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  1. Get in, nerds, we’re aiming to understand and heal diet fatigue, and design diet cycles (cut, actively maintain, bulk, intuitively maintain) that don’t produce diet backlash. So many of us have dieted successfully only to find that, in the period after the diet, we experience extreme hunger and disinhibition and regain all the weight much more rapidly than it came off. With each new attempt we seem to have even less endurance and willpower, and each new diet is shorter, more distressing, and less sucessful. We might even become anxious at the thought of any further restrictions, and start hoarding food or bingeing. Sometimes it feels like the only option is to eat everything, forever, in a mild panic. Other times (or possibly at the exact same time) it seems equally urgent that we start a strict, rapid diet that will definitely, for sure, totally one zillion percent be different this time because we are more desperate than ever. Renaissance Periodization has a term for this; diet fatigue. It’s not a character flaw, or a shortage of willpower. Rather, it is a powerful set of phsyiological and psychological changes that occur due to dieting and weight loss. These changes are currently being studied and described by researchers and we will likely understand even more about it in the future. RP’s book The Renaissance Woman drew my attention to the concept of diet fatigue as a variable that MUST be managed in order to design a successful diet, and although every diet book or article mentions “sustainability” without explaining how the fuck you’re going to sustain being hungry for the rest of your life, this is the only book I’ve seen attempt to really design a programme to manage it, other than Intuitive Eating, whereby you manage diet fatigue by never dieting ever again, but you also never reach your body recomposition goals unless by luck. If we think of diet fatigue as a concrete constraining variable, then it becomes clear that we cannot simply push through with willpower and diet infinitely, any more than we can do infinite training and get infinite performance improvements. The problem, of course, is that dieting is needed to lose weight, but dieting causes the diet fatigue that causes the diet to fail. But hopefully, just as with stimulus vs fatigue in training, we can find that sweet spot that gets results while keeping diet fatigue low enough for success. I’m going to write up my notes on the book’s suggestions for this, and try to start designing my own diet cycles based on their recommendations. The book has some powerful recommendations for healing profound diet fatigue that I particularly want to share my notes on. If anyone is reading or listening to anything interesting that relates to the topic, this is the place to share notes. I think we can also use this space to tell our dieting histories and start planning our way out of the dieting backlash, and to review and adjust our plans as they proceed. Anyone is welcome to join. The focus will be cycles of cutting, active maintenance, bulking, and intuitive maintenance, since dieting indefinitely is not feasible for managing diet fatigue. I’m going to suggest that we stick to two important guidelines here, which is that if you're going to try another diet here, you must plan a cutting phase with an end date, and you must plan the phase after your cut. Whether it’s going to be active or intuitive maintenance, or bulking, you should be able to say what you’re going to do for the three months after dieting, even if it is just weighing yourself once a week or once a month. I have no flipping idea if this is going to work, but the concept of diet fatigue seems useful and my hope is that this is the missing piece that can explain the failure of diets past, and help guide diets future. If it doesn’t work this thread will stand as a monument to our failure and I’ll just make another art challenge thread, possibly with bats. Or pandas, since bats are unclean vectors of plague. Good work getting through this intro text. Have a (diet?) fatigued red panda to reduce your panic.
  2. Guys! Good to see you. It’s been a while. After being active, on and off, in the community from 2012 through late 2017, I dropped off the face of the map. I left mainly because of an ankle sprain that laid me out on and off until September 2018. The injury forced me to set aside my dreams of recovering my old parkour skills for a few months... and then a few more. Since then... it’s been tough to come back, and I’ve suffered physically as a result. I’m no longer as lean as I used to be. What’s more, although I’ve tried to re-implement my old exercise and diet routine, I’ve proven to be a little less... sticky with them than I used to be. It turns out, habits are hard! And then, this last November... I turned 30. So folks, now that I’m a Real Life Adult, it’s time to take care of my sheet. All right, let’s dig in. No fanfare, no theme. 1. Work out 3 days per week, all four weeks. I use a bodyweight progressive strength routine, as is pretty standard among well-informed fitness nerds (you guys!). Usually I make more specific goals for strength, and I do have several goals for the next few weeks. But for this challenge, I’m trying to solve the problem of habit-building and consistency, not just improving performance. So I’m going back to the very basics. Work can get crazy and mess up my schedule, so I won’t hold myself to a particular daily schedule for this challenge goal (although I do plan to work out MWF). I don’t care if I do it on odd days or even if i just eff around and do handstand practice rather than my whole routine; as long as I get a workout in three days per week, I’m winning. 2. Track food intake EVERY DAY. No excuses! Again, I’m going dead simple to focus on habit-building rather than getting too ambitious. However... I’m going through a cut cycle to lose bodyfat. My typical routine is to cut fast, at a 1k calorie deficit, and track my bodyfat with tape measurements and pictures over time. So I’ll be tracking that process here! 3. Build a set of parallettes, and a balance trainer. I dipped my toes into the waters of DIY a few months back when I built my doorway pull-up bar. From scratch! Out of galvanized pipe! That I cut and threaded myself (mostly)! Since I work out with bodyweight, I work out at home, in my apartment. That means I need to provide my own equipment. Since I plan to start training L-sits and get back to parkour training within the next few weeks, that means I’ll need a set of parallettes and a balance/precision trainer, probably something like the railings featured here. This is a bit of a blend of an exercise goal and life goal. But it’ll be fun! 4. Implement my budget. I want to be good at budgeting, but I’m kind of not. I have a very nice, super-reasonable budget laid out in an Excel spreadsheet on my laptop... and I have done exactly NOTHING to put it into action. I win at this goal if by the end of the challenge, my bank accounts are automatically withdrawing money for spending, savings, and retirement; and if I’ve updated my 401k and IRA investments, which I’ve been putting off for about six months. Bonus Achievements: Attain 3x5 Pistol Squats. I used to be great at these. I was no Waldo-esque pistol monster, but I could hold my own! Unfortunately, at 30 my knees are significantly weaker and creakier than they were at 25. Right now I’m doing partial negatives and ancillary exercises to build strength. But I plan to get them back, and if I can manage them within the next month I’ll be ecstatic. 