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Half a Challenge is Better Than None {AverageFish}

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If I'm doing the math right, there are still 3 weeks left in this challenge. Too much time not to put to some use, so instead of sitting this one out completely here I am.


The last 2 weeks were predictably exhausting at work. Part of the reason for that - my deeply ingrained habit of procrastination, exacerbated by a serious screen time problem. (Had I procrastinated less, I would have joined the group quest to work on that). Had I been working on some major projects piecemeal over the summer, it wouldn't have been such a painful push to the finish. But here I am again, caught up with the major stuff but sleep deprived and ready to take it easy for a few days. The problem is - the work doesn't go away, and if I take it too easy I'll get behind and the cycle will start all over again. So this seems like a good time to start working on some habits to break the cycle.


My first step - tracking things. If I track calories, I eat less, so maybe the same thing applies to time? I've tried tracking the time it takes to do my different work-related tasks, but never how much time I waste on what. If tracking calories makes me think twice before eating a cookie, maybe tracking the time wasted will make me think twice before I spend an afternoon going down internet rabbit holes?


So, my first step will be adding my time tracking app to my tablet (I already have it on my phone). Then, for the next 3 weeks, I will


1. Track food and exercise

2. Track time - working and wasted


One of the unfortunate side effects of my procrastination/screen time issues has been the accumulation of a ridiculous amount of clutter. So decluttering is still a goal. This will be an ongoing process over multiple challenges, but I want to get started now.


3. Between now and the end of the year, get rid of at least one thing on 100 days. This is a variation of the 365 things method, basically getting rid of 1 thing every day, but scaled to the final few months of the year, with a few days wiggle room. A few rules to keep me honest:

          a. To count, the item has to actually leave the house or be in the garbage or recycling can. Putting it in a box to figure out where to donate/repurpose/recycle doesn't count.

          b. No more than 1 week difference between when the item is disposed of and when it "counts" - so 7 items on the weekend counts,  a massive purge of 100 items over the holidays doesn't (although I could do that as a bonus). The goal is to do things in small incremental steps, not to put them off to the last minute.


Bonus goal: Try to come up with an interesting story to tie all these together, or creative way to count points, or something to make it more interesting and less just reporting numbers....





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