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5 minutes ago, fleaball said:

Welp. Didn't give me grief about the IUD but also didn't give me any answers. Like, "Well I probably won't even be able to get it in since you haven't had sex but we'll check your benefits and you can call us when you get your period." No risks, no side effects, no "why do you want this over another kind?" The entire appointment was under ten minutes. Not impressed. Ultrasound for the hip thing (which she doesn't think is a cyst) is on Monday bc that was the soonest they could do it but I'm not going back. 


Asked my roommate if she'd recommend her doc, she's like yeah my lady is awesome. Plot twist: it's the same person. 


Are you still going back for the ultrasound? That seems like a thing you should do at least, even if you find someone else for birth control.


I've had great experiences getting birth control prescribed from planned parenthood clinics (vs the general practitioner I see now, who sounds a lot like the one you saw), if they take your insurance and you're comfortable going there. They're very non-judgey. 

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Gargoyle Ranger | Level 49

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My epic quest | MEATBALL WARS

You don't get better at anything unless you start doing it.

Being alive is heckn swell. 

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Ah, yeah. I meant I'm not going back after the ultrasound. Definitely getting that done bc whatever this mystery thing is is driving me crazy. 


I totally forgot about Planned Parenthood. I'm gonna check on that now. Thanks!

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Oh wow, flea, this is all so messed up! Sorry for all the trouble you're going through and sorry I only got here now. I missed quite a bit of drama, eh? I pretty much agree with everyone else though... get that mystery cyst checked and then get the hell out of there. Jeesh.

But, I also feel like you're handling all this like a pro! Making those appointments, going there even if you know/suspect they'll be weird, keeping up with your sleep schedule and water intake as much as you can, doing homework stuff beforehand so you won't get stressed about that, too... you're doing really awesome despite everything that's going on! Stay strong, you totally got this :)


(and is that plot twist for real? because that's really... wow...)

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Definitely for real. The difference is roommate doesn't have questions. She goes in, gets her pills, and leaves. So it works for her. Whereas this is my first time ever seeing a gynecologist so ofc there were a bunch of questions I wanted to ask. BUT NTB is awesome and there's totally a planned parenthood two blocks from my therapist AND it looks like they take my insurance. So now I just need to get a new referral, whee. 


You've had your own drama to deal with. I'll forgive you. This time. :)


when I get to my computer I'm going to rant a bit about the appointment because it's still bugging me lol. But I'll spoiler it. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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1 hour ago, Rookie said:

Omg flea :( -hugs- Sounds like you are going through some hell right now! 

Thanks. <3 It's not like I'm really suffering or anything, it's just obnoxious bullshit and terrible timing.




Rant about doctor lady (gets sort of TMI but I'm pretty sure I've said most of this before):


Okay so first off the front desk staff were rude and generally unhelpful so that put me off at the beginning. I got there 20 minutes before my 10:30 appointment as instructed to fill out the new patient paperwork, which was the least comprehensive I've ever seen and took me about two minutes. Obviously I don't know what other places ask so maybe it was typical, but aside from asking if you've ever had an STI there was nothing about sex at all? Nothing about orientation, if/how often you're sexually active, even whether you're already using birth control?? (They did have the section for "what medications are you taking" but if you're not on the pill I imagine that's useless.) They called me into the room at 10:50. Doctor came in around 11. I was out by 11:10. 


The very first thing she says to me is that I need to see a geneticist. This is based on the fact that my 4 grandparents combined had 8 (possibly 9) kinds of cancers; specifically, one grandmother had breast cancer, the other ovarian, and both had colon. My mother hasn't shown signs of anything to my knowledge and I have no other female blood relatives to judge by, so I really need to go see someone for a screening. Okay, this is a valid point and something I should probably consider. But it was such a straight up "go do this" that I wonder if she gets kickbacks from the person she's sending me to. I was immediately turned off by this. At the very least, cover what the paper says I'm here for and then say "oh by the way..." (It sort of reminds me of when I went to see a nutritionist before going vegetarian and when I said I'd snack on things when I was bored she immediately told me "The first thing you need to do is see a hypnotist for your food addiction." lol wut)


