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Health Trends Gone Mad

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I glanced at my shampoo bottle while showering this morning. In addition to being sulphate and paraben free, it also proudly declares itself "Gluten-Free". WTF? In case I'm a celiac with a fetish for drinking shampoo?


Anyone else notice any slightly ridiculous health advertising?

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Current Challenge: The Cliffs of Insanity  Previous Challenges: #1#2, #3#4#5#6, #7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16#17#18#19#20#21#22, #23, #24, #25, #26#27#28#29#30#31#32#33#34#35

Battle Log: Operation Fly-By-Night

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”

― Neil Gaiman

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It's a cheap advertising sentence. It's better to write "Gluten free" or "Toxic waist free" on it rather than "completely normal shampoo" or even worse, nothing at all. At least in this case it is true.


11 hours ago, calanthrophy said:

I always thought it was funny that Peanut M&Ms say on the package "Warning: may contain peanuts" and Soy Sauce bottles say "Warning: contains soy."


It is an allergen so it has to be labeled as such. Also, there is also ketchup that does not contain any tomatoes, so why not Soy Sauce without Soy. It might sound funny, but here it actually makes sense.


14 hours ago, Damaramu said:

I always get annoyed when they advertise pasta, cookies, raisin bran, etc as "NO FAT!" or "LOW FAT!"


No shit!? You didn't create this pasta with lard?


But fat is bad! So I immediately know that I can eat all the cookies/pasta without a bad feeling and without gaining any fat.

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While shopping for dinner last thanksgiving, I found a ham proudly labeled as "gluten free" for a ~50% markup...


As someone who knows what gluten is, I bought the cheaper cut. :playful:

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Anim07734; God of Death in Training

Tiefling Assassin and Artificer


Maxim 70: Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do.

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On 7/18/2016 at 7:57 AM, Anim07734 said:

While shopping for dinner last thanksgiving, I found a ham proudly labeled as "gluten free" for a ~50% markup...


As someone who knows what gluten is, I bought the cheaper cut. :playful:


Man they're really making you earn those discounts! That's pretty amazing. I guess in THEORY you could find a ham with a glaze on it that includes flour as a thickener... seems like a bit of a stretch. Marketing people get paid a lot, though, so maybe that's more a reflection of the target population being expected to automatically prefer "gluten-free" options. Utter nonsense. 



On 7/14/2016 at 8:06 PM, Sjard said:
On 7/14/2016 at 8:39 AM, calanthrophy said:

I always thought it was funny that Peanut M&Ms say on the package "Warning: may contain peanuts" and Soy Sauce bottles say "Warning: contains soy."


It is an allergen so it has to be labeled as such. Also, there is also ketchup that does not contain any tomatoes, so why not Soy Sauce without Soy. It might sound funny, but here it actually makes sense.


It should just say "contains peanuts." The "may" is the issue here -- both in terms of logic and for the sake of properly labelling allergens. I suppose M&Ms is concerned that a regular M&M will get mixed in with the peanut ones and someone will complain "The label said 'contains peanuts!' This one doesn't have a peanut!" 


As far as soy sauce goes, there's a lot of misinformation about what it's really made of -- for example, the rumor that most low-qualify soy sauce in America is made from wheat, not soy. (Most soy sauces are made from a mixture of soybeans and wheat! But gluten is undetectable in the end product, so it can avoid the labels "warning: contains gluten" and "warning: contains wheat" because the allergic component goes away with fermentation.) 


My favorite warning is "product may be very hot after heating." 

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In the case of gluten/wheat:


1. For the shampoo, it could simply be because some people have a reaction through touch. I don't know about shampoo so much, but if I so much as touch flour, my skin has a nasty and painful reaction which I imagine would be hideously painful on the scalp. I haven't heard about these ingredients commonly being in shampoo, but it could just be a way of saying it isn't processed with products that do contain those ingredients so people with severe sensitivities don't have to worry. Plus, of course, it probably does have a lot to do with marketing as well since so many people associate 'gluten-free' with 'better/healthier' and whatnot.


2. For the ham, and really all meat products, I've been operating under the assumption that when they're labeled 'gluten-free' or whatnot, it has to do with what the animal itself was fed? But that could simply be ignorance on my part and I'm probably wrong.