3x5 chest-to-bar Pull-ups. My eventual goal is a bar muscle-up, but these will be a necessary first (baby) step. These used to be easy, but haven’t been easy in a while. Currently I can do 2-3 in a set. 3x3 Wall Headstand Push-ups. I did this once upon a time! I won’t get this one during this challenge, but I want it here to remind myself I WILL GET IT BACK. Hit 14% Bodyfat. If you think this makes me sound vain, you’d be correct. But I want it back. 14% is near the top of my ideal bodyfat range for myself. I perform better and I just feel more attractive. Eventually I wouldn’t mind hitting 10%... I was within a whisper of it only once, back in the days of my training log... but I know it will take a couple of cuts to get myself there, and I’m not ready for that just yet. Post (or repost) 2-4 recipes here during the challenge. You are talking to a man who loves cooking to the point that it’s driven him insane. How insane, you ask? Allow me to cite a short list of things I make from scratch on a semi-regular basis: chicken stock, fresh pork sausage, pasta, most kinds of rice noodles, bagels, sour cream, Sichuan chili oil, lacto-fermented pickles, duck prosciutto, and slabs (SLABS!) of pancetta. Still not convinced? Allow me to show you the carbon dioxide tank I keep under my sink for DIY seltzer water, sparkling wine and cocktails; my 20-pound, eight-inch wide granite mortar and pestle; my pantry collection of food-grade acids; and the fact that my next big planned cooking gadget purchase is a centrifuge. All this is to say... I like to cook, and I take great pains to experiment in the kitchen so that when I’m cutting fat, I’m still eating meals that taste great. However, I haven’t done a great job writing down recipes or techniques that work, so I have a tough time planning good meals in advance. To that end, I’d like to use this challenge to post a couple of recipes that I’m having good success with. They can be things I’ve put my own twist on, or they can be straight-up reposted from a resource I use a lot, like Serious Eats (but I’ll try to give my own take on those too). It’s a lot to bite off for one challenge, so it’s a bonus goal... but one I’d like to have some fun with. And that’s it! For now at least, this will replace the old training log I kept from 2013 to 2017. That log holds a lot of records from when I actually used to be good at this stuff, so feel free to take a look! But it’s time for me to focus on Future Paul.
  3. 12 Week Hypertrophy Quest Quest Goals: 1) Increase Muscle Mass 2) Decrease BF% 3) Increase Strength In All Lifts Overview/Details Each working set should be performed to near failure with 12 being the most reps you should perform and 6 being the lowest. This workout utilizes supersets.Take a 1 minute break between each superset. Supersets are grouped by letter before them. See Quest Objectives for context. Increase weight on each set by at least 5lbs. Increase weight from week to week as well. By the end of the 12 weeks, you should be 10lbs+ stronger in many lifts. This program can be repeated with endless variation. If you begin to plateau, seek ways of making the workouts harder. An example could be adding some dropsets. SPLIT CHEST/BACK SHOULDERS/ARMS LEGS Quest Objectives: Day 1: Chest/Back | Warm-up 5 minutes of cardio A1) Bench Press 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working A2) DB Row 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working 1 - 2 minute rest B1) Hammerstrength incline Chest Press 3x12 working B2) Hammerstrength lat pulldown 3x12 working 1 - 2 minute rest C1) Cable Crossovers 5-7x12 working C2) Reverse Flye 5-7x12 working Day 2: Active Rest | Start with 5 minutes of cardio if you normally don't do cardio, and add 5 minutes to your average time of the cardio you do regularly. Increase total time by 5 minutes every other week. By Week 12 you should be doing 30 extra minutes of cardio. For the sake of this program, cardio is considered 150bpm+ for the whole session. Day 3: Shoulders/Arms | Warm-up 5 minutes of cardio A1) DB Shoulder Press 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working A2) Standing DB Curl 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working 1 - 2 minute rest B1) DB Front Raise 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working B2) Tricep Extension 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working 1 - 2 minute rest C1) Reverse Flye Machine 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working C2) Barbell Curl 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working 1 minute rest D) Skull Crusher 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working Day 4: Active Rest | Do the same amount of cardio as you did on your first active rest day this week. Day 5: Legs | Warm-up 5 minutes of cardio A1) Squat 2x6 warm-up, 3x12 working A2) Leg Curl 1x6 warmup , 3x12 working 2 - 3 minute rest between A and B B1) Leg Extensions 3x12 working B2) Standing Calf Raises 3x12 working 2 - 3 minute rest between B and C C1) Weighted Walking Lunge 3x12 working C2) Lower Back Extensions 3x12 failure Day 6: REST Day 7: REST Let me know what you think below!
  4. Hey y'all, it's that time of year again - ballroom dance nationals are only a month away, and I'M PUMPED!!!!!! Still a lot of stuff to do, but rather than doing anything that feels like cramming, I'm going to try and stay the course. I had a reasonably successful challenge: Based on what went well and where I still need to improve, I've got the following goals on tap this time around: Comply with calorie and protein targets, figuring out weekends: I'm cutting, slowly, and aiming to get to a point where I'm at a physique I feel really good about for competitive dance; to that end, I need to actually comply with calorie targets - eating it all back on the weekend isn't a productive way to cut (weekends are when I train with my partner, and I've had a bad habit of going hard in the paint on calories every weekend). I'll be experimenting with some strategies here, including planning for higher calories on Saturdays, at least. Allocate 8 hours / night for sleep: I'm not yet sure, I may be someone who functions ok on less sleep; but rest is important, and I should at least have the time allocated to get the rest. One of the important pieces of this will be really knowing when I need to turn things off for the night and wind down / get ready for bed (and then actually do it). Keep working out as scheduled: nothing much to see here - I'm barely doing anything warrior-y but yet I'm still here: it's a mix of gymnastic rings (2x / week), gymnastics floor stuff (2x / week), lower body weights (1x / week), and finished each day with either aerobic or lactic conditioning since I need both for dance comps. Do scheduled adulting tasks each week: as a way of handling my anxiety about how much I had to do, I put my adulting tasks on a spreadsheet with target dates - goal here is to hit those target dates (I'll post which ones I'm tackling in a given week at some point). Make another Mac n Cheese recipe: just for shiggles. Take a walk every work day: It's calming, it breaks up the workday, and it's a sneaky way to up my NEAT during a cut. Win win win.
