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  3. I wish I had the recipe for Outback's Chocolate Thunder from Down Under. Best GF bake I've ever had.
  4. I made it to Lothlórien, and now I have seen swan ships and elves.
  5. It was sunny, so I was super motivated this morning. Went on a morning walk. Then my friend came over, and we worked on our scrapbooks. I finished mine! Then I did a bit of gardening, and a short mobility session. Hubby and I are going for an after dinner walk very soon.
  6. My reverse diet update: After the reverse diet I started a cut . I'm in week 4 now. I've lose weight ,and my clothes fit better. It's sometimes hard (I'd rather keep eating because food is yummy) but doable. I haven't been super hungry, and have been able to manage the cravings. My goal was to make it at least 4 weeks, and possibly 6. I think I feel like going for the 6th week. If I feel like I'm starting to cheat, or just not care anymore, I'll stop, Sunday, Mother's Day, is a day off so that break will help
  7. Oh, that is so pretty, and will be even better as the rose grows!
  8. Today (May 9): WIN Post-lunch: 60 air squats, 20 kettlebell rows/side (30lb), 20 push-ups. Post-afternoon snack: Max pullups (5). Post 1st supper: 1 min hollow body hold, 1 min suitcase hold/side (50lb kettlebell). Post 2nd supper, ehh...I didn't really have a second supper? Mostly just tiny snacks and vegetables. Thank you ❤️
  9. Hard to get a shot that fits the whole thing and shows off the roses, but this is what I have It's quite a young rose, one my mother started from a cutting last year. It doesn't fill out the obelisk yet, but should do in the next year or two.
  10. Week 1 - Wednesday/Thursday LoseIt: 🧁🧁🧁🧁 Water: 🧁🧁🧁🧁 Read: 🧁🧁🧁 Movement: 🥖🥖🥖🥖 Tidy: 🥖🥖🥖 Bake: I'm really digging my movement goal so far this challenge. I have a soft goal for 10k steps a day with at least 4 movement breaks during the work day. That might mean running downstairs for a refill on coffee and doing some tidying up around the house, or putting on a quick 5 min stretch video. So far I particularly like this channel for a quick standing stretch, even though there's something about the movements that makes me feel incredibly middle-aged. 😆 Dinners have been super easy around here. Last night I used some canned shredded chicken + avocado in a quesadilla and the kids gobbled it up. Tonight was the ol' classic standby: hot dogs with mac and cheese. Not winning any food competitions here, but everyone is fed and I'm still hitting my calorie goals. My husband suggested baking something to bring to his mom's on Sunday and I jumped right on board. I need to do a grocery run tomorrow anyway, so I can pick up ingredients and play around with something fancy. My MIL is gluten-free so it's always a fun challenge to bake something that actually tastes good.... (Feel free to send me your tried and true gluten-free desserts if you have any...)
  11. I'm so sorry - that's a big upset in your work and it sounds like they really underestimated the project needs. I feel like you have a really good, sane, healthy outlook on this. Focus on the process breakdowns, where more training can happen, how can you make sure you (and others!) don't end up in a situation like this again. I get the feeling of needing to prove/redeem yourself, but be kind to yourself too. I hope this at least gives you some breathing room - I know how stressful work was for you when you were juggling volunteer duties during the eclipse.
  12. Smart. Those impulse buys simply because it's available will get you every time. Hope to see pics of the obelisk! Your rose is lovely!
  13. So...have you read The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller? Delightful villainy.
  14. Also, dancing last night was a lot of fun. I really like my life. I’m looking forward to a weekend of spreadsheets and good food from the farm.
  15. *discretely takes note for next library trip*
  16. We are still having the same life!!! Also, I have the app on my phone but don’t have notifications enabled, because I’m dim (and also because notifications are the devil). Friday or Saturday works. Friday after 6 — give me a shout.
  17. Thank you for saying so. I am always kind of stymied by relationships of all kinds. The conversation with Nic was kind of what I expected, which is a shame. I wished him well when we parted, and I wish him well now, from a distance. I did (later, in the car on my own) allow myself a whole ComedicRant about him explaining to me (as though I am dim) about how I had spent the whole week clearly sending secret-coded micro-signs that we were through, and how I had been wickedly insensitive and hurtful by it responding to his secret-coded micro-communications to let me know he wanted me to pour lots of love-energy in because he was feeling low. I did not, at any point, mention that I had left my purple decoder ring back in the Batcave. I did mention, once again, gently and with compassion, that I have a policy against mind reading and had missed everything he was trying to convey, and that all the things he thought I was sending as messages were actually just random circumstances of life, except for the having a conversation with friends on the roof, which still wasn’t meant as a message, but was very curious that he felt that this was our thing and even very much his thing, since it is very clearly something that is my thing, and I was hanging out with friends during a week he had said he was unavailable being entertained by his SuperRich friends (yes, he included the adjective every time he spoke about them, and it made me cringe a little harder each time). Sigh. Some levels of emotional immaturity simply render a person impenetrable. I hope he find happiness and peace. ALSO, VIVIAN IS AMAZING. Nothing new has happened; she just is really the best. This whole week has been on full tilt. I am tired, but also feel like I’m really making some progress—kind of like watching the hands move on a clock. Work is busier than ever, and I’m fully committed to leveling up there while also being fully present in the next-job search. Letting both things be true is a lot of intellectual labor as well as emotional-investment labor. Philosopher James love my lit review of information deserts (he said he was unfamiliar entirely and was relying on me to bring him up to speed so I put together a lit review). He has feedback, of course, but most of it is about how he now gets what the point of my research is and how it all wraps up in theories of public-policy as justice and this just makes my heart sing. We are going to have such a good time this summer with the upcoming readings. Speaking of the readings, they are a lot, and I have a diagram due on Wednesday of the readings we’ve done so far, comparing them and talking about strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for application to my research. Yep, and all I want to do is sleep. Acupuncture yesterday way great, and I have massage tomorrow. Whew that is a lot. At some point I need to make some fliers for the Star Trek meeting. Whatever, it will all get done and it will be grand. May you have peace this day. ❤️
  18. Yikes, how is it Friday Eve already? Haven't had time to upload the GA riding pictures, working on month end at the FTJ (full time job) and making sure clients books are caught up, it looks like I may be taking on two more clients ❤️ I love the work and money aspect but will need to make sure add it to the planner! @Heidi it looks like D is going to have to drive again, so Friday evening or Saturday afternoon would be good for a beat saber meetup if that works for you? I need to download the app on my phone so it reminds me when someone messages 🤦🏼‍♀️ All SET - Week 1 ( S )leep - ⛈️ 🌈⛈️⛈️🌈 ( E )xercise - 🌈 🌈🌈⛈️🌈 ( T )rack - 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
  19. Indigestion made it hard to tell if I was hungry at dinner again today. Not sure what to do with that one. I don't usually have this much discomfort. Maybe need to eat low fiber tomorrow. I returned my book to the library. However Map of the Otherlands was checked out, so I will have to wait. It had been on the shelf the last few times I went, but of course now that I am ready to read it, someone else wants it, too. I did find the perfect obelisk for my rambling roses (rose that can't decide if it's a shrub or a climber). I found the obelisk at the craft store of all places, for half the price of the broken/rusty ones at the garden center. Win! The trip to the bookstore for a new journal didn't happen. I saw some at the craft store, but they were a little smaller than I would like (A5 vs B5), and only 120 gsm paper instead of 160. They were 1/3 of the price of my last one, though. I have a little time to decide; I held off on the purchase.
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