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Hello All !


I've been a looonnggg time lurker , first time post(poster?) now.


I'm hoping I don't break any protocol rules here.. but I figured it might be better to post than not to !

And away we go..


I'm 22 years of age. 5'4" . Got  *GROSSLY* obese over a period of around 4 years post 14~15 years of age after I qualified for a premier engineering institute ( have always been a little pudgy , gained all that extra weight due to a lot of sitting on my arse and studying and being an egotistical little chump and not going out to even hang out with people , forget getting in my weekly exercise .) I call this the POMPOUS PEAK point in my life :playful:


Found NF exactly a year ago today. Not that just finding the website was enough motivation for my triflin' ass appetite and laziness. I graduated with a weapons engineer degree ( Bachelors degree is considered graduation in my country , India btw. ) in the top 5 of my class but got rejected in a ..shall we say humiliating .. yep , extremely humiliating manner at the physical test when I applied to my dream job. We were supposed to run 7 km , I was wheezing like the oxygen had been drained out of the air by 1 km itself. Cried my broken heart ( more like broken ego) out for a week a.k.a the CRYBABY REVOLUTION. Then slapped myself figuratively and literally and got to getting my fat arse in shape.


I have been doing a lot of running around. Apart from designated ' exercise time' , have been leaving my car at home and walking to places within 2 km of my place. Cycling to places within 10 km. Taking the car to places further off from that.  Threw away all the junk food the night of the CRYBABY REVOLUTION in my life . Haven't eaten any for the last year except 3 slices of cake .. one for my birthday , one for my parent's anniversary , one for my grandmother's birthday.


I went completely paleo for 8 months , post which I have been incorporating cottage cheese and a drugstore-variety probiotic drink . I did a 'Nature Trail' 4 months ago. 5 km. Walked , didn't run . Came in last.  Took 95 mintues extra after the runner before me. But I wasn't wheezing ! At all.


Did a Lake Trail run last monday. 11 km. Walked ( Power walked.. or fast-walked would be a better term) the first 5 km . Ran the next 6. Came in 27th ( Total of 50 runners.)


I've gifted myself a gym membership today.  :rapture:  Worked out a plan that has lifting , cardio and yoga in it , haven't hired a personal trainer or anything like that yet , want to give it a shot on my own . Will still stick to running nature trails plus this. Just won't be running more than 4km everyday. For starters :onthego: .


I'm not sure if we are supposed to post about our emotional development as well...but I'm going to write it down . I'll edit it out immediately if it's not supposed to be posted . Just let me know .


Anywho .. have apologised to my friends who I dumped so unceremoniously at the pompous peak . I must've done something really good in my previous lives because they were gracious enough to not only take me back but to be an active part of my daily workout routine ! Almost all of them are running alongside me ( though majority of them are waaayyyyy faster than I am. ) We all take turns organising hiking trips every weekend. Found my dapper , supportive and most importantly super-nerdy boyfriend amongst all the reconnection. My relationship with my parents has improved tremendously as well. Especially since I have taken the ardous task of cooking for all of us off my lovely mother's hands. Adopted Tarrant :dog: , who is the cutest , most supportive and hyperactive dog to have ever existed , hands down . Bonus point .. have somehow managed to develop a sense of humor . Went from being Snobby McSnob to Scobby Doo. I quite like being Scobby Doo :cheerful: 


Posting here was a sort of catharsis for me . And I would love to know your opinion on what else I could add to my routine/ or change in it.


P.S. I will be moving to Finland in September 2015 . I have noticed there aren't that many Indian NFers , but if any are in Finland ( or anywhere a train ride away) .. I look forward to connecting with you !




  • Lost around 100 lbs by changing my diet and running , running and more running.
  • Went from being a pompous crybaby to a decent human being.
  • Getting closer to my dream job.
  • Would love to hear whatever advice you want to give.

Still trying to find the courage to post my timeline of weightloss , will do that soon !


P.S.S : Just re-read the post , and I realise I forgot to mention..I'm female ^_^

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Schrodinger's Minion, level 3 Wood elf assassin


Parkour , Airplanes and Marriage : My last challenge post.

My Daily Battle Log : Food habits and activity and videos of traceur antics .

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The site has a fitness focus, but it's all about building a better you, whatever that means, so posting about emotional stuff is totally cool! Looks like you've come a long way!

Thank you Kaylya !


Relieved to know I didn't break any rules. :nevreness:


Had a peek at your profile ..Are you into lifting ? If you are , I would love to get some pointers from you if and when you find the time ! I'm about to start with a regimen including lifting .

Schrodinger's Minion, level 3 Wood elf assassin


Parkour , Airplanes and Marriage : My last challenge post.

My Daily Battle Log : Food habits and activity and videos of traceur antics .