But it does annoy me how the allergies and intolerances are so 'popular' right now that they've become a marketing trend. Makes me feel like a faker.

Matthew 25:34-40

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I found this immensely helpful list of definitions:



Animal Welfare Approved


Independent third-party certification. Animals are raised outdoors on pasture or range on true family farms with the “most stringent” welfare standards according to the World Society for the Protection of Animals in both 2008 and 2009 reports. The standards are developed in collaboration with scientists, veterinarians, researchers and farmers and incorporate best practice and recent research. Annual audits by experts in the field cover birth to slaughter. Species include beef cattle, dairy cattle, pigs, poultry (chicken, turkey and duck), sheep, goats, rabbits and bison. (AWA)

Beyond Organic


When the US government officially approved standards for organic food, a number of farmers dropped their organic certification because they felt the organic label had been co-opted by big business, and there was a burdensome amount of paperwork that they could not keep up with. Many of these farmers raise their animals and crops using methods that are even stricter than the USDA organic standards. There has been an effort to categorize these farmers, so some people are now calling these types of farms “Beyond Organic”.



This holistic method of agriculture is certified by a third-party agency and is based on the philosophy that all aspects of the farm should be treated as an interrelated whole. Having emerged as the first non-chemical agricultural movement approximately 20 years before the development of “organic” agriculture, biodynamics has now spread throughout the world. Biodynamic farmers work in harmony with nature and use a variety of techniques, such as crop rotation and on-farm composting, to foster a sustainable and productive environment.

Cage Free


This term is most often applied to egg laying hens, not to poultry raised for meat. As the term implies, hens laying eggs labeled as “cage-free” are raised without using cages, but almost always live inside barns or warehouses. This term does not explain if the birds had any access to the outside, whether any outside area was pasture or a bare lot, or if they were raised entirely indoors in overcrowded conditions. Beak cutting is permitted. No independent third party verification. (AWA)



Conventional refers to standard agricultural practices that are widespread in the industry. It can (but does not necessarily) include the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, “mono-cropping,” feedlot and confinement systems, antibiotics, hormones and other chemical approaches. Conventional farming in the U.S. may also include the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). (AWA)

COOL Labeling


The Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) program is neither a food safety or traceability program but rather a consumer information program. Food products, both imported and domestic, must meet the food safety standards of USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The COOL law requires retailers to notify their customers of the country of origin for all commodities covered under this law. Foods that must be labeled with their country of origin are:
• Muscle cuts of beef (including veal), lamb, pork, goat, and chicken
• Ground beef, ground lamb, ground pork, ground goat, and ground chicken
• Farm raised fish and shellfish
• Wild fish and shellfish
• Perishable agricultural commodities
• Peanuts, pecans and macadamia nuts
• Ginseng

Fair Trade Certified


Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers, and enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives. (AWA)

Free Range/Roaming


Defined for poultry meat only. In order to use “free roaming” or “free range” on a poultry meat label the producer must demonstrate to the USDA that poultry have access to the outdoors. However, the type of outdoor access provided (such as pasture or dirt lot), the length of time animals are required to have outdoor access, and how this is verified is not legally defined, and therefore varies greatly from facility to facility. There is no guarantee that birds actually go outside. When used to describe laying hens and other animals, the terms “free range” and “free roaming” are not legally defined at all, and there is no requirement to demonstrate that birds and animals have even had access to the outside, let alone any reference to other management practices. No independent third party verification. (AWA)




Genetically engineered or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants and animals whose genetic make-up has been altered to exhibit traits that they would not normally have, like longer shelf-life, a different color, or resistance to certain chemicals or pests. In general, genes are taken (copied) from one organism that displays the desired trait and transferred into the genetic code of another organism. There are significant concerns about the environmental impact of GM crops. Genetic modification is currently allowed in conventional farming and foods which contain GMO do not have to be labeled. The USDA also does permit the labeling of animal products from non-genetically modified animals, meaning the consumer has no way of knowing whether they are consuming products from genetically modified animals. (AWA)

To ensure you're eating GMO free foods, look for the USDA certified organic label or the Non-GMO project verified seal.


Grain Fed/Grain finished


Implies animals were fed grain exclusively or as a supplement to a forage diet. Not verified and not necessarily a positive claim in terms of welfare or meat quality.
Grain fed implies that birds were fed a vegetarian diet without actually specifying it. (AWA)

Grass Fed



100% of the diet of grass-fed animals consists of freshly grazed pasture during the growing season and stored grasses (hay or grass silage) during the winter months or drought conditions.