So like I said before, we moved to the BC thing. I said I'd been thinking about an IUD and she stops me there. Asks if I've ever had any STIs (which was on the medical history form so she clearly stopped reading when she got to the list of cancers). She's naming things off one by one and I keep saying no and finally I'm like "I've never had sex. I haven't had any STIs." And I get sort of a look like "why tf do you want it then" but she just says she'll have the staff check my benefits for it. And FYI it really hurts going in, hurts because of the speculum just chilling there for a while, "I may not even be able to insert it since you haven't had sex but *dismissive noise*" and I think basically what Severine said, possible heavy bleeding the first few months and then little or nothing after that. Oh, and that there's a risk of infertility and ectopic pregnancies, and when I said that's fine I'm not having kids I got a scowl in response. I'd like to point out there that she didn't even ask me about my period. At all. At the bottom of the medical history it clearly says "irregular." (I have an app I've been using since October 2010 to track it and my cycle length varies from 19 days to 55.) When I mentioned the irregular periods to the student health lady the other day the first thing she asked is whether I'd ever been tested for PCOS. But the gynecologist definitely didn't ask about it. Didn't ask if I'd done any research on IUDs at all, or any other birth control methods. Didn't even discuss which IUDs they have, because I know there are different types/brands. And like, really, if someone wants to go on BC and isn't/has never been sexually active, wouldn't you ask why? (Also didn't ask if I'm in a relationship.) Like, I want it because I hate bleeding, I never know when I'll be bleeding, and I'm never having kids anyway because I am basically the Baronness from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. But people go on BC for all kinds of different reasons and if I'm not using it for the most obvious I assume there should be a discussion about why in order to pick the best one? I literally said "I'm thinking about an IUD" and suddenly I'm getting one. 


As far as the mystery hip pain, I got "well I'm happy to do a sonogram for you but if you had a cyst it would be in a different place." Cursory poke at my hip and that's that. I had two other questions and the answers were "okay, I'll give you a prescription" and "that's just your hormones, there's nothing we can do about that." All of this in ten minutes, including the time where she stepped out for me to strip so she could poke at me. And that prescription she gave me? I dropped it off and they called me because she signed it but didn't actually write her name anywhere so they had no idea who it was from. (There are like 9 people at that practice and all their names are on the paper.)


I can see why my roommate likes her because if you have no problems going in it's pretty straightforward, no bullshit. But if you actually have things to talk about you're fucked. Ugh. So cranky. 


I wore shorts today because the heat index is over 100*F/38*C and I was not wearing jeans. Holy chafing Batman. (Also tore up my legs somehow because my almost-brand new razor blade seems to have dulled already?)


And now I have to go speed through my Econ that's due in 8 hours because dinner last night ran longer than expected and the doctor shit today took so much longer than it needed to (not the appointment, obv, but sitting in the waiting room and getting to/from) and ate into my planned homework time. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Wooooow she sounds amazing. I'm immediately put off when a doctor doesn't seem interested in me or really ask questions or probe for detail when I bring something up, and it sounds like she's the epitome of that. It's ESPECIALLY bad because she specializes in the things you're asking about. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. 

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Gargoyle Ranger | Level 49

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My epic quest | MEATBALL WARS

You don't get better at anything unless you start doing it.

Being alive is heckn swell. 

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Jesus Christ. They said it would take 7-10 days to check my benefits; literally just got a call that the IUD is 100% covered but the sonogram to figure out the placement of it might not be?? And they're like "So do you want to go ahead and schedule that appointment now?" Uh thanks, I'll wait. :rolleyes: 

Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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14 minutes ago, NeverThatBored said:

Wooooow she sounds amazing. I'm immediately put off when a doctor doesn't seem interested in me or really ask questions or probe for detail when I bring something up, and it sounds like she's the epitome of that. It's ESPECIALLY bad because she specializes in the things you're asking about. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. 

