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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Those are some good suggestions! How has it been feeling?

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Thanks for the input @Xena!  I've scheduled an appointment with a guy who was listed on MobilityWOD's "List" for Thursday.  First appointment is 90 minutes for an initial assessment.  I'm going to push for at most an appointment once every 2 weeks.  My hope is that he can assess my situation and give me things to do help myself and then do check-ins periodically.  We'll see how it goes.  


Overall though... let's pick up where I left off.  


7/28/2016 through 8/1/2016

After my brutal session on Wednesday, I basically shutdown for the weekend.  Got sick of doing basically everything and decided to just relax this weekend.  Drank a lot.  Ate crappy.  But whatever.  I did come to a couple realizations.


First, I'm giving up Headspace.  I gave it a valiant effort, but I'm just not seeing the benefit.  Signed up February 25th and did 131 sessions (out of 158 days).  The one thing that I think is my primary issue is I have a very hard time staying focused on tasks that I don't find interesting or that are super challenging.  If it's easy, I tone out quick and find myself feeling un-challenged.  If it's super hard, I find myself procrastinating and not tackling it because I'd rather feel like I'm accomplishing stuff.  I was hoping that HeadSpace would help me get better at keeping the focus where it should be, but I haven't seen that benefit.  I feel like I've had more impact just from telling myself to change my habits, then from the meditation.  So, I'm scrapping the effort.  I do have 3 vouchers for 1 month free if anyone has finished their 10 day intro cycle and wants to dive deeper on the house.  Just PM me and I can send you one of the voucher codes (I realize this isn't a rining endorsement, but just because it doesn't work for me doesn't mean it won't for you).  


Second, I need to stop telling myself to do things 7 days a week.  For awhile, I've been doing a daily checklist.  It always had 6 reoccurring items (HeadSpace, bible verse, mobility, workout, Grip Work, and Pull-ups).  Basically, I was just writing this down to give myself a daily prompt to get this work done.  My goal was to do 5 of those items 7 days a week, and 1 item (workout) 6 days a week.  It's just too much.  That, of course, led me me being bummed I didn't hit my goal.  It's too much to expect me to hit those sort of goals.  So I've scaled back.  My daily tasks are Grip Work, Pull-ups, and Mobility.  Goal is 5 days a week for those 3.  


You may ask, so where's the workout fit in there?  The honest answer at the moment is I don't know.  There's a couple factors here.  First, I've seriously been considering buying the full course package from GymnasticsBodies.com and doing their full routine.  From my understanding though, that means FULL routine.  In Nerd Fitness terminology, I become an Assassin. :)  Most of the people on their forums indicate you really just don't want to do other things during their progressions (like barbell training) if you want to progress towards the upper tiered movements (i.e planche, iron cross) as you'll impact your recovery.  And, honestly, I think I'd be ok with taking a break from barbell training for awhile and doing a Gymnastics routine.  I'd assume that renewed focus on mobility / flexibility / bodyweight movements will only be positive to me given my current situation.  And I can always come back.  Plus, let's be real.  It's not like I'm an elite level powerlifter giving up when I'm so close to a title. :P  That said, the biggest hindrance is that the cost is $500 for their program.  Obviously, not a drop in the bucket.  So if I did pull the trigger it would be something I'd force myself to stick to for at least a year.  


Also, the PT appointment I mentioned also factors into this.  I'm not imagining he's going to tell me to not workout, but who knows what that'll lead to.  I do however, need to accept that I'm injured and need to fix this before pushing myself again.  It's time to suck it up.


Overall though, I'm not sure I'm ready to give up the iron for an extended period of time.  We'll see how it goes.