This term refers only to the diet of cattle, sheep, goats, and bison. It does not indicate if an animal has been given access to pasture, or if it has been raised in a feedlot and/or given antibiotics or hormones. The USDA definition goes on to state that “if for environmental or health of the animal reasons supplementation can be used if the producer logs the type and amount.” Hence, feedlot cattle could be fed harvested forage and supplements, antibiotics and synthetic hormones and still bear the USDA grassfed label. The American Grassfed Association (AGA) has an independent third party certification program available to ranchers. The AGA certified program is recognized by FSIS (the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service) and verifies a 100 percent forage diet, raised on pasture that has a minimum of 75 percent cover, no confinement, no antibiotics and no added hormones. Meat purchasers seeking truly grassfed meat should source AGA certified products. (AWA)




Heirloom crop varieties, also called farmers' varieties or traditional varieties, is a term used for unique plant varieties which are genetically distinct from the commercial varieties popularized by industrial agriculture. Heirloom varieties have been developed by farmers through years of cultivation, selection and seed saving, and passed down through generations. Generally speaking, heirlooms are varieties that have been in existence for a minimum of 50 years. Note, however, that this term does not refer to any specific farming practices, such as pesticide or fertilizer use. No independent third party verification. (AWA)



No legal or regulated definition. Heritage foods are derived from traditional breeds of livestock and crops that were bred over time so that they are well-adapted to local environmental conditions and can resist local disease, for example. Heritage livestock breeds generally have slow growth rates and are well-suited for grazing on pasture. However, the term “heritage” does not guarantee that animals were raised outdoors and is not independently verified. (AWA)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)


Strategies aiming to reduce the use of chemical pesticides through careful monitoring for actual pest threats. Pesticides are applied in ways to pose the least possible hazard, and are used as a last resort when other controls are found inadequate. (FMC)



Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to radiant energy in order to reduce or eliminate bacteria, therefore making it more resistant to spoilage. Food is most often irradiated commercially to reduce the numbers of pathogenic microorganisms, to extend shelf-life, or to eliminate insect pests. Food that has been irradiated must either have “irradiated” as part of the product name or be labeled with the claim “treated with irradiation” or “treated with radiation” and also display the Radura symbol. The FDA requires labeling on whole irradiated fruits and vegetables. However, the FDA does not require the “treated with irradiation” label on processed foods made with irradiated ingredients or on spices.  The USDA’s rules regarding labeling of irradiated foods are similar to the FDA’s regulations, but only apply to meat and poultry. However, unlike the FDA, the USDA requires that irradiated meat ingredients in multi-ingredient products, such as sausages, must be listed in the ingredients on the package. (AWA)

Local/Locally Grown


Food and other agricultural products that are produced, processed and sold within a certain region, whether defined by distance, state border or regional boundaries. The term is, however, unregulated at the national level, meaning that individuals can define and regulate the term based on their own mission and circumstances. (AWA)




A product containing no artificial ingredient or added color and is only minimally processed (a process which does not fundamentally alter the raw product) may be labeled natural. The label must explain the use of the term natural (such as - no added colorings or artificial ingredients; minimally processed).

As defined by the USDA, the term applies only to how meat from the animal is processed after it has been slaughtered. It is important to note that this commonly used term is used for meat or livestock products it does not refer in any way to how an animal was raised, so the farming system may have involved feedlot and confinement systems or the routine use of antibiotic growth promoters, for example. No third party verification. (AWA)


No Antibiotics


Defined by the USDA. The terms “no antibiotics added” may be used on labels for meat or poultry products if sufficient documentation is provided by the producer to the Agency demonstrating that the animals were raised without antibiotics. Antibiotics are given to animals, such as cattle, hogs, sheep, and chickens, to prevent or manage diseases. Although the USDA is accountable for proper use of these claims, there is no verification system in place. (AWA)

No Hormones Added or Administered



The term “no hormones administered” may be approved for use on the label of beef products if sufficient documentation is provided to the Agency by the producer showing no hormones have been used in raising the animals. Hormones are commonly used in the commercial farming of animals such as cattle to speed the growth rate or to increase milk production.