Seriously. I'm not typically the most assertive person but luckily when it comes to medical stuff I am definitely assertive enough not to be pushed into something I don't want and to look for things that I do. Imagine if I were one of those people who went along with whatever a doctor said just because they're a doctor? I'd be fucked with this lady.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Opinion poll time! I have an 8am appointment for an oil change and to get my AC fixed tomorrow morning. I have no idea how long it's actually going to take and the place is about a 10 minute drive from here. So: bring my computer, hope I can get a table at a nearby Starbucks or some other cafe, and crank out an internship application while hoping they don't take all day? Or suck it up and Uber $6 home and back to pick it up because at least I know there's wifi and somewhere to sit at my house?


Holy crap I am just not interested in this econ. It's not hard, I just. don't. care.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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I say bring your computer, but ask how long it will take when you drop off the car. Usually they have some idea. Then, if it won't take long you can hang out or if it will take all day you can go home and work there. 

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Gargoyle Ranger | Level 49

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My epic quest | MEATBALL WARS

You don't get better at anything unless you start doing it.

Being alive is heckn swell. 

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1 minute ago, NeverThatBored said:

I say bring your computer, but ask how long it will take when you drop off the car. Usually they have some idea. Then, if it won't take long you can hang out or if it will take all day you can go home and work there. 

Last time I went to this place they couldn't tell me. But yeah, I'll probably do that. There's a cool cafe a few blocks down that I can hit up for breakfast or something. They don't have wifi, but I can probably finish the application there and email it from Starbucks or something.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Bring your computer


And get a different OB/Gyn. I hate her. This might sound weird, but ask some one who has had babies for a gyno recommendation. They spend more time with him/her. Also, and you might be super uncomfortable with this, but the BEST gynecologist I have ever had was a man. FWIW.


Also, a hormonal IUD might solve the irregular periods? That's why you need a not her gyno: causn ya needs to be comfortable talking about your vag with your vag doctor. (vulgarity intentional).

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8 hours ago, Countess D'If said:

Bring your computer


And get a different OB/Gyn. I hate her. This might sound weird, but ask some one who has had babies for a gyno recommendation. They spend more time with him/her. Also, and you might be super uncomfortable with this, but the BEST gynecologist I have ever had was a man. FWIW.


Also, a hormonal IUD might solve the irregular periods? That's why you need a not her gyno: causn ya needs to be comfortable talking about your vag with your vag doctor. (vulgarity intentional).

The first thing that popped into my head about a male gyno was "boldly going where no man has gone before." Stop me. The only folks I know with babies live two hours away from here. :/ Good suggestion though. 


I don't want to solve them so much as destroy them. Like if a hysterectomy wasn't super invasive and didn't require ridiculous recovery, I would be all over that shit. But yeah, I'm not gonna keep going back if I'm not getting anything out of it. And if I'm going to let someone who knows nothing about me shove something in my vagina, it's gonna be something more fun than an IUD. And probably involve alcohol. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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On 7/9/2016 at 7:54 PM, fleaball said:

Goals for next week:

  • Measurements and photos tomorrow
  • Drink 5 750ml bottles of water every day, because I'm getting lazy about it and that needs to stop
  • Do Elements every day
  • Be in bed by midnight 3 nights and get out of bed at 9 am the following mornings


On 7/9/2016 at 10:44 PM, fleaball said:

Things I need to do this week (feel free to call me out if I haven't done them) 

  • Read 2 books
  • Look up high protein vegan breakfasts
  • Clean my crock pot and mason jars
  • Email a bunch of places regarding volunteer opportunities


Things I haven't done this week: Pretty much all of the above. I've been doing well in the spirit of things but not reaching the goals as I laid them out. Well. Elements has been scrapped for now and as my ankle is being a massive bitch I haven't even considered lower body workouts. Haven't made it to bed before midnight but have come close (12:30) twice, and the other nights have still been earlier than my average. I've definitely gotten up at or before 9 several days in a row though, so there's that. Have had 4+ bottles of water per day but not quite 5; if I hadn't been on the damn metro every day I probably would have hit it, but it's illegal to eat and drink and when your trip's 45 minutes each way that's a lot of water drinking time lost. As for the other goals... well there's still tomorrow. 


