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  1. I've been having a hard time coming up with a good goal for this challenge round, hence the lateness. However, I think I've found it. I've spent the last couple of weeks spending most of my spare time working on work tasks. Mostly, organizing a large pile of information accumulated over a decade into a better, more searchable, and easier-to-use form. This is not how "spare time at home" is meant to go. There is meant to be time for actual fun and personal projects and the like. So I am going to inject some fun, even if I have to schedule it, while still allowing myself to chip away at my digital chaos. Ongoing habits: These all need care and feeding. Exercise after my coming-home laundry routine Washing and prayer on hearing my alarm (if I am home and able) Reading NerdFitness when.... I still don't have a good habit here, but read it! Get rid of one thing every day New shiny things for this challenge: I have played a game called Angband on and off since 1999. In the game, you are a character descending through the 100 levels of the Mines of Moria to kill Morgoth. I have never won, and the closest I've ever been is about 20 levels from the bottom. I just killed my latest character today, so I'm going to make a new one and see how far I can get. I also play on BoardGameArena, and they are forever putting up new games that I don't take the time to try out. Goal here is to try one per day on days where this is a realistic thing to do. (Reading rules takes time!) I have a pile of work tasks consisting of Stuff that needs to be sorted into my new organizational system. There are currently 578 items on that list. (I split the tasks up a lot, so most of these are fairly small.) Some more will be added as time passes (as I find new things, or break, say, a pile of links in an email into a bunch of smaller tasks), but obviously the goal is to have that number be smaller at the end of the day than at the start. I may also try to work on things that will improve things for me long-term, like my stock research and buying of last challenge. I am thinking of figuring out a good way to organize recipes to easily make meals. But this is more of a bonus item. Okay, feels like a challenge. Let's go!
  2. On Sunday, I was getting ready to plan out the next challenge and rebelled against the complicated schemes I was trying to spin. So, I backed off and let the brain mull stuff over while I spent a few hours painting at our Rotary club's affordable housing project. By evening, I was so tired that I didn't have the energy to be anxious anymore (I also biked to the site .... so I'm channeling Indiana Jones at the moment), and I came to the conclusion that I should do some recycling of successful components from prior challenges and aim to keep it simple and (dare I say) fun over the summer months. By the end of the challenge, I want to: Weigh <= 150 pounds again Have the boxes unpacked or tucked into organized sections of the basement (bonus objective ... have the workout space set up) Have had FUN .... ok, hard to quantify, but there ya go Still playing with the D & D theme here, and so the "party" refers to the different characters journeying with me to ultimately deal with the dragon terrorizing the Sword Coast. There probably will be no actual beaches, but I am hoping to spend some time by the local pool. I do have my new, serious swimmer swimsuit on hand. Still .... "party" invites lots of memes and video sharing. Plan: Rejoin Weight Watchers with the ultimate goal of 135 pounds, which is my happy, healthy weight. Should be achievable in 9 months. I will use my icons tracking from a previous challenge to report daily progress here. Daily cardio using the random map. This gives me some guidance and inspiration, but .... every day, I have a choice of 8 directions in which to travel!! And, like "42", "walking" is always the correct answer. Use icons for tracking accountability. "Other" movement daily, based on the classes of party members*. Use icons for tracking accountability. Unpack a box or organize stuff for 15+ minutes daily. Checkboxes. Weekly-ish: Do a grandmother level hero workout for TREASURE!! Trying to mix it up a bit with workouts, each class in the party (a couple of us are multi-classing it): Inspired by: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/419273/Manual-of-Gainful-Exercise-DD-Subclass-Workouts Artificer: use the machines at the gym, bike ride, or a fitness game Bard: Dance or music based workout Druid: animal flow, swimming, yoga Paladin: free weights or kettlebells Ranger: CrossFit, archery practice Rogue: bodyweight, gymnastics moves (especially pullups and rope-progressions) Wizard: Fitness video, yoga I'm not going to be too hard on myself. I'd like to really mix up workouts for the summer and do one for each class each week. But .... trying to avoid the overwhelm too ......
