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Hello :)

I'm Kellie, I'm 24 and I'm in the UK.

I've struggled with size and body issues for a long time, but the past year I've put a lot of work into learning to accept and love me as I am and it's made a real difference. I've gone out and done things I've always put off until I 'look this way' or 'reach that weight'.

No longer will I put things off! the world is my oyster!

The biggest change I made has been becoming part of a local roller derby team!(


So I'm now in a place where I want to get fitter. Fitter for work, for days off and most importantly derby. The link above explains what derby is, my aim is to be a blocker. To be part of an immovable wall, to be able to take and especially give a solid hit.


Me at the moment;

Height; 5"9

Weight; 17 Stone

Current exercise;

-Swimming once a week

-A 30 min walk 3/4 times a week

-2x derby practises for two hours a week; The practise is both on and off skates, involves working on skills, doing laps, core training and a derby favourite, squats!

I also don't drive, so getting anywhere means walking, carrying shopping home and I've been waitressing for years, however I am about to move into an office based job so a little worried about that.


My goals;

I want to keep up with the A-team! I'm currently a newbie training my way up, I want to skate hard and for a long time. What I've discovered is that I enjoy squats(!). I love any drills that involve my thighs in a big way, powerful stops, blocking other players, getting low to name a few things.

I've moved onto reading all about weights and that's how I found Nerd Fitness. I want to get strong, I want to be powerful,I want to be an amazonian!

I'm following the nice few emails I've been getting this week since joining you guys and I have signed up to a gym (got a wicked discount) that opens in a week and in the mean time I'm getting a guest pass and going with a friend from practise who dead lifts at the gym and loves it.


I feel like I've made a good start.

This is the first time I'm not exercising to lose weight. The first time I'm not exercising to fit into some jeans. The first time I’m not exercising because I hate myself.


I'm doing it because I found something I love.
Because I've found something I can kick ass at.
Because I have found something that looks fun!


I'm so excited to start lifting.I really love the idea of having this place for inspiration and pick-me-ups. In the past I've been an all or nothing kind of girl. I'd take it all on and fail. I'm going slow and steady this time.

Any advice for a new lifter shall be greatly appreciated I assure you :)


TL;DR- I’m Kellie, I wanna lift heavy things, lot of times, in a row.

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Roller girl, weight lifter, cat lover.
"Wear panties on your head & hit your friends!"


Level One Warrior
+1 WIS +3 STR +2 STA +1 DEX +2 CON +1 CHA 

Challenge Time!

Current; 27/5 Laps


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Love that attitude!

I'm new here too, but it seems to me that building the body that will do the things we really want to do is the focus of Nerd Fitness.  So welcome!

Derby is awesome, and so many of the derby girls that I've met are just kick-ass gals (like you).


Here's to getting greater every day,


"I don't guarantee my voice - why would I?  But I promise to tell my story."

-- Johanna Gleason


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Hello and thank you!


This website has been such a great find, encouraging people to do what makes them happy, it's lovely.
I'm excited to get started, I just got back from practice and felt all ready to finally post on here.

Derby is awesome!
I'm so gonna keep up with those kick ass girls.
And one day knock 'em off the track.

In a nice way :)

  • Like 1

Roller girl, weight lifter, cat lover.
"Wear panties on your head & hit your friends!"


Level One Warrior
+1 WIS +3 STR +2 STA +1 DEX +2 CON +1 CHA 

Challenge Time!

Current; 27/5 Laps


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Hi!  Welcome to NF.  That really makes me want to get out and watch some derby.   Sounds amazing.  Good luck on your goals; it sounds like you're in it for the long haul and for the right reasons.  You'll do great.

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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Derby girl!! Heeeey!


Who're you training with? I just started newbie training with Middlesbrough Milk Rollers like...3 months ago now (holy shit I did not realise it was that long).


I too adore the squats, and am completely obsessed with it. I think anyone who tries derby loves it. All I want to do is squat and buy wheels and do hip checks and laps and yeah...anyway.


Yay for joining NF! You will be awesome!

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Level 8 Half Elf Ranger


STR:19 ~ DEX:6 ~ CON:21 ~ WIS:20 ~ STA:12 ~ CHA:9



Current Challenge - Previous Challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12



"Keep your friends close, and your enemies within 10 feet of the pack."


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Hi Zombie!

I'm so glad that MissRebecca found you! She's been rocking her training!


I'm not a derby girl...but I want to be strong! I like your definition to be part of an immovable wall!  


Will you be joining us on the next challenge, the one that starts on Sunday, 7/27?

If so, you will first start with Level 1s, and then run over to whatever guild you choose the next challenge.

here's the information on that: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/33328-challenge-instructions/


Man, it would be so cool if you ladies could meet up over there in the UK!

Welcome to the Rebellion!

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In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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Hi Kellie welcome to the rebellion. I don't roller derby but I live in Derby so that nearly counts right?


If you enjoy squats then you are already in a super strong position to get a strong and healthy body.


Also your switch in motivation is a huge thing, I have found exercising for reasons things I love rather than things I hate is much more powerful

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Hello guys!


I'm training with Birmingham Blitz Dames Miss Rebecca. I'm about half way through basic skills, and about to start on hitting these next few weeks, really excited :)


After I posted this I've not been very active on the site, however I've been walking, doing bits of training at home and of course Derby! I've been keeping a diary/log of goals. Is it too late to join the latest challenge?? D:

  • Like 1

Roller girl, weight lifter, cat lover.
"Wear panties on your head & hit your friends!"


Level One Warrior
+1 WIS +3 STR +2 STA +1 DEX +2 CON +1 CHA 

Challenge Time!

Current; 27/5 Laps


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Never too late!!

I saw the blitz dames...last month I think...or maybe May, vs NRG in Newcastle. They were amazing :D.

Don't suppose you're heading to the men's Sur5al in Oldham on Saturday?

Level 8 Half Elf Ranger


STR:19 ~ DEX:6 ~ CON:21 ~ WIS:20 ~ STA:12 ~ CHA:9



Current Challenge - Previous Challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12



"Keep your friends close, and your enemies within 10 feet of the pack."


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I've joined! :)
I've done it, ta-daaa!

How exciting!



We did play in Newcastle not long ago!
I can't make the men's unfortunately, family commitments, but i hope to start seeing more of the men's games, I hear the hits are brutal!

Roller girl, weight lifter, cat lover.
"Wear panties on your head & hit your friends!"


Level One Warrior
+1 WIS +3 STR +2 STA +1 DEX +2 CON +1 CHA 

Challenge Time!

Current; 27/5 Laps


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They totally are!! My partner plays with Teeside Skate Invaders. The men tend towards a lot of shoulder checks, while the girls are more hippy lol.

You should get yourself to the men's European world cup in Newcastle at the end of August :D

Level 8 Half Elf Ranger


STR:19 ~ DEX:6 ~ CON:21 ~ WIS:20 ~ STA:12 ~ CHA:9



Current Challenge - Previous Challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12



"Keep your friends close, and your enemies within 10 feet of the pack."


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