  5. The end approaches. After the last 11 ordeals, I have finally passed from the hands of the old master and onto the new. Although survival is not certain, I must persevere to the end. Less dramatic version: I'm starting book 12 of WOT and Brandon Sanderson has finally taken the wheel. The first time I finished the series, there was a year+ gap between me finishing book 11 and then next three books. I'm actually not certain I read book 12 at all. Oh yeah, goalz. Gym stuff - still cutting and expect me to gripe about that. My program is in the signature, but I'll be copy/pasting today's work in order to gripe more efficiently. Like so: Set 1 2 3 4 5 Range Wt. Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Week 3 - 2/04/18 Day 1 - Bench Paused Barbell Bench Press 3 244 3 3 3 3 3 Chin-up 5 10 5 5 3 Dip 5 10 5 5 3 Dumbbell Snatch 8-12 60 12 12 12 Dumbbell Row 8-12 60 12 12 12 Not-gym stuff - Languages, languages, and more languages. Continuing in German and tackling Icelandic for reasons, but mrs laghail and I are visiting the Dominican Republic for a friend's destination wedding, so I gotta resurrect my beginner Spanish. No, I earnestly don't want to leave the resort, it's not that kind of trip. But it's only polite to be able to mangle basic phrases, plus, you know, neighbor to the south n such.
  6. Edit: Based on my New Years’ food resolutions, I’m gonna be making a lot of Mac n Cheese this year. Probably none this first week, but keep an eye out for the first attempt circa 01/07. So I’ve added a bonus goal in addition to the 5 main ones I started this post with! Alright, here goes first challenge of 2018. Everything will start Jan 3rd, my first full day back in Dallas. Clearly I'm getting a little stir crazy staying with my parents in that I'm already typing this up - will add a theme and gifs sometime before the 3rd as well. Hit target calories and protein, every day: I want to hit the ground running with my physique goals (specifically, post holiday cutting) as soon as I get back home to TX, so starting on the 3rd I'll aim to hit the calorie and protein goals I set for myself every day - this is going to be most challenging when traveling to Houston for practice, but I'm planning to start buying groceries when I'm in Houston so I have access to plenty of veggies and lean protein while I'm there. Sleep 8+ hours a night, 6+ days a week: I need to refocus on sleep for my recovery - really let this one slip over the last 3 months or so. Time to start tracking it and get the number back up to optimal for me. Get pre-gym morning routine down to about 15 minutes: Part of a broader plan to optimize my work day routines so I have time to train in the morning, work a full work day, teach and practice in the evening, and still get plenty of sleep (and occasionally socialize somewhere in there, too); morning routine will ideally just be making my bed, mixing PWO, swishing some mouthwash, popping a couple pills, and grabbing a breakfast I can eat in the car en route to gym. Theoretically, should let me wake by 6:15, be in the car by 6:30, be at the gym by about 6:45, and finish a decent length workout at 8 to be at work by 8:30. Do your scheduled workouts, adjusting as needed: I have all 5 days of the work week scheduled for an ideal setup, and if I need to shorten it due to national holidays, etc, I'll prioritize things from top to bottom, conveniently: Mon - Upper body lift w/ HIIT finisher Tues - Lower body lift w/ HIIT finisher Wed - Gymnast stuff, plus full-length HIIT session (20-30 mins) Thur - Pilates plus steady state cardio Fri - Gymnast stuff, plus full-length HIIT session (20-30 mins) Start tracking how focused and productive you feel at work: Simple 1-5 on each, assigned at the end of the work day. Won't do anything with the data yet, but getting it is the first step to look at patterns. BONUS GOAL: Make one (or more) Mac n Cheese recipe and post the results here Let it be known that I wanted to chuck a #6 and #7 at the end of this list, but stopped myself. Just barely.
  7. "Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time." The sprawling epic of the Wheel of time is my inspiration this month for practicing better habits in my sleep and my writing. While I'll keep my habit of complaining about my deadlift, I'll also be doing a daily check in for the previous days tally of hours of sleep, creative writing word counts, and journal word counts.
  8. Wandering Monk Chronicles: A Boy Dons the Assassins' Cloak So I've done two Assassin challenges and for both of them I just dropped-off at the end, forgetting to close out. I'm realizing I was trying to do way too many things. This time I will be modelling this more after my first tour of the guild, which seems relatively more successful than my two other ones. A Game of Faces The main goal is building a solid foundation to stand on by the end of the year. It took four previous challenges to get the first three aspects up to an acceptable level (which hopefully I will be able to continue). Now I'm tackling shelter, which should also cover warmth (or more appropriately temperature regulation, because Florida). Because I have sex totally covered. Effective assassining involves nobody knowing you're an Assassin, so I'll be working on hiding in plain sight by becoming as normal as possible. The challenge will be to develop a weekly/monthly chore list for the household to keep it running smoothly (because I'm on a wash-the-dishes-when-there's-no-more-space-to-put-mugs-in-the-sink protocol). Suggestions will be very welcome, because I am a child and have no idea how adults run their households. I'm thinking time blocking and a Bullet Journal might help with this. We'll see. (Re)Building the Assassin Body My diet has been whatever the past few months. I might be due for a hard cut, because I haven't done one this year. Currently sitting at 139.8 lbs. I'm looking to go into "normal" BMI at 135 lbs. My shipment of protein powder just arrived and I'm going to attempt the [insane] Velocity Diet, because I can't train hard anyway as my shoulder is still in recovery. Besides, being lighter as an Assassin doesn't hurt. Shoulder is up for re-eval on Wednesday, and we'll see what's appropriate training for that. Valar Morghulis. =========================================================================================================================================== Chore List: Laundry - Wednesday and Saturday morning Dishes - Wednesday and Saturday morning Grocery and cooking once a week Taking out the dogs once a day Trash once a week Junk mail once a week Velocity Diet shakes: SUN Day 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ MON Day 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ + PWO TUE Day 3 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ WED Day 4 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ THU Day 5 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ FRI Day 6 ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ SAT Day 7 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SUN Day 8 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ MON Day 9 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ TUE Day 10 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ WED Day 11 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ THU Day 12 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ FRI Day 13 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SAT Day 14 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ SUN Day 15 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ MON Day 16 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ TUE Day 17 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ WED Day 18 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ THU Day 19 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ FRI Day 20 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ SAT Day 21 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ SUN Day 22 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ MON Day 23 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ TUE Day 24 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ WED Day 25 ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ THU Day 26 ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ FRI Day 27 ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ SAT Day 28 ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ Foundation Elements Front Lever: 24 Straddle Planche: 9 Side Lever: 15 Manna: 17 Pistol: 13 HB Press: 15 Rope Climb: 22 Handstand: 14