  3. I decided to make badges for this challenge- please feel free to use them! I'll keep making them as the challenge progresses as long as it's fun to do. So obviously, the first badge is for creating a challenge! I have some ideas for badges like having a perfect day, getting back up after failing, marking the weeks, etc. I am open to suggestions! I realized after I got a minion badge from fitbit that I REALLY like badges. So why not make my own? It's a good excuse to practice some of the drawing programs I have too. Last challenge, I wanted to lose weight to help lower my blood pressure, and I ended up unpacking some baggage instead. I feel like I'm in a good headspace and I'm ready to really do the work...Overall, I'd like to lose 60 pounds. That would put me closer to 185 pounds. I am aware that isn't going to happen in one challenge, but let's just see how much progress I can make this challenge! The Plan: 1. Chop up veggies for easy snacks 2 times a week. In Habitica, my habits are "Choose Freggies Instead" because I want to make a habit of grabbing carrots in stead of cookies. But I need to make carrots as easy to grab as a cookie which means chopping up veggies and having easy fruits on hand. CHOP CHOP FOR CHOMP CHOMP 2. Take a deep breath before eating. This is a habit I started last challenge, and it's an amazing tool against stress-eating. 3. Brush and Floss after dinner. This is a simple thing that makes a big difference in how I sleep, cutting calories, and having a healthy mouth. 4. Exercise 60 minutes, 5 days a week. I like exercise. I love how I feel. I'm making more time for it. YES. Bonus Achievements! 1. Earn a Kevin Badge on Fitbit for walking 22,222 steps 2. Earn a Bob Badge on Fitbit for walking 32100 steps 3. Try a Kettlebell workout! 4. Cook dinner 10 times! I'm going to track all this on Habitica with my other stuff. I'm also tracking my blood pressure daily and weighing in every Wednesday. (until the end of the challenge, I'll weigh in the last day.) This still feels like a flexible challenge which I love. I'm excited to make and share some badges. The fitbit challenges are a little MUCH but hear me out.... Thanksgiving is coming, and that means the visiting uncle will be here. I'm totally gonna get those Fitbit Minion badges
  4. My mother died in October (at age 85). My daughter got married in October, and she and her new husband are starting to talk about having kids. This has prompted some new soul searching on my part - and some thinking about what I want to accomplish in my life. And some thinking about what I want to BE as a grandma. (Disclaimer - my daughter is not yet pregnant and doesn't plan to have kids for 2 years, which gives me time to lose 40 pounds .....) I was a "cool mom." My daughter looks back on her childhood with fondness - at horseback riding and rock climbing and hockey and soccer and cheerleading and theater and Girl Scouts and videogames - and appreciates how she had freedom and support (I was involved in everything but cheer) to do a lot of different things. That kinda ended when she went to college and I began to slide into habits of an empty nester. I gradually started to internalize the messages that say "you shouldn't be doing that" or "you shouldn't dress like that now that you're over 40/50/60/whatever." Truth is, I want to have FUN and BE FUN. I want to be the grandma that shows my grandkids how to do cartwheels and handstands. Takes them rock climbing. Knows the names of all the constellations and birds .... and who will dig for worms, go swimming, take them hiking, and can help them find well-hidden geocaches. I don't want to be like all of the grandmas in my family (who are, unfortunately, sedentary lumps perched on top of atrophied, skinny legs) who sit around doing needlecraft, or bake a lot of unhealthy foods, or sit in front of TV or computer. I want to beat the expectations of my family and avoid the stereotypes of what a middle-aged woman does and how she dresses and acts. Specific goals will evolve over time, but .... there's the current list!!! Fitness Lose weight and gain muscle (127 lbs and 21% BF by May 2017 - when my daughter will graduate with her Ph.D.) Do a chin up unassisted (again) Do a crow pose Do a handstand Travel Go to Greece Go to Rome Go to London Do the Unexpected Blackbelt in karate Do a Zombies Run Do the ZR Virtual Race Volunteer as a zombie at a Zombie Run Do a bubble run Do a color run Do an obstacle course run Do a 5K Do a 10K Do a half-marathon Bike to work (at least during decent weather ....) Keep Learning Master's Degree Doctorate Learn modern Greek Get my Personal Trainer Certification Defeat the Fashion Police Wear tights and a tunic Wear tights with a skirt
  5. so more or less in time this time! this challenge will be done on 4 different fun activities 1: Poi 2: Juggling 3: Contact Juggling 4: Handbalancing. The plan is to shoot progress videos on the different things following each sunday, if everything goes as planned .
  6. Hello everyone! I'm going to do an extended summer challenge in this thread that will run for roughly 7 weeks. This will include prep week, the four week challenge, and the two week summer vacation that the nerd fitness forums have planned. It feels a bit nostalgic for the old days of nerd fitness when we did six week challenges on these forums. I'm a thirty something single woman with a cat named Dragon. There's a lot going on in my life currently in terms of my mental health and recovery, and it can all feel pretty intense and heavy. I've decided to make my next challenged centered on something that I can always use more of in my life... PLAY! I don't intend to have any rigid goals, but will post regularly with my experiences and experiments in several domains of life. More may open up as we go along, but currently I'm thinking about these areas. Annyshay plays with her movement, food, friends, and imagination. Music, gifs, and other shenanigans as well as really intense and/or nerdy discussion is always encouraged and appreciated. Let's play!
  7. I've been reading on some of the meet ups and seeing how much fun everyone has been having and then I realized that there hasn't been one in maine(least not that I have seen). Well this need sto be fixed now that we mainers are FINALLY coming out of our winter slumber. So what do you say Nerds? Shall we change this injustice of leaving the Mainers out?
