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Hellooo *in Adele voice*

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Hello. Hi. Howdy. Why good evening/morning everyone. Hiya to each and every one of you.


Oops, guess I’m stalling. This is my second intro post, because the first one I got logged off as I was writing it, so I lost. IT. ALL.


Anyways, aloha all. I’m Torik. I’m hoping to get healthier and happier, which means shedding a lot of weight. But before we get to all those silly statistics, let me tell you what I’m up against in life. Because I want to go out of order. So there.


I played softball when I was younger. I was decently active, just eating things that were terrible for me. And I was decently good, even if I got hit in the eye with a softball (hey I still played the game too). Then I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter Disease. Now, simmer down folks, it’s not any scary disease. But that lump it mentions? Mine never went away. And my doctor essentially told me to stop doing things that may aggravate it. Thus ended my time of activity.


Now, I have been diagnosed with Depression. I don’t think anyone needs a link to understand what that is. I have no motivation to do anything. Getting out of bed is a big deal, let alone moving more than necessary. I’m working at getting more positive and more energy, but it takes a lot of time and effort.


I also have an issue with my back. Sure, it seems to possibly be linked with “That Time Of The Month”, but it could also be the tremendous extra amount of weight that I’m carrying around with me day in and out.


I bet you’re dying to hear the stats. So here’s a little list:
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 316lbs
Measurements: I dunno large I need to take these.


There are many reasons I continue to lose motivation. One of which is because the sister that lives closest to me, like a few miles away, is really into the “Body Positivity” movement. Now, I don’t mean the actual movement of accepting all bodies, but instead the type that puts down anyone looking to make their body better. This goes for the skinny folk as well as the larger ones. I say I want to get healthier, she goes on about loving your body as it is. My younger sister who is quite fit asks for recipes with protein powder. Older mentions a cookie recipe, Younger says no thanks too much sugar. Older goes off on loving your body and blah blah.


So the family I have close isn’t very supportive (though I will show her. I will drop much weight and look at her smug face and say “what was it you said about you and me never fitting into normal size clothes?”).


That in a nutshell is me. Oh, I’m also a writer, gamer, reader, would be crafter.


~ Tori


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Hi Torik!  You'll get so much support here to make up for what you aren't getting from family. You can love your body AND get healthier at the same time. 


Welcome to the rebellion!

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Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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Oh! It seems that I have written a message! How nice of you, hands

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Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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Hello! *waves*


im also new, maybe we can work together a bit, encourage each other :)

especially because I know very well how hard getting fit is when you're battling not only your body but also your mind. It's like fighting a huge boss and suddenly one of your comrades decides to turn against you (eff you, Dragon Age).


any ways. Do you know what kind of exercise you CAN do, despite the lump you still have? And what kind of eating habits do you have or want to have? Carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, umbravore (probably not this one...), paleo...?


also: imagine throwing pebbles at your sister. Or make some out of cotton balls. Always throw them when she gives "advices" like this and give pterodactyl screeches. She'll stop quickly :)

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Hello to all of you! Even @spookyfoot. ;)


@LadyShello Yeah, I've learned that my body is mine. Like it or not we need to live together. I may not like how my body looks, but it's mine and I need to protect it. So, I know that. And my sister says she loves her body, but eh. I won't question her ... to her face. Hehe.


@Hansjay I really appreciate the support. It's hard to keep going when I feel like the only one in my corner is me. I need to find buddies near me to go do things with. Even if it's just a short walk.


@Aetheriata Most definitely willing to help encourage people. I just need to understand these forums so I'm not posting in all the wrong places and doing everything wrong. I have a terrible fear of doing things wrong. OH AND ALSO, I'm terrible if I don't see things working. It's why I can clean a room all day and be fine, cause I'll see a difference. But I can't see the difference when I'm losing weight, especially if the scale has decided not to move.

I've gotten better about eating. I'm adding a lot of vegetables in. I want to stay fairly close to herbivore, but I know I need protein too. So I've been really upping my veggies.

