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kzacher/Lesok's journal to defeat demons

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in bed by 10:20pm... didn't sleep much at all, but at least i was trying to rest lol



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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Still awesome dude! :)

thanks :) trying to be anyway :)

LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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10/14: striking class


warm up: 50 jumping jacks, 25 squats, 3 min shadow boxing


3 rounds of bag drills


12 rounds of lighting sparring (1.5 min rounds, switch partners, no rest)


4 rounds of light-moderate sparring (5 min rounds)


7 slant drills (hit bag as hard and fast as possible for 1 min-or less depending on coach- then rest for 10-20 seconds)


2 min work, 30 sec rest of the following

turkish get up(20 lb kettlebell)

squat jumps

100's(lay on back legs 6" off ground, head and shoulders off ground, arms straight by side raising and lowering)

kettlebell squats(30lbs)x2

bear crawls

everchanging elbow plank to push up plank

alternating hand kettlebell swings(15lbs)

turkish get ups(15lbs)

donkey kongs(squat jump knees to chest)

kettlebell swings(30lbs)

push up plank held as long as possible - 4 mins - personal best, though i feel like if i was fresh i could have gone much much longer. i haven't tried a timed plank in almost a year

gator crawls(similar to spidermans)



LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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Was feeling pretty crummy A's tired by the time I got off work. Stayed late, so chose to come home...then threw my diet out the window for the night. Smh

LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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Was feeling pretty crummy A's tired by the time I got off work. Stayed late, so chose to come home...then threw my diet out the window for the night. Smh


Don't sweat it man.  One day ain't gonna kill ya.  As long as it doesn't turn into 2 days, or 3 days, etc.  I had a similar thing happen yesterday too.  My foot was still bothering me a little, so I chose to give it more time to rest instead of going into the gym as planned.  Sucks, but it does help us appreciate those really good days too.  

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Been holding my self back for a while, but since diet is discussed, it finally feels appropriate to leave this here

Haha I love cooking hostile

P.s. never hold yourself back

LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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Don't sweat it man. One day ain't gonna kill ya. As long as it doesn't turn into 2 days, or 3 days, etc. I had a similar thing happen yesterday too. My foot was still bothering me a little, so I chose to give it more time to rest instead of going into the gym as planned. Sucks, but it does help us appreciate those really good days too.

Yeah, it's really easy to let it snowball outta control....I'm scheduled to start my 24 hour cheat tomorrow at 9 pm...

LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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10/16: striking class

Warm up ten minutes of jogging 6 mins jump rope.

5 min rounds - 6 rounds on heavy bag. 3 rounds sparring

15 1 min(speed rounds no breaks) sparring

Burn out drills 1 min 100% effort 15 seconds rest for ten mins

50round kicks on bag each leg. Same for front and side kicks

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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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been a strange week already. so i'm only planning to train for half of it.

saturday evening i was informed that one of my friends had passed away, and another had given birth. so i'm taking today and tomorrow off from training. my last week tasks will likely reflect that. but the main reason i'm taking tomorrow off???? to see these guys :)


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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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been a strange week already. so i'm only planning to train for half of it.

saturday evening i was informed that one of my friends had passed away, and another had given birth. so i'm taking today and tomorrow off from training. my last week tasks will likely reflect that. but the main reason i'm taking tomorrow off???? to see these guys :)


Sorry to hear your friend passed away.   :(  I'm sure that's rough.  Seems like a pretty crazy week.  And that band is pretty cool too.  Only like half a song in, but I like them so far!   I'm extremely picky of the lyrics I choose to listen to though, so we'll see about it.  So far "Deceiver of the gods" sounds like it's about Loki.  I wonder if these guys liked The Avengers.......

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Sorry to hear your friend passed away.   :(  I'm sure that's rough.  Seems like a pretty crazy week.  And that band is pretty cool too.  Only like half a song in, but I like them so far!   I'm extremely picky of the lyrics I choose to listen to though, so we'll see about it.  So far "Deceiver of the gods" sounds like it's about Loki.  I wonder if these guys liked The Avengers.......

thanks, yeah it's strange for sure. 

most of their albums are about Norse mythology. twilight of the thunder god is an amazing album too. 

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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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10/22 & 10/23

classes were a brutal mixture of grappling striking and body weight routines mixed with some med ball stuff. i took a bout a week off from the site, so i don't feel like listing it all but i'm definitely counting them as a win. 

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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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so, i've been meaning to update and what not, but haven't had the heart/drive. still been training though.


two of my friends and co-workers had twins early tuesday morning... on what should've been the happiest day of their lives, she passed away shortly after delivery. i'm posting a link to help my friend in his time of need. if you want to donate/share i thank you in advance. just trying to get the word further out there


LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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man, i never post here it seems.

i'll have to do better about that. i think i'll mostly only use this if i'm not participating in a challenge though. seems like a lot of double posting otherwise.