  8. I did not know where to put this but here goes I need your help. Summer is coming around the corner I am looking for people to join me on my mission to become Rebels with a cause. The mission is the spread some nerdiness, some geekiness and a whole lot of weird to defeat the mundane. I am participating in GISH (Greatest International Scavenger Hunt) and looking my friends and I are looking for teammates. We call ourselves the Federation of Weirdness Even though I live in Wisconsin for this you do not have to live any where near this cheese loving state to participate. (Tell your friends) I have application attached please fill out if you are interested. any questions don't be afraid to ask The Rebels of the Federation of Weirdness
  9. Sometimes puns can be a little corny but, after a while, they can be amaizeing! Just have some pun!
  10. GREETINGS REBELLION!!I am Wraiven but those whom know me well call me Mitch Jnr. I have been working on leveling up my life and developed my quest log in a way to grow, not only for me but for the benefit of those all over the world. Since I can remember I have always been a very giving person and gathered joy from tasks that not only helped me be a better man, but also to help others grow too. Since my Father (Mitch Snr) passed away started really struggling with depression and anxiety in recent years and it's truly effected my growth and attitude towards what I always believed of myself. It could be chemical or it could just be my mind trying to avoid the pain of failing... But that's not gonna happen! Since joining the Rebellion I decided to dedicate a whole year to trying to change some lives and it's really had an Impact on me too.17 has always been my favourite number soooo I decided in 2017 I was going to do a Charity Challenge called 'Songs and Smiles' to help raise funds for Kids with Cancer, Mental Illness and Poverty/Famine. This requires me to do a song a day to bring smiles and provoke thought/nostalgia every single day and then people could share and possibly donate if they could. A simple premise but alot of people seem to like it. So far we have raised over $5000 and had 250,000 views on Youtube.My Dad always wanted to help kids with cancer because when he had it he always beleived he had lived and they deserved a chance to aswell, so I am doing this all in his memory and I hope all of the rebellion can join me too and become a SMILE SAVIOUR!DONATE: http://bit.ly/2iRw2vO GOFUNDME: http://bit.ly/2jXoQ5f FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2hFp6UY TWITTER: @MitchJnrMass <3 Mitch Jnr
  11. GREETINGS REBELLION!! I am Wraiven but those whom know me well call me Mitch Jnr. I have been working on leveling up my life and developed my quest log in a way to grow, not only for me but for the benefit of those all over the world. Since I can remember I have always been a very giving person and gathered joy from tasks that not only helped me be a better man, but also to help others grow too. Since my Father (Mitch Snr) passed away started really struggling with depression and anxiety in recent years and it's truly effected my growth and attitude towards what I always believed of myself. It could be chemical or it could just be my mind trying to avoid the pain of failing... But that's not gonna happen! Since joining the Rebellion I decided to dedicate a whole year to trying to change some lives and it's really had an Impact on me too. 17 has always been my favourite number soooo I decided in 2017 I was going to do a Charity Challenge called 'Songs and Smiles' to help raise funds for Kids with Cancer, Mental Illness and Poverty/Famine. This requires me to do a song a day to bring smiles and provoke thought/nostalgia every single day and then people could share and possibly donate if they could. A simple premise but alot of people seem to like it. So far we have raised over $5000 and had 250,000 views on Youtube. My Dad always wanted to help kids with cancer because when he had it he always beleived he had lived and they deserved a chance to aswell, so I am doing this all in his memory and I hope all of the rebellion can join me too and become a SMILE SAVIOUR! DONATE: http://bit.ly/2iRw2vO GOFUNDME: http://bit.ly/2jXoQ5f FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2hFp6UY TWITTER: @MitchJnr Mass <3 Mitch Jnr
  12. It's still largely the same things remixed, but that's what I still need to work on. The Titan Challenge approaches! Prepare for it: Run 1/week at least Strength train 2/week at least Plan what to take Running sneakers what clothes? gloves cell phone case?? Would love to take it for pictures - but water obstacles? Sun block bug spray And the big one: the Period Problem. I will probably be mulling over this one a fair bit this challenge as I am due to be on the worst day of it during the race. Because of course. So if anyone is bothered by this sort of talk, be warned. I will not be spoiler tagging it. Sleep FFS Have food and everything ready at least an hour before time to sleep - except Wednesday Game night, try and have done in advance in bed by midnight, pref earlier Try to be active enough that I'm tired. I've been pacing a lot at night recently. Take inhalers at 9 pm, at least until the allergen levels settle down Have fun, run Alternity At least 3 days/week do something fun. Be it reading, video games, guitar, working on my Alternity game, watching something, whatever. So long as I enjoy it and it's not something I have to do, it counts. Still figuring out the mechanics for new Alternity, but I'm fairly happy with them so far. Ran a first session last Wednesday. It is nice to be back to GMing, even if it's pre-fab stuff right now. Just started re-reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I haven't read it in at least 15 years. Needs to be fixed. Dragon Age: Inquistion and Mass Effect now work on my PC, FFXIV: Stormblood Expansion is due out in a few weeks. Remember that I'm moving soon Declutter or clean a thing 1/week Please enjoy a Lego verison of When The World Breaks Down.