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45 minutes ago, Rooks said:

You may ask, so where's the workout fit in there?  The honest answer at the moment is I don't know.  There's a couple factors here.  First, I've seriously been considering buying the full course package from GymnasticsBodies.com and doing their full routine.  From my understanding though, that means FULL routine.  In Nerd Fitness terminology, I become an Assassin. :)  Most of the people on their forums indicate you really just don't want to do other things during their progressions (like barbell training) if you want to progress towards the upper tiered movements (i.e planche, iron cross) as you'll impact your recovery.  And, honestly, I think I'd be ok with taking a break from barbell training for awhile and doing a Gymnastics routine.  I'd assume that renewed focus on mobility / flexibility / bodyweight movements will only be positive to me given my current situation.  And I can always come back.  Plus, let's be real.  It's not like I'm an elite level powerlifter giving up when I'm so close to a title. :P  That said, the biggest hindrance is that the cost is $500 for their program.  Obviously, not a drop in the bucket.  So if I did pull the trigger it would be something I'd force myself to stick to for at least a year.  


Also, the PT appointment I mentioned also factors into this.  I'm not imagining he's going to tell me to not workout, but who knows what that'll lead to.  I do however, need to accept that I'm injured and need to fix this before pushing myself again.  It's time to suck it up.

Ugh this is the truth!!!!


Wanting to keep training fun (by doing different things) but also wanting to keep doing barbells. And progress and recover enough in all areas to be able to keep doing them.

I feel your struggle.

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8 hours ago, miss_marissa said:

Those are some good suggestions! How has it been feeling?


Not perfect, but manageable and better than it was. Thanks!


6 hours ago, Rooks said:

@Xena  First appointment is 90 minutes for an initial assessment.  I'm going to push for at most an appointment once every 2 weeks.  My hope is that he can assess my situation and give me things to do help myself and then do check-ins periodically.  We'll see how it goes.  


Also, the PT appointment I mentioned also factors into this.  I'm not imagining he's going to tell me to not workout, but who knows what that'll lead to.  I do however, need to accept that I'm injured and need to fix this before pushing myself again.  It's time to suck it up.

I think every 2 weeks is a good idea. That's what I wanted as well, and the PT kind of tried to push for more. Because you already know how to exercise and can stick to a program, you just need them to tell you what to do and then you can do it yourself. My PT also did some electrical stimulation and ultrasound, but I'm not convinced those are very effective. If you could convince your wife to massage the spasming area a bit (or do it yourself with a LAX ball against the wall or something, but that's not nearly as nice), that would probably do just as much good.


Absolutely sounds like you gave headspace a good try. Move on! Good for you realizing you need to streamline and mix up your routine a bit. I think trying something else for a while makes sense. Of course you have to decide what to try and how much you can spend, but sounds like time for a bit of change. As you suggested, you can always change back.


As you suggest, PT most likely won't suggest you stop exercising (depending on what's wrong of course). Probably will have useful suggestions of how to modify things you want to do.

Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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So I've done zero in terms of working out lately.  And I've been eating like a huge asshole.  Well... I should drinking like one.  Been averaging probably 2-3 beers a night.  And not Coors Light.  Big calorie bomb beers that super delicious. :)  When I go off the deep end, I go head first.  Haha...


But in all honesty, it's been relaxing.  Giving myself a lot more free time in the day to focus on work or house projects.  


I did get in and see the PT last week.  He's actually a chiropractic doctor with a specialization in sports therapy (I think).  He convinced me to come in once a week for now and we'll see how things progress.  After talking things over, he agreed with me in that is probably something around the QL.  Said it could be something with the spine, but really even if it was the therapy would be the same (try and release the muscles around it).  He ended up doing some sort of massage (can't remember the name) which was to go back and forth across the sore place for like 15 minutes straight.  It numbed things up quite well.  Oddly enough, it's almost exactly what K-Star's Deskbound recommends with the la crosse ball in Prescription #5 (just haven't done it anywhere near that long).  He followed that up with some ART for my glute and overall, I felt great leaving the place.  He said to try doing "the Founder" a few times per day and I've been trying to, plus doing some mobility work most days.  Oddly enough, the sore part seemed to shift to my right side the day after and since then things have felt pretty solid.



Going to keep up the mobility work and the prescribed exercises for a few weeks and hopefully things will be back to normal.  I probably will try getting out for a run this week too since I assume a nice easy jog shouldn't be too stressful on the back.  We'll see though.


Otherwise, that's about it.  

