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Embrace the Weird


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I’m weird dude.

No, not “pushing a blow-up dinosaur around in a shopping cart†weird, but pretty damn weird.

I wear funny shoes to the gym. I do pull ups on tree branches and swing sets. I act like a big kid doing handstands and rolling around in parks. I think everybody should have playtime. I get funny looks when I eat in a peculiar manner, and people poke fun at me when I refuse dessert or extra servings at parties.

I used to try to fit in with the majority; to do things like everybody else, because everybody else HAD to be right, which made the opposite wrong.

Then I looked at the majority: overweight, out of shape, over-medicated, in debt, and unhappy!

Suddenly…being weird seemed like the only option!

I embraced my inner Costanza and started doing everything the exact opposite of what everybody else expected of me. As a result, I have never been happier, healthier, or felt more alive.

Let’s Get Weird


Sometimes, you just need to get weird. Real weird. Like my buddy Saint, Eric, and I above.

(Yes, our flip cup team name on The Rock Boat was “Let’s Get Weird!â€).

  • Who cares what people think when you’re in the park practicing
  • Who cares what people think when you bring in your homemade “weird†lunch rather than eating fast food like everybody else?
  • Who cares what people think when you’re doing squats and deadlifts as a 45 year old mom rather than leisurely using the elliptical like everyone else?

Be grateful that you’re different, especially if you are the only one. “The same†is what got everybody else where they are now.

Different is what’s going to get you where you really want to go.

Be judged or ignored


To borrow a line from Seth Godin: “You will be judged, or you will be ignored.â€

If you’re going to change your life, you may have to zig when others zag, stand while other sit, and run while others walk. It’s much easier to follow the herd, not ruffle any feathers, and go with the flow.

Screw the flow!

You will be judged for being different. Wear that judgment proudly, like an effin’ badge of honor of armor…because it sure as hell beats the alternative.

My name is Steve. I’m a Nerd Fitness Rebel, and I’m proud to be judged for my strange eating habits, unorthodox workout style, and acting like kid.

Who are you, and what are you proud to be judged for?


Today’s Rebel Hero: Amanda M., the first owner of a Nerd Fitness-themed tattoo! The Rebellion has officially arrived! Here’s the story behind it:


I’m 34 and have been smoking since I was 14. I’ve quit at times but always started when things got stressful. I survived marriage, divorce, childbirth, losing family members, and getting remarried. I always kept it together. Smoking was something that had control over me…until Nerd Fitness.

I read Spezzys story and I started lifting. I read your article about slaying dragons and I felt like you wrote it for me! I had to slay the dragon of smoking! I made a commitment to my NF family, I was done, it would not control me anymore. The-tin-man made me a counter and I had so much support and encouragement.

My last cigarette was May 6, 2012 at 10:15 pm central. Knowing I’d have to start again at zero if I failed, having to tell all the people cheering me on that I failed…not happening!

Nerd Fitness, you and my NF family taught me that dragons are meant to be slayed, I am stronger than the addiction, and my life has leveled up in so many ways! I’m running Warrior Dash in November with a bunch of nerds, a half marathon in February, and then the Dallas marathon!

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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WHooo! Lovin the dragon tattoo Wicked Pixie!

And yes I am weird as well. Most of my life I was so self conscious about fitting in and trying to act cool that it only dawned on me recently (as in like the last 18 months) that I'd rather be weird and insane and around others like me than try to fit in with the crowd.

This applies greatly to activities as everyone who starts out is usually scared to try because of what others will think. "I don't go the the gym because everyone will stare at me", "I don't want to run outside because everyone will look and point and stare" My adivce, go do some cartwheels in a park. It's 1) fun 2) makes you smile 3) and brightens your day. If you can do cartwheels and enjoy it then nothing else matters :)

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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I've felt out of place my entire life. I was never one of the cool kids, never the athlete, nor the artist. It seemed the harder I tried the more of an outcast I felt like.

To be honest, I never felt even kinda comfortable being myself (whatever that is) until I met my now husband.

It truly feels like the more I let go of trying to fit in to anyone else's idea of what I should be as a wife, mother, athlete, person; the more accepted I am by everyone.

It's good to be weird!

Thanks y'all, I hope to keep inspiring you and making you proud!

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Embracing the weird is something I stopped doing, and as a result I am boring and not anything like the person that I want to be. It so inspired me, this article, that I actually threw it into my challenge - I'm going to clean up my diet and be a weirdo to my skinny-fat, overworked, overweight friends.

The real challenge, though, will be owning the weirdness and being able to work with it as opposed to getting combative, as is my reflex. But given what's passing for normal these days, maybe a little weird is what we need right now.

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@ILPWF: I think your signature "Si ventus non servierit accipe remis. If the wind will not serve, take to the oars." is a great parallel to this article. General lifestyle trends as they stand aren't going to get us the lives we want: it's up to us to grab the oars, dig deep and get weird!

illcDimension hopping Ranger-Cartographer, level 2STR: 6 DEX: 2 STA: 5 CON: 6 WIS: 5 CHA: 2

Training Log

Of Goats and Rucks Challenge (June -July 2013)

~Take care. Be bold.~

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I found this article very fitting and applicable. Whenever I practice Parkour in a public place, there are always those who whisper, point, stare, comment or intentionally ignore. I used to let these hold me back and make me self conscious. But now I've embraced the "weirdness" and decided to ignore their ignorant glares and glances because I know that what I'm doing is important.

STR - 9 DEX - 10 STA - 12 CON - 6 WIS - 12.5 CHA - 5 Level 4 Assassin Soldier 


Current Challenge: "Becoming Oliver Queen: Part 1" 

Battle Log: "Will You Commit Yourself to This Program?" 

