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Recruiting for a NF D&D game.

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I’m looking to get a little more Dungeons and Dragons into my life.  So I am going to DM an online game of D&D 5th Edition.  Babies and conflicting job schedules have made my real life game group drift apart so when I thought to myself where could I find some nerds… I thought of Nerd Fitness.  This is live play, not play by post, we will play using the virtual table top webapp called Roll20.  Games will be Thursdays from roughly 6pm to 10pm Central Standard Time.   


What do I bring to the table?

I’ve been playing RPGs for about a decade and a half.  D&D, World of Darkness, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars, a handful of others.  DMed my fair share of campaigns.  


What I want!

Players!  3 to 5 players, while I have run tables bigger than this, I find that when players are unused to playing with each other it’s better to keep the table small.   


What do you need?

Free time on Thursdays mostly.  Also a desire to have fun and slay some monsters and play some roles.  While experienced tabletop gamers and role players is of course ideal, if you want to play and have no experience I am a DM that loves to teach the game.  


What sort of game do I run?

Ideally a fun one catering to the tastes of the players at the table.  This time though, I am going to be running a module.  Princes of the Apocalypse.  It is a sandbox style module that should be fairly free of railroading.  There will be plenty of time to explore individual character goals, backgrounds, and desires, plenty of role playing to be had if that’s the way the party wants to tackle it.  The Dessarin Valley is your sandbox.  With a couple of cities, half a dozen towns, dozens of dungeons (it is a dungeon crawly sandbox), numerous factions and ongoing plots swirling around a bigger plot.  You guys can tackle it however you want to, follow the leads you want, do whatever you please.   Though be aware that thar be monsters, and some of them are going to be much stronger than you for awhile.  This sandbox is designed to take a party from level 1 to 15.  Tread carefully.   


In Roll20 I plan on using the virtual table top to map and show you guys locations and such, but unless miniature grid like combat is what you really want, I prefer theater of the mind style combat descriptions.  Though tokens will occasionally be used on the map to make sure everyone’s clear on where things are, we’ll play that by ear.  I don’t plan on it for every combat.


So how do you join?

Making a post here saying you want to, which I’m sorry to say will be pretty first come first serve.  If there is overwhelming demand I may be convinced to run a second game.   So post if you’re interested, have any questions, or whatever.  You need not post a character immediately, or character concept immediately (that’d be unfair to those unfamiliar with the game).  


Where will the game be set?

The mod is written for The Forgotten Realms, but contains conversion notes for Greyhawk, Dark Sun, Dragonlance, and Eberron.  While by far the most popular of the D&D standard settings, I’ve never gotten into FR.  I got more into Dragonlance and Eberron, and I like some of the implications of setting the game in Eberron.  So I choose to set my Princes of the Apocalypse in Eberron.  I’m transplanting the Dessarin Valley to the south east of the country of Karrnath.  If you have no idea what this means, worry not.  You don’t need to study it’s just the backdrop I’m setting my game against.   I do plan on making a follow up post on this thread briefly explaining the setting and location.  I’m a lore hound, but I don’t expect my players to be.


Do you have house rules?

We may have to hammer out one if people are interested in Dragonmarks (an Eberron character option that hasn’t been officially updated to 5th edition yet, though fairly easily patched), but by far my most important rule.  NO LONE WOLVES!


The badass loner in black who isn’t here to make friends and doesn’t need anyone may make for an entertaining video game protagonist, or character from film, tv, or novels, but D&D is at it’s core a team game.  If you make a character that doesn’t want to work with the party don’t expect the party to bend over backwards to work with you.  This by FAR is my biggest gaming pet peeve.  This is a social team based cooperative game.  Make a character who is willing to play with others, or you will sit by yourself at the tavern doing nothing while everyone else adventures and gets treasure and glory.  I ask you to also skip the evil characters.  While evil PCs can work it is usually only in a group of players that are comfortable with each other.  For a new game group coming together, not a good idea.  So skip the chaotic evil rogue, thanks.


Character Creation Guidelines.

For those of you who want to get a jumpstart.  Stats can use the standard array, 27pt buy, or the standard 4d6 drop low method.  If you want to roll you’ll have to do it on my Roll20 server so I’ll know the rolls are legit, I’ll send a link to it for those who join up.  


