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Episode IV: A New Hope

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Backstory here in the Respawn forum.


Current gameplan:


  1. Food: Eating Paleo plus dairy and whey with 3 variances allowed per week.
  2. Drink: No caloric drinks except for milk in protein shakes and on variances.  Allowing zero calorie sweeteners (mostly saccharin). 
  3. Exercise: WODs 2x per week.  Strongman events and basement lifting as often as I can. 


Goals (fitness and otherwise, in order that I see them happening):


  1. Compete in Strongman.
  2. Drop 50lbs to 350 by my wedding (06/10/17).  Current: 398.6
  3. Ride a bull.
  4. Deadlift 500.  Current: 415
  5. Have a shoulder measurement that is larger than my chest measurement and a chest measurement that is larger than my waist measurement. 
  6. Buy me a little land out in the country and work on being my own boss.


What I can do currently (updated as I PR):



Back Squat: 160 (cut off for time)

Bench: 185

Deadlift: 415

Power Clean: 155x2

Log Press: 140

Yoke Run: 390

Atlas Stone: 160 (no tacky. soon it will be more.  oh yes, it will be more.)

Conan's Wheel: 400, one full rotation

Farmer Carry: 200/hand

Tire Flips: 500x8

Front Squats: TBD

Clean and Jerk:  TBD


For Time:

Continuous Plank: 31 secs

50 Burpees: TBD, cut off at 13 in 7 min

2 min HR Pushups: 35

2 min BF Situps: 32

2 min BW Squats: 50

1/2 mile run: 6:03

Mile run: TBD

20 Cal Row: TBD

50 Wallballs: TBD

50 Wallballs/50 HRPU: TBD



Lucky Number 7: 4 rounds

Ladder of Success: 2+10



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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Here and following for lots of awesome! :)

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Level 6 Pixie Assassin Rangerish Adventurer
Current Challenge: Guess What??
Previous Challenges:



1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 12th 13th 14th  Battle Log
-We can't always change the things we've done, but we can change what we do next.

-I don't have a choice. I deserve a better life and this is what I have to do to get there.
-Whatever doesn't kill me....Had better start running.


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Thanks Ash.  Happy to be back.


1st report:


Food:  Good except they cleaned out the fridge earlier in the day and threw out the lunch I had waiting in there.  Went and got a normal-sized meal so that was good.  Ordered tea with it so that was bad.  Other than that last drink though today was a success for food.


Lifting recap:


I'm planning on doing a 3x5 program so today was a fact finding mission for bench and overhead press to see where I'm at and where I should start.  I started low for both and just did 5 rep sets, increasing weight every set until I either failed to get 5 or it was very difficult to do so/form broke down.









I feel good about bench.  The bench we have is a little weird.  It's broken into two pieces and the butt part is wider than the back part so it affects my stability.  I believe I was just under 200 when I stopped lifting previously so I'll definitely take this as a good starting point.


Overhead Press (seated):







This was different.  I had always done OHP standing but my basement is only about 7' tall.   (I'm 6'4")  So that was out the window.  What I ended up doing was sitting backwards on my bench, lifting off to my chest/collarbones and starting from there. I put 115 on there and probably would have gotten it (have put up 135 a few times standing) but my balance was thrown off a bit and had to put it down on my thighs quickly to avoid going over backward.  It wasn't pleasant.   I'll start at 95x3x5 next week just to be careful and get used to seated presses.


Those two done I decided to do some arm work.  Because arms.


21s (barbell curls):






I couldn't think of much to do triceps with so I just grabbed a 25lb plate and tried doing seated overhead extensions with it.  That was pretty easy to moved it up to a 45:





Worked up a good sweat with all that and I'm feeling it in my arms now.  Going to try to take the dog for a walk tomorrow to finish off the week.  I already did the fact finding for deadlift (got 295 up 5 times, which is all the plates I own so we'll have address that in the next couple weeks) and BB Rows (I believe I got 165 up 5 times, I'll have to check my log) so next week we will be trying to get 3x5 in.


We won't talk about my lingering fear of squats or how I'm gonna take that whole situation super slow for now.


Overall a pretty good day.


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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Read your respawn post and looking forward to following along on your quest. Good luck!

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Level 21 Wood Elf Ranger


STR: 18  -  CON: 22  -  CHA: 11  -  SAN: 19  -  INT: 17


"Shit is going down, but I am not." - iatetheyeti

Don't say "I don't have enough time", say instead "that's not a priority right now" and see how that makes you feel.

Current Challenge: Get going!

External: Epic Quest - Instagram - Strava


Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Old Stuff: Battle Log - My Introduction - 2017 Road Map - 2018 Road Map - 2019 Road Map - 2021 Road Map - 2022 road map/wrap-up

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16 hours ago, Mark. said:

I already did the fact finding for deadlift (got 295 up 5 times, which is all the plates I own so we'll have address that in the next couple weeks)

Isn't it fun to have to buy more weights because you can lift everything you own? :D

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Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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3 hours ago, Why not? said:

Isn't it fun to have to buy more weights because you can lift everything you own? :D

 Good problem to have for sure!  Now to start prowling craigslist for some cheap plates.