Hormones are not allowed in raising hogs or poultry. Therefore, the claim “no hormones added” cannot be used on the labels of pork or poultry unless it is followed by a statement that says “Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones.” (AWA)


No Nitrates/Nitrites


Nitrites are commonly used to preserve meat and prevent the development of botulism food poisoning. However, some studies have linked the high intake of nitrites to an increased risk of stomach and pancreatic cancer. It is worth noting that some cured meat and bacon that is sold with the label “no nitrates added” has been cured with ingredients such as celery powder which is high in nitrates. (AWA)

No routine antibiotic use


Antibiotics were not given to the animal to promote growth or to prevent disease, but may have been administered if the animal became ill.



All products sold as “organic” must meet the USDA National Organic Program production and handling standards. Certification is mandatory for farmers selling more than $5,000 of organic products per year, and is verified by an accredited certifying agency. In general, organic production limits the use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other inputs. However, it does not strictly define production practices related to space per animal or outdoor access requirements – for example, confinement areas are permitted to fatten organic beef cattle. (AWA)



In general, pasturing is a traditional farming technique where animals are raised outdoors in a humane, ecologically sustainable manner and eat foods that nature intended them to eat. Animals are raised on pasture rather than being fattened on a feedlot or in a confined facility. Note this term is not regulated.

Pesticide free/no spray


Implies that no pesticide residue can be found on the crop. It does not address if pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides were applied at other points in production. No independent third party verification. (AWA)



This term refers to foods, such as milk, cheeses, cider, vinegar, sauerkraut, or almonds, that have not been pasteurized (heat treated) to a minimum of 145°F. No independent third party verification. (AWA)

rBGH/rBST free


rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin) and rGBH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) are hormones used to boost milk production in dairy cattle and have been found to leave residue in the milk. This claim is not verified. (AWA)



Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food that is healthy for consumers and animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers, respects animals, provides a fair wage to the farmer, and supports and enhances rural communities.

Third party certified (or verified)


Food inspected by a company operating independently of the producer or distributor. The third party certification company confirms the legitimacy of claims made by food producers and distributors, thus ensuring that the food labels are meaningful. Organic and Biodynamic Certified are examples of third-party certification. Next to knowing your farmer or butcher, this is the most reliable way to trust the meat you're eating.

Vegetarian Fed


Animals have been fed a diet free of animal products. This does not mean animals were raised outdoors on pasture or were fed a 100 percent grassfed diet. No independent third party verification. (AWA)



I've seen "vegetarian fed" eggs in Walmart, but I never took the time to look up what it meant (although I admit, I wasn't surprised by the answer). After a little more research, it seems the idea behind feeding chickens vegetarian feed is to avoid the potential health problems that can come from animal byproducts. Sounds great... except the chickens on a vegetarian diet aren't necessarily treated any better; mostly, it's a marketing strategy to appeal to the average consumer's idea that "vegetarian" = "healthier". My store used to carry a brand, the Happy Egg Co, which I was willing to pay extra for... then I discovered that a coworker has chickens, so now I buy eggs from him instead. Weirdly, I feel guilty that my money isn't going towards supporting the chickens living in an (albeit, wonderfully naturalized) institution. Anyone else feel that way sometimes?

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Evicious, Khajjit Ranger STR 7 | DEX 13 | STA 3 | CON 6 | WIS 16 | CHA 4

Current 4WC: Evicious: The Unburdening II + Blitz Week!

Fitocracy! I Play To Win!

Keep up the momentum!

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On 29/07/2016 at 11:32 AM, Evicious said:

I found this immensely helpful list of definitions:


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Animal Welfare Approved

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Independent third-party certification. Animals are raised outdoors on pasture or range on true family farms with the “most stringent” welfare standards according to the World Society for the Protection of Animals in both 2008 and 2009 reports. The standards are developed in collaboration with scientists, veterinarians, researchers and farmers and incorporate best practice and recent research. Annual audits by experts in the field cover birth to slaughter. Species include beef cattle, dairy cattle, pigs, poultry (chicken, turkey and duck), sheep, goats, rabbits and bison. (AWA)

Beyond Organic

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When the US government officially approved standards for organic food, a number of farmers dropped their organic certification because they felt the organic label had been co-opted by big business, and there was a burdensome amount of paperwork that they could not keep up with. Many of these farmers raise their animals and crops using methods that are even stricter than the USDA organic standards. There has been an effort to categorize these farmers, so some people are now calling these types of farms “Beyond Organic”.