All 5th edition Player’s Handbook races and classes are open, also the human variant, yes we will be using feats.  As well as the Warforged, Shifters, and Changlings from the Eberron Unearthed Arcana article, as well as the Gensai, Goliaths, Aarakocra, and Svirfneblin (but only if you can pronounce it!) from the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion (even if you’re not playing one of those races, it might be a good idea to download the companion, Princes of the Apocalypse is part of the Elemental Evil wave of books, and there will be loot scrolls with spells that are in that companion.)  If there’s something from another Unearthed Arcana article you want to use, ask.  For now I ask no third party material.  For those who've never played, the 5th edition D&D basic rules are free, though they only contain 4 races and 4 classes from the Player's Handbook.  If you want to play a Barbarian, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Paladin, Ranger, or Druid, talk to me and we'll see if we can hook you up without needing to go out and buy a $50 book for your first gaming session.


Be aware races in Eberron may be culturally different than you may expect.  Dinosaur riding halfling barbarians, deep jungle dwelling drow.  If you’d like to know more about how particular races fit into the setting I suggest checking out The Eberron Wiki


So please, if you’re interested, come join my game. Header_PotA.jpg?itok=pnCA7-9G

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"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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As I said I’m a lore hound for Eberron, so I’m going to attempt to keep this brief, but I may ramble, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, because trust me there is more, sooooo much more.




The campaign’s setting.  Eberron.

Eberron is the world this game will be set upon.  It is what I like to call a wide magic setting, as opposed to high magic.  In the world of Eberron low level magic is extremely commonplace, magic is a science that can be studied and harnessed, it has shaped the society, the economy, and culture.  Cities are lit by everbright lanterns, animals are magically bred to be healthier and stronger, hospitals use magic to heal.  There are airships and magic trains.  Mid level magic is rare, in the hands of only a few.   Mostly the Dargonmarked Houses.  Bloodlines that carry magical gifts related to specific uses of magic that these large extended families have turned into near monopolies in their specific fields; warding, detection, tavel, etc. High level magic is awe inspiring and extremely rare.  There aren’t high level wizards, or paladins tromping around this world, but there are high level monsters.  This world needs heroes.


For nine hundred years the Kingdom of Galifar spanned and united the continent of Khorvaire.  A century ago, it fell.  A war of succession splintered Galifar into first five, then thirteen warring nations.  For nearly one hundred years Khorvaire tore itself apart in bloody civil war.  Civil war, revolutions, uprisings, conquest.  For your entire lives The Last War waged.  Until four years ago, when everything changed.  The Day of Mourning.  One day dead grey mists spilled out across the what was mostly the country of Cyre. Cyre died.  No one inside the mists survived.  The land inside the mist was twisted, the laws of nature and magic functioned differently.  No one knows why, no one knows the cause.  It was enough to halt the war.


Two years ago The Treaty of Thronehold was signed officially ending The Last War, declaring peace.  Where there was once one nation, there was now twelve.  Tensions still run high, and many believe this is only a lull in the fighting.  War is all anyone really knows.  Now the world is trying to pick up the pieces.  


Eberron has often been compared to a magical post World War I setting.  The themes of the world are pulp and noir.  Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, and Indiana Jones are listed as inspirations.  


To give you a sense of scale, this map shows that on the Day of Mourning an area roughly the size of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi died in an instant.  No one knows why.



Another thing of note, in Eberron, alignment is not color coded for your convenience.  Outsiders, creatures of the planes, fiends, demons, devils, angels, supernatural creatures like ghosts, vampires, wights and the like have natures, and they can be reliably ‘always good or evil’.  Mortals on the other hand, have choice.  That goes for everything from humans, to goblins, orcs, and dragons.  The red dragon you encounter may be good.  Orc druids and Hobgoblin artificers once saved the world from an extraplanar invasion.



Eberron is cosmopolitan.  People are less likely to care if you’re an elf, a dwarf, or a gnoll than who you fought with in The Last War.



Yes a few countries are racially dominated by one race.  The Mror Holds were founded as an independence movement for the traditional dwarven homeland, Valenar was founded when a bunch of elven mercenaries turned on their employers and carved off a hunk for themselves. Still a Karrnathi dwarf born and bred has more in common with an elf who lived, loved, and fought for Karrnath as well than either of them have for their respective ‘racial homelands’.


Speaking of Karrnath.








Karrnath is a somber, pragmatic, and cold place.   It was hit hard during the last war, often suffering drought and famine.  It was the birthplace of the Kingdom of Galifar as the contaminant spanning empire was forged by Karrn the Conqueror for whom the nation is named.  While traditionally the homeland of the greatest military commanders in Galifar’s history, when The Last War broke out Karrnath found itself outnumbered, and found their enemies had more resources, more industry, and more magic.


