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Whisper: Subtraction via Addition

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Internet isn't working right at home, so having trouble posting/following. If it doesn't self correct, landlord will call ISP on Monday. Can't blame him for not wanting to deal with them.


Painted today, it was good. Wanted to have it done tosay, so teacher spent a bit of time finishing it for me.




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  • That's Metal 2

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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1 hour ago, Whisper said:

Internet isn't working right at home, so having trouble posting/following. If it doesn't self correct, landlord will call ISP on Monday. Can't blame him for not wanting to deal with them.


Painted today, it was good. Wanted to have it done tosay, so teacher spent a bit of time finishing it for me.

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That is a beautiful painting! Wow!


Also, I really like your shirt! 

  • Thanks 1



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Sorry about the internet woes. That’s hard to deal with! I’m glad your landlord is somewhat on top of it. 

I love your painting and the photo of your beautiful flowers alongside your rad floral shirt is making me super happy! I hope you had a great time at paint class. 

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Didn't work Monday, mostly stayed in bed. 

Did make it to work yesterday (Tuesday). It was really hard to get up and almost called out again but was fine once I got moving. 

Internet is still being a pest. Sometimes fine, often says connected but nothing will load. Landlord contacted the ISP, someone should be out tomorrow.

One of the annoying aspects of this is that it messes up my normal wake up lights. Bedroom has "smart bulbs", I need to be able to turn them off with the app, not the switch at night, so that they turn themselves on properly in the morning. I haven't been able to do that, so the switch gets turned off and I don't get my gradual lighting. Was able to turn them off with the app last night, and it was really nice to have my "sunrise" this morning. 


Had a nice proper shower and shave this morning and feeling much better inside my own skin.  Got some trash out for trash day, but ended up running late this morning, which brings me to the changes I'm making to my challenge.


I was running late this morning and hadn't brushed my teeth. If my goal was "AM & PM brush and floss", I would have done nothing. But the goal is "oral hygiene", so I quickly swished some mouthwash and achieved "more than nothing".

The 30 minutes goals and the 2 lessons goals is mostly resulting in nothing, so I'm dropping that part. Any level of engagement is better than none, so any level gets me the check mark. 


Daily tasks

Take meds

Morning constitutional

AM & PM prayers

AM & PM oral hygiene

AM & PM Spanish

Cleaning / sorting

Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.

Growth reading.

Fun reading

Ed to Go


Specific goals

Cook food

Renew driver's license

  • Like 6

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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On 9/18/2024 at 7:24 PM, Snarkyfishguts said:

am seeing a lot of other check marks, so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself on this one. But it may be that this simple task has grown teeth, so you may want to sneak up on it. Be super stealthy! You got this

Creeping Panda Bear GIF by Treehouse Direct


I don't think it's so much teeth on this one, as poor alignment of moments when I think of it, and moments when I'm in a position to do it not aligning. I brought it to work with me, I'm hoping to remember to do it on my lunch break.


But, reflecting on your advice here is part of why I adjusted the other goals, so thank you.

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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DL renewed at lunch; VICTORY!


They're saying 6-8 weeks to send out the card which seems kind of ridiculous. Also means that my current license might expire before the new one arrives.  Printed out a temporary license just in case.


Also managed to schedule an appointment with a neurologist. First appointment I could get is Nov 13th. Dropping the dose on the antidepressant seems to have helped, but not eliminated the headaches, but I think I'm also struggling more to function on the lower dose. I might switch back to higher next week and see how things track.  

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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Today is off to a wonderful start! I woke up with enough time to get ready for work and take a proper walk. First time I've done the full lap of the park since Labor Day. Had the praise music going and just felt really good, and the positive mood is lasting into my work day. Maybe I don't need more of the antidepressant, maybe I just need to get back into walking.


It is getting to be uncomfortably dark when I'm starting my walk, and only going to get darker. I'm thinking some high visibility straps and a flashlight would be a good idea. 


Duolingo has added math and music to its offerings. Played around with them some and had a bit of fun.  Thinking I'll count the music section for "creativity" Lowering the bar from 30 minutes to "do something" has also helped. 



Daily tasks

Take meds

Morning constitutional

AM & PM prayers

AM & PM oral hygiene

AM & PM Spanish

Cleaning / sorting

Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.

Growth reading.