  13. Given: that things are super busy for me. My dad is still in the hospital 3 1/2 hours away from me. His NY house needs to be cleared out because they sold it, and my sibs and I are helping out (closing date late april / early may). work is work and I get uptight about it because my husband is a full time student this semester and I feel strongly that I canNOT mess up. oh and also, a tree fell on my house last challenge and we are coordinating with repair people to fix a tiny hole in the roof (BTW WE WERE SO LUCKY) and a window and some other stuff. Basically, I'm jumping and reacting to needs, and uncertainty is the only certain thing. Given: That I always do better with fitness and junk when I'm here and hanging out with you amazing peeps. Given: my 40th birthday is on April 15th! Given: Something started to work again for me last challenge. I got back into the gym, and my weight started to dip down. AND, I was being active because it was the right and desired *choice,* not because I am totally freaked out about my weight or about "catching" congestive heart failure. THEREFORE: This challenge I need to just have fun, don't let it stress me out (further), but stick to plan. but what is plan...? Goal 1: Show up and Be Friends This means: post daily, as best as I can. even if it's just house and cat pictures. BECAUSE I HEART YOU AND YOU ARE GOOD FOR ME. Goal 2: Don't Mess With a Good Thing Keep doing what I was doing last challenge, which is to say: aim for some kind of exercise or movement 5-6 days a week on purpose. Keep tracking food, and aim to not eat back exercise calories. I'm not going to track photos, or measurements, or anything. I know they're good to do. They're not fun and not my first priority, though, so I am not going to stress this challenge. Goal 3: HAVE FUN, you dinglebat! Things that are fun: * Knit - I still haven't freakin' finished my xmas knitting. what. * bake bread - it turns out I am deriving a great deal of personal satisfaction and feelings of accomplishment from baking sourdough bread. * Take days off before my bday and build adirondack chairs. * plan a beautiful yard and buy seeds and start seeds so they will grow in the yard. IT TURNS OUT that the starting date for seeds in my area is around the days that I'm taking off, too! * track things in my hobobujo, because it's calming and fun and dorky. * also, whatever else I want to do. because: Oh and PS. I am probs going to start this challenge ONE DAY EARLY so which is to say SATURDAY START because *see earlier "I do what I want" statement.*
  14. Welcome do Dungeons and Dragons, the Doodlie version. Everyone is welcome to participate By participating you DON'T become a Doodlie, it's just that this game in this form has been invented by the doodlies. A short recap of how we play You start by copying the character sheet and fill it in (see rule book for details on this). After this you put a link to it in your signature, and put the link on the sign in sheet. The name of your character is the same as your name on the forums! This makes it so much easier for the DM's You've got 4 primary abilities. You can level these up infinitive by doing stuff in real life like doing cardio, strength training, meditate or learn stuff. Besides that you've got extra ability's you can choose to your liking, to shape your character. By choosing a specific race or class you gain bonuses for certain abilities, but you're not limited to them. The DM (doodlie master) tells a story. You tell the DM how you wish to react to the circumstances the DM described. He or she will determine, by rolling a dice and comparing the result with the ability that's applicable in that situation, if you're successful or not. For example: You wish to talk to a cute guy in a bar. Since you're a beautiful elf, the DM decides this shouldn't be too hard for you, so she uses a D4 (a dice with 4 sides). (Or the DM decides that this is very hard since you're an ugly ogre and she uses a D100 (a dice with 100 sides)). She looks at your psyche level, say you're level 3. With the D4 you'll succeed by a roll of 2, 3 or 4. (With the D100 by 98, 99 or 100.) The DM rolls the D4 and you get a 3. The cute guy is willing to talk to you. Say you roll a 4, since that is the highest role the cute guy comes to you and tells you everything you wan to know. Or you get a 1, and the cute guy slaps you in the face and leaves. We play from December 5th until December 31st If you want you can post a short introduction in this thread. If you have any questions, let me know. Links Rule book Character Sheet (copy it and fill it out, don't forget to alter the share settings so everyone can see it) Sign in sheet
  15. Okay, so those of you who have been following my challenges know that I've not had the best time of things of late. Between illness and misfortune, I'm still sitting at a much lower total than I'd like and feeling kinda down because I don't really have a coach who bucks me up when things are going badly. Things might turn around after this weekend but just feeling resigned to getting there and making a total rather than setting the world on fire. Anyway, as an antidote to this, I have decided that the next challenge needs to be about having fun! I don't have a coach after the weekend, so either I'll be on my own or I'll be starting up with a new coach. Either way, I need to let loose a bit. So... Here are the goals! Eat, Drink and Be Merry NO food tracking. Weight tracking is allowable (and I'll log it as usual) but food will not be measured or judged. I need to have a bit of fun! Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Make time to go and have fun with friends. I would like to do the following this month: Go skating at an outdoor rink (and I'm dragging @TeeCam with me) Go for mulled wine at the markets Eat one of the gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches that I've been lusting after Arrange a girls lifting meet-up Attend my friend's Squats, Cake and Gin party Arrange a local Nerd-Up See Star Wars: Rogue One See Fantastic Beasts Eat mince pies Progress through World of Final Fantasy Push It I mean go harder... Nah, I want to get a bench PB so, even if I don't get it in competition, I'm going to go for an over 80kg bench at some point this month. Spin, Spin, Spin Get back to pole dancing at least once and clear out the spare room so I can get my own pole to practice. I've missed pole for ages so I really want to get back to doing that!