The situation became desperate when the dwarves of the Mror Holds decided they swore their loyalty to the Kingdom of Galifar, which as it no longer existed, meant they no longer owed fealty to anyone and broke away from Karrnath.  A bitter blow that many Karrns have never forgiven.


In their desperate hour King Kiaus I turned to the Blood of Vol, a religious sect dedicated to quest for everlasting life, and began to use Necromancy to bolster his armies.  For those outside of Karrnath this use of undead has come to define Karrnath over the last century.  Though for the people of Karrnath not much has changed.  The Karrnathi skeletons and zombies were segregated, used as shock troops, and largely kept away from common soldiers.  Knowledge that if they fell in battle they would be able to fight on to protect their loved ones beyond death was seen as a honorable terrible sacrifice that they were willing to make.


Indeed while Karrnath is derided as a dark and evil place by its enemies, King Kiaus III was the chief advocate for peace, and architect of the Treaty of Thronehold.  The Blood of Vol while still practiced in Karrnath have fallen out of favor.  Beyond ceremonial posts and guards the bulk of Karrnath’s undead armies have been sealed away least the need for them ever rise again.  







Publically people don’t know their king is a vampire though…




The Dessarin Valley and Red Larch

My attempt at a spoiler free map of the Dessarin Valley 


The sandbox our adventures will be set in.  I am transplanting it, as suggestion in the conversion notes in the south east of Karrnath, just south of Lake Dark, Irontown (which does appear on the Karrnath map in the previous spoiler block) will be the largest city in our Dessarin Valley, with a river running through it back up the valley to the south before heading towards the mountains to the east.  The rest of our cities and towns are too small to be on that national map.  The area is where the foothills of the Ironroot mountains finally peter out into grasslands and sporadic forests.  There is evidence that the old pre-Galifar dwarven kingdoms once stretched out this far, but they’ve mostly fallen to ruin.  To the south stretch out the vast Talenta Plains, with it’s nomadic behemoth (dinosaur) riding barbarian halflings.  On hot summers the thunderous beasts are sometimes driven this far north.


Speaking of hot summers this has been a strange one.  While always prone to bad weather the Dessarin Valley has been hit by a series of violent storms recently, freak weather breaks, an unusual amount of tornados, flash floods, and even a few tremors.  


Our adventure will begin (and I’ll be honest this town is presented as a hub or home base though you guys can make any of the towns or cities you come across your home.  Or stay out in the wilderness for all I care!) in the small city of Red Larch, named for the coniferous trees of the same name in that area (Lake Dark, Irontown, Red Larch, no one accused Karrns of being overly imaginative)


The main industries of Red Larch are a marble quarry that is known for it’s beautiful red coloring and high quality, and wagon manufacturing.  Many of House Orien’s best wagons are manufactured here, as well a great deal of Karrnath’s military supply wagons.  The wagons are made with the town’s namesake wood, which is naturally water resistant, and resists rot.


Characters can be from here, returning after years away in military service, just passing through, or here for any reason you can think of… but Red Larch is where we begin.  Keep in mind if you live here or work here, it is much easier for me to skewer yo…. I mean grab you with a plot hook.





Characters need not have any connection to any of these groups, but they may.  They are groups that have interest in the area and can be sources of information, support, or backup.


The Library of Korrenberg

The Lirbary is more than just a library, it is the size of a small city and is easily the single greatest repository of knowledge on Khorvaire.  Located in the country of Zilargo far to the south, one wouldn’t think it to be interested in a backwater of Karrnath, but you’d be wrong.  The Library of Korrenberg is interested in EVERYTHING.  They also publish the Korrenberg Chronicle, the most read source of news in the known world.  Published three times a week and distributed through partnerships with House Sivis and House Orien their reputation for objective neutral reporting has made it’s word practically taken for fact.  There is a vast informal network of scribes, journalists, information brokers, and sources that you may well be a part of that keeps the Korrenberg Chronicle in the loop on what’s going on anywhere in the known world.


The Church of the Silver Flame

Never a popular religion in Karrnath, even less so when neighboring Thrane adopted it as an official state religion and became a theocracy.  Still adherence to the faith does not require or imply loyalty to Thrane.  Indeed many of the Purified (as members of the faith call themselves) were horrified when the religion became embroiled in worldly politics.  The mission of the church was historically and scripturally to protect the world from supernatural evil (can’t imagine why they aren’t popular in Karrnath), and encourage goodness in the world.  In nearby Summit Hall an old order of Karrnathi Purified knights and paladins work to try to mend the church’s image in the region, away from being a foreign threat.