  9. Update from last challenge: Eating 6 times a day fucked me up. Planning dinner with the wife is the key, that's where I need to improve. I worked on Crossfit skills (double unders, Muscle up progression etc) and stayed mobile. I did things at the house. I did not work on my riffle. So part 2 of the 2nd half of the years goals: 1: Give praise in the Iron sanctuary. To do this, I must remain mobile and healthy. I know right? And since I'm sacrificing my gainz at the in the halls of crossfit. #makingcrossfitwarriorsagain Wait, that's not how they look... Work Mobility every day to include lax ball to the thoracic area, quads, calves and lats. And do distracted stretches to help my hips and ankles. And the other various stretches my PT says. I have 4 times a day where I can really do this (morning, mid day at work, pre workout, evening.) So I don't have all of these all at once, but break them up and hit trouble spots multiple times if needed. With all that said, I feel the best I have felt in years right now. My shoulders are opening up, my hips are moving better, my ankles move well, everything feels good except my foot. Now the bad news... I tweaked my back on Saturday. I feels like I have a bulging disk and my lower back froze up to protect my spine. I found a chiro who crossfits and understands what I want to do with my body and I also have a Dr Appt of Friday. Last time I hurt my back, I became a lazy POS and did nothing. This time, I'm going to stay active. i.e. yesterday I did 5 rounds of 10 cal on assault bike, 25 air squats and 10 strict pull-ups. And I felt great afterwards, my body responded well to it... or maybe it was the drugs. 2. Stop being fat. And I did what I usually did for the last 3 years.. and I didn't lose any weight. I was eating 1950-2050 cals/day. So for the last 2 months I have been reverse dieting and last months goal is to eat 3K cals/day. Reverse Diet has been working well for me so far and I've been still losing weight. Now is time for the cutting. I will bring it down in a controlled manner and finally start losing fat. I got down to 225 and 35.1" before I went on vacation. This weeks goal is 2800 cals/day with 40% C/30% P/30% F which works out to 278g C/209g P/93g F. I'll evaluate total cals on a weekly basis. 3: Be better at Crossfit. Train hard, rest when I'm dead. And I discovered that there are a bunch of skills that I suck at or just can't do. Some I'm going to practice these one or more of these skills 5 times a week. Over head squat: I need more shoulder mobility and maybe scapula strength to do this properly, but If I want a 225lbs snatch... I need to learn to get under the bar. Double unders: This is the one skill that is single handily preventing me from Rx'ing WODs. I need my own jump rope that is sized for me for me to truly progress. Current record is 2 dups. Muscle Ups: cause when you do one... everyone knows you're bad ass. New coach taught me something new, so now I need to practice. Handstands/handstand walks: Didn't you all watch Stongman's fury in the Xfit games? I could do some of that... but not the handstand walks, I want to be better. I need to actually do a freestanding handstand, stop being a bitch. 30" box jumps: Need to be more explosive with these. I can do 24" really easily now, its the next step. *space reserved for other things as I remember I really want to do them* 4. I've been working on prepping for Ragnarok all this year, but I didn't really know why. But now I do. Br0dinsdottir is on her way to reign havoc. So, I have lots of work to do to prep the house. Build various furniture, clean rooms, etc etc... So I will do all the things and maybe do them before the wife nags me to doing them. I have a dresser and a changing table that needs to be built. and of course, still do my gun stuff, like paint my AR. So the wife and I were talking... and she told me that she would feel safer knowing that I was packing. Did she just know what she really asked? So guess who basically got permission to use his own money to buy a pistol? So, I want to get a pistol this challenge period. That means I need to go to the range and test them all out.
  10. Update from last challenge: I got my Cals and Marco's figured out. I worked on Crossfit skills and stayed mobile. I did things at the house. I did not work on my riffle. So part 2 of the 2nd half of the years goals: 1: Give praise in the Iron sanctuary. To do this, I must remain mobile and healthy. I know right? And since I'm sacrificing my gainz at the in the halls of crossfit. #makingcrossfitwarriorsagain Wait, that's not how they look... Work Mobility every day to include lax ball to the thoracic area, quads, calves and lats. And do distracted stretches to help my hips and ankles. And the other various stretches my PT says. I have 4 times a day where I can really do this (morning, mid day at work, pre workout, evening.) So I don't have all of these all at once, but break them up and hit trouble spots multiple times if needed. With all that said, I feel the best I have felt in years right now. My shoulders are opening up, my hips are moving better, my ankles move well, everything feels good except my foot. And I don't know what's wrong with my foot... but its not broken. 2. Stop being fat. And I did what I usually did for the last 3 years.. and I didn't lose any weight. I was eating 1950-2050 cals/day. So for the last 2 months I have been reverse dieting and last months goal is to eat 3K cals/day. Reverse Diet has been working well for me so far and I've been still losing weight. Now is time for the cutting. I will bring it down in a controlled manner and finally start losing fat. I got down to 225 and 35.1" before I went on vacation. This weeks goal is 2600 cals/day with 40% C/30% P/30% F which works out to 278g C/209g P/93g F. I'll evaluate total cals on a weekly basis. 3: Be better at Crossfit. Train hard, rest when I'm dead. And I discovered that there are a bunch of skills that I suck at or just can't do. Some I'm going to practice these one or more of these skills 5 times a week. Over head squat: I need more shoulder mobility and maybe scapula strength to do this properly, but If I want a 225lbs snatch... I need to learn to get under the bar. Double unders: This is the one skill that is single handily preventing me from Rx'ing WODs. However, with the foot problem, this will be on hold. Muscle Ups: cause when you do one... everyone knows you're bad ass. Handstands/handstand walks: Didn't you all watch Stongman's fury in the Xfit games? I could do some of that... but not the handstand walks, I want to be better. 30" box jumps: Need to be more explosive with these. I can do 24" really easily now, its the next step. *space reserved for other things as I remember I really want to do them* 4. I've been working on prepping for Ragnarok all this year, but I didn't really know why. But now I do. Br0dinsdottir is on her way to reign havoc. So, I have lots of work to do to prep the house. Build various furniture, clean rooms, etc etc... So I will do all the things and maybe do them before the wife nags me to doing them. and of course, still do my gun stuff, like paint my AR.