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Welcome! I like the screen name. Nice journey so far. I hope you can find a nice balance that you can sustain for life. Good luck working in a lifting routine. It is very important for growing / maintaining muscle mass!

Thank you ! And I agree , Since I have lost most of the extra weight now , figured I might as well start building some muscle before I start getting those weird folds of saggy skin , fortunately haven't gotten any so far. The aim now if to lose those last 30 pounds , but not to become a thin skinny girl . Hoping to get into kickboxing or parkour by the end of this year (2015) , whichever group finds me a valuable adddition.


Your battlelog is inspiring btw! Keep kicking ass !

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Schrodinger's Minion, level 3 Wood elf assassin


Parkour , Airplanes and Marriage : My last challenge post.

My Daily Battle Log : Food habits and activity and videos of traceur antics .

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Welcome welcome!


As someone who's been on a similar journey (dropped ~80lbs over 2 years thanks to running) I applaud you! 

Half-Ork Scout Leader
Running PRs : 5K 24m16s | 10K 53m32s | 15K 1h18m09s | Half Marathon 2h1m44s | Marathon 4h42m2s 
Past Challenges #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13  #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22
                               #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40
Current Challenge Don't Call It A Comeback

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Welcome welcome!


As someone who's been on a similar journey (dropped ~80lbs over 2 years thanks to running) I applaud you! 

*tips fedora* and I applaud you , sir !

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Schrodinger's Minion, level 3 Wood elf assassin


Parkour , Airplanes and Marriage : My last challenge post.

My Daily Battle Log : Food habits and activity and videos of traceur antics .

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Welcome to NF! Inspirational story, congrats on the weight loss and more importantly the attitude adjustment! Good luck with the road to the dream job. 


MadHatter is in Sweden, that's near Finland :)

         Endor, LVL 45 Half-Elf Ranger 

PR and Motivation Log | Current Battle Log 


                    Feb-March 2022 Challenge


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You are my hero right now! I started at 315 and am on my way to 180. It's encouraging to hear about someone who has been successful on a similar journey. Please keep us updated!

Level 2, Ent Monk

[sTR: 3 | DEX: 0 | STA: 3 | CON: 1 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 0 ]

"What is defeat? Nothing but education; Nothing but the first step to something better." - Bruce Lee

Challenge: 321, 0

Weight-loss Goal (315lbs - 180lbs):

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You are my hero right now! I started at 315 and am on my way to 180. It's encouraging to hear about someone who has been successful on a similar journey. Please keep us updated!



Welcome to NF! Inspirational story, congrats on the weight loss and more importantly the attitude adjustment! Good luck with the road to the dream job. 


MadHatter is in Sweden, that's near Finland :)


Hello Endor and Schrodinger32 !


Yes! Sweden will be just a pudgy little train ride away ! Thank you for letting me know about Mad Hatter , just had a cursory glance at her profile and she is amazing and also an assassin to boot!


Schrodinger32 , I love the screen name ! And it does feel great to find someone else who is on a similar journey . After the last time I've posted I've had a lovely night trek to a camping grounds near my city . CAmped out for two nights , made everybody eat Paleo with me during the barbecue :P and saw the Geminid Meteor Shower too ! Gym has been a daily thing , except for the 2nd day of the campout , and though I haven't measured my weight yet (it's hardly been a week since I joined) I do feel that welcome post-workout ache after each session.


It is very heartening to find support here :D , brings another element of accountability .Thank you very much for responding  :redface:  I am waiting earnestly for the next 6 week challenge !

Schrodinger's Minion, level 3 Wood elf assassin


Parkour , Airplanes and Marriage : My last challenge post.

My Daily Battle Log : Food habits and activity and videos of traceur antics .

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Glad you got to see the Geminids - sadly, I was busy and couldn't watch. I know what you mean about the next 6 week challenge - I'm looking forward to it too!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Level 2, Ent Monk

[sTR: 3 | DEX: 0 | STA: 3 | CON: 1 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 0 ]

"What is defeat? Nothing but education; Nothing but the first step to something better." - Bruce Lee

Challenge: 321, 0

Weight-loss Goal (315lbs - 180lbs):

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Hola !


So , I have managed to figure out a proper workout schedule now.


Day 1 - upper body

day2 - cardio

day3 - lower body

day4 - cardio

day5 to 6- either run a trail and campout OR rope climbing and swimming at the gym.

day 7 - power down . just 3 km onthe treadmill at 5km/hr speed. Steam .


Have lost 4 lbs this week , but I tend to lose and regain 5 lbs easily , so not counting it as a success yet.

Schrodinger's Minion, level 3 Wood elf assassin


Parkour , Airplanes and Marriage : My last challenge post.

My Daily Battle Log : Food habits and activity and videos of traceur antics .

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