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I found this site via Fitocracy (to which I am addicted), specifically, someone had posted a link to Staci's story and I was all elated with girlish glee because that is exactly what I want! YAY!

A little about me:

34 year old female

From PA, moved to CA to pursue acting, and was reminded I'm not a lollipop and a red head, so I was never really given the time of day, despite my best efforts...so, I decided to pursue gaming-things a bit more and am finishing a Masters degree in Business Communications. Goal is to get a PhD in Strategic Management & Organization and then go into a COMPLETELY NEW DIRECTION in law enforcement (it all works out, trust me).

I do have fat to lose. Not gonna say I have weight to lose, because, frankly, I'm getting to the stage of "it's just a number." I weigh 170lbs right now and I look maybe 150. I'm very okay with that (though, I'd like to look a lot slimmer!). I've been kinda-sorta following the Type O diet plan by Dr. D'Adamo (and it's similar to a Paleo type diet, as well), but since I started lifting (YAY!) on Monday, I'm finding I'm craving tons of protein.

My nerdom comes from RPGs, MMORPGs, cosplaying, and the very fact I actually am the Assistant Marketing Director for a gaming convention here in Los Angeles. I'm a geeky nerd in that I love studying and learning things that interest me. Favorite TV shows include Grimm, Dr. Who (#4, #9, #10, plz), and ...the U.S. Being Human. I don't watch a lot of TV. I spend more time writing and gaming. That's it for now! Feel free to ask questions, if you'd like!

Oh, and judging from the "Real Life Role Playing" badges, I'd likely be a Half-Elf Warrior. I am *always* the tank.... >_<

"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don't alter their views to fit the facts; they alter the facts to fit their views.†- The Fourth Doctor


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...as is instant death.  Avada Kedavra, Sweetie...


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PhD Student - I/O Psychology

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Welcome Angelcakes!

GoodReads  MyFitnessPal


Previous Challenges: 2020: 1.20  - 2019: 1.19 l 2.19

2018: 1.18 l  2.18 l 3.18 l 4.18 l 5.18 l 6.18 l 7.18

2017: 1.17 I 2.17 I 3.17 I 4.17 I 5.17 l 6.17 l 7.17 l 8.17 I 9.17 l 10.17  

2016: 1.16 l 2.16 l DA v.1 l DA v.2 I DA v.2 Reloaded I DA v.3 I DA v.4 I 8.16 I 9.16 I DA v.5 I 11.16 

2012: 1 2013: 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 2014: 9 l 10 l Not Done Yet l Time to Conquer l  Conquering 

HFC for Life!


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I left the race of half-elf when I read elsewhere we didn't need to be "fantasy" races (well, traditional fantasy races). I most closely align myself with Celestials or Angelics, whatever you want to call them... :D

...also, looking forward to the next challenge....I may actually be able to participate!

"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don't alter their views to fit the facts; they alter the facts to fit their views.†- The Fourth Doctor


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...as is instant death.  Avada Kedavra, Sweetie...


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PhD Student - I/O Psychology

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Okay, I don't like doing this...mostly because I'm fearful of other people's opinions (yes, I know...get over it...been workin' on that since I was 8, thanks....) I really need support and encouragement. I have so many wonderful things about myself, but all I can see are the failures. I hold myself to very high standards and I constantly miss my mark--whether it's a lack of dedication, a disbelief in myself, or whatever. I'm currently signed up to run in a 5K on Thanksgiving morning. I started training at the end of September/beginning of October....and ended up with a pretty bad ankle injury, so didn't run while I was freezing my ass off in Canada, visiting my boyfriend. Ankle's doing great, but my dream of actually running a full 5K doesn't seem to be in the cards--which really sucks, because my instant thought is... "What ELSE can I fail at in my life?!"

I really want to do the next challenge. I do have goals--and they should be reasonable for six weeks. I love lifting weights; I always have. But, I know I'm going to have to run a mile and a half in less than 12 minutes--and right now, it takes me 12 minutes to run a single mile. I really want to go full Paleo in my diet--I'm practically there, anyway--but I have to feed two other people and neither of them are interested (plus, I always get the "we can't afford that" line). So, I take care of me (breakfast is usually two eggs and two strips of turkey bacon, lunch is either left overs or a salad, dinner is what I make that has meat and veggies or rice/potatoes (usually sweet potatoes) on the side). I have two vices: biscuits (gluten free and soon to be home-made) for my tea and alcohol. I don't get trashed every night, but I do very much enjoy vodka tonics. I've also fallen out of my 3-3.5L of water/day habit (GO ME! Yet ANOTHER failure), so, I've tried to cut down on alcohol. I dunno...now I'm just rambling/venting/being stupid.

I just really need support. I've been searching for a gym partner, but no one in my circles belongs to LA Fitness; they belong to 24-Hr Fitness (and, since my car was broken into there....I prefer the new gym). I don't see my success the way others do, I suppose. Maybe that's part of the problem. Well, whatever. I've whined enough. Off to bed so I can lift in the morning....and then work on a paper for school... <sighs>

"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don't alter their views to fit the facts; they alter the facts to fit their views.†- The Fourth Doctor


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...as is instant death.  Avada Kedavra, Sweetie...


Facebook | TwitterFitocracy

PhD Student - I/O Psychology

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Welcome angelcakes! You are in the right place for support, we are here to pick you up whenever you need. I'm glad to here you are ready with your goals, the challenges are great fun. I'm going to live a paleo life this challenge, I haven't quite worked it all out so I'd appreciate tips anytime!

Level 4 Human Adventurer:  current challenge  ||| battle log stardate: 4/15-5/27/13STR - 4 | DEX - 4.5 | STA - 5.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 7 | CHA - 6You want me to do something... tell me I can't do it. -Maya Angelou

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