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Greetings, all. Much has changed for me recently. Switched assignments. New assignment is in Japan. Family stayed home in the states (this is a pretty common military thing known as 'geo-bachelor' -- not a dissolution of the family but an extended period of working away from home). Read Body by Science and a bunch of other stuff that convinced me that I really can't avoid strength training any longer. I also decided to ditch the idea of a car altogether and ride to and from work, so I bought a mid-grade hybrid bike and have started that adventure. It's perfect timing for a new challenge!



1. Use the F=ma. Strength training using HIT or HIIT principles at least once per week. 


I met a training buddy shortly after arriving. He loves HIIT, and I wanted to try HIT after reading about it. We decided to combine our passions for a HIIT workout on Monday, a core-focused HIT session on Wednesday, and a Big 5 HIT session on Friday. We made this plan knowing that a Monday or Friday is inevitably going to drop out on occasion and we wanted to ensure at least a couple of workouts per week. We're also monitoring ourselves for signs of overtraining, and are willing to cut this back as necessary since we're both fift-ish. Thus, once per week is meeting goal. Twice per week is awesome. Thrice per week and I'm drinking a celebratory beverage.



2. Ride my bike to work at least three times per week.


I made the decision to bike even though the train is extremely cheap and convenient because before coming to Japan I had fallen in hate with my commute. It was 30 to 40 minutes of sitting twice a day, and even though I have to walk ten minutes on either side of the train ride I still want to avoid sitting. I live almost exactly 5k from work, and it's about a 20-minute ride taking traffic into consideration. Doing that at least 3 times weekly will give me 120 minutes of riding, which is decent and allows for the occasional rain and/or recovery day. Four times in a week is awesome. Five times is ideal. If I ride four or five times and also complete a weekend ride, then I'm drinking a celebratory beverage.



3. Learn at least three new Japanese phrases and five words per week.


I got an apartment off base in a fully Japanese neighborhood where store clerks and restauranteurs don't speak a ton of English. The learning curve is steep and ubiquitous. Want a pizza? Amazon delivery? Ask for directions? Good luck, yank. Learning at least three common phrases and five words that I could swap into those phrases is the goal. If I double it, I'm drinking a celebratory beverage.



4. Do something social at least once per week.


I've been away from home for almost two months now, and I'm not going to lie -- it gets lonely. In order to keep myself from going stir crazy in my tiny little monk cell of an apartment, I need to do something with other people at least once a week. There's an opportunity to play bass with a little practice group, and there's a weekly dinner hosted by a group off base, and there are friends to ask out to lunch. If I do one thing per week, goal. Besides, I need some company for all these celebratory beverages.





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Okay. Day one:


 Goal 1 -- Attended HIIT class with my training buddy. 

 Goal 2 -- Rode my bike to work and back (note: forgot my lights and rode home at dusk. Unnecessary adrenaline, but I made good time).

? Goal 3 -- Working on 7 phrases (full disclosure...already started working on these, but three are new):

                    - sumimasen (excuse me)

                    - gomen nasai (I'm sorry)

                    - itadakimasu (I receive this [with gratitude])

                    - yoroshiku onegaishimasu (I'm in your debt)

                    - gochisousama deshita ([that was a feast])

                    - arrigato gozaimasu (thank you)

                    - douita shimashite (you're welcome)

               Also working on the words for 4,5, and 6. 

? Goal 4 -- No socials yet. Not going to count HIIT as social because it's not really the spirit of the goal.


Welcome to Monday! ☯️

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Right. Day four:


?? Goal 1 -- Rest day.

? Goal 2 -- Biked to work and back; rear light ran out of battery. These lights....

???? Goal 3 -- Beginning to wonder how I'm going to know this is done. I guess if I can nail the flash card in either direction. In that case, 4 down, 3 to go.

??? Goal 4 -- Met with some peers for celebratory beverages. Ended up staying for dinner, but went chicken caesar, so not too bad.


Almost there! ☯️

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Week One:


☯️ - ???? Goal 1 -- Rest day.

☯️ - ???? Goal 2 -- Train to town.

☯️ - ?????? Goal 3 — Still just 6 phrases, but all three words. Going to call it good.

☯️ - ????? Goal 4 -- Lunch with a friend



Made all the markers this week, but there are learnings:

1. I still need to curate my habit pattern in this new existence. Too much randomness. Too much unintentional downtime. ,

2. Summer heat here is brutal, but I can hydrate and get more bike time.

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Week two. Day one:


 Goal 1 -- Attended HIIT class with my training buddy. 

 Goal 2 -- Rode my bike to work and back -- realllllly sucked after the HIIT workout, so I coasted a lot.

? Goal 3 -- Discovered last week that I really need a phrase for "I don't know how to talk good," so here's this week, with carryovers from last week in blue because I wasn't satisfied with my recall today:

                    - yoroshiku onegaishimasu (I'm in your debt)

                    - gochisousama deshita ([that was a feast])

                    - douita shimashite (you're welcome)

                    watashi wa Nihon-go o amari hanasemasen (I don't speak much Japanese)

                    - wakarimasen (I don't understand)

                    - Menyu in eigo wa arimasu ka?  (Do you have a menu in English?)

               Also working on the words for 7,8,9, and 10.

? Goal 4 -- No socials yet. 


Welcome to Monday! ?

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Day two:


? Goal 1 -- No HIIT -- we're actually resting the rest of this week because we have an assessment next week, so this will be a wash.

 Goal 2 -- Rode my bike to work and back.

?? Goal 3 -- Made zero progress -- I haven't made the flash cards and really need to...