  11. Keeping it simple. 1) Time to Cut: Drop to an average of 2600 calories per day by the end of the challenge I haven't been on a (major) cut since I left for Camp back in September. By and large, I've figured out that at 3,000 calories a day my body is pretty content to hover around 210 pounds, with a gut measurement of 36.5 inches. I'm less concerned about the weight this time, but I'm not feeling that gut measurement. At my thinnest I was measuring a hair under 35.5", and ideally I'd be slightly under 35" and in the 15% bodyfat range. I'm just feeling doughy around the middle more than I'd like. Add in the fact that mid-June I have a wedding I want to look extra spiffy at, and I think now is a good time to see how my body handles a cut. Also I now understand why cuts are terrible, because I'm ravenous at 2500 calories usually these days, so this is going to go a bit on the slow side. Week 1 I want to angle for about 2800-2900 calories a day. Week 2 I want to angle for 2700-2800 calories a day. Week three I should be hitting between 2600-2700 calories. And that last week I should be more around 2600 pretty consistently or lower. Going to measure my weight twice a week (Sunday and Wednesday) for tracking purposes, and also my gut measurement once a week. Nothing too crazy. 2) Back to the Grind: Three Non-aikido workouts a week The last month and a half has been not exactly ideal for me in terms of my regularly scheduled life. I was injured, then traveling, then sick, then training for the exam, then sick again. Today marks the first time I've lifted in almost 2 weeks. Prior to that I had lifted only once about two weeks before then. But we are also getting really nice weather now, so I may start rucking again through the woods instead of lifting on Monday and Friday like I normally would. Still aiming for 5-7 aikido classes, but that's been constant for the last 5 years, so I don't exactly see that changing any time soon. 3) Getting Deep: Squat mobility every day Jonathon Mead is one of the Headmasters I met at Camp NF. Awesome guy, and very big on getting people outside and moving and being natural. Very MoveNat-like. He recently posted a Primal Squat mobility guide for free. I've always felt my squat and my depth were the weakest part of my lifts, so I figured I'd sign up and give it a whirl. Goal is to do this every morning of the challenge, probably just before my coffee/while the kettle is heating up. I figure that should give me plenty of time to do the routine and then I get the coffee after the fact as a reward. Mmmm. Coffee. 4) Anti-Hermit: Stop Hermiting as much Okay, doing something super different and challenging for me. My anxiety has been through the roof (shocking, I know). It has mostly impacted my sleeping in terms of insomnia and really obnoxious amounts of sleep to be a functional human. I also am aware that I hermit pretty hard in the best of times. One shocking thing I've noticed is that now and again, I actually like being able to see my friends. I guess I'll credit @Big_Show with the revelation, since this dawned on me while I was having a skype chat with him not long ago. So my goal is to be social and/or have two skype chats/hangouts with people a week. The skype hangouts are pretty low key even for me, and shockingly seem to do a large amount of good for my introvert mental state. Weird. Also I'm not allowed to count going to aikido as being social, unless I actually go out with people afterwards. Driving people home does not count in this regard. So yea. Something simultaneously not crazy AND crazy for me this time around. Imagine that. Doing a challenge properly. Weird.
  12. Last challenge was sort of a warm up as it was my first challenge in about a year. Now I am ready to dive in to the next one....well almost. I am going to be switching up my lifting routine a little, adding overhead press and switching to 4 sets of 5 with increasing weights instead of 3x6 with fixed weights. Lifting schedule remains the same M,T,TH. This time, though I am adding some sprints in on Wednesday. I am not formally restricting my diet any more than the last challenge, though, as I decided last challenge, I am going to try to stop eating for the day once I hit my protein goal. For my side quest: last challenge I biffed hard trying to make chainmail pot scrubbers. This time I am shifting focus to a different craft: BUILDING TINY HOUSES! Seriously, my wife and I have a doll house last year that my grandfather had been building when he was still around and able to do so. We got it last fall (summer?) and have done absolutely nothing with it since. Which is a problem since we plan to give it to my daughter for her birthday in October and I know next to nothing about doll houses. Fortunately, my grandpa did a lot of work and we can more or less see the direction in which it is headed but still I actually need to work on it. Last night my wife and I agreed that we needed to make more use of our evenings so I will be working on the doll house while she works out. My goal is to work on it for an hour at least 4 nights a week. In short: Q1: Lift 3 days a week Q2: Consume at least 180 g protein per day while staying under 2500 calories Q3: Sprint 6x30 sec 1 day a week SQ: Work on Doll House 4 nights a week.
  13. Titles a bit lame, but I felt like taking a walk down memory lane and posting a f***ton of gifs / memes from my favorite TV comedy, Parks and Rec. Challenge 1: Food Going to attempt a cut this challenge. Eat 2400-2600 calories per day, at least 150g protein, and 80-100g of fat (last one is a total guess). I'll call it a success if I get each one 5 days out of each week. One way to hit that protein goal! Challenge 2: Dance and Accessories Do a mental toughness workout before each dance practice (3x per week) Do Pilates at least 3x per week - I feel better when I do this consistently, so I need to do it Bike to work 5x during the challenge (incl. zero week) - it's about 10 miles round trip, and I've done it before but I let the habit slip, hoping this'll jump-start me getting back into it (it's ok, you can accuse me of being a fake warrior I promise I'm still lifting, just not including it in the challenge because it's habitual Because my goals include dancing and biking. And because the world needs more dancing Ron Swanson. Challenge 3: Faith One of my goals for Lent (this challenge conveniently ends on Easter*) is to get into the practice of praying the rosary (Catholic prayer meditation, for the curious). Given that, I'll be aiming to pray the rosary (or part of one) every day. I've never been good at this, but want to because I feel much calmer and more centered after taking the time to wholly focus on my faith. Success will be hitting this at least 6 days a week. Best pic I could find on-theme for this one. Side challenges: Life Shit Finish R programming basics in Swirl (copied from last challenge) - I'll settle for halfway (there's about 15 modules in the course) Do a mental toughness workout at the start of each work day; end each work day filling out a short retrospective on the day and digitizing notes from the day - I'll be happy with a 4/5 success rate here Keep food and entertainment expenses within budget this month - I've been letting them creep over and making excuses (I'm not going into debt for it, just not saving as much as I otherwise could) Allocate at least 8 hours for sleep each night - ...not what I'm doing for the third bullet. *I always treat challenges as running from Monday - Sunday, splitting a weekend is always odd for me.
