: 232.6lbs | Progress: -27.4lbs

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