My car is fixed. There was no freon at all in the system because I didn't know you're supposed to get is checked every year? I'm ahead of where I need to be in Econ for once. I'll get a one or two mile walk in tomorrow to pick up library books; there's no parking around it and it's short enough that Uber isn't worth it. But if the bus happens to be going by I'll take that depending how my ankle feels. 


now if I could go a long time without injuring myself OR having to spend hundreds of dollars on my car, that would be fab. Thanks, universe.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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Now I'm picturing Spock as your gynecologist. I'm oddly okay with this.


Keeping with the Star Trek theme, if I could teleport my uterus out with no pain or surgery, I'd totally do it - I'm never having kids and tampons are expensive. Alas that the actual surgery is such a big deal.

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1 hour ago, fleaball said:

Haven't made it to bed before midnight but have come close (12:30) twice, and the other nights have still been earlier than my average.

Yeah I've found with the bedtime goal, I may not meet it but I do better than I would've without any goal. And I have faith that it will eventually get easier/become habitual!


Well done for surviving the atrocious gynecologist visit, ugh. My old GP was a bit the same in terms of not asking or answering questions, and kind of patronising too. Good on you for being assertive with this stuff and not just saying yes to whatever! Fingers crossed you stay injury-free for the next while and your car behaves (surely it will, it's bascially a new car now, right?!) 

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13 minutes ago, Owlet said:

Yeah I've found with the bedtime goal, I may not meet it but I do better than I would've without any goal. And I have faith that it will eventually get easier/become habitual!


Well done for surviving the atrocious gynecologist visit, ugh. My old GP was a bit the same in terms of not asking or answering questions, and kind of patronising too. Good on you for being assertive with this stuff and not just saying yes to whatever! Fingers crossed you stay injury-free for the next while and your car behaves (surely it will, it's bascially a new car now, right?!) 

Idk about you but in my case I'm just getting Too Damn Old to be staying up til 3 for no valid reason.


See I've gotten spoiled. My GP at home would listen to and discuss any issues you have, no matter how long it takes. I could probably stand to be more assertive with the orthopedic guy (although I hope I don't have a reason to see him again), but I think in that case it's more a question of "Oh you're saying I'm better now or will be very soon? Great, just what I wanted to hear! Kthxbye!" Yay denial. And yeah if something else goes wrong with my car I'm just going to give up and buy a tricycle. I don't know what original parts are left to break.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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4 hours ago, fleaball said:

Idk about you but in my case I'm just getting Too Damn Old to be staying up til 3 for no valid reason.

Not only do I no longer stay up till 3am with no valid reason, I won't even stay up that late with a valid reason =P I will stay up that late worrying about things I can't control though haha. Ahh brains. 

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3 minutes ago, Owlet said:

Fleeeaaaaa! Where arrreee youuuu? Come back and distract me from work pleeeaaase

At first I was like "why tf are you doing work on a Sunday?!" but it's Monday there isn't it? Damn you and your being in the future. 


I am here! Actually started a post earlier but then decided to be responsible and go crush my econ quiz first. And now I don't want to finish my post. 


Also I downloaded PokemonGO in the hopes of finding random ones in the house to annoy my roommate with, but some assholes already took the names Flea and fleaball so I refuse to continue playing.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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I did my econ! Got a 94. The homework isn't due for another 4 hours but I've finished it all already and it feels really weird lol. Ugh I'll trade you for weather. Tomorrow's supposed to be like 38C here, plus humid. D: There have been a handful of times that I've tried to register somewhere and fleaball was taken, but I've been using it for 15 years (holy shit) so it's a pretty rare occurence. Mostly I want to know who the fuck else is deranged enough to want to be referred to as 'fleaball' lol

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

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2 minutes ago, fleaball said:

I did my econ! Got a 94. The homework isn't due for another 4 hours but I've finished it all already and it feels really weird lol.

Yuss! Nice one :D Lol, weird because you're not having to rush at the last minute? You've changed man...


38c?! That shouldn't be allowed. I mean, what? How does anyone do anything? Why don't you all have siestas? I'm so used to sub-20C I get angsty if it goes above 25 haha. 


5 minutes ago, fleaball said:

Mostly I want to know who the fuck else is deranged enough to want to be referred to as 'fleaball' lol

Hahaha. Well yeah, I was wondering that too =P

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