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Something else I should throw in.  I've given up breakfast for the time being.  I guess you could say it's taking on intermittent fasting, but I'm just tired of having to do so much work for breakfast. :)  Been probably 3 weeks now and so far it's not bad.  With just coffee, I can make it to 10:30am pretty easy.  Normally pretty hungry by 11:00am.  I haven't been tracking weight, but I feel like I've been trimming up even with my beer consumption.  That said, without weight and measurement tracking, I'm probably just making it up in my head.  And I'm sure if I am in a caloric deficit, my macros have been terrible.


Maybe soon I'll start getting back into giving a rip about my weight and start tracking, but at the moment, I don't see myself going back to breakfast for awhile.  

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If you don't need it, do consume it.  Listen to your body.  And keep kicking ass.

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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Been a bit, hasn't it?  Well I finally went and did it.  I bought the Gymnastics Bodies Full program.  Starting tomorrow, I'm going full Assassin for at least 9 months.  Haven't done much of anything since my last post, mainly because I'm so terrified I'm going to fubar my back again.  Had 3 PT sessions and honestly was getting a bit frustrated.  They were simply 30 minute massage sessions which I don't feel like I need a doctor to get done.  So yeah... not sure if I'll be heading back or not.  


Either way, getting more active stretching in can't be a bad thing and that's what it appears a lot of this GB stuff is.  Going to start hitting them hard tomorrow and probably do an Assassin's challenge come end of current challenges.  


That said, I haven't been sitting around doing nothing.  I did manage to get 2 books knocked out (The Hobbit and Extreme Ownership).  See my Epic Quest thread for quick write-ups.  Also, I've been feeding my desire to make stuff and I managed to knock out two projects.  Finished up a set of paralletes and made a laptop stand for my standing desk (not really fitness related, but I think it's damn cool).  Since these pictures, I cleaned up all the welds on the paralletes so it looks a bit prettier now.  Still not planning on painting them for now.  I like the look of bare metal and wood.  The laptop stand was more just something to get my feet wet with older or japanese woodworking methods (i.e not using fasteners like glue and screws, but rather wood joints).  It turned out really well given I'd never attempted anything like it before.  I haven't stained it yet because I keep forgetting to bring it home on the weekends, but it works great and disassembles into small pieces.  


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Ah man. both those pieces look really slick. I'm impressed again. and coloured green. 

Extreme ownership was a book i wanted to read after hearing the AoM podcast with the author. Are there any gold nuggets worth buying the book for? 

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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1 hour ago, Pat G said:

Ah man. both those pieces look really slick. I'm impressed again. and coloured green. 

Extreme ownership was a book i wanted to read after hearing the AoM podcast with the author. Are there any gold nuggets worth buying the book for? 


Nothing you won't glean from Jocko's Podcast and his general interviews.  Here's a link to his Youtube channel which contains video versions of the Podcasts, but ITunes and Stitcher have them as well:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkqcY4CAuBFNFho6JgygCnA  It was a solid read, and it condenses all the points into one simple read so it'd be handy for a business class or something like that.  

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On 9/7/2016 at 11:15 AM, The Most Loathed said:

wow, those parallettes are amazing. 


I just took a look at your Epic Quest list. Nice. 


Thank you sir.  I was pretty pleased with how they turned out.  I had originally wanted to try and do some type of heart shaped piece straight out of flat bar steel, but just decided to simply the first attempt. :) 



Gasp!  I actually did something that could be considered a workout today!  Only took about 20 minutes, but it was what I planned so I'm hopeful this first step will get the momentum started.  Still working through GymnasticBodies.com (henceforth I will refer to it as GB) Fundamentals course.  


-- Downward Dog Pose - GB called out focusing on calf mobility with this.  I felt severe tightness behind my knees which I'm sure it's due to my horrible hamstring flexibility.  

-- Ankle ROM Exercise - Basically just working on getting extra ROM in the ankle / achilles.  One foot down, with the other leg out to the side.  Then press the weight down on the leg with the foot planted.  Imagine this photo on the non-planted leg is to the side.  