? Goal 4 -- A friend is in town, so we met for dinner and a whiskey. Good fellowship.


Happy Tuesday! ?

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Day three:


?? Goal 1 -- No HIIT -- resting for next week's assessment.

 Goal 2 -- Rode my bike to work and back.

??? Goal 3 -- Made the flash cards, and I think I've got a small handle on four of the seven.

?? Goal 4 -- No socials today.


Happy Hump Day! ?

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On 9/8/2024 at 2:13 AM, Qnobi said:

We're also monitoring ourselves for signs of overtraining, and are willing to cut this back as necessary since we're both fift-ish

I feel seen.  And I don't like it


On 9/8/2024 at 2:13 AM, Qnobi said:

then I'm drinking a celebratory beverage.


On 9/8/2024 at 2:13 AM, Qnobi said:

I need some company for all these celebratory beverages.

With all of the celebratory beverages you may need the company to help balance your bike



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daily dare 49 48  47  46 45 44  43 42 41  40 39 38 37 36 35  34 32  31 30  29  28 27  26  25 24 23 22 21 20 19  18  17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 #8 #7  #6  #5 #4 #3  #2 #1


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8 hours ago, Chesire said:

With all of the celebratory beverages you may need the company to help balance your bike


I admit...I have to combine the celebratory beverages. They will no kidding give you a DUI here for drunken cycling!


Day four:


??? Goal 1 -- No HIIT -- resting for next week's assessment.

? Goal 2 -- Took the train today -- too much luggage for the bike. Fortunate, too, because it rained in the afternoon.

???? Goal 3 -- Slow progress...I was able to actually use "no spraken de Japanese" today, and they understood me. 

?? Goal 4 -- Lunch with my pro cohort today. 


Happy Thursday! ?

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Day five:


???? Goal 1 -- No HIIT -- resting for next week's assessment.

? Goal 2 -- Cycled to work and back, and to the grocery to buy non-alcoholic celebratory beverages.

????? Goal 3 -- We'll see how this ends up...it's been a busy (read: not studying) week.

?? Goal 4 -- Visited a coworker in the hospital today. I think that counts a little. 


Happy Friday! ?

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Skipped yesterday, so here's the Week 2 summary:


 - ?????? Goal 1 -- Made good on the intention to rest for the week. Monday kicks us off again. Failure, but planned failure. 

☯️ - ??? Goal 2 -- Four total days biking -- used the train all weekend, but made goal.

  - ??????? Goal 3 -- Not good enough. I've learned a few phrases, but did not put in my 10 minutes of daily study and fell short.

☯️ - ???? Goal 4 -- Considering the goal is once, I'd say this was a big success.



1. Ten minutes of daily study has to go into my habit stack. I can't rely on seeing the cards and being motivated -- too haphazard.

2. Second week in a row that weekends have been pretty empty. On the one hand, rest is good. On the other, room to improve. 

3. I need a meal plan.

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Week three (already). Day one:


 Goal 1 -- Today I completed my assessment, so that was the workout.

? Goal 2 -- Rain day, so no bike.

? Goal 3 -- Repeating last week:

                    - yoroshiku onegaishimasu (I'm in your debt)

                    - gochisousama deshita ([that was a feast])

                    - douita shimashite (you're welcome)

                    watashi wa Nihon-go o amari hanasemasen (I don't speak much Japanese)

                    - wakarimasen (I don't understand)

                    - Menyu in eigo wa arimasu ka?  (Do you have a menu in English?)

               Also working on the words for 7,8,9, and 10.

? Goal 4 -- No socials yet. 


Slow start. Welcome to Monday, and Happy Equinox! ☀️

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Skipped a day…


Day four:


??? Goal 1 -- one rain day and one lazy day.

? Goal 2 -- Rode my bike to work and back.

???? Goal 3 -- I’ve let my structure get out of hand as I’ve just tried to learn what I need in the moment. I’ll have to revisit this.

??? Goal 4 -- No additional socials.


Happy Thursday! 

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Day five:


??? Goal 1 -- HIT Big 5 with training buddy

?? Goal 2 -- Rained -- train to work.

????? Goal 3 -- ::Sigh::

???? Goal 4 -- Not only no socials, but watching FOTR in my cave alone. Take that.


Happy Friday! 

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Week three recap:


????? Goal 1 -- Intentional rest, but made the weekly minimum.

???? Goal 2 -- No commute, but made the weekly goal.

??????? Goal 3 -- I learned some stuff. Just not what I listed at the beginning of the week. Rethinking this tomorrow.

?????? Goal 4 -- Solo Sunday was actually pretty nice. Still made the weekly goal.

So there's a lot of gray there, but made 3 out of 4 at least to minimum level. 

Hope you have a good week 4!

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Week 4, Day 1:


 Goal 1 -- HIIT with a buddy. Squats mostly, followed by riding my bike. Considering renaming the challlenge ‘QNobi dies to death.’

 Goal 2 -- made the commute.

? Goal 3 -- I don’t have a solution yet. Thinking.

? Goal 4 -- No socials yet. 


Happy Monday!

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Day 2:


? Goal 1 -- Planned rest day

 Goal 2 -- made the commute...and it started raining 5 minutes in. Luckily, it's only a 25-minute commute on average.

?? Goal 3 -- Still no solution, but I did use a phrase or two today. I'm still doing Duolingo and looking up what I need, so it's not like I'm doing *nothing,* but the goal as stated lies dormant.

?? Goal 4 -- No socials yet. 


Welcome to Tuesday!

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