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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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in lieu of a challenge, i thought i'd resurrect this battle log to help me stay honest and consistent with my training as well as make sure i spend some time on here at least a few days a week. 


honestly, i've missed this place. A LOT. i'm not sure what compelled me to log back in last week, but i'd been thinking of all my friends on here for some time now. maybe a happy accident. who knows. the reality is, i started off very strong on the boards and stayed very consistent for the first year or so. around that time, life threw me some curve balls and i pulled the batman smoke screen disappearing act. 


when i returned, i think i was trying to be too many places at once on the boards while simultaneously trying to be too many places at once. not making that mistake again. with that said, no challenge for me this go around, and the next challenge we'll have to wait and see how it all pans out. for that reason, i'm not following a ton of threads, just kinda bouncing around and seeing where the winds take me.


to catch everyone up, life has changed a lot for me in my last absence, but i'm in a good place mentally i think. i now have 2 bands, Iron Shroud(which some of you had heard about the last time i was on the boards) which is a metal band. and KayFabe, which is a thrash/punk band(more to come on this later). that's all i'll really get into for now.


fitness wise, i've been able to get myself into pretty damn good shape since jan. but, some back story, June/July of 2020 i was very overweight (243 lbs of not much muscle), diagnosed as type 2 diabetic, cholesterol sky high, and high blood pressure. 


a few weeks ago, no diabetes, no high cholesterol, and perfect blood pressure. i'm now at 198 lbs - which is virtually the same as what my fighting weight was. 

sadly, my life in combat training and sports had to come to an end after several injuries and discovering i have mild scoliosis as well as degenerative disc disease. these things have also made me alter the way that i train overall. however, i refuse to give up on myself and will continue to do all i can to have a healthy lifestyle and improve my overall longevity and quality of life. 


i know that was a lot to digest, so i'll finally update this with my workouts thus far for the week. 


5.10: Back & Bi's

Machine low rows: 4 sets - drop sets only receive 10 sec rest between initial set and drop set(for all workouts)

10 reps at 90 lbs

10 reps at 80 lbs

10 reps at 80 lbs - drop set 20 reps 60 lbs

10 reps at 70 lbs - drop set 20 reps 50 lbs - drop set 10 reps 50 lbs


seated cable row: 4 sets

10 reps at 140 lbs

10 reps at 160 lbs

10 reps at 120 lbs - drop set 20 reps 90 lbs

10 reps at 100 lbs - drop set 20 reps 80 lbs - 10 reps 80 lbs


chest supported dumbbell row: 4 sets

10 reps at 50 lbs

10 reps at 40 lbs

10 reps at 30 lbs - drop set 20 reps 20 lbs

10 reps at 30 lbs - drop set 20 reps 20 lbs - 10 reps 20 lbs 


Lat pull downs: 4 sets

10 reps at 115 lbs

10 reps at 115 lbs

10 reps at 115 lbs - drop set 20 reps 85 lbs

10 reps at 90 lbs - drop set 20 reps 70 lbs - 10 reps 70 lbs


spider cable curls: 4 sets

10 reps at 100 lbs

10 reps at 95 lbs

10 reps at 85 lbs - drop set 20 reps 65 lbs

10 reps at 80 lbs - drop set 20 reps 65 lbs - 10 reps 65 lbs


high pully cable curls: 4 sets

10 reps at 20 lbs

10 reps at 15 lbs

10 reps at 15 lbs - drop set 20 reps 10 lbs

10 reps at 15 lbs - drop set 16 reps 10 lbs - 10 reps 10 lbs


5.11: Shoulders and tri's

chest supported rear delt raises: 4 sets - drop sets only receive 10 sec rest between initial set and drop set(for all workouts)

10 reps at 20 lbs

10 reps at 20 lbs

10 reps at 20 lbs - drop set 20 reps 10 lbs

10 reps at 20 lbs - drop set 16 reps 10 lbs - 10 reps 10 lbs


machine incline shoulder press: 4 sets

10 reps at 70 lbs

10 reps at 80 lbs

10 reps at 80 lbs - drop set 20 reps 50 lbs

10 reps at 70 lbs - drop set 15 reps 40 lbs - 10 reps 50 lbs


dumbbell lat raises: 4 sets

10 reps at 20 lbs

10 reps at 20 lbs

10 reps at 20 lbs - drop set 20 reps 10 lbs

10 reps at 15 lbs - drop set 20 reps 10 lbs - 10 reps 15 lbs


upright rows: 4 sets

10 reps at 60 lbs

10 reps at 70 lbs

10 reps at 60 lbs - drop set 20 reps 40 lbs

10 reps at 50 lbs - drop set 20 reps 40 lbs - 10 reps 40 lbs


tri cable press downs: 4 sets

10 reps at 40 lbs

10 reps at 50 lbs

10 reps at 50 lbs - drop set 20 reps 40 lbs

10 reps at 50 lbs - drop set 20 reps 40 lbs - 10 reps 40 lbs


reverse grip tri push downs

10 reps at 30 lbs

10 reps at 40 lbs

10 reps at 30 lbs - drop set 20 reps 20 lbs

10 reps at 30 lbs - drop set 20 reps 20 lbs - 10 reps 20 lbs


lying cable tri ext:

10 reps at 35 lbs

10 reps at 35 lbs

10 reps at 35 lbs - drop set 20 reps 25 lbs

10 reps at 30 lbs - drop set 20 reps 20 lbs - 10 reps 20 lbs

  • Like 2

LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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4 minutes ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Again, good to have you back, brother. Sorry to read about all the health stuff, but you bossed it alright. Also, standing by to hear more about KayFabe ;)

i have a feeling you'll absolutely love it. or the idea of it anyway. you were one of the first folks i wanted to tell about it. just have been kinda quiet about it all around until we were ready to start doing things... which we're about to do. so socials and the like will be up soon

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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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Welcome back dude! 


I had a friend who I used to do Crossfit with years back. He was amazing one of the most driven people. Then he found out about some conditions he had. He pretty much had to stop Crossfit on the spot. It was crazy to me. I went over to his house to put some vinyl on his motorcyle and had a beer with him and chatted. He was happy and laughing and I asked him how he was doing. And he said that while it upset him at first he knew it was something he couldn't change. He could get pissed off or he could find something he could do and devote himself to that. It was an incredible mindshift that goes to show you that just because you have to step away from one thing it simply means an opportunity opens up elsewhere!

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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53 minutes ago, cn3wton said:

Welcome back dude! 


I had a friend who I used to do Crossfit with years back. He was amazing one of the most driven people. Then he found out about some conditions he had. He pretty much had to stop Crossfit on the spot. It was crazy to me. I went over to his house to put some vinyl on his motorcyle and had a beer with him and chatted. He was happy and laughing and I asked him how he was doing. And he said that while it upset him at first he knew it was something he couldn't change. He could get pissed off or he could find something he could do and devote himself to that. It was an incredible mindshift that goes to show you that just because you have to step away from one thing it simply means an opportunity opens up elsewhere!

100% true. admittedly, it is kind of a mind fuck at first. the docs and chiropractors agree that i'll likely have to have back surgery at some point in my life. but, the more active i can be now and do the right things to slow down these things, mean the longer i can go w/out having to have anything major. it also kind of explains why i was so injury prone during my training years ago. i had issues i wasn't aware of because they weren't really glaring at the time (as far as my spine goes). All of the other issues, i.e. weight/diabetes/bp/etc, were all a result of my own developed bad habits. i know i'm a monster when i'm motivated, but that same thing is true for anything damning i seem to do as well. all or nothing kinda guy if you will. 

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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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Looks like you've been through a fair bit mate, very impressive to make such a difference in your heath over the last year though.  Good to see you back on the boards!

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Big Show: Human Swift Hunter

Respawning. One day at a time.

Battle Log: Operation Wedding Suit - Take 2

Previous challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 

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15 minutes ago, Big_Show said:

Looks like you've been through a fair bit mate, very impressive to make such a difference in your heath over the last year though.  Good to see you back on the boards!

thanks brother. you seem to have been steadily kicking ass. at least, that's what i've seen on the gram and the catching up i've tried to do over the last several days on here. all 1 day at a time. 

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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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just occurred to me that i haven't mentioned my diet. posting  from the program i'm following showing next weeks macros

WEIGHT: 198 pounds
PROTEIN: 234g of lean protein per day. (1.18 g x lbs of body weight)
CARBS: 105g of starch carbs daily. (0.53 x lbs of body weight)


workout 5.12


lying leg curls:  4 sets - drop sets only receive 10 sec rest between initial set and drop set(for all workouts)

10 reps at 120 lbs

10 reps at 120 lbs

10 reps at 120 lbs - drop set 20 reps 75 lbs

10 reps at 105 lbs - drop set 20 reps 60 lbs - 10 reps 60 lbs


leg extensions:

10 reps at 135 lbs

10 reps at 150 lbs

10 reps at 150 lbs - drop set 20 reps 105 lbs

10 reps at 135 lbs - drop set 20 reps 90 lbs - 10 reps 90 lbs


Leg press

10 reps at 225 lbs

10 reps at 225 lbs

10 reps at 225 lbs - drop set 20 reps 190 lbs

10 reps at 225 lbs - drop set 20 reps 190 lbs - 10 reps 190 lbs


machine squat press

10 reps at 245 lbs

10 reps at 245 lbs

10 reps at 245 lbs - drop set 20 reps 225 lbs

10 reps at 245 lbs - drop set 20 reps 225 lbs - 10 reps 225 lbs


20 mins on bike

  • Like 2

LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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I was just discussing something similar to "all or nothing". 


It seems people have a tendency to define themselves in particular ways. For instance a fat person is fat and thats how they define themselves. Then they start losing weight and suddenly they are the person pushing to lose weight. Then they find something like crossfit and they identify as the crazy no holds barred workout addict in the family. At least thats my story. Once you feel that you arent that thing you drop it and it becomes so hard to identify as that again. At least from my and my friends experience. 


Brains are wierd.

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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