-- Hollow - 15 second hold EMOM.  Did 3 "reps" before I couldn't hold for the full 15 seconds anymore.  Disappointed here, but found I had a hard time maintaining tightness while trying to breath.  Something to work on.

-- Arch - 15 second hold EMOM.  Did 5 "reps".  This felt much easier then Hollow's.  Apparently my glutes and back are better at doing holds then my abs. :)  



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-- Frog Walk - 5 hops x 4

-- Stiff Bear Walk - 10 steps x 4

-- Wall Torso Rotate - 30s Hold x 3/side

-- Floor Torso Rotate - 30s Hold x 2/side

-- Downward Dog - 30s Hold x 5

-- Pistol Assist Stretch - 30s Hold x 3/side

-- Hollow - 15s Hold x 5

-- Arch - 15s Hold x 5


Review day for Week 2 of GB.  Rolled through all the exercises.  Not much else to report.  

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And of course, I go 2 days in a row with doing something, and then cut crushed with a workday of 6 hours of meetings, followed by a sore throat that I'm still recovering from.  Hopefully back at it on Monday.  Might even do a bit more rambling than normal as I like TML's general format more so than mine.  I'm always experimenting with this darn log.  

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On 9/17/2016 at 1:08 PM, Rooks said:

And of course, I go 2 days in a row with doing something, and then cut crushed with a workday of 6 hours of meetings, followed by a sore throat that I'm still recovering from.  Hopefully back at it on Monday.  Might even do a bit more rambling than normal as I like TML's general format more so than mine.  I'm always experimenting with this darn log.  

I've done both. If I did a better job of rereading my own writing I'd probably want to compress mine into something more standardized but that always feels like a chore to fill out. Treating it as my journal and just talking helps me to exercise some demons, think out loud and sometimes admit mistakes aloud which sometimes helps. Also, folks here are pretty supportive, I can't think of a time I regretted being open and honest on NerdFitness.

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Ok... so here goes nothing.  I'm going to go back a ways on this so the first couple will be short since I probably don't remember much about them.


Thursday, September 15th, 2016

Sore throat.  Woke up and felt like crud.  Stayed home from work.  I'm blessed to have a great job that encourages taking sick time (unlimited sick time by company manual) so yeah.  Stayed home with the hopes of resting, but knew we were trying to get a software patch out that day as well.  Slept until 10am, checked my e-mail and realized I needed to help if we wanted to get things out.  Then realized I had forgot my power cable for my laptop at work.  So after a drive to work with a quick stop at the bank to deposit some checks that I've had for awhile it was back home to type up some documentation and validate some tests.  We have a large automation suite that takes around 2 hours to run so I started that around 2PM, fired up "Cinderella Man", a boxing movie with Russell Crowe.  I'm such a sucker for sports movies.  I even teared up a few times.  I'm such a goon.  Movie finished, automation finished, and patch went live by 5PM.  Then kiddo and wife got home and I did my best to be a functional husband / father.  


Friday, September 16th, 2016

Felt slightly better in the morning, but still not good enough for work.  Stayed home and started watching Season 6 of the Walking Dead (it had hit Netflix streaming the morning of the 15th so pretty good timing).  I powered through 9 episodes.  That said, around noon I started getting a headache and by 3PM, it was bad enough I felt I had to take something.  I'm pretty medication averse, so when it gets that bad, it's usually bad.  Took 1 Ibuprofen, and wasn't better after a solid 2 hours, so took another.  Within 30 minutes, I started feeling it go down.  Managed to not really check the work e-mail all day as I didn't want to get sucked in to anything.  I was in full "I'm sick so I'm lounging" mode.  Again, kiddo and wife got home around 5PM and it was back to do my best husband / father impersonation while being not at the top of my game.  


Saturday, September 17th, 2016

Still not top notch, but feeling better.  Ended up doing a load of cleaning with the wife.  Got a bunch of monthly tasks done around the house as well (wife and I have a Google doc that lists out monthly maintenance tasks to make sure they get done every year).  That covered most of the day.  Cleaning and starting to feel better.