The Gatekeepers

The oldest druidic tradition of Khorvaire.  Tracing its origins to before humans came to the continent, back to when a black dragon taught the secrets of nature to the orcs to combat an extraplanar incursion from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness.  Today ages have passed, and while new druidic traditions have risen and spread some still follow the old ways, the oldest ways.  Guarding the seals that keep Xoriat at bay.


The Twelve, or any of the Dragonmarked Houses (this one might take some explaining)

The Twelve is the name of the institution of higher learning founded and overseen by the Dragonmark houses in Korth the capital of Karrnath.  It is also the place where the houses come together for mutual cooperation and use their power and influence.  Officially neutral through the Last War, the Dragonmarked Houses, the twelve extended families whose bloodlines carry the potential to bare dragonmarks were forbidden from ever officially owning land or political station in the Kingdom of Galifar.  Even though Galifar is gone they have stayed neutral, now their vast economic empires are what hold Khorvaire’s fractured culture together.  


Each bloodline’s members hold the potential to manifest a dragonmark (though most never do), Dragonmarks are magical tattoo like markings, each one unique to the bloodline that gift barers with impressive magic abilities, and also the ability to augment those abilities with Dragonshards.  Dragonmarks and dragonshard focus items power Khorvaire society, they allow House Lyrander Windwrights to pilot elemental powered ships through the sea faster than any other vessel, and even allow them to fly airships.  The speaking stones of House Sivis allow for communication across the entire continent.  A message can be sent from a House Sivis office in Red Larch and reach Sharn thousands of miles away instantaneously.  House Kundarak IS the banking industry.


The Twelve, their own personal college is where they cooperate to train both their own scions, as well as professional magewrights to work their vast industries, and to create the wonders and innovations that power them.  


The houses.

House Cannith, Humans, The Mark of Making (Creation magic). Fabricator’s Guild, Tinker’s Guild.

House Deneith, Humans, The Mark of the Sentinel (Defensive Combat Magic). Blademarks (mercenary) Guild, Defenders (Bodyguards) Guild.

House Ghallanda, Halflings, The Mark of Hospitality (housing magic… rope trick, lemond’s tiny hut, mordenkiden’s magnificent mansion, unseen servant that sort of thing) Hostelers Guild.

House Jorasco, Halflings, The Mark of Healing (Healing magic) Hospitalar’s Guild

House Kundarak, Dwarves, The Mark of Warding (Wards), The Banker’s Guild, the Warding Guild.

House Lyrander, Half-Elves, The Mark of the Storm (Air magic), The Raincaller’s Guild, The Windwright’s Guild (shipping).

House Medani, Half-Elves, The Mark of Detection (scrying), The Warning Guild (Inquisitives, private investigators)

House Orien, Human, The Mark of Passage (Teleportation, travel) Courier’s Guild, Transportation Guild (which includes teleportation, wagon caravans, and magic lightning trains).

House Phiarlan, Elves, Mark of Shadow (Illusion magic), Arts and Entertainment Guild, The Serpentine Table (super secret spy guild).

House Sivis, Gnomes, Mark of Scribing (Messaging, writing, and word spells) Notaries Guild, Speaker’s Guild (magic telegraph).

House Tharashk, Half Orcs and Humans (only mark to manifest on two races though it does stay in the bloodline, no full blood orcs develop the mark), Mark of Finding (tracking magic), Finder’s Guild (Private investigators and bounty hunters, yes this steps on House Medani’s toes)

House Thuranni, Elves, Mark of Shadow (Same as Phiarlan, used to be one house, then they got all stabby with each other and split apart.  Technically on speaking terms now but still two separate houses officially) The Shadow Network (Their own version of the artisan’s guild, but it doesn’t make a distinction between it’s entertaining members and its assassins…  oh yeah they assassinate people for money, but that’s on the hush hush)

House Vidalis, Humans, Mark of Handling (Animal control magic), Handler’s Guild (Think genetically modified animals, only with magic.  Mage Bred Bear Cavalry is totally a thing)


The Emerald Claw

Once the name of an elite Karrnathi military unit, now a band of patriots or terrorists depending on who you ask.  They firmly believe that The Last War is not over and that King Kiaus III is a weak fool for forging the peace treaty that ended it.  They have strong ties to the Blood of Vol religion and seek to strengthen Karrnath and weaken their enemies while also discrediting the King’s leadership.  It is officially outlawed, but has a lot of sympathy and is recruiting like minded patriots for the cause.




And now some additional inspiring images for the flavor and tone of the setting.





"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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I'm a bit interested, but I've never played D&D. Uh yeah. I also have time for the next month or so so this might work out, but I'll try to work it into my school/work schedule.


Uh, anything I need to read first?