I actually work with my sister. I can visualize throwing things at her quite well. Literally. I may need to do the pterodactyl screech though.

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@Torik Oh, I know those fears very well!

What if you use a measuring tape? Believe me, you'll see results there fast! It's a great motivator, because the scale and even pictures often don't cooperate...

Maybe try Eggs, nuts, and some chicken breast once a week for the protein? Or fish? You don't have to eat it every day after all :) 

Good luck with your sister! Try practicing your screech, it will throw her off, definitely :D 

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Hi there! Fellow anxious person who is afraid to post/do things wrong- don't worry people don't mind here, I've loosened up a lot thanks to these forums and I hope they do the same for you :)


Also, I'm all about body positivity...but not the way it's practiced by some. Unfortunately sounds like you have to deal with the 'some' frequently, I'm sorry :( I'm all about loving who you are but loving the things you can get yourself to do, with persistence and gumption it's amazing what we can accomplish! 


For the seeing things working part- I used to yoyo diet like a mad man because I wanted results YESTERDAY.....it just never worked out well. I had a hard time coming to terms with the process and days where I pushed myself to do stuff and felt like I wasn't doing anything so why on earth should I keep making it harder on myself? All I can say is keep going, you got this. That feeling never goes away and follows you around on all of your goals, but in the end defeating those voices and those doubts are the hardest and most rewarding points in life. 


Lastly, you are not the only one in your corner, you ever want to rant, need advice or words of encouragement shoot me a message, I live through my email so I'll bounce a response back pretty quickly. Excited to see you set some goals up and crush them :D 



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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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@Aetheriata My mom actually sent me down a measuring tape. So I have one. It's a matter of getting into the habit of using that instead of the scale. Which feels easier than trying to wrap things around me. But definitely a possibility I need to investigate.


Chicken is actually what I use now. Adding in eggs would definitely not be that big a deal. As long as I wake up early enough to cook them. But that should hopefully be changing once I get enough sleep at night.


Thanks! Love her to pieces, but what is best for her is not what is best for me most of the time.


@Slates It's a pretty big issue with me. More than I normally let on. Like I go to take my sleeping meds, and my boyfriend asks "you're taking your meds already?" And I feel like I'm taking them at the wrong time, so I stop. And then he as to say it was just a question. It's very annoying. But my brain just ... can't handle it.


Yeah, she's very much "my opinion is right" while pretending not to be. It's annoying but that's who she is. And I'll just have a bit more glory when I prove to her that I can lose weight, and be healthy and look awesome.


Truth. I need to mentally understand one mistake won't ruin me, deciding to screw everything else after will. So annoying, but I need to work on it.


I've been needing to find a group of people where I can make friends that will encourage me. Spooks has been pretty damn amazing. And I'm glad I decided to finally make a forum account here.

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@Torik I only use it once a month, but it's pretty handy. But I also use the scale daily (point of frustration, but I can't stop it). Good luck with it though :)   


Or you cook them in the evening and it the hard cooked eggs in the morning? That's what I do when I have to get up early :)


Family is like that, sadly.

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@Aetheriata Right? The scale is an evil mastermind. Because it gives you a number. Eh. *shrug* I've gotten into the habit of weighing myself less at least. Re: Eggs- I'm usually a scrambled egg fan. Or deviled. Hard boiled isn't often my style, but I may try it again. And yes, family is ... family.


@Slates I do love me some vanilla greek yogurt. And hummus with my carrots. I have to find a way to like beans. The texture makes me squeamish.

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I would tag, too, if I could figure out how XD 


yeah, it kinda is. But, well, the green ones are still out there XD 

Like this? Basically you just tap the message (if you are on your tab) or click the reply button (on the computer. I think it's underneath the message bubble somewherw, you know? I think it looks like an arrow or maybe a message bubble, idk)

Oh! It seems that I have written a message! How nice of you, hands

Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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