Sunday, September 18th, 2016

This was the first time my wife and I volunteered at our church.  We were assigned to take over the "Toddler" nursery session during the 2nd service.  It was super fun to be in charge of 7 kids and really interesting to see how quickly kids go into "herd" mentality.  If you could get 2 kids doing something, it was pretty fast and soon all of them were doing it.  Sure it was only about 80 minutes of time, but it was fun for me.  Plus, I'm good with kids and I like kids, so yeah.  It was fun to get to know some young'uns at our church.  Got home, did some more cleaning.  Wife went out for dinner and drinks with a friend so I solo parented for the night.  Got the kiddo to sleep just in time for the wife to come up and fire up the Vikings vs. Packers game.  For those that don't know, I'm a Packers fan, she's a Vikings fan.  It gets interesting in our house, although lately, we've both felt more and more guilty about even turning on NFL games, since it's becoming more and more appalling.  That said, we still watch... for now.  Sad day for me as the Packers sucked it up.  Vikes deserved the win.  Next time, hopefully they get them at Lambeau.


Monday, September 19th, 2016

Still had a cough, but felt great so went back to work.  Nothing much else to report for those 8 hours.  Got home, and we were supposed to meet up with our small group, but 3 of the 5 families were busy so we cancelled.  Last minute though, the remaining family (other then us) asked if we wanted to go over to their place for soup and we said yes.  It was good hanging out with their 3 kids and chatting.  This ties in a bit with one of my challenge goals of trying to socialize a bit more.  It was nice talking with other people.  I really do want to talk more with people.  I just need to make sure I put it on the calendar as something "worth" my time.  


Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

More work.  I finally got back into the gym.  Won't write it out, since it wasn't much.  I went through the entirety of the Week 3 GB Fundamentals course in 20 minutes.  Everything seemed easy exception one hip extension movement.  I think I was ok there, but couldn't quite tell.  Either way, I think I'm going into GB with a much better fitness / mobility base then they are assuming most people have since their intro videos seem to assume most people won't be able to get their hands directly overhead, etc.  Followed that up with some pause squats at 135, then some overhead squats with the bar just to get movement in.  Got home and about 7PM due to the weather forecast for the next few days, rushed a lawnmowing, followed by a seeding of the lawn (we have many dead spots and crab grass).  After the kiddo went to sleep, wife and I fired up a movie named "Room" at 9PM.  We intended to only watch half (about 55 minutes) and go to bed and finish some other night, but we both got drawn in big time.  Super great movie.  I'll admit I cried quite a bit at one point.  I think it'll hit parents way harder then non-parents, but I'd recommend it to anyone.


Wednesday, September 21st, 2016

Work, work, work... stupid day at work.  Ended up watching lots of Youtube, reading lots of Fantasy Football articles, and not getting much done waiting for tests to run that had to be done by 6PM.  I'm now at home, drinking tequila and winding down.  


Hopefully tomorrow I can squeeze out time to get back in the gym.  I really, really want to try the Nancy WOD with a 30 minute time cap, but that might be too much having not worked out hard in over 8 weeks now.  We shall see.

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Thursday, September 22nd, 2016

Honestly, don't recall at this point what I did.  I didn't get a workout in.  Otherwise, I'm drawing a blank.  


Friday, September 23rd, 2016

Wasn't an easy day by any stretch.  My daughter was up for another round of chemo, but in an effort to minimize time away from work, my wife and I have been alternating who goes (we are on a bi-weekly schedule at the moment).  That said, the last 5 or so treatments have been especially hard on her to the point where there is vomiting and no eating or drinking, and she doesn't want to be touched.  It's not fun.  And yes, just for back story, we've been doing chemo for over a year, and oddly, kiddo hadn't ever had issues with sickness until recently.  

Anyway, Friday was the first time I think I've missed a chemo treatment since they started getting hard.  So getting text message about vomits, and stuff wasn't fun.  By probably 2PM, I could really think about work anymore and just wanted to go home and help out.  I made it until 3PM before leaving but I didn't get much work done.  Kiddo didn't do much of anything and took a 2nd nap from around 5:30 to 7:00.  Then, like a light switch, she seemed fine.  Started talking about waffles and juice, and sucked down 4oz of milk.  So yeah... 