  16. Lucky Fire Dragon's Daily Spin So I've been away for a while and it was all for good reasons - being on holiday, getting back into good work rhythm, spending plenty of time with kids for school and fun, rearranging the house and uncluttering a LOT, catching up work projects that I've been wanting to do for 2 years and never got around to,... all good things, so I feel it was healthy priority setting and am very glad I did. I missed you guys as you have become part of my larger family, too, of course, but I knew getting back on here would mean less time for the people around me here and for those past few months I soaked up that time like the sunshine on a beach and they did too. Now I feel those habits and relationships are wonderfully steady and will see how to be back here AND have all the delicious time with my family as well There has to be a way!! Am super excited to catch up on your adventures that I missed, yayyyyyy As you can probably guess, the one thing coming short over all those goodies was my fitness Well, I did go for many walks, and after gaining a few kilos over summer (went from 64 to nearly 68 ) I meticulously counted calories for a month to remind my body what a deficit feels like, what enough feels like and what eating more than I burn feels like... that was super interesting. I'm back to 65 now, some days 64 and would love to get it down to 62 kg (less to lift on pole ) and also it's finally time to get some muscle back on. Talking about pole... sigh... 6 weeks holiday break were shocking there. Training only 3 times over the last two months did not improve this either plus I was too lazy for any push ups, pull ups, sit ups, yoga, ... you name it. Getting up early is the only "up" activity I have been successful on over the last few months. Sooooooooooooo It's time to get up on the pole again!!! For real I was pondering for a loooooooooong time (sneaky way of procrastination, planning instead of doing ): Should I rather do some hardcore, "proper" workouts 3x / week? Or should I do a little bit every day? Like 10 push ups, sit ups, etc daily? What about daily yoga? What about starting on weights for quicker strength gain to get back in shape? But then what about coordination on the pole? Aaaaaaaaaaargh Was driving myself a bit mad on this So now I have decided for daily small steps on pole Consistency and fun will be my mantras. I don't need to cover every main muscle every day, I don't need to train progressively, I just need to get up there and DO EEEEEEEEET Here's the plan: - Train for 15 min daily on the pole, with warm-up and cool-down it will be 30 min, that should be totally doable - Train one spin, one form of climbing and one pretty pose to hold each time - only day off is Fridays as they are super busy days and I also have pole class Thursday nights anyway Listed below are all the spins, holds and climbs I have learned so far. I will let a dice decide which ones are due that day and then tick them off here. Aiming to do as many of them as I can over the next 4 weeks, ones I've done won't come again unless in a combo for spicing things up. I really want to start small here, not aim for perfection but rather diversity and consistency. Does that make any sense? Not sure right now @SymphonicDanif you see any similarities to any of your past challenges (like lists and letting a dice decide) they are purely coincidental.... kidding, of course! I loved that so much in your challenges, I've always wanted to give it a try and here I go. THANK YOU Oh and I'll try to capture the various results on camera to link to each move for extra accountability. And maybe explanation of the names... but please don't assume I'm doing them perfectly, because I probably don't!! Instagram would be best for this purpose, right? Am very inexperienced on that. Any suggestions? So here is my list: CLIMBS (will have to be done twice as I don't have 24 different ones) beginner standard both legs (don't have a better name for it) fireman climb 3/4 turn fireman climb full turn fireman climb 1 1/4 turn leg switch on second climb leg switch on second climb with turn other moves that get me up the pole swing mount from squatting swing mount from standing headstand crunch up caterpillar from floor caterpillar on pole (both those don't take me up really, but maybe will one day ) SPINS front hook front hook long leg back spin back spin long leg front spin horizontal plié spin fan kick 1/2 turn fan kick full turn front chair front chair long leg back chair back chair long leg baby spin attitude spin baby spin long leg attitude horizontal attitude horizontal long leg fireman spin attitude dismount 3/4 turn attitude dismount full turn attitude dismount 1 1/4 turn long leg from floor (no idea what it's called) pirouette ??? HOLDS standing cross cross relax (wilting flower?? dead something? It's got some proper name ) cross long leg seat seat relax fireman supergirl superman inverted cross attitude headstand headstand splits headstand baby angel handstand handstand baby angel rainbow sun wheel overhead hold with legs lifted pull up hold pencil forearm hold pencil forearm hold one knee hooked seat next to pole knee hook with long leg that I have no name for inverted v Motivation: Getting my strong and sexy back on, having lots of fun again on the pole and feeling gooooooooooood Isn't that what we always ultimately do it for? I'll try to incorporate this part into training already - please shout at me when I seem to forget and go for tense ambition instead Thank you for sharing my journey with me, I'll do my best to cheer you on in return Let's go have some FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN
  17. Hi All! Xena here....posting this a little late, but wanted to get it in. Because time is short, I copied most of the text from last time.... Round 6 of our PVP using the Daily Dares at Darebee.com has begun! All are welcome. Every day, they post a bodyweight exercise challenge no equipment needed, every day. Sometimes they're easy, sometimes they're not. Every day there are two levels of difficulty. 1) just get it done, over the course of the day, and 2) Extra Credit (EC,) which usually means all in one shot. Either do one or the other. You get either 1 or 2 points per day, no more. Miss the day (in your time zone) and you miss the points. Need a variation? Not a problem, but no points for you. This is an open PVP, so anyone can join at any time. It's a great way to try out a bunch of different bodyweight exercises, and after 2 times through, I've personally found a bunch of new exercises based on what's been really hard. If you decide to join, declare what rank you're aiming for and sign up on this spreadsheet. Then, just keep track of how many dares you complete throughout the challenge. If you're not sure about what counts for the dare or extra credit, post here and we'll rule by what seems to make sense to the most of us. Some days you might not be able to do an exercise, and that's ok! If you like, try modifying or scaling the dare to something you can do. I've added a new column where you can keep track of dares you've modified and completed. The modified dares don't "count' toward "official" totals, but we can still reward you with creative titles if you like. The person with the most points at the end of the challenge will be declared the Daredevil! (other titles are available, inquire within.) Leaderboard Round 5: Zeroh (48 points) Round 4: Rocketbikeninja (62 points) Round 3 (Tie): Rocketbikeninja and mom2sjm (64 points) Round 2: Rocketbikeninja (67 points) - May 2016 Challenge Round 1: Geek On Fire (53 points) - April 2016 Challenge Ranks Titanium: 60 points (30 days of dares + 30 days of extra credit) Gold: 45 points Silver: 30 points Bronze: 15 points Custom: A custom goal of your choice. Just make sure to state your specific target in the spreadsheet. We're starting the PVP in Week 0, but you should be able to achieve all but the highest of these ranks even if you don't join us until Week 1.
