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But guyyyyy~yyyyys! I'm TIRED!




Like all the time. Between a two year old, an eight month old, an hour commute each way to and from work, and time to pretty much make a (usually healthy) supper before crashing from pure exhaustion, I have no idea how to make the time to focus on getting into better shape. And just like the Ice Climbers (wait...what do you mean they're not in the new one!?), doing this on my own isn't even an option. I've gotta bring the missus with me. And that's a good thing.


So...how do we do this? Getting up earlier is barely an option, when we get such horrible sleep each night that mornings are positively Romero-esque with all the shambling and the moaning and the crying. And that's just me!


But enough with the excuses, and enough with even the legit reasons. I WANT to do this. We both do. But how the hell do you fit an hour's worth of decent working out (warm ups, cool downs, all that safety stuff) into ten spare minutes? Are there options for...micro-workouts? "I've got ten minutes here, I can do some kind of exercise that'll be beneficial in small doses, since a real workout is out of the question"?


Hell. I'll fight me some boars.

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Good for you for choosing to do this :D


YES, you can definitely fit things in exercise-wise and I highly recommend http://www.fitnessblender.com/ as you can say how much time you have, how much equipment you have (if any) and how hard you want to work out.

Also, I'd recommend doing strength training and this beginner bodyweight workout is great place to start - just do one circuit if you don't have time to do it three times, and do it a few times a week.


Hope it goes well :)

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