  14. Hi Friends We are back again for part 2 of this challenge all leading towards my first OCR in June, the Boston Spartan Sprint! Last challenge was a major long list of a bunch of small things that I was using to try and cover all aspects that I thought would help me move towards getting prepped for a spartan race. I discovered over that challenge that some things were actually already far along while others still need some serious dedication. This challenge will hammer down and bring focus specifically on those weak spots while grouping the already positive spots into a more generic focus. Since this is not really themed...prepare yourselves for random memes and gifs galore! Nutrition Goal 1 - Actually cut for once Track food and eat within cutting calorie goal 6 days per week and last day within maintenance Feeling very motivated going forward with getting nutrition back on track. I hate the way I am feeling lately. Junk food is starting to take its toll and leaving me sluggish and wiped when I try to workout or even just late in the work day. My big issue is willpower. If I ate like I know how I should eat, I would not be sitting at 324lbs. I have a mentality that I haven't gotten past that really allows me to mentally justify eating just about anything even though I know deep down that I shouldn't. Time to really break this trend..going to put my head down and focus for the length of this challenge! Over time I have found that I cut weight at a good rate when staying around 2500-2600 calories and maintenance at 3200 so those are the numbers to aim for. As the side effect for those numbers, I should see the scale take a downwards turn back into the 3-teens by the end of the challenge. Goal 2 - Up the protein Surpass 200g of protein 4 days per week Trying to get back into the higher protein days. I have been super carb heavy recently and they are not even clean carbs. My biggest success with weight loss was actually when I went full paleo for 4 months. That kind of automatically reduced my carb amounts and raised the protein balance since I was eliminating most processed junk. But paleo was bit too strict for me and stressed me out when I was not making my own meals. So I am going to try and go paleo-ish and really restrict the processed carbs and in replacement, introduce some more protein to bring me back up to a high protein diet. Goal 3 - Waterrrrrr Drink 100oz of water per day This was successful last challenge and helps my body feel better in a number of areas. Going to keep this up into this challenge. Exercise Goal 4 - Condition Do one strength based conditioning session per week So I am already really locked into a two day per week strength class that has a little bit of conditioning at the end. But I want a good hard conditioning session once per week to shift the training mindset away from powerlifting goals of the past. I am going to work with coach to setup some conditioning workout. Probably going to include lots of sandbag work and steel clubs/maces and kettlebells...oh so fun! The other option is that there is a FIT class which is what my strength class is but with one of the other coaches on Saturday mornings and that coach has a much stronger conditioning background. May just switch to that on Saturdays instead of open gym so I dont have to worry about my own programming. Goal 5 - Cardio Do two cardio workouts per week Last challenge I was trying to run twice per week. That was all well and good but I think my running was a bit further along than I thought. The main issue with it was that I get a bit bored running, especially inside, despite the fact that I have the energy to go longer. This time I am not going to restrict it as much and allow other cardio. This gives a chance to do two or more cardio machines when indoors and not get bored before getting a good full workout in. Guess what is making its glorious comeback...CHECKBOXES!!! ☐ ☑ Goal 1 - Food ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ Goal 2 - Protein ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ Goal 3 - Water ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ Goal 4 - Conditioning ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Goal 5 - Cardio ☐☐ ☐☐ ☐☐ ☐☐ ☐☐
  15. This challenge is focused on destroying @Br0din in the PVP challenge ending March 1st. For inspiration, I’ll be looking to Goliath and the mighty Manhattan Clan in their struggle against Odin and his evil schemes. Odin also hated cardio and loved all things that go pew-pew, basically the same as our fearless moderator - whom I will kill. With death. Cardio hating Br0din ^ Pew-pew loving Br0din ^ Br0din slaying machine ^ Non crazy version: This challenge is going to be a simple one: drop 4-6lbs, run my modified 531 program and don’t get greedy. Yoga on rest days, self-care ramblings as they happen. Daily numbers for the program and diet will show up on the metrics battlelog (link in sig) and the program is below. 4 week cycle of 60%, 75%, 85%, and 95% of max; one main lift a day, 4 days a week; sets of 0, 5, 3, 5-3-1 on the ascending intensity weeks; big but boring (BBB) sets of 3x10@60% following the main work; accessories in supersets with good morning/front squat and dumbbell incline press/dumbbell row days, and barbell lunges/hanging leg raises and chin-up/dip days alternating. Cardio alternating between incline and flat dreadmill. Intervals for the first week or two, steady effort thereafter; yoga afterwards. We're not reinventing the wheel here, but we are squatting 3x a week and keeping the total number of trained movements to 16, and daily time in the gym at or under 90 minutes. I'm open to input.