  18. "It is time to stop lurking" - Tippeh, 6/9/16 at 9:53pm Well okay I said that a few times before but this time, I mean it I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of recording my "progress" on scraps of paper I end up losing anyways. I'm tired of starting over multiple times and being just as confused as before. I used to do full body HIIT workouts mainly doing calisthenics 2-3 times a week during the start of my college years and I remember just how AMAZING I felt and looked everyday. Then family issues, changing majors, not eating enough, and life happened. Therefore I fell of that luxurious wagon. So it is time! In fact what really helps is that my fiancee will be gone for most of the week for the next 2 months on business so that leaves less temptation for me to eat out/grab fast food with her. Therefore I'm hoping to establish a pretty solid habit of eating clean and working out regularly before I start my last semester of school this fall (will still miss you hunny!) Long-term Goals: To bulid a habit of working out 3 times a week (minimum) To eliminate processed foods out of my overall diet and instead fuel myself with wholesome foods To feel more energized and full of life for every waking moment To be stronger, especially in my upper body and hamstrings To someday be able to squat double my bodyweight To someday be able to do 10 pullups with relative ease Lastly when I succeed at the above, I know I will look much more lean, "toned", and strong. So my last goal is to look aesthetically awesome! Like Wonder Woman awesome! Short-term Goals (now until Sept. 1): Go to the gym 4-6 times a week Lower body twice a week Upper body twice a week HIIT 1-2 times a week Have 3 meals and 2-3 snacks everyday. No counting calories, just going to listen to my body when its hungry and when its satisfied Rotate between chicken, beef, pork, and fish for variety For example have chicken every other lunch and pork chops on the alternate days, etc. 1-2 servings of veggies per meal (whatever is in my fridge) 1 serving fruit per meal Fruits and nuts for snacks Be able to squat 100 pounds comfortably (hopefully more but we'll see!) Be able to 2 pull ups Be able to do 20 pushups in 1 minute Get a part time summer job (hopefully Rita's will call me in the next few days)! Wow it is cool seeing my goals written out so neatly. In a way, I hope it's not too much, too soon for me but I have a feeling it'll be okay. I'm definitely open to your guys' thoughts and tips though. Otherwise, creep away
  19. Quick intro! I'm karinajean, 38, live in NY state, commute to NJ about an hour each way (so lots of time in the car). I joined the NFA in October 2013 and over the last 2 years I've gone from 206 to around 180. I practice tae kwon do several times a week, take weapons and boxing classes in addition, and have an overarching fitness goal of doing good form push- and pull-ups. I have a crazy mean (yet super sweet) cat and live with my husband full time and my stepdudes 1/2 time. I motorcycle, knit and spin, and am endlessly ignoring how messy the house is. I'm an ASSASSIN because I like doing all the things, and because I want to be able to do push-ups and pull-ups -- these seem like very efficient movements that will exercise my upper body and core, and if I can do those and run and do martial arts (NINJA) I will feel totally strong and fit and capable. The MERMAID comes in because I saw it in a dream when I was a very young child and I believe it. And! it's my 39th birthday on April 15! challenge backstory! I've been here at NF for just about 2 years (nerdiversary on april 14th!) and lately I've been working on my SHOWING UP. I'm trying to believe that my baseline level of activity is actually worthy of being considered ACTIVITY (can you believe I have imposter syndrome around this?) and that I just need to show up and keep on keepin' on to stay healthy, happy, and fit. Goals! Goal 1: keep eating and tracking I still don't have hazard-quality information about how my body uses food. Honestly, I may NEVER have hazard-quality information about how my body uses food... but I want to grow the karinajean database of information. but! I need to add to this. progress status photos and measurements on a weekly basis, please. Goal 2: keep using my calendar tracking system and keep doing the things and telling you about them. I like this calendar tracking plan. it works for me pretty nicely. Goal 3: Show up and have fun! it's spring, y'all! I need to just show up and have fun! like, here, in my back yard, at my birthday party, on the weekends, in the library with a candlestick (oh wait).... Larger items to pay attention to: * having a birthday party with hula hoop instructor on APRIL 16. * 4th degree black belt test still tentatively scheduled for MAY * currently training for a 10K to be run on MAY 15 * it's spring and my yard is a mess and I need to BUY AND PLANT SOME BIG TREES * I need to get my attic dry-walled. it's a big deal and is going to be a huge pain (because there's currently things in it) but it is TIME. you know what will be fun? when this is OVER. * oh, and my motorcycle! we got the tarp off of them last night (thanks strong winds) and I need to FIX THE THROTTLE CABLE and RIDE IT EVERYWHERE.