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Daily recap:


Have done well on my food today. 


Rest day from lifting so I took the pup on a mile walk before work.


Gonna work on updating some short and long term goals as well as rewards I have planned for myself sometime later this afternoon.

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Couple major victories:


  1. Picked up the girlfriend from her friends' house after my shift yesterday and was offered a beer.  Declined!  Even though I could have used one.
  2. Free tortilla chips and guac in the break room last night.  Declined!  This has been a major issue as I work in management in a call center and it seems like someone is giving away garbage food every single day.  For example...
  3. One of my employees brought in two dozen donuts this morning.  Declined!  Eating a couple packets of low sugar oatmeal instead. 

Couple upcoming trials:


  1. Going out for drinks and dinner with my girlfriend tonight.  Will be the first night in several weeks we've had to ourselves.  Should be nice.  My plan of action:
    1. Order entree only.  No app, no desert.  I know that fills my current goals but I'm also planning on making a good choice like a grilled protein and veggies.
    2. Jack and diet coke.  Trying to stay away from beer while I get myself back on track.  Big part of the weight gain back is too much beer.  When you're 6'4" and over 400lbs, 10+ beers are necessary get actually get inebriated.
  2. Girlfriend's parents are taking us out to a fancy brunch buffet tomorrow after easter mass.  Buffets and I don't mix well.  Plan there is to load up one plate and be done.


I figured out a couple good rewards for me completing some goals:


There is a strongman gym in my town that I'd like to try so I think I'm going to keep my current baby-step goals for the next challenge and as long as I complete I will go check it out. 


The other reward would be a bullriding clinic in Wisconsin.  For the past two years I've been working part time on a family farm with bucking bulls/horses/a little bit of everything else farm related but I haven't been able to get on one as we don't have enough professionals at the farm to keep me safe when I fall off.  If I go to the clinic they've got bullfighters (rodeo clowns) whose job is to keep the bull distracted when you fall off.  I'd need to lose a significant amount of weight to do this one so I'm thinking of making it weight-loss goal related but not sure.  Any suggestions on the goal for this one would be much appreciated.


Wish me luck on my trial-filled weekend!

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Oh!  I'm also planning on changing my username and pic to someone that allows me more anonymity.  So if anyone following randomly sees posts coming up under a strange name it's likely me.

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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2 hours ago, Broba Fett said:

Couple major victories:


  1. Picked up the girlfriend from her friends' house after my shift yesterday and was offered a beer.  Declined!  Even though I could have used one.
  2. Free tortilla chips and guac in the break room last night.  Declined!  This has been a major issue as I work in management in a call center and it seems like someone is giving away garbage food every single day.  For example...
  3. One of my employees brought in two dozen donuts this morning.  Declined!  Eating a couple packets of low sugar oatmeal instead. 

Couple upcoming trials:


  1. Going out for drinks and dinner with my girlfriend tonight.  Will be the first night in several weeks we've had to ourselves.  Should be nice.  My plan of action:
    1. Order entree only.  No app, no desert.  I know that fills my current goals but I'm also planning on making a good choice like a grilled protein and veggies.
    2. Jack and diet coke.  Trying to stay away from beer while I get myself back on track.  Big part of the weight gain back is too much beer.  When you're 6'4" and over 400lbs, 10+ beers are necessary get actually get inebriated.
  2. Girlfriend's parents are taking us out to a fancy brunch buffet tomorrow after easter mass.  Buffets and I don't mix well.  Plan there is to load up one plate and be done.


I figured out a couple good rewards for me completing some goals:


There is a strongman gym in my town that I'd like to try so I think I'm going to keep my current baby-step goals for the next challenge and as long as I complete I will go check it out. 


First of all, great work with the self-control! I've had to learn to avoid donuts myself, the aftertaste always tastes like regret.


As far as the upcoming trials go, stay strong! Have you asked your girlfriend to help keep you accountable? That could be useful, since she'll be with you for both of those trials. From my own experience: I ordered an appetizer last night. Midway through the entree I regretted the appetizer. Think of that when you're ordering haha


Strongman is so much fun. That is an excellent reward.

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Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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1 hour ago, Why not? said:

First of all, great work with the self-control! I've had to learn to avoid donuts myself, the aftertaste always tastes like regret.

I can wreck me some donuts.  The girlfriend and her daughter introduced me to fresh-out-the-oil Krispy Kremes in the past couple months....




Once I get started I usually look up some time later surprised I've eaten a half dozen.

1 hour ago, Why not? said:

Have you asked your girlfriend to help keep you accountable?