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This holistic method of agriculture is certified by a third-party agency and is based on the philosophy that all aspects of the farm should be treated as an interrelated whole. Having emerged as the first non-chemical agricultural movement approximately 20 years before the development of “organic” agriculture, biodynamics has now spread throughout the world. Biodynamic farmers work in harmony with nature and use a variety of techniques, such as crop rotation and on-farm composting, to foster a sustainable and productive environment.

Cage Free

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This term is most often applied to egg laying hens, not to poultry raised for meat. As the term implies, hens laying eggs labeled as “cage-free” are raised without using cages, but almost always live inside barns or warehouses. This term does not explain if the birds had any access to the outside, whether any outside area was pasture or a bare lot, or if they were raised entirely indoors in overcrowded conditions. Beak cutting is permitted. No independent third party verification. (AWA)


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Conventional refers to standard agricultural practices that are widespread in the industry. It can (but does not necessarily) include the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, “mono-cropping,” feedlot and confinement systems, antibiotics, hormones and other chemical approaches. Conventional farming in the U.S. may also include the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). (AWA)

COOL Labeling

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The Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) program is neither a food safety or traceability program but rather a consumer information program. Food products, both imported and domestic, must meet the food safety standards of USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The COOL law requires retailers to notify their customers of the country of origin for all commodities covered under this law. Foods that must be labeled with their country of origin are:
• Muscle cuts of beef (including veal), lamb, pork, goat, and chicken
• Ground beef, ground lamb, ground pork, ground goat, and ground chicken
• Farm raised fish and shellfish
• Wild fish and shellfish
• Perishable agricultural commodities
• Peanuts, pecans and macadamia nuts
• Ginseng

Fair Trade Certified

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Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers, and enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives. (AWA)

Free Range/Roaming

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Defined for poultry meat only. In order to use “free roaming” or “free range” on a poultry meat label the producer must demonstrate to the USDA that poultry have access to the outdoors. However, the type of outdoor access provided (such as pasture or dirt lot), the length of time animals are required to have outdoor access, and how this is verified is not legally defined, and therefore varies greatly from facility to facility. There is no guarantee that birds actually go outside. When used to describe laying hens and other animals, the terms “free range” and “free roaming” are not legally defined at all, and there is no requirement to demonstrate that birds and animals have even had access to the outside, let alone any reference to other management practices. No independent third party verification. (AWA)


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Genetically engineered or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants and animals whose genetic make-up has been altered to exhibit traits that they would not normally have, like longer shelf-life, a different color, or resistance to certain chemicals or pests. In general, genes are taken (copied) from one organism that displays the desired trait and transferred into the genetic code of another organism. There are significant concerns about the environmental impact of GM crops. Genetic modification is currently allowed in conventional farming and foods which contain GMO do not have to be labeled. The USDA also does permit the labeling of animal products from non-genetically modified animals, meaning the consumer has no way of knowing whether they are consuming products from genetically modified animals. (AWA)

To ensure you're eating GMO free foods, look for the USDA certified organic label or the Non-GMO project verified seal.


Grain Fed/Grain finished

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Implies animals were fed grain exclusively or as a supplement to a forage diet. Not verified and not necessarily a positive claim in terms of welfare or meat quality.
Grain fed implies that birds were fed a vegetarian diet without actually specifying it. (AWA)

Grass Fed

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100% of the diet of grass-fed animals consists of freshly grazed pasture during the growing season and stored grasses (hay or grass silage) during the winter months or drought conditions.