Fun reading

Ed to Go


Specific goals

Cook food

Renew driver's license



Daily tasks

Take meds

Morning constitutional

AM & PM prayers

AM & PM oral hygiene

AM & PM Spanish

Cleaning / sorting

Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.

Growth reading.

Fun reading

Ed to Go


Specific goals

Mop kitchen floor

meal planing

vet appointments

prayer book

cat litter bags

cat litter

cat food

clean out car

reflective straps

  • Like 6

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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21 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

I support your reflective gear addition to the list!


14 hours ago, Radost said:

I'm a big fan of the LED straps you can get these days.  I actually have a whole light-up vest for cycling, but my rechargeable arm bands (just purchased off Wish) travel everywhere with me.

I got permission to take one from work. It isn't a fancy light up one, but it should be fine for in the park. 




Stayed up WAY too late reading last night. Woke up with my "sunrise" around 5:15 and decided more sleep was needed, so fed the cats, killed the lights and alarms, and slept until the 7am "leave for work" alarm. 10 minutes from alarm sounding to driving away, so not much morning prep happened. Fortunately, I now have toothpaste and brush at work, so my mouth doesn't feel gross.  I regret staying up so late and missing a morning walk, but I think the sleep was the right choice.


A point of clarity that no one has asked for: "specific goals" are not necessarily things to get done TODAY, but things to get done soon, or that I feel the need for a reminder about.





Daily tasks

Take meds

Morning constitutional

AM & PM prayers

AM & PM oral hygiene

AM & PM Spanish

Cleaning / sorting

Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.

Growth reading.

Fun reading

Ed to Go


Specific goals

Mop kitchen floor

meal planning

vet appointments

prayer book

cat litter bags

cat litter

cat food

clean out car

reflective straps




Daily tasks

Take meds

Morning constitutional

AM & PM prayers

AM & PM oral hygiene

AM & PM Spanish

Cleaning / sorting

Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.

Growth reading.

Fun reading

Ed to Go


Specific goals

meal planning

prayer book

cat litter bags

cat litter

cat food

clean out car


  • Like 6

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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5 hours ago, Whisper said:

Stayed up WAY too late reading last night.

Another member of the Read All Night Book Club!! Yay! Zzzzzz….


5 hours ago, Whisper said:

A point of clarity that no one has asked for: "specific goals" are not necessarily things to get done TODAY, but things to get done soon, or that I feel the need for a reminder about.

I  appreciate clarity!

  • Thanks 1



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Today is a good day to DYE!


Just finished up a big round of tie-dying. Results tomorrow.

Plan to also dye my hair today. Way too much root showing. (Mounting fatigue might see this kicked to tomorrow)


Slept in a little this morning, then spent a LONG time in Wal-Mart. Needed some home goods stuff and was better to see it in person than online. Got some glass food containers for lunches and a bunch of other stuff. 

Also, got what  I need to make slow cooker vegetarian chili. that's the plan for tomorrow.  I've been intending to try eating somewhat vegetarian for a while now. Health reasons, environmental reasons, the fact that I HATE touching raw meat, so things like chicken often just don't get cooked...



Daily tasks

Take meds

Morning constitutional

AM & PM prayers

AM & PM oral hygiene

AM & PM Spanish

Cleaning / sorting

Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.

Growth reading.

Fun reading

Ed to Go


Specific goals

meal planning

prayer book

cat litter bags

cat litter

cat food

clean out car



Daily tasks

Take meds

Morning constitutional

AM & PM prayers

AM & PM oral hygiene

AM & PM Spanish

Cleaning / sorting

Creativity. Painting, drawing, coloring, violin ect.

Growth reading.

Fun reading

Ed to Go


Specific goals

meal planning

prayer book

cat litter bags

cat litter

cat food

clean out car

cook chili

  • Like 2

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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On 9/27/2024 at 2:23 PM, Snarkyfishguts said:

Another member of the Read All Night Book Club!! Yay! Zzzzzz….


On 9/27/2024 at 3:08 PM, Mistr said:

I hear you on getting caught in a book. Also on making the decision to get some more sleep and zoom out the door for work.


9 hours ago, Radost said:

Another club member reporting!


Sleep is just a crutch! (that my body says I need soon)






9 hours ago, Radost said:

I'm frankly amazed at your ability to get out the door in ten minutes


One upside to my self imposed uniform; I never need to think about what I'm wearing to work.