Saturday, September 24th, 2016

Despite kiddo feeling better Friday night, she was up at probably 3am.  Didn't feel crummy, just wanted to wake up then.  So yeah... my wife took the first hour or so and then I had to take over.  Ended up not going back to bed.  Around 6am, kiddo passed out again and I started watching the Walking Dead again. :P  Got through 2 more episodes, then took the cat to get her nails trimmed on 8:15AM.  Got home, everyone was still asleep so I watched another episode of the Walking Dead.  Wife and kiddo finally got up around 9:15AM.  We made waffles and other good stuff for breakfast per Sloan's request since she seemed so happy.  Otherwise, we just cleaned the house a bit.  I read another 30 pages of Deskbound.  Realize I need to get some sort of foot support for my standing desk.  Another woodworking project added to the list. :)  

Man, my days seem very boring as I type them out.  


Sunday, September 25th, 2016

Kiddo slept all night for the first time in awhile.  She's been sleeping terribly lately.  Not sure if it's related to the treatments or she just loves abusing us.  I'm better at functioning on limited sleep than my wife and I also can wake up and fall asleep much faster than she can.  So I feel like I take a brunt of overnight stuff.  That said, I'm sure my wife would say the exact same thing. :P Either way, it was great to get a full night's sleep.  Hit up the 9AM service at church on Sunday morning.  Message was something we all need to hear more often in learning to see other people as humans, not demonizing people for believes or values.  Just remember they are humans and if you stop and talk to them, you'll so often realize you have a lot in common.  

Came home from that, watched some football with the wife.  The Vikings look really good this year.  As a Packers fan, I don't love it, but I've been realizing more and more and I just don't care that much about football anymore.  Anyway, spent some time figuring out GymnasticBodies programming so I could make sure I knew what to do for the upcoming challenge and actually getting myself back to some sort of regular workout.  My folks stopped by for a bit in the afternoon and oddly enough, I felt like my dad actually wanted to socialize a bit.  We had a good conversation while my mom played with the kiddo.  

I thought about trying to do some woodworking, but frankly, I drank a lot of beer yesterday, and then didn't feel like doing anything.  


Now... it's Monday so let the challenge begin!

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23 minutes ago, The Most Loathed said:

I think the term Starrett uses is fiddle-bars, whatever it is, you could make a really cool one of those things to put under your desk to put one foot on.


Yeah.  I'm torn and actually sort of find this funny.  Rogue sells a fidget bar (which comes from input from K-Star, see the M-WOD branding).  




$75.  Seems reasonable for what it is, being metal, using bearings, etc.  I'd be a little worried that it would start squeaking and annoy co-workers though.


The other option is an adjustable slant board.  




Now... $100 for that seems CRAZY to me.  It's literally some pieces of 3/4 plywood slapped together.  If I'm buying something, I'd go with the fidget bar for sure.  But I think I can build a slant board simply on the scrap I have left over from some other projects.  Might just be a matter of finding the time to cut up the pieces and uses my Dad's router.  Something similar to this:



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16 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

Beer and woodworking makes me happy, just stay away from power tools.

I like the fidget bars. They seem useful.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yeah.  Most of my current projects all use hand tools.  That said, my chisels are wicked sharp so still gotta be careful. :P

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On 9/26/2016 at 11:15 AM, Rooks said:


Yeah.  I'm torn and actually sort of find this funny.  Rogue sells a fidget bar (which comes from input from K-Star, see the M-WOD branding).  




$75.  Seems reasonable for what it is, being metal, using bearings, etc.  I'd be a little worried that it would start squeaking and annoy co-workers though.


The other option is an adjustable slant board.  




Now... $100 for that seems CRAZY to me.  It's literally some pieces of 3/4 plywood slapped together.  If I'm buying something, I'd go with the fidget bar for sure.  But I think I can build a slant board simply on the scrap I have left over from some other projects.  Might just be a matter of finding the time to cut up the pieces and uses my Dad's router.  Something similar to this:



I'm adding this to my husband's to do woodworking list for sure.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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