This term refers only to the diet of cattle, sheep, goats, and bison. It does not indicate if an animal has been given access to pasture, or if it has been raised in a feedlot and/or given antibiotics or hormones. The USDA definition goes on to state that “if for environmental or health of the animal reasons supplementation can be used if the producer logs the type and amount.” Hence, feedlot cattle could be fed harvested forage and supplements, antibiotics and synthetic hormones and still bear the USDA grassfed label. The American Grassfed Association (AGA) has an independent third party certification program available to ranchers. The AGA certified program is recognized by FSIS (the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service) and verifies a 100 percent forage diet, raised on pasture that has a minimum of 75 percent cover, no confinement, no antibiotics and no added hormones. Meat purchasers seeking truly grassfed meat should source AGA certified products. (AWA)



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Heirloom crop varieties, also called farmers' varieties or traditional varieties, is a term used for unique plant varieties which are genetically distinct from the commercial varieties popularized by industrial agriculture. Heirloom varieties have been developed by farmers through years of cultivation, selection and seed saving, and passed down through generations. Generally speaking, heirlooms are varieties that have been in existence for a minimum of 50 years. Note, however, that this term does not refer to any specific farming practices, such as pesticide or fertilizer use. No independent third party verification. (AWA)


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No legal or regulated definition. Heritage foods are derived from traditional breeds of livestock and crops that were bred over time so that they are well-adapted to local environmental conditions and can resist local disease, for example. Heritage livestock breeds generally have slow growth rates and are well-suited for grazing on pasture. However, the term “heritage” does not guarantee that animals were raised outdoors and is not independently verified. (AWA)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

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Strategies aiming to reduce the use of chemical pesticides through careful monitoring for actual pest threats. Pesticides are applied in ways to pose the least possible hazard, and are used as a last resort when other controls are found inadequate. (FMC)


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Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to radiant energy in order to reduce or eliminate bacteria, therefore making it more resistant to spoilage. Food is most often irradiated commercially to reduce the numbers of pathogenic microorganisms, to extend shelf-life, or to eliminate insect pests. Food that has been irradiated must either have “irradiated” as part of the product name or be labeled with the claim “treated with irradiation” or “treated with radiation” and also display the Radura symbol. The FDA requires labeling on whole irradiated fruits and vegetables. However, the FDA does not require the “treated with irradiation” label on processed foods made with irradiated ingredients or on spices.  The USDA’s rules regarding labeling of irradiated foods are similar to the FDA’s regulations, but only apply to meat and poultry. However, unlike the FDA, the USDA requires that irradiated meat ingredients in multi-ingredient products, such as sausages, must be listed in the ingredients on the package. (AWA)

Local/Locally Grown

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Food and other agricultural products that are produced, processed and sold within a certain region, whether defined by distance, state border or regional boundaries. The term is, however, unregulated at the national level, meaning that individuals can define and regulate the term based on their own mission and circumstances. (AWA)


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A product containing no artificial ingredient or added color and is only minimally processed (a process which does not fundamentally alter the raw product) may be labeled natural. The label must explain the use of the term natural (such as - no added colorings or artificial ingredients; minimally processed).

As defined by the USDA, the term applies only to how meat from the animal is processed after it has been slaughtered. It is important to note that this commonly used term is used for meat or livestock products it does not refer in any way to how an animal was raised, so the farming system may have involved feedlot and confinement systems or the routine use of antibiotic growth promoters, for example. No third party verification. (AWA)


No Antibiotics

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Defined by the USDA. The terms “no antibiotics added” may be used on labels for meat or poultry products if sufficient documentation is provided by the producer to the Agency demonstrating that the animals were raised without antibiotics. Antibiotics are given to animals, such as cattle, hogs, sheep, and chickens, to prevent or manage diseases. Although the USDA is accountable for proper use of these claims, there is no verification system in place. (AWA)

No Hormones Added or Administered

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The term “no hormones administered” may be approved for use on the label of beef products if sufficient documentation is provided to the Agency by the producer showing no hormones have been used in raising the animals. Hormones are commonly used in the commercial farming of animals such as cattle to speed the growth rate or to increase milk production.

Hormones are not allowed in raising hogs or poultry. Therefore, the claim “no hormones added” cannot be used on the labels of pork or poultry unless it is followed by a statement that says “Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones.” (AWA)


No Nitrates/Nitrites

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Nitrites are commonly used to preserve meat and prevent the development of botulism food poisoning. However, some studies have linked the high intake of nitrites to an increased risk of stomach and pancreatic cancer. It is worth noting that some cured meat and bacon that is sold with the label “no nitrates added” has been cured with ingredients such as celery powder which is high in nitrates. (AWA)

No routine antibiotic use

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Antibiotics were not given to the animal to promote growth or to prevent disease, but may have been administered if the animal became ill.