Yep.  She's pretty damn good at it too.  The other night I was picking up an extra roll and she hit me with "I thought you wanted to ride a bull?".  (We had talked about that as a possible long term award.)  I was super butthurt but dropped the roll.  She's trying to get back on track as well (we both got "happy fat" over the past few months as she put it) and is setting her own goals so we are suffering together.


1 hour ago, Why not? said:


Strongman is so much fun. That is an excellent reward.


I'm stoked for it.  I have the right frame for it and I feel I'll do much better at events using my overall strength than any of my lifts indicate. 

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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1 hour ago, Broba Fett said:

I can wreck me some donuts.  The girlfriend and her daughter introduced me to fresh-out-the-oil Krispy Kremes in the past couple months....




Once I get started I usually look up some time later surprised I've eaten a half dozen.


Yep.  She's pretty damn good at it too.  The other night I was picking up an extra roll and she hit me with "I thought you wanted to ride a bull?".  (We had talked about that as a possible long term award.)  I was super butthurt but dropped the roll.  She's trying to get back on track as well (we both got "happy fat" over the past few months as she put it) and is setting her own goals so we are suffering together.



I'm stoked for it.  I have the right frame for it and I feel I'll do much better at events using my overall strength than any of my lifts indicate. 

Yeah, I have a huge sweet tooth. And I find that if I eat sugar, I just want more of it. In years past there have been times where I consumed a pound of fudge in a day. I can't get away with that anymore.


That's great! It's incredibly helpful to have your significant other going through the same journey that you are! Accountability and sharing of misery haha


You should check out Starting Strongman on Facebook. It's a great resource for athletes who are new to the sport of strongman.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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11 minutes ago, Why not? said:

You should check out Starting Strongman on Facebook. It's a great resource for athletes who are new to the sport of strongman.

"Liked".  I shall check it out when I get a minute.  Thank you sir.




Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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3 hours ago, Curl Brogo said:

Strongman stuff if fun. I've only done a few log and axle presses, and some atlas stones, but the implements are a blast to work with.

I'm pretty excited about it. One of the coaches there just won 3rd in her weight class at the Arnold Classic. 

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Yet another win for the night. Girlfriend and I decided to stay in for dinner so I pan-fried some delicious steaks and we had them with sweet potatoes and jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon. 


It was delicious and half of what we would have paid if we went out. 


If I don't log in tomorrow I hope everyone has a good Easter! 

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Happy Easter! Just ran across your respawn story - count me in for following and encouragement!


Keep up the good work. [emoji4]

Happy Easter to you as well. Thanks! I'll be sure to return the favor.

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Yesterday went well. Overate at the brunch buffet but rather than spiral into a black hole of guilt and chalk the day up as a loss and eat 6000 cals of garbage the rest of the day I stuck it out.

Got a good nap in and then went to the grocery store and stocked up on quality food

We then tag-teamed dinner (bomb ass peanut chicken with wheat soba (I think) noodles and steamed green beans) . Had just one plate and put the rest away for lunches this week.

Already got some curls in and hoping to start overcoming my squatphobia tonight after taking the future stepdaughter fishing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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2 minutes ago, Broba Fett said:

Yesterday went well. Overate at the brunch buffet but rather than spiral into a black hole of guilt and chalk the day up as a loss and eat 6000 cals of garbage the rest of the day I stuck it out.

Got a good nap in and then went to the grocery store and stocked up on quality food

We then tag-teamed dinner (bomb ass peanut chicken with wheat soba (I think) noodles and steamed green beans. Had just one plate and put the rest away for lunches this week.

Already got some curls in and hoping to start overcoming my squatphobia tonight after taking the future stepdaughter fishing.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Excellent. One of the keys to making a lifestyle change is being able to rebound when you miss on a goal. Resilience is key!


Yes, squatphobia must be overcome. It's easier to add more pounds of muscle to your lower body than your upper. More muscle mass requires more fuel, which results in more calories burned and greater long term weight loss. Also, squatting is awesome.

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Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Excellent. One of the keys to making a lifestyle change is being able to rebound when you miss on a goal. Resilience is key!


Yes, squatphobia must be overcome. It's easier to add more pounds of muscle to your lower body than your upper. More muscle mass requires more fuel, which results in more calories burned and greater long term weight loss. Also, squatting is awesome.

I agree with all of the above. My sciatic that is effed up on a squat over a year ago cries in the corner when it thinks of it though. [emoji19]

I'll deal. Just gonna start with the bar and see what feels good.

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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Oh also, super inspirational video to start the week:

My dirty little secret is that I really want to get strong and drop weight so I can be like that guy^

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Playing (Video Game): RDR2

DMing: Tyranny of Dragons.  First session 11/29.


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23 minutes ago, Broba Fett said:

Oh also, super inspirational video to start the week:


My dirty little secret is that I really want to get strong and drop weight so I can be like that guy^

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

I wish I could do some of that stuff haha


Also, I want that bar set-up.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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