  20. Goal: Do fun things daily, minimum of 3 fun things. 4-5-6 if you can and want to. Chat about it here in the thread when I feel like it. Weekly summary of all the fun things. Fun things: micro bio-hacking - black coffee only, a.m. fasting, fasting walk/exercise GMB Elements - being a bear, monkey, frog... need I explain why this is fun? stretching/flexibility - feels good and helps the back, win! dance - just one songs worth will do, because FUN! reading - especially something funny, laughing = good yoga/hand balancing - surely I don't need to explain... walking - It's spring, get out there! anything else that makes you smile Heh, one goal.
  21. ***QUICK NOTE: This is an RP tavern, please play in character. All things are permitted, including magic. However, please no god-modding and magic use should be reasonable, ie. you can't stop time, which applies to god-modding anyway. Have fun, and I really hope this takes off. Any questions, feel free to ask.*** As you approach the new tavern, you spot a sign with the following information: #============================================================================# Welcome To Ojara a'Lenendra's Tavern o' Fantastical People! We has a few rules, keep em and we'll be fine. 1.) Be true. 2.) Be you. 3.) Support the crew. 4.) Drink up me hearties, yo ho. (Protein shakes of course!) 5.) Alcohol on hand for the respawners and a special gift. Special gift: A hug from our pet monkey. 6.) Do NOT attack the monkey, reward listed below if you do. Reward: Meet Gustav. 7.) Have a great time! We currently offer three delicious flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, and Pina Colada! Have a nice stay, ya hear. #============================================================================# MEET BOSCO: (Isn't he cute?! He loves to hug all those who decide to respawn.) MEET GUSTAV: (Once known as Clark Kent or Superman, he changed his name to Gustav when he finally decided to get serious and kick some serious tail.) Note from Gustav Clark: Greetings, I claim full rights to eject those I find 'unsavory', do NOT test me. I'm not gullible anymore. ***************************************************************************************************************************** As you enter the tavern, you notice the typical setup. Tall mahogany chairs are encircled around small tables within the center of the softly lit tavern. The outer part of the bar is lined with elaborate booths all lit with small lanterns in the center. At the back corner booth sits Gustav glaring wildly in seemingly all directions for something to do. Your gaze turns towards the bar and Ojara raises his hand in greeting, "Hello there? Welcome to ma tavern." As you approach the bar you notice Bosco sitting patiently next to Ojara who is petting him ingratiatingly. "What cannai getcha?"
  22. 2016 Road Map These are my big goals for the next year, there is a lot I want to accomplish so I reserve the right to alter them as life happens Mental Health Live In the Moment- take things second by second day by day maintain good habits Meditation at least 5x per week, preferably daily Inspiration Gratitude Positive Self Talk falling in love with myself Physical Health Exercise Pilates 2x per week Lifting 2-3x per week walking- as active rest yoga? Eat your Freggies Sleep Water Creative Health: Writing write another book this year (Camp NaNo) finish second draft of 2014 Nano by april (Editing from Jan-March) finish third draft by june (March-May) finish 2015 Nano (May-June) Drawing 1 per challenge Music Write an EP 3-4 songs I like Become proficient at guitar, this means: able to play songs change chords well know all the notes on the frets Return to School: Financial Aid for School tax returns (by april priority deadline) fafsa (by april priority deadline) CSS profile (by april priority deadline) Finalize return to Wes (May-June) email dean email advisor pick classes Learning: Read 20 new books this year Take 3 coursera courses to get used to studying and classes again Fluency in French?