Epic Quest: "The List" (coming soon!) 


Мой аргумент не Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ - My argument is not with you. 



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While I was at the grocery store today, I thought about this article. I then felt an urge to push the cart at fast as I could and hop on the back. So I did.

I don't regret it.

bonus woot, now that I'm actually not-obese enough to do that without tipping the cart over. :D I don't remember the last time I could.

[sIGPIC]On the road of experience...[/sIGPIC]


"Let's go walking you and me"

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At my college a lot of the asian kids get together and share hotpots. I generally have the option of taking the food I make to my room, eating alone or eating with them. After I stopped caring what they thought of me I started walking over and eating with them. Groups of 5-7 strangers would wonder who this white kid was eating chicken out of his little takeaway container. Almost every time it's ended well. We talked, laughed, drank, fought and made our ancestors proud. I've met people I'd never have met otherwise and learned a tonne of recipes.

I'm the weird guy who sits down at lunch to chat while he eats.

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I have embraced my weirdness. I know I liek to do things, eat things, and general think of things different from most people (especially when in a foreign country and everyone has the near same idea on how an American is supposed to be). I tell people I have weird. I ask them why would I want to do what everyone else is doing when that haven't always worked out well. Why would I want to be normal when it is not wh oI am. I embrace the weird.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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I've always been proud of wearing whatever the hell I want. I'm pretty self-conscious on a lot of other levels, but my clothes are mine.

I don't do fashion, in fact usually what I look for is pretty much out of fashion. Not even on purpose... it just... happens.

I've always been an outcast, I take pride in being weird/random/hyper. Unfortunately 5 years of misery have sorta beaten that out of me. So I'm working on being the person I was back in 2005. Where I had a forum with friends and we were just being weird and random. Where I was writing the most random story with one of my friends. It was a great time. (jumping together with my friend in public for no particular reason? yes please).

And then there's the story that's just flipping hilarious and made me beam with victory.

I was at the concert and at random I found myself talking with this (pretty cute) guy. He was giving me all the attention.

You know the shy, weird dressed girl.

Then my father mentioned that a couple of girls were staring at me. Like with pissed off faces.

It just made my day. Sorry popular girls, today I'm talking to the hot guy ;)

Just to show, being weird or different doesn't matter :D

GO WEIRD! (Now if I can get over being self-conscious about playing around outside... okay to be fair I'm self-conscious when alone. Stick me together with someone else acting crazy? ALL the crazy will come out of me!)

Bonus: telling my coworkers about my "weird" interests, always got them all interested and asking questions :D (interests would be writing (this is very popular), anime/cartoons, the furry fandom, cosplaying... everybody was all over me making a costume!)

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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I missed this article! CONGRATS, Pixie! You are a freaking superhero and I'm so glad you found this community!

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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I am the poster child for "weird" *grin*

I wear my VFFs to work most days.

I was the Vegan... now I'm the one that doesn't eat any goodies.

I have a wingding at work for next month (bouncy things on springs you wear on your head...).. I am on the phone all day, why not make it fun?

My 50th birthday, I wore a tiara all day at work. That said "50" on it. And blinked. With maribou trim.

I've covered my new bike with prismatic reflective tape. Not just "for safety", but in cool patterns! :)

I love rolling down grassy slopes. My husband and I played tag around our neighborhood (wind sprints!)...

My car is a Dalmatian. Seriously.



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Being weird is actually what I'm planning for the challenge after this one. Why wait? I've got to custom-sew my clothing if I want to go out in something other than jeans and a t-shirt. And before I can sew, I need to get more junk moved.

Not caring should also take care of the racism. (Seriously, most of it came from looking around and seeing them stare at me like I'm the one who pissed in their oatmeal that morning.)

I have conditions that affect my social awareness.  If I am rude, tell me what I could do better.

5'8" & 220 260 pounds | Miles Walked: X

2019: | 1 | 2 | 3 |

Pre 2017: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | * | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

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I embrace the weird even more as I get older and realize that as long as I don't hurt people, I generally don't care what they think of me.

I do squats and lunges while I'm waiting for the train. I make sure I'm not in anyone's way. Generally no one notices (since I'm not in the way). If they do, I don't care. No one has said anything or even looked at me strangely, and I get in some extra squats and lunges.

Googolplex, level 4 monk,  My avatar

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Loved the article. The older I get the more comfy I get in my own self, and mind less what others think of me. When I first started Paleo I was worried what people would think. Would the waitress think I was weird for asking for doulbe veggies instead of potatoes? Figured out that most don't care. I just returned from vacation. I regularly orderd hamburgers wthout bun. We ate at Panera for breakfast and I ordered the sausage and egg sandwich w/o the bread. We went to the same restaurant for 3 days. Every day I ordered from the same gal. Each time she looked at me looked I had 3 heads and said "NO bread?!" so I'm sure she thought I was weird. But I didn't gain any weight while on vacation (even with a few treats) so I don't really care if she thought I was weird.

And I had fun doing crow poses on the beach. Possibly a little weird, but great fun. And really I don't think anyone even paid attention to what this strange middle aged lady was doing.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I loved this article. For the most part I do what I want, but the whole "not eating desserts or seconds at a party" is totally my issue right now. I think that might be my next goal.

Agreed! Sometime I feel pressured to order a soft drink at a restaurant with other people when all I really want/need is water because I don't want to be weird. Enough of that crap, embrace the non-conformity!

Geah, Level One

Troll Ranger w/ Scout Bias


"I get knocked down, but I get up again, and you're never gonna keep me down!"


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