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Dwarven track team

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Hello lovelies!


Just a little bit about me- I'm HeatherAllyse, dwarven ranger! And thus, begins my tragic, tragic backstory. 


You see, my village was burned down in my formative years by a tribe of raving kobolds... oh, wait, wrong tragic backstory. Actually, there's not a lot of tragedy here, just a lot of TMI moments. I had pretty bad asthma when I was younger, but I still played sports and did physical things. When I hit puberty (at about 10, super advanced this one!), I gained about seventy pounds and went from being 5'2" and 130-ish to being 5'4" and in the 200's. All throughout this journey, my sister has been with me. We did the same exercises, ate the same foods, and did all of the same activities- she was just decidedly more thin than I was. My doctors just figured I was fat and my parents were lying about my diet/exercise levels. 


Time marched on and I stayed physically active- playing softball until I was sixteen and taking part in flag corps/color guard stuff in high school. I stayed at about the 225 mark throughout high school, never really had a period to speak of and generally gained around the middle-area. Went to college, quit doing ALL the physical fun stuff I enjoyed, because OMFG exhausted from work and school. I later found out, after college and entering the work force, that I have polycystic ovarian syndrome- which can cause some crappy weight gain issues, lack of fertility, insulin resistance, and a whole bunch of other super unpleasant stuff.  


Having found that out, I basically went "Eff you, ineffective ovaries! HeatherAllyse does what she wants; dwarven women fear NOTHING!" And I proceeded to do what I wanted to do. I joined a women's gym, but only stayed with them until the contract was up. The trainers wouldn't show me how to use free weights and I got the whole "you need to spend at least an hour on the tread mill and do three reps of the lowest weight possible" spiel. Which I was not down for- I felt like I was waving my arms around in a controlled motion and I despise treadmills. So, once that was over, I went somewhere else. Gained a little more weight since I wasn't watching what I was eating and I'm definitely a grumpy eater. 


During this time, however, I got pretty far in the Assassin's Creed series, took a class on ninja film and literature, and ran a pretty nifty storyline where a bunch of n00bs busted up a fate witch human trafficking ring. Also? My sister took me to an obstacle course run. 


Now, I have to say this: I do not like running. I do not like running because, when I run full out, my lungs start hurting and I can't tell if it's old asthma or if it's me being stupidly out of shape and it takes me forever to catch my breath. Doing obstacle courses and tough mudder-style things are different. You run, then you do something cool, and then you run more. It breaks up the monotony of staring blankly at the road and waiting for the race to be over. Thus far, I've run three 5k races, one of which involved zombies (and strategy... and a terrible time.) 


I suck at running. 


I've concluded, though, that I want to make my weakness a strength and power through those tough mudder-style races. I want to outmaneuver my imaginary foes and then turn around and deadlift logs out of the way. So, here I am- 5'4", 272 lbs, and all badass ready to rock faces and be healthy. 

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 -S t a r . R u b y -



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I totally just imagined a D&D game with an Olympic theme and the Dwarfs send a group of sprinters/runners ... awesome goodness! :)


Good luck with the running! 

Half-Ork Scout Leader
Running PRs : 5K 24m16s | 10K 53m32s | 15K 1h18m09s | Half Marathon 2h1m44s | Marathon 4h42m2s 
Past Challenges #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13  #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22
                               #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40
Current Challenge Don't Call It A Comeback

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