  23. Thank you for that killer title, def <3 ** Time for Shepherd Fox to continue her journey towards becoming an international super spy! After an action-packed field mission, she’s been granted a few weeks working in the office. Wait, what? An office? â€You’re not ready for field workâ€, says B, the chief of ZOOm, the international intelligence agency. â€You’ve got what it takes, but you can’t control yourself.†â€What do you mean? I think I did OK!†â€You left those baby cows to manage themselves, and totally lost yourself and your focus. Your report mostly consisted of pictures of some Crab’s butt (clothed, thankfully), and you referred to yourself as ’Mrs. Crab’ four times, and two times you misspelled your own name. ANDâ€, B raises her voice as Fox tries to protest, â€you need to learn how to control your enthusiasm. You’ve got everything you need, but you don’t know how to use it.†â€Those pictures are art.†â€Fox.†â€Come on, those baby cows knew Cow Fu and could handle themselves. The situation turned out OK.†â€You can’t count every cow to know Cow Fu, Fox. Leaving the baby cows to manage themselves wasn’t part of your mission.†B sighs. â€I need to know that I can trust you. Do you trust me, Fox?†Fox looks at B, astonished, and quickly answers: â€Absolutely.†She absolutely trusts her boss, who seemed to get wiser and wiser every year. Even the thought of B thinking otherwise is horrifying. â€Good. You can trust me: this office work is going to do you good. Your immune system is low after running after that Crab butt, Fox. It’s not good. But you’ll be back in field in no timeâ€, B says, and takes out a file. â€Any details, chief?†Fox asks, feeling anxious. B opens the file. â€You’ll be situated in the city of Pawnee, Indiana. Your boss will be Ron Swanson, the department director of Parks and Recreation…†â€PARKS AND RECREATION?†â€It will do you good, Fox. Your boss will be Ron Swanson, and your job will be supervised by Leslie Knope. You’ll get the details of your job upon arrival. Any questions?†Shepherd Fox suppresses a sigh. â€When do I start?†** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWOZVz9OVnk Working in Parks and Recreations means that Shepherd Fox needs to change her way of seeing things: working hard will get you to your dreams. But working hard doesn't mean that you can't have any fun! #1: What would Leslie do? Leslie Knope is among the hardest working people on the planet - and she is a genuinely lovely human being, who takes care of her own. She has a lot of qualities that the Fox could adapt! - plan studies ahead every week - set up two goals you need to achieve daily - Sunday will preferably be a day for painting! - every day, write down what motivates you to keep going! #2: Bad feelings make me sweaty. A low immune system needs to be taken care of with gentle exercise that boosts your mood - yoga, dancing, shadow boxing... Whatever makes you feel good! Since the flu still has a strong hold of Fox, there will initially be no minimum requirements here. If you can dance for one song every day and enjoy yourself, great! We'll modify this goal as your health gets better. #3: Meditation is, literally, the best! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOpbzssFyPw Anxiety disorder is making Shepherd Fox anxious. Meditation has proven to be a powerful maintenance tool for this interesting structure in her brain. - meditate 20-30 minutes every morning - meditate 15 minutes every day when you come home from your studies. #4: Treat Yo’ Self! It's a cold world, and winter is coming. This is challenging for a fox, who's prone to SAD and other bad vibes. So, every day, after accomplishing set goals (see #1), she will treat herself. Activities could be something as follows: - watch a movie - massage yo' self with lavender oil - give your feet a herbal bath - try a new food recipe ** Shepherd Fox is shown to her table. There's a laptop, and a mug with the department's logo. "Welcome to Parks and Recreation", says Ron Swanson. "If you need anything, I'll be in my office. The door will be locked, so you'll have to make an appointment with my secretary April or go talk with Leslie. She's in her office, too, and her door will be open." He nods, and walks away. Fox sets down her backbag, and sits down. Office work. Here we go.
  24. Hey there! This is my first 6 week challenge. I started week plans by myself from time to time, but I never sticked to it after the first motivation is gone. So, I (at least hope to) learn from the past and now focus on smaller, more reasonable goals. I will write down what I did the other day so I know if I slept or not! Goal number 1: Better sleep To archieve this, I want to stay away from my mobile, my xbox and my computer - devices that send out blue light - the hour before I go to bed. Since I am going to bed at 10pm to get my 8 hours of sleep, I need to stop at 9pm. In the free time I can paint, draw, read and exercise. Turn off devices at 9pm and fo to sleep at 10pm (On Sunday, Monday- Thursday. I want to try it out on weekends too (too not use devices), but I can sleep longer so I dont need to be in bed at 10pm ) Goal number 2: Habit of training I want to build a habit of training. I am starting a calisthenics bodywheight routine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVlF6U0eZEw). At the moment, I am not sure what will be better for me, either do a split and work on my upper body on day one + stretching of my upper body and work ony my lower body + core + stretching on day 2 OR do the full routine on day one and do a stretch routine on day 2. I dont know if the first version will give me enough rest between the workouts, but I like the idea more since I am constantly building the habit to workout. In the best case, I can workout at 9pm and then do something else, but I dont know how it will influence my sleep. a) Train 6 days a week (or more) - If I cant do a full routine, I will do a back up short workout (and mention it here) b)Workout 3 days a week and stretch on 3 days a week EDIT: Handstands all the way There was a time where I trained the handstand a lot, but at the moment I can't do it anymore. But I really like the handstand, so I am starting again at point one and do them against a wall, trying to get a straight form before I try them without help ( that was my biggest problem before). I want to do ~5min of Handstand training every day. Do ~5mins of handstand training every day Goal number 3: Milk every day: In order to gain weight, I want to drink more milk. I read the GOMAD diet and liked the idea. But because of my purse and my stomach I will start with 2 L a day to see how it goes. Unoffical goals: These are goals I want to archieve at one point, but I know myself, and focusing on too much will throw me back. So I will try to do these but I can cut them back if I dont have time/energy/money/fun - Eat more - Participate in a martial arts course or breakdance course - Do more parkour videos Thanks for reading! More details + rewards will follow(hopefully) in the next days since it is already 9:30pm and I still want to workout ~ Gurkour EDIT (07.11.2015): I was sick so the challenge starts today
  25. Alright, Rangers! We've been talking about this and dreaming about this. Now's the time to start doing this! Not much in the way of rules or categories yet. I'm figuring that, as we usually do, we will come to working consensus via discussions in the thread. Post pictures, talk trash, put up links to resources and most of all - HAVE FUN!
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