  16. This is a plan I've made for my 12+ week cut I'm gonna start either at the start of February or March and I was wondering if anyone could read it and give me any notes or just confirm its okay-ness? :') This is meant to be a slow and steady, non-extreme cut as I really don't want to lower my calories too much for general mental health reasons~ Background: I've been lifting 3-4 times a week in a gym for about 4 months (non-seriously for about a year) doing a mixture of strength training (for squat/deadlift/bench/OHP) as well as hypertrophy accessory stuff, and although my main concern is strength, I'm at like 20-22% body fat and have been trying to bulk for about 4 months now and just wanna get leaner for aesthetics and so I can then do a more efficient lean bulk from there I currently weigh about 68-69kg. Here's the plan... Nutrition: - Keep protein as high as possible (80g+) and fat low (80g max). - Do intermittent fasting as much as possible and track hours (aim for a minimum of 16hrs). Training: - Train in mostly hypertrophy rep ranges (8-12). - Focus strength training on one big compound exercise per 2 week block (e.g. deadlift for sets of 1-5 reps for 2 weeks alongside higher rep squats, bench, and OHP, then switch). - Start or end each workout with a 10min HIIT session (all in one or half at the beginning half at end) on the rowing machine or treadmill (e.g. 2 minutes at a steady pace then 30 seconds as fast as possible, repeat). - Walk whenever possible, particularly when fasted (i.e. in mornings). Weeks 1-4: Reduce calories by 300 (e.g. 2500-300=2200). Weeks 5-8: Reduce calories by a further 300 (e.g. 2200-300=1900). Weeks 9-12 and onwards: Reduce calories by a further 200-300 (or burn the extra calories through HIIT/walking) and continue to maintain (e.g. 1900-300=1600).
  17. So, clearly I took the red pill. Let's see about that rabbit hole! Alright then...the goals: 1. Stay within the weekly calorie goals until I hit maintenance. November 28 - Dec 4 - goal: 1880 daily calories Dec 5 - Dec 11 - goal 1980 daily calories Dec 12 - Dec 18 - 2080 daily calories Dec 19 - Dec 25 - 2180 daily calories (Allowable eat like a jerk day on Christmas - track but don't include in the average.) Dec 26 - Jan 1 - probably 2280 calories, although I reserve the right to change any of these if maintenance happens sooner than I think. Please, please, please don't let it happen sooner than I think. Also, this goal is a tiny bit scary for me. And by tiny, I mean "irrationally and a really lot". 2. Continue lifting. Believe that I can do it. (4 x per week - stop giving myself permission to split sets in parts and do the entire set AT ONCE - a small allowance allowed the first week as I continue to come out of this cut - however certainly by the 2080 week I should be adequately fueled. Maybe. I think? I reserve the right to modify this goal if I truly need to, though.) 3. Do my accessories. I did really well the last week of the previous challenge on this. Accessories are typically 3 lifting accessories and shadow boxing or other hiit. These are all good for me, continue to do them. LUYL goal: Whelp. There are plenty of adulting things that need to be done (Christmas decorating, clean my house, clean out two (TWO!) separate closets), but they will happen when they happen. Let's go with do one extra adulting thing each week that needs to be accomplished. Tell you guys about it. (Wait...that should totes be a yoga goal. Nope. The oracle tells you what you need to hear.)
  18. I'm looking to add some lean muscle mass (hopefully replacing some fat in the process) and boosting size a little. I'm a fairly large guy –just under 6' and (currently) about 185#. What'd I'd like is a more defined, cut look along with a bit more size in the arms and chest. My question is how much of this can be achieved through bodyweight exercise? I have some dumbbells, and a pull-up bar. I do kickboxing fitness classes 3x week and have an 80# heavy bag at home for solo workouts too.
  19. ☐ ☑ It is time. My birthday is coming up, a day of family and cake, and another of potluck and boardgames with friends and then I am officially a year older. Who would have thought? (What's with the English speaking side of the world continuing to pretend I were 29? What kinda BS is that? I LIVED those years. I EARNED those exp. Who dares try take that from me? -sometimes cultural differences are so hard.) Anyway Wednesday week 1 I am turning 33 and I love it. I am happy and proud to have run my very first Mud Run this past challenge. It was fun, and it was awesome, and if I'd done it alone, I would have been in trouble because lifting myself over things: still not awesome, but I wasn't and we had fun and it was good. Also, I jogged the whole thing. This challenge I am going to be playing with my head a bit. I will be cutting calories for a while there. I am planning for three weeks, but we'll see how it goes. It all depends on me writing down my fricking intake, obviously, and apart from the hunger grabbing me and me going after all kinds of edibles, I imagine, the logging is the thing that limits how long I can do this. The idea is to get used to cutting. For a limited time. So my mind learns: Yes it sucks, but it's not forever, and I'll be okay. Well here we go: week 1 don't eat like a dickhead but do enjoy your birthday. Log food. S☑ M☑ T☑ W☑ T☑ F☐ S☐ (total: ☑ ) week 2-4 log workouts and food calory deficite. S☐M☐T☐W☐T☐F☐S☐ S☐M☐T☐W☐T☐F☐S☐ S☐M☐T☐W☐T☐F☐S☐ (total: ☐☐☐) Go to fitness classes twice a week, only excuse: real sickness. ☑ ☐ ☐☐ ☐☐ ☐☐ (total: ☐☐☐☐) Go to dance class (☐ if no babysitter) ☐☐ ☐☐ ☐☐ ☐☐ (total: ☐☐☐☐) to do list - pending ☑ sign up for trainer licence classes ☐ get rid of the frikkin laundry ☑ get BabyMagneto through school visit ☑ get BabyMagneto to enjoy pool day in kindy logging but not graded: eat something good for you every day (aka the fruit and veggie thing): (total: ☐☐☐☐) ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☐☐☐ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ continue water intake: (one ☑ per bottle (700ml) drunk, total: ☐☐☐☐) S☑☑☐ M☑☐☐ T☑☑☐ W☑☐☐ T☐☐☐ F☐☐☐ S☐☐☐ S☐☐☐ M☐☐☐ T☐☐☐ W☐☐☐ T☐☐☐ F☐☐☐ S☐☐☐ S☐☐☐ M☐☐☐ T☐☐☐ W☐☐☐ T☐☐☐ F☐☐☐ S☐☐☐ S☐☐☐ M☐☐☐ T☐☐☐ W☐☐☐ T☐☐☐ F☐☐☐ S☐☐☐ get enough sleep: (total: ☑ ☐☐☐) start: median 8h10m/night over the lat 14 days, goal: stay above 7h30=☑) ☑ ☑ ☑ ☐☐☐☑ ☐☑ ☑ ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ So this is it. time to get moving again. Yes, I stole those boxes from you, @Rurik Harrgath, I can't imagine you mind, dear sir. On other fronts school restarts tomorrow, I need to mind my sleeping and get enough me-time, so mandatory reading time will be a thing... Love you folks. Katrin aka Morag
  20. JJones

    Cutting Down?