10 hours ago, Radost said:

it’s super that you’re supporting your goals by doing stuff like keeping a toothbrush at work!


On 9/27/2024 at 3:08 PM, Mistr said:

You are making good progress on improving your habits. Walking in the dark can be very peaceful. Likewise walking in the rain, provided you have the right gear.

Thank you! I'm trying to make choices that make it easier for me to hit my goals. Toothbrush at work takes away an excuse. Umbrella ready for the rain. High vis straps and flashlight if I'm going to walk in the dark. Pills already sorted ect. 

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We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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15 hours ago, Whisper said:

I never need to think about what I'm wearing to work.

Weird thing is, I basically have this dialled too! Jeans, graphic tee, and hoodie every. day. But it takes me a long time to wake up, and if I haven’t had the designated “sit upright until all systems come online” time, basic activities that typically take 1-2 minutes take much longer. 

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Woke up at 5, decided to sleep more. Woke up close to nine and thought I wasn't going to have time to dye my hair before going to a new church.

I've decided that I want myself as fully put together as I want, as was causing "distractions" when I try a new church. I am clean, I am neat, do you have a problem with my presentation? 


While the dye was setting, I got the chili going in the slow cooker. In the shower, worried about time, I decided that if it was after 10 when I got out, I wouldn't go. Service was at 10:30 and about 15 minutes away. Got out of the bathroom at 9:46.


Got dressed in my fancy flowing clothing, did my hair and got out the door. Was still nervous the whole drive there, but felt somewhat reassured by the pride flag in their window. 


Went in, was greeted warmly. There was actually someone there with whom I'm acquainted. Mother of the youth minister at (what do I call the church I'm thinking about leaving?  "My church" "my old church"?) She didn't recognize me at first, but did as soon as I confirmed that she was who I thought she was.


Ended up sitting next to some other first time visitors to the church; a mother and daughter from Japan. The daughter is going to university here. It was a little bit funny, the liturgy and hymns were familiar enough to me that I was able to help them follow along with the service. 


Small congregation, mostly older. Was pleasantly surprised that it seemed like everyone was actually singing and it sounded nice. Current church it is often hard to get the congregation to actually sing. I think I could see myself playing violin there.


The Japanese mother was the only person to comment on my appearance; she called me "fashionable". A few people were complimentary of my singing after the service. I think I'll go there again next week.



I took a walk through Michael's after church. Needed more titanium white, and wanted to try some fabric markers. Picked up a few other seasonal items to combine with the festive gourds I got at Wal-Mart yesterday and put together a little window display. I don't normally bother with seasonal decorations, but I'm really happy I did.




Rinsed and washed the tie-dye items. Happier with this round than the last, but still learning. 





Chili sin carne turned out fairly well. Decided it would be better with rice, so final result is chili sin carne con arroz. Portioned out into 6 2 cup servings. 3 in the freezer, 3 in the fridge for lunches the first half of this week.




Got things situated and my alarms back on. Should be good for a walk before work tomorrow. 

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  • That's Metal 3

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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I love your window decorations!


The new church sounds promising. People actively participating in singing is a good sign. I am curious to see how it goes over the next few weeks as you meet more people.


On 9/28/2024 at 8:13 PM, Whisper said:

One upside to my self imposed uniform; I never need to think about what I'm wearing to work.


I have heard this advice given for people in office jobs too. They say that one's closet should be organized by style and color. That way you can just grab a top and bottom and not worry whether or not they match.


Or you can be like one of my friends who always wears Converse hi-tops. He has every color. He keeps a bin of left shoes and a bin of right shoes. He always wears two different colors - randomly selected. :D 

  • That's Metal 2

Level 80  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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15 hours ago, Mistr said:

Or you can be like one of my friends who always wears Converse hi-tops. He has every color. He keeps a bin of left shoes and a bin of right shoes. He always wears two different colors - randomly selected.

That sounds really awesome. 




We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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Walk up to my boss's boss. "You know I love my boss; he's like the son I never had..."

Boss's boss: "and never... no no, what's up?"

He's pissy about something that could be easily solved by talking to you, but you have no idea because he talked to your predecessor's predecessor about it, and now only complains about "corporate insanity".  Can I have a spot to store some parts in that room over there?



I really do like my boss. I really am looking forward to him retiring. 

We are not sinners trespassing in the garden of an angry God.

We are prodigals come home; fully seen and deeply loved.



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