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All products sold as “organic” must meet the USDA National Organic Program production and handling standards. Certification is mandatory for farmers selling more than $5,000 of organic products per year, and is verified by an accredited certifying agency. In general, organic production limits the use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other inputs. However, it does not strictly define production practices related to space per animal or outdoor access requirements – for example, confinement areas are permitted to fatten organic beef cattle. (AWA)


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In general, pasturing is a traditional farming technique where animals are raised outdoors in a humane, ecologically sustainable manner and eat foods that nature intended them to eat. Animals are raised on pasture rather than being fattened on a feedlot or in a confined facility. Note this term is not regulated.

Pesticide free/no spray

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Implies that no pesticide residue can be found on the crop. It does not address if pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides were applied at other points in production. No independent third party verification. (AWA)


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This term refers to foods, such as milk, cheeses, cider, vinegar, sauerkraut, or almonds, that have not been pasteurized (heat treated) to a minimum of 145°F. No independent third party verification. (AWA)

rBGH/rBST free

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rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin) and rGBH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) are hormones used to boost milk production in dairy cattle and have been found to leave residue in the milk. This claim is not verified. (AWA)


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Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food that is healthy for consumers and animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers, respects animals, provides a fair wage to the farmer, and supports and enhances rural communities.

Third party certified (or verified)

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Food inspected by a company operating independently of the producer or distributor. The third party certification company confirms the legitimacy of claims made by food producers and distributors, thus ensuring that the food labels are meaningful. Organic and Biodynamic Certified are examples of third-party certification. Next to knowing your farmer or butcher, this is the most reliable way to trust the meat you're eating.

Vegetarian Fed

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Animals have been fed a diet free of animal products. This does not mean animals were raised outdoors on pasture or were fed a 100 percent grassfed diet. No independent third party verification. (AWA)



I've seen "vegetarian fed" eggs in Walmart, but I never took the time to look up what it meant (although I admit, I wasn't surprised by the answer). After a little more research, it seems the idea behind feeding chickens vegetarian feed is to avoid the potential health problems that can come from animal byproducts. Sounds great... except the chickens on a vegetarian diet aren't necessarily treated any better; mostly, it's a marketing strategy to appeal to the average consumer's idea that "vegetarian" = "healthier".

Agreed.  My chicken raising knowledge comes second-hand from my mother, who raises heirloom chickens.  A couple points she has mentioned to me:

1) Chickens naturally eat bugs, protein etc. if they can, and a vegetarian-only fed chicken will have eggs low in omegas.

2) Stressed-out chickens will not lay. Egg-laying chickens may be deprived of any joy or fun, but they are not miserable or they would not lay regardless of what certification the farmer has.  This of course doesn't help for meat chickens.


Second-hand info, but I trust the source. :) 

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I worked at a grocery store a few years ago, and when it became clear that gluten-free was a lasting trend, we set up a display shelf of all our gluten-free products.  We only carried a handful of specialty gluten-free goods, so we got a few thousand bright red "Gluten-Free!" stickers and put them on items that never had gluten to begin with and put them in the gluten-free shelf so it looked more substantial.


We sold more rice that week than in the previous two months.

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On 7/14/2016 at 1:16 AM, Cascade said:

I glanced at my shampoo bottle while showering this morning. In addition to being sulphate and paraben free, it also proudly declares itself "Gluten-Free". WTF? In case I'm a celiac with a fetish for drinking shampoo?


Anyone else notice any slightly ridiculous health advertising?


The gluten-free thing is weird but the sulphates are p important for me.


I've got super curly hair and follow the curly girl method, which involves avoiding sulphates in shampoos-it gives you the squeaky clean feeling but is harsh on curly hair. Most shampoos need sulphates because a lot of conditioners and styling products have non-water-soluble silicones that only come out with the help of sulphates. So you have to avoid silicones in your styling products as well to avoid build-up.


It's gotten pretty hard lately now that there's been a trend towards "natural" products. Companies will label their conditioners "sulphate free" to confuse you (it's the shampoos that have sulphates) and so you end up scanning the ingredients or looking up reviews each time you want to try a new product, haha. 

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Gluten free things that have never had gluten in them in the first place. Did I mention they are more expensive than the same product just not labelled as gluten free?

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I thought the "gluten free" bag of apples I saw was bad, but I think "gluten free" shampoo takes the ridiculous cake.