I'm a bit lazy to make a signature at the moment, but here's some things:


Challenge 2 | Captain's Log

Feel free to add me on Steam to play games with me! PM me before you do though; I get spam messages all the time:



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The D&D basic rules have everything you need to get started.  It may seem like a lot of information, but don't be intimidated, the vast majority will not be relevant to the character you make.   It's mostly options for characters and spells, you're only going to be using a very small part of it, and once your character is made everything you need to know should be on your character sheet.   Granted the basic rules only include Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings for playable races, and Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Wizard as character classes.  Dragonborn (exactly what it says on the tin, dragon people with breath weapons), Gnomes, Half Elves, Half Orcs, and Tieflings (people with demonic blood in their veins) are additional races in the Player's Handbook.  In addition to classes like Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, and Warlock.  If any of those races or classes interest you we'll see about hooking you up with the info you need.


But don't worry about any of that.  D&D is best summed up like this.

"You can do whatever you want, but if there's a chance of failure you roll a twenty sided die.  Add any appropriate stats from your character sheet.  The DM will tell you if you succeed or not.  High rolls always good."


So step by step character creation is in the basic rules.  So, what sort of character are you interested in playing?

"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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That's fantastic, you're in.  By the way we do have a third player, Flex_Luthor and I have spoken in the NF chat room, he hasn't gotten around to posting here, but he's expressed a desire to play.


So if you want to get a character set up or familiarize yourself with Roll20 you can go ahead and go to Roll20.net and create a free account.  Private message me over there https://app.roll20.net/users/104532/falseaesopand I'll invite you into the campaign.  There you can hop on the campaign server and set up your character sheet and roll stats and stuff.  Make sure you watch the little i ntro video that plays the first time you launch the virtual table top.  


I look forward to playing with you, and meeting your characters.

"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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Hope it works out scorny, you'd be an asset at the table.


Well we definitely have enough for AN INTREPID BAND OF ADVENTURERS!  And still at least one spot open for those still interested.  If you guys want to start building your characters to have them all ready come Thursday that'd be great.  Again if you have any questions, or would like to be walked through it, I am more than willing to help.


Not something you guys need do, but I came across this list of questions to ask yourself about your character and I thought it was pretty good.


And now I'll leave you with some more D&D motivational posters, because they amuse me.




"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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I just found this while looking for some quick reference sheets for myself for the module, a tourist brochure for Red Larch made by Oraibi, a user on the Wizard's Community forums.  I had to edit it for the Eberron conversion, and I couldn't match the font as much as I tried, but I thought it was just fantastic.  So here, before we even get started is the first player handout.


I give you "A Visitor's Guide to Red Larch and the Beautiful Dessarin Valley."



"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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I'm a little late here, but if there's room, I'm definitely in!!  


However, I am a very new player, so keep that in mind.  


EDIT: I'd probably play a Fighter.  Not sure what race.  Probably Human or Half-Elf. 

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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I want to thank everyone who showed interest in my game it looks like we have a group!

First game will be tonight, 6pm CDT.

Roster as of now stands at

Simonize, Tiefling Warlock.

Childofscorn, undecided.

Oramac, Half Elf Fighter.

CaptainMurasa, undecided.

Aena, undecided.

Actually Aena you haven't responded to the PM I sent your way with the server link so I'm not sure if you're still in. So let me know one way or the other.

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"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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How's this going? I'm Eastern time so 7-11 MIGHT not be the best for me but hope this is going swimmingly! 

Half-Ork Scout Leader
Running PRs : 5K 24m16s | 10K 53m32s | 15K 1h18m09s | Half Marathon 2h1m44s | Marathon 4h42m2s 
Past Challenges #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13  #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22
                               #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40
Current Challenge Don't Call It A Comeback

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I'll step in for False Aesop here.  Unfortunately, only one person showed up to the game that Thursday, so it was cancelled.  


AFAIK, he's going to try again soon, but will obviously need more people to show up in order for the game to proceed.  


For my part, I think it sounds like a lot of fun, and I look forward to it! 

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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I'll admit I was a bit discouraged when I only had one of five people who expressed interest show up.  I'm still willing to DM I've just been considering also recruiting from elsewhere.

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"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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Well I've decided to continue with my attempt to get a game going, though this time in stead of recruiting exclusively from Nerd Fitness I'm opening up the recruitment to those seeking games on roll20.net.  


If you want to play go ahead and post on this game advertizment https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/29472/eberron-princes-of-the-apocalypse


If you tag your thread with NF you will jump to the top my list, because I love this community.    But this time I really want to get the game going.

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"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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