    Hello all, I am looking to cut down from where I am at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4abtyj2tsfsd5w5/AABkWdpnrEtr1kJlouF6Rx0ga?dl=0 To where I want to be: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6wpex4hp9hqr8gh/AABmFoUAFdYHFWyY1BaR-kMra?dl=0 I should add I run cross country, am 5' 10" and weigh 175lbs. I have no idea how to obtain my goal of cutting down besides that it will involve nutrition and working out. Any help is appreciated! -Justin Jones
  21. Hello all, I am looking to cut down from where I am at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4abtyj2tsfsd5w5/AABkWdpnrEtr1kJlouF6Rx0ga?dl=0 To where I want to be: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6wpex4hp9hqr8gh/AABmFoUAFdYHFWyY1BaR-kMra?dl=0 I should add I run cross country, am 5' 10" and weigh 175lbs. I have no idea how to obtain my goal of cutting down besides that it will involve nutrition and working out. Any help is appreciated! -Justin Jones
  22. That panda probably feels like he is making forward progress. Not so much. I need to stop being that Panda. This challenge takes me back to work (Thursday!), so I need to be on point. So...two sets of goals. ZERO WEEK: 1. Get up progressively earlier each day so that Thursday is not a shock (9 am today) 2. Get my professional development sessions actually finished - this is a top priority 3. Lift 4 times with hiit finishers The Challenge: 1. Lift 4 x per week with gradually more intense hiit finishers 2. Give MFP a real shot 3. Give Home Chef a shot (starting Wednesday!)
  23. Despite the title and introduction picture, I am not one who is particularly interested in the Renaissance Period of history. In fact, as I remember, it caused some headaches when it came to studying it in high school history class. What I am interested in, however, is the Renaissance Periodization diet. My coach has given me their E-Book with all of their concepts and science-y reasoning. Their ideas center around a wave style pattern of cutting/bulking with a focus on carb cycling. They also aim to structure their meal plans around being able to perform in the gym to the best of your ability on those calorie numbers. If anyone is interested, you can read more about it on their website. My coach has had a great deal of success using their templates for both massing and cutting in the past and he recommended I try it when I mentioned I want to cut. I have been saving up some money these last few weeks and am going to make an investment in my health and my training by purchasing their templates for cutting. This is going to be my first real attempt at a cut so I don't have any real numbers in mind for what I want/should expect during a cut on this program. Also, none of the cutting is going to start until zero week is over. I am competing in my first powerlifting competition on Friday morning so I am currently on a deload this week until then. Luckily, there isnt a weigh in for this comp so I am not restricted on diet leading up and I am eating at recovery pace so that I am at full strength for that. Also, to the boos and jeers of you fellow Warriors, my training after the competition will likely be less powerlifting centric. I still plan on keeping these lifting skills up(which is why I am staying currently in the warrior threads) though focus is going to shift towards some functional movement work through classes at my new gym. My schedule has calmed down enough that I believe I can start regularly scheduling some classes at the gym in the morning before work. These classes are more of a boot camp style of training but with a greatly varied focus from once class to the next. One class may be powerlifting training when the next time would be kettlebell cycles and the next sandbag and strongman work. I think the set schedule and change in programming will help me avoid getting bored on the same program and the variation will help with future goals of completing Spartan and GoRuck events. For those that made it this far, congratulations! You are now rewarded with a TLDR version of what I just explained in detail. Challenge Goals: 1) Complete first powerlifting competition! Measurement: Pass/Fail - Attempting to join the 1000lbs club in order to reach award status of competition. 2) Buy RP templates for fat loss...Use them to cut...Profit? Measurement: Pass/Fail - Templates purchased during zero week. Pass/Fail - Take measurements at start of cut. Not just weight(waist, stomach, neck sizes). All the data points # of Days - Use templates to map out daily food intake. Lose points for not sticking to template. 3) New training regimen Measurement: Pass/Fail - Set up new training schedule during zero week. # of Days - Adhere to new training schedule.
  24. Welcome back my friends, followers, lurkers. And welcome new friends, followers, and lurkers. As usual, if you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask. July Quest Fat Mass: 41.6 lbs <---- Go Down This is a link to view my personal tracking GoogleSheet Quick Summary, 7-Day Average: Date Weight (lbs) Fat Mass (lbs) Lean Mass (lbs) LM to FM ratio Fat left to lose (lbs) 10 Jul 192.0 41.6 150.3 3.61 28.6 What you can expect: Strength Training summaries. Usually three days a week. An updated Quick Summary chart showing my body composition progress from week to week. What else do you want me to post?
  25. Much like the repetitive nature of the Final Fantasy 13 games... Lightning returns with a repeat of the last challenge (with some important changes) MAIN GOAL 135 lbs with an Athletic build and functionally fit _____________________________________________________________________________________ GOAL 1: Cutting Calories Based on my current weight, height, and activity level I need to consume approximately 1500 calories a day in order to lose .5-1.0 pound per week. Since I want to lose fat and not muscle I need to eat approximately 1 gram of protein per lean body mass. I will use carb cycling to keep my metabolism running. Choosing higher carb meals (150g or less) on strength training days and lower carbs (under 100g) on all other days. 1 cheat meal allowed per week. 1 cheat day during Shark Week. The change made here is that I'm not going to use my weight as the gauge for success. I'm losing inches which means I'm getting leaner. The scale just isn't the right tool for this job. +4 CON +1 WIS GOAL 2: Strength & Sweat To maintain my current lean muscle I will perform 3 days of strength training each week. I'm switching to a Push and Pull split and I've upgraded my body weight exercises. To shed fat faster I will do at least 2 sessions of HIIT lasting 20 minutes each week. +3 STR +2 STA GOAL 3: Restore & Replenish 4 Cups of water a day. +2 CON 3 days of stretching/foam rolling a week +1 DEX LIFE GOAL: MOAR numbers! Brand new goals here... Get quotes from contractors on renovating the kid's bathroom. Must speak to 3 contractors. +1 CHA Complete homeschool records/transcripts for both kids for this school year. +1 CHA
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