On 12/16/2016 at 7:20 AM, Leafa said:

It's gotten pretty hard lately now that there's been a trend towards "natural" products. Companies will label their conditioners "sulphate free" to confuse you (it's the shampoos that have sulphates) and so you end up scanning the ingredients or looking up reviews each time you want to try a new product, haha. 


Even worse, they'll market shampoo as sulphate-free, but put sulphates in the matching conditioner! It's not a huge deal for me, since the worst thing that happens if I use sulphates is my hair frizzes like mad and I have to put it up, but I have a friend with a legit sulphate allergy, and she's gotten rashes from mistakenly believing a sulphate-free shampoo's matching conditioner is also sulphate-free.

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I'm allergic to wheat, and wheat in shampoos will make me react. Same thing with meat. Sometimes they use wheat products in the "flavoring" they inject to up the weight and the price. I react to it even though the package doesn't label the meat as containing wheat. Trying to look for "gluten-free" stuff is a joke. Its easier to just stick with stuff that doesn't contain it in the first place.

On 12/27/2016 at 10:00 PM, pseudobison said:

My favorite has to be organic iron supplements. No pesticides on this iron!

But what about carbon? I was so confused about organic products when it first starting becoming mainstream. I mean, of course all the vegetables contain a carbon-hydrogen bond! It didn't make any sense to me why some was more expensive just because it stated an obvious chemical fact.

Mama Gnome, Healer and Crafter

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Lol saw a sponge that was certified gluten-free, meaning they actually paid to have it certified. 


The thing with gluten-free is that people like myself can have a reaction to tiny amounts of gluten. So if those apples were cut on a cutting board that has a speck of wheat on it, I will get sick. However, I don't know why a sponge would be anywhere near wheat during it's manufacturing cycle.


Gluten-Free is definitely seen as "healthy" to the vast majority of uninformed people, even though gluten-free foods are often less healthy than their gummy cousins as they normally just replace the wheat with rice which is far less nutritious. 


Also, fat free product usually have loads of sugar which is cheaper for the company to manufacturer, and worse for your body.

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Funny story that...


I am a celiac. And like you, I never paid attention to body products. Until a friend of mine suggested I try her new lovely strawberry lotion. I put it on my arms at 9pm or so. At 2 am I woke up, my arms scratched raw and bleeding. When we checked the ingredient list? Wheat germ oil. 


This was way before gluten free became a fad. That was also the day I bought 3 books on how to make my own lotions, and started reading the labels of everything that touches my body. 


So this celiac? Is infinitely grateful for the warning label! 



Edited to add: the ham was probably labelled such for curing process. Some curing processes use spices, etc or liquid smoke. Some curing processes and spices use say soy sauce..which tends to be an issue. 



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More recently I've started seeing breakfast bars and protein bars listed as "paleo", and I remember the first time I saw it I just stared thinking to myself "but isn't the point of paleo to eat unprocessed food?"

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10 hours ago, Juni0r83 said:

More recently I've started seeing breakfast bars and protein bars listed as "paleo", and I remember the first time I saw it I just stared thinking to myself "but isn't the point of paleo to eat unprocessed food?"


Bahahahaha! Good point! :D 

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I saw a box of eggs today. The header said "Eggs from freerange outdoors chickens!" Except, well, if you turned the package a little and looked at the SMALLER text, it said "EGgs from chickens with some access to the outdoors." Like how the crap is that even remotely the same thing. 

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Race: Reindeer   l   Lvl: Adventurer


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On 10/01/2017 at 11:02 PM, Reindeer said:

I saw a box of eggs today. The header said "Eggs from freerange outdoors chickens!" Except, well, if you turned the package a little and looked at the SMALLER text, it said "EGgs from chickens with some access to the outdoors." Like how the crap is that even remotely the same thing. 


Oh yeah! When you see what actually constitutes "free range" and the conditions that some of these so-called free range animals are kept in... Well, it will make your blood boil. If you're an animal lover anyway. 

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On 1/6/2017 at 6:18 AM, Baldilocks said:

I have seen products that say something like, this product is known to cause cancer in the state of California.  What are we to stupid in the Midwest for it to have any effect on us?


California passed a very aggressive cancer labelling act in the 80's that's still largely in effect.  The only thing preventing them from putting a warning sticker on the sun was logistics.

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